Immortal Fire - Book One

Chapter 25

Hayden was pacing the room while I sat on the bed.

“You are sure that you saw Hunter? I checked everywhere and couldn’t find him…” Hayden asked.

“Yes, I am sure, for the hundredth time…” We had been going over what had happened for the past hour, and I was starting to get annoyed.

“He could have just disappeared like he did that last time, it’s not like he wouldn’t now suddenly, and I am certain that I saw him. He was standing with his arms crossed and glaring at us.” I said, feeling uneasy. Hayden came and sat down on the bed beside me.

“We have to tell the Elders, the only problem is that they can’t find out I was here, which they will when we tell them what happened.” He said, frowning at the thought of the situation.

“What will they do to you when they find out?” I was now fiddling with my fingers, a nervous habit I had picked up recently.

“I don’t know, but it won’t be pretty…” Taking a deep breath, I looked Hayden in the eyes.

“What if we don’t tell them...?” I asked. Hayden’s eyes widened and he stood.

“We must tell them Aria, Hunter is here, and God knows what he will do when he is here. What if he hurts someone, or if he gets to you while I am away? No, we must tell them…” he said, already having made up his mind.

All of this was my fault. Hunter was hunting me, ironically, and if people got hurt here in Lunzos, I would have been the person responsible. I could not put these peaceful people in harm’s way.

“Then I’m leaving. Hunter is after me, so he will follow. No one will be hurt because of me.” I said stubbornly.

“Aria, no, it’s not safe.” Hayden’s tone changed to one of determination as he frowned at me.

“Hayden, Hunter has got into Lunzos, how on earth is it any safer here? By my leaving, Lunzos and everyone will be safe.” I said determinedly

“No, I won’t let you… It’s not safe!” he exclaimed. Placing my hand on his forearm, he looked away clenching his jaw.

“I am going, Hayden.”

“Then I am coming with you. The elders will not just let you walk out. I know how to sneak out and not get caught.” he said determinedly. I hugged him then and his warmth enveloped me.

“Thank you…” I said, appreciative of Hayden.

He said nothing as he stepped back and walked over to the door. The clock on the wall said that it was two in the morning.

“I’m going to go and grab a few things from my place. You keep this place locked, and I will be right back. Pack yourself a light bag of what you consider essentials…” I nodded.

“Aria, I …” he stopped himself midsentence, looked away, and left. What had he been about to say?

Looking out of the window, I saw him sneaking down the street. Any other person would not have even noticed he was there as he hung in the shadows. I checked the locks and hurried off to pack. I doubt any locks would keep Hunter out, but hey, it’s the thought… I had tried to fake being calm in front of Hayden, but I was the complete opposite inside.

Hunter had nearly given me a heart attack and even right now, I felt as if he was watching me… Hayden, please hurry…

Grabbing my toothbrush, hairbrush, some clothes, and water as well as some fruit, I chucked it all in the bag and got dressed into a pair of jeans, a grey sweater, and black sneakers. My hair was also tied back by the time Hayden returned and was knocking on my back glass door.

Opening it, a cold breeze entered from outside.

“Are you ready?” He asked and took my bag. He placed something in it before handing it back to me.

“Yeah; what did you just put in my bag?” I asked.

“Daggers; I just thought that you should have something to take care of yourself in case we get separated. You haven’t got control over your powers yet…”

I swallowed and faked a smile, sliding my bag over my shoulders and onto my back. The thought of something bad happening to Hayden, let alone us getting separated twisted my gut.

“Okay, let’s go.” I followed him out into the dark, cold morning. I almost tripped over a dip in the grass, but Hayden caught me. Continuing, we went around the house towards the front.

Checking the street for anyone, we ran across it and entered the woods. Neither one of us said anything as we walked. The seriousness of the situation was weighing heavily on both of us. Eventually, we came to the crystal wall that ran along with the city.

“Another wall; really...?” I whispered in disbelief. We were where no one would have heard us, but I whispered anyway.

“Yeah, are you ready to be that monkey you told me you weren’t the last time?” he chirped amused. He smiled wickedly at me whilst pulling at bushes near the ground.

“No, but I guess if I have to…” I started saying.

“Here it is.” Hayden interrupted me as he pulled the bush’s branches aside and gestured at me to go first.

Looking at what he was expecting me to do, I peered through the darkness. There was some form of a door in the wall that reminded me of the type of doors you would see on antique safes.

“How do we open it?” I asked.

“Um, you just turn the handle, and it opens, that’s generally how doors work as far as I know…” He was laughing at me.

“Ha-ha; sorry but I would have thought that you Elves would have some badass magical protection on a door leading into your city…” I snapped at him. Jerk. He was still laughing at me when he bent over and opened it.

“This door just lets people out, once on the other side it disappears and the only way back in is through the gate, we came in,” he said

“Oh…” Well shit, how was I supposed to know… I replied lamely. That was badass after all.

We went through the door and as Hayden had said it would, it disappeared. We were back in the woods.

“Where to from here...?” I asked. The wind had picked up and was blowing loose strands of hair into my face.

“We go to the car, and from there, New York,” he said. Hayden bent and gave me a quick kiss and I felt myself relax slightly.

Grabbing my hand, we wandered through the woods, over the stream, and down the trail until we were back to the matt red Jaguar. Hayden was busy putting the bags into the back of the car when a chill ran down my spine. We were being watched; I knew it. Turning in a circle, I tried to peer into the darkness but saw nothing.

“What’s wrong?” Hayden asked after eyeing me.

“I feel like someone is watching us. I just can’t pinpoint where it was coming from.” Hayden looked around and led me back to the front passenger side of the car, scanning the area as we walked.

“Get in. We need to leave.” He closed the car door and jogged around to the other side and got in. The car smelt of leather and thunderstorm.

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