Immortal Fire - Book One

Chapter 24

Heading out of the cave, the walk back to my house was torturous. All I wanted to do was touch Hayden and hold his hand. Everyone was indoors as it was still raining but we could not take the chance of someone seeing us like that. As we were crossing the stone bridge that led to my house, we ran into Marcus.

“Where the bloody hell have you been Miss Silverton?” Marcus exclaimed. He was pissed. He was even calling me by my surname. Hayden stood with his arms folded over his chest as he addressed Marcus.

“She was in the field. She fell asleep. I couldn’t bring her back until the storm calmed.” Marcus looked at me with what seemed disappointment that your parents usually gave you after you did something wrong.

“I’m sorry Marcus. I just needed some alone time and I fell asleep. It won’t happen again.”

The rain was still coming down upon us and I shivered. It was cold. Marcus looked at Hayden and then back to me.

“Don’t let it happen again. I am going to bed. Hayden, she’s officially your problem now. I am far too old for this shit!” he exclaimed, throwing his hand to the side dismissively. With that, he stalked past us and disappeared into the shadows grumbling as he went.

“Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said that he was going to be pissed,” I said wide-eyed. Hayden laughed and we continued down the road.

We reached my house, and a sudden sadness took over me. I did not want Hayden to go.

“Do you have to go?” I whispered, looking around. Hayden was standing with his hands in his jean’s pockets. Rain soaked him and dripped from his blonde hair.

“Yeah, no one can know that I’m with you.” Oh. This was going to be more difficult than I realized.

“Well, um good night then…” I said awkwardly. I wanted to kiss him. I still wanted to talk to him; not go home alone and sit by myself as I had been doing since we arrived here… Hayden had a mischievous smirk plastered across his face.

“Good night, Aria.” And with that, he turned and left. Watching him go, I wanted to shout after him but knew better than to do that.

Opening the house and entering, I locked the door and decided to check the cell phone that I had left on charge all day. I had three missed calls and one text. The missed calls were from Hayden, obviously from when he was looking for me, and the text was from my mom. She said to call her as soon as I got the text, but quite honestly, I was not in the mood. I would call her tomorrow morning before training. I was entirely soaked, and I felt like a drowned rat; I probably looked like one too. I missed Hayden already; I wished that he were here.

Walking over to the stereo, I put on some music. There was a TV, but I was not the TV-watching type… Going to the bedroom, I grabbed some pajamas and laid them on the bed. I then proceeded to the bathroom to have a shower. Getting undressed from the uniform was a challenge; the body-hugging material clung to my body now that it was wet.

A few jumps up and down eventually got me out of it. I would have looked comical if anyone could have seen me. The shower was bliss, except for the stinging of my beaten-up hands. I showered until the heat started to disappear and forced me out.

The whole time I could not stop thinking about Hayden. Even the music blaring from the living room could not distract my thoughts. Grabbing a towel, wrapping it around me, and heading out into the living room, I stopped dead in my tracks. Lounging on my sofa was Hayden, smiling. A smile spread across my face, and I ran to him, landing on his lap.

“I thought you couldn’t be with me tonight?” I asked. He placed his arms around me and twirled a strand of my wet hair.

“I didn’t want anyone to get suspicious, so I snuck back… You seem happy…” he laughed.

Happy did not even begin to cover what I was feeling. Kissing Hayden then, he groaned and pulled away. Confusion must have shown on my face. He laughed a hearty laugh at my scowling face.

“It’s not that I don’t want to kiss you, but I think that you should go and put some clothes on before I kiss you ... It’s not helping my cause of trying to be the better man…” he said whilst raking his eyes up and down my wet, towel-covered body and giving my ass a hard smack. My face warmed at the realization that I was practically naked and sitting atop Hayden’s lap…

Climbing off Hayden, as cautiously as possible, I went to the bedroom to go and get dressed. I was brushing my hair when Hayden knocked.

“Come in.” He opened the door and leaned against the frame. He was just watching me.

“What?” I said feeling self-conscious, placing the brush on the dresser.

“Nothing, I’m just watching…” The want in his deep gravelly voice was obvious.

My body started to warm as his gaze seared me to my soul. It was still raining outside, and thunder pounded through the air. The lights flickered and went out.

“You have got to be shitting me; don’t you guys use some mystical power source here that stops power outages?” I asked.

“Nope, we use good old Human power.”

“Great. I can’t even see my hand in front of my face…” It was true. It was so dark that everything looked pitch black. Hayden’s hand found mine and that electric current ran through us.

“C’mon, let’s go and find some candles…” Hayden said.

“Hayden Levi; did you plan this?” I joked as he led me out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen. He laughed.

“No, but it would have been damn good for my reputation if I did…” he replied. We found the kitchen and I started feeling for the cupboard handles. Every cupboard that I opened did not have candles or even a torch.

“This is useless...” I said as I turned and bumped into Hayden.

The current was there again, and Hayden swiftly grabbed me, catching me by surprise and placed me atop the counter, and kissed me hard. It was so unexpected, but I swam in the emotions that surrounded me. I could not see anything, just feel Hayden, and heard his breathing. He was standing between my legs that hung off the counter and kissed me so fiercely that I almost forgot who I was.

Running my hands over his back and up again under his shirt, I felt him shiver. Hayden then ran his hand up and down my legs and wrapped them around him. He lifted me, never breaking our kisses, and carried me to the bedroom. My eyes were finally adjusted to the light when I looked up at him, as he placed me on the bed. He was so gorgeous.

“We will only do what you want to do, okay?” Hayden whispered into my ear. My heart swelled. He cared about what I wanted and put me first above his wants and needs. Little did he know I wanted everything even though I hadn’t ever done more than kissing.

“Okay,” I whispered as I pulled him down and kissed him deeply. Hayden’s body fit perfectly against mine. Hayden was kissing my neck and I rolled my head in pleasure; grinding my hips against his and began screaming.

Hayden sprung back so quickly that it would have startled me if not for what I had just seen.

“What’s wrong? I’m sorry if I did something wrong…” he stammered.

“It’s not you!” I screamed as I flung my arms around him and looked back at the spot where I had just witnessed my nightmare come to life from last night. Fear racked my body and my heart wanted to beat itself out of my chest.

“It was Hunter; he was here!”

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