Ice Bet: A Forbidden Hockey Romance (Bexley U)

Ice Bet: Chapter 31

There was no point in putting on my underwear, but I did anyway because knowing Aasher, he’d be pissed that I walked across the hall nearly naked.

I stumbled through the front door and went directly to his room, refusing to waste any more time.When he saw me, he gripped my wrist so hard I fell into him. His fingers dug into my butt when he picked me up and put me on top of his dresser. I inched closer, dragging myself over the wood in a rush and looked at his flushed face.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, angling my head back and slipping a kiss onto my neck. A chill racked through me. My ankles locked themselves around his waist, and I whimpered at the feel of his hard length pressing into the wet spot on my panties. “Even more so when you want to get fucked.”

A tease halted at the edge of my lips because denying it would be absurd. He knew my body well enough by now to know just how much I wanted him.

His calloused hands crept up my stomach and landed at the bottom of my lacy bra. The tickle of his hot breath caressed my ear, and I inhaled deeply. “I’ve thought of nothing but stripping this bra off your body since ripping Sully’s jersey off you.”

I arched my back with the slip of his hand winding around and unlatching it. My hands were uncontrollable as I quickly pulled the straps down my arms and threw it to the floor. When I went to pull his jersey off, he bit my earlobe. “Leave it.”

“What?” I asked breathlessly.

Aasher pulled back, and his green eyes were nothing short of carnal. He looked drunk on lust. “You in nothing but my jersey? A fucking dream, Riley.”

His mouth swallowed anything I was prepared to say, and he licked up any doubt that I had. I lifted my butt when his fingers raced down my sides and crept underneath the black silk. A rush of surprise left me even more breathless when I heard the tear of fabric and then the silky shred of my panties dropping to the floor. A sexy smile covered his face, and the room spun.

He is perfect.

We could keep us a secret for the rest of my life, and I might just be okay with it if he kept looking at me like that.

I licked my lips when he pulled open a drawer to slip on his condom. My teeth sunk into my bottom lip, and he quickly reached up and freed it. “Are you okay with this?”

There was no hesitation.

“I’ve never been more okay.”

I sighed wistfully at the heat between us. The edge of the dresser dug into the very tops of my thighs as he pulled me closer. “Wait,” I said, digging my nails into his shoulders. He paused. There was a slight flicker in his jaw that I noticed right away. “Are you okay with this? You’re not going to regret this after, right?”

“I’ll regret lying to your dad.” He positioned himself between my legs. “But I’ll never regret touching you.”

I spread wide, and the anticipation was enough for me to hold my breath.

“Fuck,” he hissed, pushing himself into me and pausing. “You do want this.”

I pulled back, and we both looked down. Every line drawn between us was obliterated.

My stomach dipped at the sight of him inside me. Since the very first time I gave myself away to someone—willingly—I never once had the inkling to let them have all of me.

Up until now, I didn’t realize that I had never allowed myself to be this vulnerable. There was always some sense of control that I had to hold on to. But with Aasher, I was his for the taking.

Butterflies swarmed me when his finger tilted my chin up to meet his face. His eyes bounced back and forth between mine, and a timid smile moved against my lips. I moved my hips, and he shut his eyes at the pleasure. “What have you done to me?” he asked, gripping me by my rib cage and slamming into me.

“The same thing you’ve done to me,” I replied, holding on to his shoulders and letting him take me any way he wanted. “I’ve—” I lost my train of thought. It was a type of pleasure that I’d never felt before. “I’ve never been like this.”

“This wet?” Aasher’s talented finger dipped down, and he rubbed his thumb over my clit, stealing my thoughts for a second.

“No, this willing to let someone have me any way they want.”

Aasher slammed into me harder, holding me steady so he could fill me up completely. My throat grew tight, and the ripples of pleasure were everywhere. “Don’t say things like that to me when I have you like this.”

Our mouths sealed, and our kiss was urgent, like something was about to pull us apart. I whimpered when he quickened his pace. He rubbed against my clit, and I cried out. “Aasher.” I tore my mouth from his before he growled and pulled my mouth back. He kissed me so hard my thoughts jumbled, and my body went into a frenzy.

“Let go for me,” he said before slowing his pace. My eyes shut and a blinding wind started in my lower belly.

“God…damn.” His words were strained.

I opened my eyes when he slid me off the dresser and spun me around. I slapped my hands onto the wood, and his palm moved up to my throat, holding me up by the chin. “Actually, let go for us.

I locked onto his feral gaze in the mirror. My body went stiff, and Aasher turned my face to swallow my name on his lips. He thrust into me one more time, and I didn’t even notice the grip he had on my hip until his fingers peeled themselves away and he lifted his jersey.

“Fuck, I left marks on you,” he pulled himself out.

I spun around and drunkenly said, “You left your mark on me way before this moment, Aasher.”

His eyebrows dipped before he wove his hand through my hair and kissed me. It was a softer kiss this time, but it still had the same effect.

I was his.

My eyes fluttered with sleep, and I snuggled back into the soft pillow. I inhaled and shifted, trying to get closer to the warmth along my back.

“Better quit.”

My eyes sprung open at the sound of Aasher’s voice, but the surprise only lasted for a second as the night came flooding back in. I looked at the dresser through blurry eyes, and my cheeks flared with heat. Last night.

Aasher’s breath tickled the back of my neck, and Goose bumps appeared on my skin.

“Are you cold?” he asked, draping his heavy arm over the dip of my hip. He pulled me in closer, and I laughed quietly.

“What’s so funny?”

“I’m not cold.”

Air whooshed from my lungs when he spun me and forced me to lie on my back. His messy dark hair was adorably sexy, and his sleepy eyes blinked several times before he looked at my mouth. “Tell me why you have Goose bumps, then.”

I sucked my lips in, refusing to answer. Why am I so… turned on? 

“You look embarrassed.”

My cheeks heated even more—something that he noticed if his classic half-grin said anything about it.

“Answer me.” His fingers moved over the part of my belly that was showing. I was still wearing his jersey—something he forbade me to take off last night after he carried me over to his bed.

The sun was barely peeking through the clouds, but I saw the eagerness in his gaze.

“I remembered last night.”

One eyebrow rose. “And that gave you Goose bumps?”

My lips rolled together, and his amused smile was annoying. “Don’t be embarrassed,” he whispered, climbing on top of me. My legs spread, and I gasped because I forgot I didn’t have any underwear on. His hard-on rubbed against me. “I’m not.”

I swallowed as I let my hips fall open even wider. His head went into the crook of my neck. “I can’t believe I’ve waited this long to have you in my bed.”

I trembled with need, and he noticed.

“Do you like knowing how much I want you?”

I kept my mouth shut but nodded. I do. It’s addicting. 

“I want you so much that I want you to scream my name so loud that everyone in this apartment complex knows you’re mine.”

“But my dad—”

Aasher sucked the words off my tongue, keeping our mouths sealed as he moved to lie beside me. A shaky sigh fell from my mouth when his finger skimmed over me, lightly brushing my swollen clit. It tingled, and he smiled, moving his mouth to mine.

Against my lips, he said, “Addicting.” Then he slipped a finger inside before slowly pulling it out and moving back to my clit. He rubbed me over and over again, playing with me, before I was withering beside him with need. His finger disappeared inside, and I tilted my hips to meet his palm as it rubbed against me. “I want you in my bed every night, you got that?”

A sharp knock sounded on his door, and both our heads turned at the noise. “Aasher!”

Berkley huffed loud enough for us both to hear it through the door, but Aasher didn’t move his hand.

“You’re running out of time,” Aasher whispered, pulling in and out a little faster. My hand fisted the sheets, and he gripped my other one and placed it over my clit. “We work well together.”

I throbbed in all the right places, ignoring the constant knocks on the door.

“Yeah?” Aasher shouted, staring at my hand rubbing myself. His tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip, and I threw my head back at the way I tightened. Aasher put his palm over my mouth, and I bit down, pulling in my moan.

Holy shit. 

“If Riley is in there, you better hide her.”

Aasher pulled his hand away quickly, and we both sprung up.


“Someone beat up Gray Loretto last night, and Coach is on his way over here to ask if it was you.”

I said nothing as I pulled on random sweats—sans panties, thanks to Aasher. I kicked my bra underneath his bed, and he flung open the door while pulling his shirt down.

Berkley found me immediately.

He shook his head at my appearance and erased the distance between us. He ran his fingers down my tangled hair, clearly on a mission. “This won’t do. You look…” His words trailed off as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the hallway, disappearing into his room. Aasher followed closely behind. His jeans weren’t even on yet when there was a knock on the door.

We shared a panicked look, and Ford popped up from the couch. “Who the fuck is at the door this early?” His hair was just as messy as Aasher’s, but they had a way of shaking their heads once and looking just as put together as they usually did.

“Uh-oh,” Ford said, looking at me while Aasher buttoned his pants.

Berkley came back and handed me a small Bexley U shirt.


“Whose is this?” I pulled Aasher’s practice jersey up.

“Close your eyes,” he barked at his teammates. Berkley rolled his before turning for a quick second.

“Wolves!” My dad was about to wake up the entire complex.

“Is that—”

“Yes,” Aasher and I answered at the same time.

Berkley threw Aasher’s practice jersey into his room, and my stomach filled with nerves.

“Not a word,” Asher warned everyone, walking over to the door.

“What is your plan?” Ford whispered, stumbling over his shoes that were in the middle of the floor.

I didn’t have one, but by the look of pure fear on Aasher’s face, I hoped someone else did, because his confidence from last night was clearly wobbly with my dad’s booming voice on the other side of the door. It hurt to see the shame on his face, and I definitely didn’t like knowing that I was part of the reason it was there.

“Take whatever you’re thinking and throw it right out of your head,” Aasher said to me. “I don’t regret it.”

“You will if he finds out,” Berkley stated, edging his head to the door.

“Jesus. Follow my lead, you lovesick puppies. I’ve got this.” Ford smoothed out his wrinkled shirt as he walked over to the door. He lowered his voice. “Riley, go make us breakfast.”

My jaw slacked. “Excuse me?”

“It’s part of the plan!” he urged. “I’ll take you for pancakes later to make up for bossing you around.”

I eyed him but did as he said. Aasher sat across from me, slightly amused at my obedience.

The door opened, and my dad walked in with his eyes pinned right on Aasher. “You better have a good fucking alibi.”

Oh, he does.

Too bad we can’t tell him the truth.

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