I fell in love in another world

Chapter 9

It was a nice sunny morning when Luna planned to visit Keir.

However before she could meet him, She had to give the Duke plenty of her time and attention from her morning.

When she was at the dining table, eating breakfast, The Duke had declared to Luna that their wedding would be in four days.

Now, she walked in the hallways, free from the dukes clutches, feeling like a truck had hit her. Lunas shoulders jumped. Thinking she heard her time running out then and there, but it was just the grandfather clock.

“Are you alright, Miss Luna?” Nathan said leaning his body to her. Like always he was beside her, fitting the knight description perfectly.

We must be vigilant, I must be ready.

She continued to walk. “Yes, I’m alright. Just thinking about the wedding is all.”

He smiles a tad. “Oh yes, right, the Duke did announce the date. April 5th. You must be excited. You’ll be officially announced, Duchess.”

Excited to get out of here. She nodded.

As they were walking to the far end East Side of the mansion, Nathan groaned. “Miss Luna, Are you sure it was smart to have that beast as a pet?”

Luna opened her mouth, she was about to retort by saying he wasn’t a beast. But then her act would be given away, and Nathan would know, she didn’t dislike Keir and instead enjoyed his company. “Do you doubt my judgment?”

Nathan's face went flustered and he turned his head away. “No, I…I just-” He sighed through his nose. “I’m sorry.”

“It's all good, I understand your worry, but I’m fine.”

When they made it to the basement door. Luna was met by the guard. She hardly saw him next to the door during the afternoons and night, but when she did he always had a grin that showed many of his missing teeth.

Today is the day when Keir has to have a bath. I can at least give him that.

“My lady.” The guard said as he bowed.

Luna took one step away from the door and him. He reeked of someone who had just killed somebody. The Duke had smelled like that too but it was fainter, like he hadn’t done it in a while. She assumed that was because he had people like the missing tooth Guard, to kill people in his stead.

“Guard.” She said lowering her eyes.

“If I may ask what will you be doing to him? It is very early in the morning and I’ve already given his supper.” He phrased it in a way that made Luna shudder.

She glanced at Nathan who was just as doubtful as her. “What did you feed him? If it was something…revolting, that you wouldn't even feed yourself-” She grabbed Nathans's sleeve.

At first, he looked at her, waiting for what she wanted. But once he saw the earnestness in her eyes, his face went cold. His Auburn eyes glowed as he unsheathed his metallic sword. Not all the way out, but just enough so that the Gaurd could see.

The guard's face dropped. “M-my Lady, do not worry I-I didn't feed him anything of that sort, just some hot portage.”

The tension she felt relaxed and so did Nathan. “Just portage… that's fine, I suppose.”

He scratched his hairless head. “So what did you come down here for?” The guard repeated, grabbing the door handle.

She picked up her dress and looked away from him. “If you must know! I am about to give Keir a bath. He is smelling like a pig's pen. And I know he is the Dukes prisoner but he's also my pet, I do not wish to always visit him in that sort of condition.”

The guards face drooped and his eyebrows rose. “A bath? By you?”

Luna huffed. Is his ears clogged? “Yes, you heard me. It is about time someone gave that man a proper bath.”

The toothless guard face slowly turned at Nathan. Nathan was just as surprised. He had never heard of a person of substance wanting to give a person a bath, willingly. What was bothering him more, is that It was Keir of all the people Luna wanted to visit, that she wanted to spend her early mornings with, that she wanted to give a bath to. It didn’t make sense to him.

He liked Luna and the thought of her clean God-giving hands touching, what Nathan thought an abomination to the world. He just wouldn’t have it.

“Miss Luna? You do understand what that means don’t you?” Nathan blurted.

Luna blinked once before nudging Nathans's shoulder. “If you're talking about the rules that the Duke told me. I'm very aware. He will not leave his cell.”

Nathan sighed and grabbed Lunas hand. “My lady… you're telling me you want to bath a naked man? A man who is not the Duke? A man who is dirty beyond belief?”

Luna face went pale. Her body swayed to the wall, slipping her hand away from Nathan. She pressed her body against the black wall, not looking at the two confused males.

I'm so stupid, I’m so dumb! Of course I would have to actually touch him and be in the same room as him…and AND touch his body. Wahhhhh how could my dumb brain miss such a detail. He would be naked right in front of me! Me a virgin, a girl who hasn’t ever seen a man's appendage in real life!

Luna slowly started to slump against the wall. Not listening to Nathans's worried questions.

They all must think I’m a disgusting rich pervert who gets off on random Naked men. I have to fix my mistake.

In the middle of the Gaurd and Nathan questioning her unusual state. Luna suddenly pushed herself off the wall and grabbed the toothless guard by the forearms. Her eyes held determination and regret and it gave the guard chills.

“T-that's not what I meant! I’m not that kind of Lady! You get it right…RIGHT!?”

The guard face cringed away not knowing what to say toward Lunas behavior.

Nathan wryly smiled.”It's ok, we don’t think badly of you at all. We get that you just wanted that prisoner clean.”

She sprang off the guard who had a scared expression. When she was in-between the two of them again, she started to ruffle her hair. “Wah, still I can’t believe I suggested that.” She groaned in a deeper tone.

Once they calmed her down an idea popped in Nathans's head. “What If me and him bathed Keir instead. I’m sure you have much more important things to do than visit him anyway.”

I really don’t. Luna who was still sulking at her mistake turned to him. “Y-you would do that? I mean I was going to have you come along anyway but you would?”

Nathan warmly smiled at her blue eyes. “Of course. I’ll mostly be watching, making sure he doesn't try anything.” Nathan pointed to the Gaurd. “He will be doing the washing.”

The guard kept looking at both of them with his mouth open. Confused on how he didn’t have a say.

Not being able to find another resort, she decided to trust Nathan. Telling him before she left to make sure Keir was spotless and to tell her when he was done.

“I don’t get it.” Nathan spat out. Glaring at Keir with utmost hate.

He had always heard stories of the red-eye people. Stories that his mother used to tell him if he ever got out of line and stories that were spread in the village. How red eye people would kill anyone without reason and if you ever spotted one, they would poison you with their detrimental powers. After being influenced by the same stories that always led the Red Eye magic users to be monstrosities, Nathan wanted nothing more than to kill the Red Eye user, who was in front of him. Weak, unable to use his powers.

But he couldn’t.

He had just gotten done with Luna's orders. He asked some servants to get him a huge wooden tube and to bring it in the basement. Then he brought down one other knight along with the guard.

He wasn’t worried that Keir would try anything, for he knew he was fragile and couldn’t use his abilities but he still was wary.

To make him feel more at ease, he told the other Knight to step inside with the guard. They both were pretty strong-looking men so it wouldn’t have been a challenge to take Keir down if he tried anything.

When the Knight had grabbed hold of Keirs arm, making sure he would not try to escape once they opened the cell; they brought in the bath.

Nathan also prepared a soap bar and rag, giving it to the guard, but not without scowling at Keir's smile toward him.

“So, Keir, what is it about you that makes Duchess Luna spend so much time in your company?”

Keir was standing up inside the bath, he was clothless from head to toe as the guard cleaned his body. “Haha, he finally speaks.” He pushed back his long hair once it's dampness was getting in the way of his face. “And here I thought you were just going to continue to glare at me.”

Nathan face hardened. “Answer me.”

“If I’m correct, Luna isn’t a Duchess yet…and why do you care? Are you perhaps angry that someone decided to visit me…in the depths of my misery.”

Nathan started to pace. “You don’t have the right to just call her Luna. It's either Mistress or Lady to you! Once his temper calmed he spoke again. “I just don’t understand! I mean I’m genuinely curious.” He scoffed. “What is so special about you that Lady Luna finds you fascinating?”

Keir's lips twitched when he understood why the wimpy-sounding boy came to visit him. The reason why Nathans's eyes glinted with so much covetousness. It was obvious to him now. Nathan was jealous of him. “It must eat away at you, not understanding why Luna prefers my company. But should a knight be so worried about something so trivial?”

Nathans eyes glowed, he was debating whether or not to use his magic on Keir. “Don't flatter yourself. It's not about jealousy, b-because I’m not. I just don't get it. You're locked in a basement, unable to use your magic. So what's the appeal?”

Keir lifted his arm at the guard when he went to the other side to scrub. “I have a certain... charm. Have you ever thought that Luna finds me irresistibly interesting?”

Nathan sneered. “Really? Because from where I'm standing, you're just a prisoner. A prisoner that used dangerous magic, at that.”

The guard kept scrubbing getting to Keirs back side now. The Knight watched as Nathan and Keir bickered.

“Oh, how observant of you. Yes, I'm dangerous, hence the imprisonment.” He gestured to the cell. “But even without my magic, there's something about me that Luna finds intriguing. And who am I to push her away, she's my angel after all.”

Nathan mumbled a few words, that sent the water from the tub to ster. The gaurd, startled moved away from Keir. The Knight also was a little surprised but did not let Keir go. Keir just watched as the water started to toss, he noticed every single tiny water droplet float.

“Be quiet! You're just taunting me, reveling in my confusion. You don't have anything to offer Lady Luna. She just uses you for enjoyment.” He pushed his hair back. “Lady Luna is a goddess that has been blessed upon us, she does not care for monsters.”

“Nathan that's enough.” The Knight said in a worrisome tone.

Nathan sighed, forcing the water to relax too. His eyes stopped glowing but they were still beaming with animosity.

“Oh, Nathan, sweet, pathetic Nathan. You are so naive. You don’t even know the truth.”

The guard was done cleaning his body. “He's all clean.”

Keir stretched and got out of the tub, grabbing the towel the guard handed to him.

Nathan rushed to the bars grabbing the them as he peered inside. “You are the one whose pathetic! And I know the truth. The truth is you’re using Lady Luna for something, and I'm going to find what.” He started to laugh. “And once I do, the Duke will finally kill you.”

Keir dried his hair. Where did he get the idea that I was using her? He is very strange. From the way he sounds when I hear Luna and him talk, he sounds like a nervous kid. But now that he's in front of a helpless person like me, he acts all high in mighty. What a twist.

Nathan smugly walked away from the cell and told the guard to hand Keir the fresh pair of clothes. It was nothing special just a ripped and ragged white shirt and brown pants that had tears on the bottom. He was also handed clean underwear.

Once the guard and the knight left the inside of the cell, taking the tub and hygiene stuff with them, Nathan locked the cell and started to walk away.

But something inside Keir just couldn’t let him walk away feeling all high and mighty. It had been too long since he had gotten under someone's skin, and Nathan was right. He was reveling in it. “If you want answers Nathan, you'll have to face your fears and ask Luna yourself.”

“How was the bath Keir?” Luna happily said as she ran over to Keir's cell, with a plate of food.

Keir was standing next to the bars when Luna came. His stomach growled at the sight of the food. “It was perfect Angel. Thanks for thinking about me.” He moved to face the front.

Oh wow he's taller than I realized. Luna thought as her head slowly peered up. She still could barley see his face because of how dark the cell was and his hair was in the way, but his red eyes still captivated her.

She put his food closer to the bars. He stuck out his hands, took the plate with the fork and started to dig right in.

“I have something I need to tell you.” He said after he swallowed.

She sucked in her breath and raise her body a little more. Why did he make it sound so important?

“I just wanted to say. That I think that little Knight of yours is catching on to us.” He took another bite looking unbothered.

He means Nathan. Did Nathan do something? Or say something to him. “Why do you say that?”

Keir lowered the plate, then raised his face at her. “He doesn’t like me, and certainly doesn't trust me. I'm pretty sure when I was getting a bath the guard noticed me missing a few scars, that my body wasn’t so sulken. He paused many times as he scrubbed me. It's unquestionable, that he told that Knight of yours.”

Luna shoulders slumped. “This is bad isn’t it?” She quickly raised her head before he could respond. “I-I just wanted you to be clean, I hadn’t thought that they would notice.”

He lowered his head. “This is not your fault. It was bound to happen, all you need to do is keep that Knight of yours on a leash. It should be simple, you just need to tell him an excuse as to why you healed me.”

She nodded already conjuring up a plan. “What did he say to you.”

Keir laughed a little. “Oh, that Knight of yours is a jealous one. He thinks I’m using you and that you could be in danger because of your fondness for me. Although he's too afraid to tell you…such a scaredy cat he is. I wonder how he is a knight?” He ate the last piece of food on his plate before handing it to her.

“Ah, I speculated that he had a tiny crush on me but I would’ve never thought that he would threaten you…I’m sorry I’ll fix this whole situation.” Her face held so much earnestness as she put the plate down.

Keir watched her. He was reminded of something when he looked at Luna, something he tried to forget a long time ago.

Moments later, Luna had healed him some more. He could now stand up straighter, and lift himself up without a struggle, his scars were healed and his eyes less sullen. He could feel his muscles stronger, he decided then and there that starting tomorrow, he would continue working out after giving it up months ago due to his body becoming too fatigued.

“Thanks.” He said, circulating his neck.

“Have you been able to use your magic?” She said biting her lip in anticipation.

“Yes and no. Thanks to your magic Angel, I have been able to do some things. I can make a little pebble float, and can make only parts of myself invisible, sadly it's only for a short while. My physical capabilities are better, I can feel myself become stronger again and I assume I’m healing so fast not only because of your magic but also because my durability ability is increasing.”

Luna smiled. “That's great news! I was actually really worried you know. I thought we’d have to make another plan if you weren’t feeling your powers return to you by today. Glad to see you are.”

“I’ll keep practicing with the extra fork May gave me.”

In the corner of Luna's eye, she started to see something shine. It was tiny and hardly noticeable at first until he started to get closer and closer and higher and higher. Soon it started to come in the dim light. It was a fork that Keir was floating.

Her eyes widened at how much control he was able to achieve while still looking at her.

He watched as her face went from nervous to amazed. “Luna you really are not from this world.” He chuckled. “I am barley doing anything yet you are awestruck.”

Am I that readable?? She dusted her dress in nervousness. “Sorry.”

“In two days' time I’ll be able to do more, I suggest you figure out when you’ll get me out of here.”

She raised both fists and pumped them at her side. “Right!”

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