I fell in love in another world

Chapter 7

It was so silent, so quiet again, only the sound of the annoying water dripping from the ceiling kept me from falling back asleep.

Have I ever been this aware? Awake?…Its been too long.

That girl is extraordinarily strange. To suddenly trust a person like me and want me to help her.

I will, I really have nothing better to do.

Nonetheless, it will take me a while to get back into my magic. After all, I haven't used it in three years. I wonder what face she will make once I inform her of my deformity at the moment.

Ah, it doesn’t matter if she really will heal me then I’ll be able to use all my powers in about two weeks. After all I have been trapped before…

Flashes of her go into Keir's mind just before he throws a tiny piece of broken concrete.

Those blue eyes. No wonder the Duke went madder than usual. They are a beauty, it's a shame that fate led her to this place and worst of all me…

“I’ll see you tonight, Luna.”

That night Luna told May about all the events that had occurred. May began to feel optimistic about their plan now. They had almost everything in place. The last thing Luna needed to do was convince the Duke.

“You have done well dear, soon we’ll be able to see Keir again.”

Luna smiled as she stepped out of the hunormous black bathroom. She was pulling her night gown down when she did a little skip to May. “So that means I’ll see him again tonight?”

May pursed her lips and smoothed her gray ponytail. “You sound much more eager than the day before.”

She looked away. “Really? It’s just because we gotta get to know each other more.”

May slowly nodded and made her voice as soft as a whisper. “How about tonight I feed Keir, it would look very peculiar if people kept seeing you go into that Hall, also Nathan is behind this very door.”

Luna didn't admit it but she sank a little. She promised him that she’d visit him, that she’d heal him tonight. “You’re right.” She said with a smile, but her voice couldn’t help but sadden.

“I’ll let him know, I'm sure he’d understand.” May gently added.

Luna laid horizontally in the bed watching May stack the plate of food from when they had requested dinner earlier. The Duke didn’t offer her to go to dinner again tonight and Luna honestly didn’t want May to have to steal food in the kitchen so that Keir could eat. So she ordered another plate for Keir. She didn’t know what he liked, and had to resort to giving him a small portion of everything.

Once May left, Luna decided to get up from her bed and open her bedroom door. Nathan was standing in front of her, his back was turned before he heard the door creak. His face held a calm and serious face when his was about to lay eyes on her, but as soon as he did his face went bright red.

“Miss Luna, you are in your undergarments…” His eyes scattered every which way.

Luna lips quirked up a bit, but she refrained from laughing and instead but on her best act. “Oh right I’m sorry I completely forgot about the customs, you know this memory loss thing is such a bother.”

She sighed and touch his shoulder. “I need to meet the Duke, It will be very quick and since he will soon be my husband, I feel no need to get dressed for a conversation that will be trivial, and since I know you aren't allowed to not go anywhere with me-”

He sighed and finally looked back at her, face only. “Miss Luna, you truly are something else.”

Nathan had led Luna to the Duke's study. It was on the far west side; Where Luna had never seen or stepped foot in. It was where the Duke usually goes when he doesn't have to do his ‘duty’.

Just like many of the Mansions doors it was tall, Grand and screamed “I have too much money so I’ll decorate the doors.”

Nathan told Luna that he’d be on the outside if he needed her, for no-one other than the Duke and a few maids were allowed to go inside his study. Luna didn’t want to barg in, so she knocked three times.

“Who goes there at this hour of the day?” Duke Geralds's voice was so strong that even the closed door couldn’t contain it.

Luna's nerves started to unsettle again, her act felt like it was fleeting away with her courage. “It is me, Luna, I was hoping I could speak with you?”

The doors opened, and the same creaking sound filled the halls. The Duke seemed to be the only person inside as he opened both of the doors. He was in his red Robe as he smirked at her suggestively.

“Miss Luna.” He slowly said her name as he looked at her head to toe. “Whatever you must discuss with me must be important, otherwise you wouldn’t have come in that.”

Her toes curled but her was face held high. “Yes, Its about my next gift.”

The Duke unexpectedly burst out a laugh, a laugh that unfortunately came with Luna getting sprayed. “So soon? And here I thought we weren’t alike.”

Luna just smiled at him.

He turned his back and told her to come inside. Luna took that opportunity to wipe her face with her sleeve.

His study was impeccable, the room was massive, it made Luna feel puny as she looked around. There was surprisingly less black in the room and more of a dark wood. The floor was wood and the walls a relvetly red. What caught her eye the most were the bookshelves. They surrounded each wall and as she looked higher the books just kept on growing.

She whistled in amazement but the Duke didn’t notice.

In the middle of the room there was his desk. It was big as well. Luna held in a smile as she thought of him seating in a normal sized desk. She knew it would’ve been impossible.

He turned around when he came in front of his desk and leaned on it. A heavy sound sprouted from the desk as if it had cried out in agony because of his weight.

“Now tell me Miss Luna, what do wish?”

Luna pushed her lips into a line and walked to him. Here goes nothing. “Duke Gerald as you know, you’ve promised me anything and I-” Luna stopped in her tracks when her foot almost tripped. She glanced down and felt sweat roll down her back. The thing she tripped on was a rug, but not just any rug, for she had come to realize that the Duke never settled for just anything. The rug was a flat, dead, polar bear or at least at first glance it appeared that way. But from what she had learned on discovery channels, Polar bears don’t have yellow eyes or two large protruding teeth from its jaw.

“You were saying?”

“Duke Gerald I have found what I absolutely want, more than gold or more subjects…” She paused and glanced at his face. His eyebrow rose at her but his eyes were filled with curiosity. “I want a pet.”

“A pet?” He looked at her bewildered. It made no sense to him why anyone would want a animal instead riches.

“Yes a pet.” She started to walk towards him ignoring her nervous heart. “I know it may sound silly, but it's not what you think, I want a loyal mutt or specifically a person.”

He threw his hands in the air as he gawffed, it surprised Luna. “Get on with it!”

“I-I would like that man you keep in the cellar, He was extraordinary, and I can tell he's of high value, I want nothing more than for him to be mine.”

His emotions changed fast. All Luna's bravery felt like it had diminished. “Have I heard you correctly? You want him!” He flicked his wrist sending luna’s body to be in the air. She yelped and gripped her gown. He started to grumble under his breath as he floated her to his side.

“You want him? Why? He is nothing but gravel, dirt someone your pretty eyes should never even glance at!”

Keep it together Luna, he doesnt know.

“Duke, you have no interest in him, you keep him locked down there, I simply want to make use of him.”

“Use of him!” He rolled his eyes. “What use could he possibly have, I have broken his mind and his so called powers are gone. I’m certain if he even regained sanity or health he wouldn’t even remember how to use his magic.”

He can’t use it? Waahhh, of course he can’t use his magic yet. He's been down there for so long!

Luna bit her lip. No, do not freight, maybe if I use my powers it will help his powers…somehow.

“Then you have nothing to worry about. If you say his mind his broken beyond cure than surely I could have him. I’ve become a changed person you know.” Luna reached out to touch the Dukes face.

He was so entranced by her beauty that he let her float down.

“Duke Gerald, you have changed my whole perspective on things. I have realized that no one needs my pity, that I should only use my gift…for you.” Her hands trailed his cheeks to the back of his hair was greasy because of the gel that still was in his hair. And as much as her lips and hands twitched her smile remained. “So won’t you please let me have him? If you do, I’ll be at your beck and call without any complaint.”

She pushed herself off of him ever so lightly. He stared at her Dazly practically drooling over her curves.

“So, how about it?”

The Dukes face was bright red. He advertised his eyes from her and cleared his thick throat. “Fine, but he will not leave that cell…ever.”

The door creaked open so slowly, that Keir almost thought it was the wind. Until he saw a person in a brown cloak with a bunch of food on a plate.

She's just fitting the description of Angel a little too well. “Welcome back beauty.”

Keir neared the cell bars, letting his body rest on it. His long hair fell in his face for only a split second before he pushed it back.

The cloaked person hummed. “Usually, Beauty is not what people describe me as.” Keir straightened up a bit at the voice looking a little skeptical. “But I’m guessing you weren't referring to me?”

The person revealed herself, taking off the hood.

“May.” Keir hoarsley said. He couldn’t quite understand if he was a little disappointed or grateful. “I’m guessing the Duke's bride-to-be couldn't keep her promise.”

She sighed at his state. His long hair was dirty, smelling just like the cell. His skin had seen better days as it was covered in muck. It had been a while since the soldiers gave him a bath. May wondered how Keir could stay in such a strong mindset in his condition. How he could still softly gaze at her.

“Actually, she very much wanted to visit you. I am the one who pryed her tonight.” She sat closely to the bars not worried about the soiled floor. “It was for her own good. It's better to be safe than sorry.”

Keir closed his eyes. Thinking May meant it was better for Luna not to get close to him. “You are probably right.”

Her frail hands raised the plate of food, making sure it wasn’t near the ground or walls. “I’ve come baring gifts anyway.”

Keir groggly opened his eyes. When he noticed the plate of food, he couldn't help but stare at it. His stomach was already eating itself away at him so when it noticed another source of food It cried out. He so desperately wanted to snatch the plate and consume the food, letting his wild side take over. It didn’t help that the plate was loaded. There was practically no space left on the top. May could see he was fighting the animalistic side so she put it closer to him.

He chuckled, “It seems Angel is very generous.” Sitting up, he stuck both his hands through the bars. One holding the plate and the other with a fork.

“She mentioned, she didn’t know what you like.” May smiled creating more wrinkles to appear. “So she arranged everything. There's corn on the cob, a turkey leg, peas, mash potatoes, bread-”

Keir tuned the rest out. His stomach cared not what was on the plate. He first grabbed the corn, biting into it with a loud crunch.

Mays eyes watched warmly at Keirs unsightly eating. She was grateful for Luna. She could not have grabbed so much food because she was simply a maid. If any other servant caught her trying to take food from the kitchen especially so much she would've been dead. But because of Luna's status, she was now given much more opportunities to help Keir. Now she didn’t have to worry about Keir not eating for days because another maid could stack a bunch of food on a plate, send it to Luna's room, and May could take it to Keir, as long as the guard remained sleep.

“I’ve never seen a plate so clean.” She remarked when she got the polished plate back. She was going to take the fork back too, but Keir insisted he keep it.

“Sorry.” Is all he muttered.

“Don’t be, in fact, I'm delighted you were able to eat it, I was worried you wouldn't be able to keep it down.” She placed the plate down.

“What happens tomorrow,” Keir said wiping his mouth for leftover residue.

“Well, perhaps Luna will tell the Duke she wants to make you belong to her, after all, it is that time to tell him. I believe Luna has gained his trust or at least made him feel like she isn’t anything to worry about.” May went closer to the bars. “Oh, how I’ve wished for this moment. You child, do not belong in this darkness, you have done nothing wrong.” Her frail hands shook but not in fear for it was just how her bones came to be. She lifted her right and tried to reach out to Keirs face.

He turned away at her hand. Forcing her to only be able to touch a glimpse of his hair. She inhaled faintly. “I remember how you looked three years ago. Your hair wasn't near this long, Your body wasn’t near this shriveled, Your skin wasn’t near this-”

“I get it.” He said sternly. He knew very well what he looked like then and what he was now.

She stopped trying to touch him and retreated her hand. “It was a snowstorm. Many commoners like myself were dying from the cold that December. I was given a break by one of the other maids. They allowed me to go see my daughter. Upon making my return to this heartwrenching place, I saw you.”

Keir brows pushed together as he rested on the wall.

“You were bleeding so much back then. Eyes filled with so much anger and resentment. I watched you at first in worry and trepidation because of your condition then I saw those eyes. I too was amongst those people who thought those eyes meant deaths door was around the corner. After all I am getting to that age, so it didn't seem to far off. And then you lost consciousness right on those snowy steps of the Dukes mansion.”

“Seems about right.”

“I still regret not being able to hide you. The Duke's knights were just around the corner doing their daily patrol when they found you the next minute.”


When May tearfully looked up, she saw Keir gazing at her. His red eyes glowed, peering into May.

“Could you have carried me?” He said, with a hint of sarcasm.

Mays head went down. “No I suppose not.”

“Then I really don’t think you should continue to think about the past.”

“But I just don’t understand, you should be angry. You should’ve killed every one of us or the Duke at least. I know you had the ability to, even in your weakened state, even if you couldn’t have used the rest of your powers.”

Keir's lips twisted into a grimace.

“I just want to know why…why didn't you?”

He sucked in a sharp breathe. “I promised myself I would never use my Red magic again, It is too hazardous, and people I get involved with end up hurt. So even though I wanted to watch your Duke's body contort into a blacking puss of sickness…I didn't. Being stuck here for three years…I have no regret. I do not blame you and in fact, I’m sort of glad I got stuck inside here, treated like a monster. No one can get hurt because of me anymore, and I just hope the people I have already affected have forgotten about me.”

May painfully smiled. “I haven’t forgotten about you and I never will.” She picked herself up grabbing the plate. “I do hope you still want to kill the Duke though. It is about time someone put an end to him.”

Keir laughed. “Actually, I have thought of many ways to exact my revenge so do not worry.”

Just as she was about to leave she heard Keir throw a pebble against the cell.

“Don’t forget to tell my Angel I said Thanks.”

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