Immortals Of Byolla Bay

Chapter 17 – Rikki

Leaning against the wall, outside the study, I listened to my father read the story of the clan’s beginning. It had been a long time since I had heard it, but back then it meant nothing to me other than explain why we were always training for battle. I never understood the significance of the ring.

Now though, since I’ve met Kinsley, it means so much more. Her ring. She said it glowed twice the night she met me and then at the mall. All three of those times I know for a fact Drakkar was near her.

This ring in our clan’s history was supposed to show us our enemies and help us vanquish them. Father kept having dreams about how we would meet someone here on earth that would help us return home. The latest dream told him to move here. So far, the dreams have not led us wrong.

The only thing is, after I help restore our clan I don’t want to stay there. I want to be here with her, but because I’m heir to my father’s throne I can’t abandon my responsibility. Kinsley is my first priority though. I may have beaten Gene in the competition and been named the successor, but I cannot take a position that will separate me from her forever.

Of course, this is all based on how Kinsley even reacts to all this. She doesn’t believe in magic or supernatural. She is a logical thinker. How is she supposed to believe what we are?

Maggie was sitting beside me cross legged in the floor looking distressed. We have never had a human we let close enough to us to consider them a friend. Kinsley is the first. She’s worried about how Kinsley is going to take the truth about what we are, too.

We decided to sit outside and let our father explain everything to her. It may have been a little overwhelming to have us all in the room. It feels like it was ages ago since the door was shut, though. Mother opened the door finally and said, “She wants to see you two.”

Kinsley was looking awe stricken in the chair in front of father’s desk. She looked up at us and smiled a little bit. That’s a good sign. At least she didn’t scream or call us crazy.

Maggie went and sat beside her in the floor then grabbed her hand, “So how much did daddy tell you?” Kinsley blew out a breath, “Enough for now. I think he’s letting me absorb in what you guys are before he overloads my brain with too much information.” Maggie looked at my mother, then me and then back to Kinsley, “Well if you don’t mind, what did he tell you about us?”

Kinsley looked up at my mother, who nodded for her to continue. She looked up at me, “That you guys are Vikings from another world who was banished by Drakkar, who I realize now is Drake from the mall. My ring has been passed down through the generations from a Viking princess and is the ring of souls, the key to bringing down Drakkar and getting you home.”

That’s a pretty good summary, though he apparently left out some details. Kinsley closed her eyes, “You have to understand why this is so hard for me to accept. These things don’t happen in real life. It’s not possible.” She shook her head.

Maggie rubbed her hand, “I know sweetheart, but you see, this is real life for us. Running from Drakkar, being so far from home, living here for centuries in a land that don’t understand us or why we don’t age so we constantly have to move, it sucks. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. But you have been the first friend I’ve had since being here and I don’t want that to change. Please tell me you aren’t scared of us, because I don’t think I could take it.”

Tears welled up in her eyes. Kinsley crawled in the floor to hug her, “Of course I’m not afraid of you. If anything I feel bad and want to help you get home, even though I will miss you terribly.”

Relief washed through me. She wasn’t afraid of us. Now if only she can truly accept the rest of it and we can ease into the part to where she’s my soul mate. Yeah, it sounds so easy, but it’s going to be the hardest thing I’ve had to do in my life so far, and that’s saying something.

Kinsley called her mother and said she was staying the night with Maggie to which her mother told her that was fine. Kinsley is so responsible that I can understand how her mother can say yes on a school night and not give it a second thought. It’s like she’s not even a teenager sometimes. Maggie let Kinsley borrow some pajamas to sleep in and we would drive in the morning to her house to let her get ready for school.

Mother outdid herself with my balcony. It was done in purple and blue marble with a built in bench coming out on the right. She added a two seated swing on the left beside the French double doors. How mom gets this done, even with our supernatural speed I’ll never know.

As I was gazing out at the outline of Kinsley’s roof, there was a knock on my door. I turned around to see my brown headed beauty walk through the door. She smiled shyly and approached me cautiously. “I’m not going to bite, love. You can come out here and enjoy the night air with me.”

She smiled and walked next to me on the balcony. We stood silently for a while, not knowing what to say and just enjoying each other’s company. The quiet between us was filled with the rustling of the trees. After a few minutes, I gestured to the swing and she went with me to sit down.

Finally I couldn’t take the silence anymore. “Kinsley, you know, whatever is going through your mind, I’m a pretty good listener. However, you have to talk though because I am unfortunately in this case, not a mind reader.”

She smiled, “I think this is just going to take some time for me to fully accept it. I’m not afraid, just shocked I guess. Yeah I’ve read fantasy books and yeah I’ve dreamed of escaping inside their worlds, but it just wasn’t possible. There was only this world. This planet is even the only one inhabitable in our solar system, so going on a fantastical journey is just impossible. But now here you guys are, and I know I’m not dreaming, which means everything I thought I knew about time and space has been thrown out the window. Not to mention a magical ring from your world has been passed down somehow to mine, and now it belongs to me. I just need to sleep on it. Maybe in the morning my brain won’t be so befuddled. Maybe.”

I told her she could sleep in my bed and I would sleep on the couch across the room. She reluctantly agreed, stating she felt bad about making me sleep on the couch in my own room. I brushed it off and told her not to think on it.

She fell asleep almost instantly and I took the time to watch her a few minutes while she slept. Her chest rose and fell in even breaths and she looked absolutely stunning. I thanked the stars for today not ending as badly as it could. Drakkar could have done so much worse, but for some reason he didn’t. Whatever that jackass is waiting for, I’ll be waiting for him and he will not get to Kinsley again.

I woke up with a start. “No, stop! Get away!” Kinsley was screaming.

Within an instant, I was at her side. There was no one around and her eyes were still closed in sleep. She was having a nightmare. My poor baby has been through way too much today.

I reached out to comfort her, but stopped halfway. The fire scares her. I thought back to the mall, when she was visibly shaken with all that occurred. She mentioned that something was wrong with my touch. I don’t want to cause more harm to her sanity than what’s already been done. She feels the burn I feel when our skin meets. It thrills me, but terrifies her.

But then suddenly she called my name, and my will power crumbled to dust. I wrapped my arms around her and held her to my chest, calling her name until she woke up. She started crying and pulled herself closer to me to sob on my shoulder. “Kinsley it’s alright. I’m here. Nobody is going to hurt you.”

She shook her head, “You don’t understand. He was there. He is not going to stop. He is coming for me!”

I picked her up and swung her around to sit in my lap, “Kinsley, no one is strong enough to pry you out of my arms understand? Who thinks they are coming for you?” She took a deep, shaky breath and said a name that made my blood boil. “Drake.”

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