Ice Bet: A Forbidden Hockey Romance (Bexley U)

Ice Bet: Chapter 30

Two hours.

That was how long I’d had to sit here beside her and act completely composed about it.

Every time I shifted in my seat, I made sure my knee brushed the side of her thigh. Every time we laid our cards down, my finger touched hers, and it lingered for a second longer than it needed to. We were down to Ford, Taytum, Sutton, Riley, and me. This never-ending game of poker was just the tip of the karma iceberg that I’d continue being served until I told Coach the truth.

I lied right to his face tonight, and I was too infatuated with his daughter to care. The more time I spent with her, the more I fell for her. And the more time I spent away from her, the more desperate I became. I practically had to chain myself to my bed last night to stay away from the rink, knowing she was there with my friends, gliding over the ice with her pretty smile chinking away at everyone’s need to keep her at an arm’s length, per her father’s request.

The few slips in time and my lack of self-discipline wasn’t nearly enough to quench my thirst. She was all I thought about. I wondered what she was doing even when I was supposed to be avoiding her. I wondered if she had tightened up her Biellmann spin in preparation for her upcoming tryouts. I wanted to know if she told her parents that she was skating, because I knew it was something she was looking forward to doing. I wanted to see the glow of elation on her face after sticking a jump on the ice and watch her cheeks turn pink after telling her that I was proud of her.

It was the first time, since Savannah, that I’d ever let myself think of a girl as more than just a means to an end, and no one was more surprised than me. I had loathed Riley the moment her dad named me her babysitter, but now I was here, sneaking behind his back, counting down the seconds until this game was over so I could show her just how much she meant to me.

I couldn’t say it out loud, but even as I sat there and lied to Coach, convincing him that Riley and I were nothing but friends, I was pretty certain that if I had to, I would choose her.

“I’m folding.” Taytum slapped the cards down to the table. “I’ve gotta go anyway. I’m supposed to be up early.”

“For what?” Ford shifted his attention to her, and I took the opportunity to move closer to Riley. I cleared my throat before putting my hand on her thigh under the table. Two hours was long enough. This game needed to end.

“The bigs are waking up early and making shirts for the game with the littles.”

“Cheering for the football players now, are we? Interesting.” Ford was poking her, but Taytum didn’t fall for it. She ignored him and looked over at Riley and Sutton. “If you girls want to come to the game tomorrow, text me. You can sit with us. Claire is coming too.”

Emory grunted from the couch at his sister’s statement. “Theo ain’t letting that happen.”

“As if Claire is going to let Theo tell her what to do.”

“You sure about that?” Ford asked.

Everyone on campus knew that our team captain was totally obsessed with his roommate/fake girlfriend. His actions spoke louder than words, and the fact that he almost showed up late for one of our games because he was with her proved that they had a secret of their own.

“I’m sorry, are you talking to me?” Taytum asked, batting her eyelashes at Ford.

Sutton snorted at their bickering.

I stared at Ford’s lip twitching as I dragged my finger up Riley’s thigh. Her quick glance in my direction was like the sting of a bee, but I pretended to be as interested in Ford and Taytum’s arguing as Sutton was.

Ford threw his cards down, and he lifted an eyebrow in Taytum’s direction. “You know what, I’m folding too. In fact, I might just head to Rush’s. I bet the party is still going on.”

Emory popped up from the couch. “I’ll go with you. After that game, I could use a reward, if you know what I mean.”

Taytum gagged.

Riley squeezed her legs together when I gripped the inside of her thigh. My pinkie brushed against the zipper of her jeans, and my dick twitched at the sound of her shallow breathing.

Ford snapped his fingers. “You know what, you’re right, Em.” He popped up and looked at Taytum but directed his statement at Emory. “Let’s go find a few rewards, shall we?”

I pulled my hand away at the last second, and I swore I heard Riley’s pout.

“Besties…” Taytum mused, slowly rising from her seat. “Are you up for a party?”

Ford’s growl caught my ear, and I chuckled.

Emory crossed his arms over his puffed chest. “You’re not coming.”

“You’re not her boss,” Sutton said, linking arms with Taytum. “Or mine.”

Emory glared at Sutton. “I don’t care if you go, but Taytum doesn’t need to go.”

“I agree.” Ford pushed off from the table and walked to the bar to grab his keys. “Let’s go, Em.”

“We’re coming.” Taytum stomped after her brother and stole the keys out of Ford’s hand. “And I’m driving.”

Emory didn’t catch his cheeky smile, but I did.

Ford wanted her to go all along.

“Are you coming, Ry?”

“She absolutely isn’t,” I answered for her. “Word has it that Gray Loretto is there.”

Riley was perturbed by this. “He’s still on campus?”

Emory leaned down in between us and looked me right in the eye. “Then you’re staying put.”

Fine by me.

“Is that what Coach wanted to talk to you about? Staying home tonight because of Gray?” Ford asked.

Riley stood up. She was annoyed along with being all hot and bothered by my constant teasing. The perfect combo.

I shrugged. “He may have mentioned it.”

“Did my dad tell you to make sure I stayed put?”

He may have mentioned that as well.

I didn’t answer. I leaned back in my chair and stared up at her. She clicked her tongue and turned around, leaving me at the table alone. Where the hell did she think she was going?

“Are you coming?” Sutton asked, moving her gaze back and forth between me and Riley.

I squinted one eye from across the room and thought, Don’t you dare. 

A ghost of a smile raced across her mouth. “I’ll think about it.” Then she walked out the door, knowing I wouldn’t chase after her in front of everyone.

Ford gripped my sore trap and bent down beside my ear before following after everyone. “Careful.”

He was one to talk. I saw the way he looked at Emory’s little sister. He wasn’t fooling me.

When I was alone, I quickly stood up and snatched my phone. I rarely texted her because I wasn’t stupid enough to leave proof behind, but I pulled open my texts and typed the name Duster.

Me: You better be in your apartment, Riley.

The temperature of the fridge did nothing to cool me down. I popped open the top of a beer and swallowed a bitter mouthful when my phone pinged.

Duster: Or what?

The things that went through my head were sinful. My heart was pounding, and the beer can crumpled in my grasp. Did she think I was playing with her?

Me: Come over here and see.

My beer was empty faster than I meant for it to be. Sweat prickled at the back of my neck. I ripped off my hoodie and threw it onto the couch.

Duster: Sorry, I was told to stay put.

I dropped my head and laughed. She was so stubborn.

Me: Get over here right now, and I swear to God, if you say, “Or what?” I will break down your door.

My phone rang three seconds after I hit send. I made her wait until the last second, and then I finally answered. Her pretty face appeared, and I made sure to look at her surroundings before saying anything.

“You’re lucky I can tell you’re home.”

Her eyebrows raised. “I’m lucky?” The gloss of her lips caught my eye as she smiled. “I’m not afraid of you.”

I hummed, dropping my gaze down and seeing that she was still wearing my jersey. “You should be if you continue acting like that with my jersey on.”

“I can always take it off,” she replied.

I followed her movements like a lovesick puppy as she walked through her apartment, finally stopping as she made herself comfortable on the couch.

“I don’t know why you’re sitting down.”

She acted confused by batting her eyelashes. I knew she was fucking with my head. She was so good at it, and she knew it.

“Why wouldn’t I? I’m just getting comfy.” She placed the phone in front of her, and I assumed by the clanking of it that she rested it on the coffee table.

“You’re still in jeans,” I noted, starting to walk to my room before glancing at the front door to make sure it was unlocked. She’d be coming over sooner or later, but I’d let her have her fun first.

“You’re right. I guess I’ll take them off.” I stopped in the middle of the hallway when she popped up from the couch and stood in front of the phone. Her fingers fiddled with the button of her jeans, and I stopped breathing when she pulled the zipper down, revealing black, lacy panties that I knew were soaked from all the teasing I had done during the poker game.

I licked my lips at the slow pace of the denim slipping over her curvy hips, revealing toned legs the color of sand. Fuck me. I stared at her covered pussy and remembered how good she tasted. I wasn’t sure I could let her have her fun.

“That’s better.” She sighed, sitting back down. The cushions swallowed her whole, and I’d never been jealous of a fucking couch before, but I wanted to rip it to shreds. This is ridiculous.

“You’re really good at getting under my skin,” I admitted, in hopes that my defeat would make her come over.

She laughed, and the sound raised my dick to the standing position. I looked down at it before she stole my attention again. “You think you can tease me for the last two hours, tell me what to do, and expect me not to retaliate? It’s like you don’t know me at all.”

“I know you’re soaked right now.” My voice was as strained as my dick inside my boxers.

“Am I?”

“Why don’t you show me?” I teased.

Riley giggled like a little devil, and I couldn’t believe that the team nicknamed her Duster. We were all fooled by her sweet-and-innocent act.

I rested my back against the wall and gripped my phone so tightly I thought it may snap. A plea for her to stop fucking around was at the tip of my tongue, but when she slipped her fingers beneath the black silk, I died a slow death.

By the sound of my voice, it sounded like I’d swallowed a handful of rocks. “What are you doing?”

“I thought you wanted to see?”

“Then spread your legs and let me look.” I was desperate. I pressed my heels into the floor and shoved a breath down my throat.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. She was driving me absolutely wild. I almost began pacing.

My mouth watered, and I wanted her taste to replace the beer I’d chugged moments ago. Her soft movements and dragging of silk down her legs were enough to bring me to my knees.

Once her panties were off and I looked at her perfect pussy, she threw the black scrap of fabric at the phone and covered almost all of the camera. I felt the arrow go straight into my chest.

“Two can play that game.”

“Hmm?” It sounded like a moan.

I strode to my bedroom and flipped the light switch.

“Can you see okay?” I asked, locking onto the tiniest fucking sliver of her through the stupid black silk. “I wouldn’t want you to miss the show.”

I tore my T-shirt off, but I didn’t throw it over the camera. I wanted her to see exactly what she did to me. My abs flickered with every deliberate movement, and when I pulled my sweats down and revealed my throbbing dick, I smiled at her sharp intake of breath.

“What was that?” I asked.


“I thought I heard you say something.”

My blood pressure shot to the roof when I caught a quick glimpse of her hand moving over her legs. “Don’t. You. Dare,” I snapped, gripping my cock. I sighed with pleasure. It wasn’t as good as it would be if she were here doing this, but it sufficed.

“Are you telling me I can’t touch myself?” she asked in a breathy voice.

I groaned at my tight grip. “That’s exactly what I’m saying, Riley. If anyone is touching that pussy tonight, it’s me.”

Fuck. She better get over here.

I pumped myself up and down, all while staring at her unmoving hand. Good girl. I clenched my teeth and looked away because no matter how good it felt to beat myself off, I wanted nothing more than for her to get her ass over here so I could show her everything I’d been holding back since the very first kiss.

“Riley,” I groaned. “Better throw in the white flag, or I’m going to finish, and then there will be nothing left for you.”

Lies. I was certain I could get off and then be hard minutes later for her. Every interaction I’d had with Riley from the very beginning was foreplay, and the fact that I knew what laid on the inside too made me want her that much more.

I picked up my pace, moving my hand faster and faster.

Come on, baby.

“Ugh!” she finally said, springing up from the couch. She grabbed the phone and pulled her panties away. I stared at her red cheeks. “Fine! You win.”

I removed my hand slowly. “Door’s unlocked.”

The phone call ended, and I waited for her to walk into my room so I could show her what she did to me.

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