I fell in love in another world

Chapter 6

Luna waited impatiently for the knights. She was outside in another dress. This time the maids stuffed her in a blue fitted gown. It was still tight around the stomach but Luna was pleased that it wasn't a corset. And with the addition of white flats, she could finally breathe.

May reminded Luna when she was getting ready, to look for the weakest knight. Physically and mentally.

In order to find such an uncommon person, Luna had to beg the Duke to send out every one of his knights, not just the ones he picked. This was also perfect because nobody would be guarding the prison.

“Ah, there they are.” Duke Gerald said cheerfully.

Luna returned the smile but not for the same reason.

There were about thirty knights in front of Luna. All came in many different sizes, ages, and surprising of all women. Luna didn’t think the Duke would allow women to join because of his selfish and arrogant behavior. In any case, she was happy about it.

They all stood in a line formation, facing the two of them. Some couldn’t help but look at Luna in amazement, some gazed at her shyly as their face turned red, and some looked at her anxiously.

Looking closely at them Luna was starting to feel a bit intimidated. They all had muscles that were bigger than her hand and hands that could easily crush her skull. She gulped as she walked from the far end and past a very muscular woman who was oddly enough blushing too.

She did spot Alexaiver, Lex, Draco, and Derrek. The four she first trusted. The four who put her in this hostile situation. She made it very clear by sticking up her nose at them and scowling that she wouldn’t choose them. They would’ve made a nasty comment but they couldn't stop gaping at her beauty.

Who to choose….Who to choose…

That's when her eyes did a double take. A young man with shaggy brown hair that almost covered his Auburn eyes, was reddening deeply at Luna. He was smaller than the rest of the knights but not scrawny. Luna grinned as if she had gotten a golden train ticket that would save her right out of the dukedom.

“You.” She announced.

The knights who noticeably leaned to look at who she chose, were jealous that it wasn’t them. Even the Duke was a little surprised by her impulsive choice.

Yet nobody was more dumbfounded than the young boy. “M-me.”

Luna opened her mouth to tell him, yes, but the Duke had other plans as he stepped in. “Dear Luna, you should give this another thought. He is one of my worst knights. He wouldn't even be able to save you from a measly bug.”

All the knights laughed, causing the boy to shrink back.

Luna knew the Duke wouldn't be so pleased at her choice so she had to finally play actress and lean on him as if she was weak in the knees. “But you said I could choose anyone.” She fluttered her eyes at him, trying her best to be seductive.

It worked. Everyone was bewitched.

The Duke's cheeks flushed as he cleared his throat. “Y-yes but I want you to be safe. Soon enough other dukedoms will know about your existence-”

Luna pushed herself more on the Duke, smelling his overpriced Cologne that scented oddly enough like Axe spray. “Why… that's why I have you to protect me.” She pushed herself up and whispered into his ear. “You’ll protect me…won’t you?”

The Duke abruptly jumped away from Luna, not being able to take her alluring ways any longer. His face was snobby as he laughed. “Of course I will…never mind me then and choose whoever you like, it’s not like any of them could do a better job than me.”

Step one is completed.

It was still very bright and hot in the morning. Luna suggested that the knight walk her around the mansion, just to get a feel for it. The Duke couldn't object because he had a meeting to go to. It was very obvious to see that the knight was exceedingly nervous. He avoided eye contact whenever Luna tried to make a conversation.

Luna didn’t dislike his avoided behavior. It was sorta of cute to her. The way the boy was acting reminded her of her best friend's little brother; Micheal. Luna never gained a brother, her parents were dead set on making her their only child. However, whenever Luna used to visit, Micheal who was only ten, used to act very shy and soft-spoken around her.

“Oh! I’m so sorry, I haven't asked for your name yet!” Luna said turning around a little bit too quickly. As she spun around, she lost balance. Fortunately, the knight caught her just in time.

Luna's face met his sturdy protective gear. It wasn't metal armor, for the knights usually trained during the day. The alternative choice was rather thick leather. The pain of it whacking against her nose made Luna's eyes tear up.

He put his hands around her upper torso as he steadied her. “My lady, are you alright?”

Luna groaned as she peered up at him. “Don’t worry about it, I was the one who suddenly tripped. Thanks.”

The knight's face went a little sheepish, then his face dropped. “Ah! My lady I-I accidently made your nose turn red.”

Instinctively, she touched her nose. Her nose was a little hot but other than that it didn’t feel painful. She smiled at his worried expression. “Haha, please don’t worry about it, it’ll go away.”

Luna remembered her self-healing abilities, and just like that the pain quickly went away.

The knight was in awe as he watched her nose turn from red to pink, to her normal tone. “Wow, you really are amazing my lady.”

“Please, I-I Don't even know how I'm capable of doing that, um..” Luna's head tilted at him, signaling him to give out his name.

“Oh yes, excuse me for my rudeness. My name is Nathan.” He scratched his head while looking away.

How cute.

“Nice to meet you.” She continued to walk inside the mansion.

“Sorry to question your judgment, my lady. But something's been bothering me.”

Luna didn’t look back as he spoke. She was too preoccupied with finding her way.

“Why did you choose me? The knights and Duke are right about me. I really am nothing compared to them.”

She stopped in the hallway. “Nathan, you really need to boost up your confidence. How can you stand next to them if you don’t even think you should?” She faced him. “I chose you Nathan because you seem trustworthy and I feel you have potential.” She smiled as she lied.

She could feel the knots tying in her stomach as she lied to him. She indeed did see potential in him, but the only potential she saw was his potential to be her scapegoat. She grabbed his hand once she finally recognized the hall, and led him. The further they went the darker and emptier it got.

“Uh My lady” He nervously laughed. “We shouldn’t be in this area now that I think about it. It's where the Duke keeps his…prisoners, and I really wouldn't-”

“I know.” She quickly interrupted.

“Y-you know?” He stopped at the door that led to the basement where the prisoner remained.

The atmosphere felt colder and thicker than what Luna remembered. Everything about the brown door with the black rusted bolts screamed eery and run away. The stench of death was cruelly intense. Luna was starting to think she’d never get used to the feeling as her vision began to sway.

“U-uh yeah.” She placed her hand on her head as she muttered.

“Are you feeling ok?” He reached out to her.

Oh no he’ll send me back if I show him I can't handle this. I need to persuade him.

Shoving the sickness down Luna slid her hands on his chest to his shoulders. Nathan went rigid.

“Nathan, I really need to see that man downstairs. It would be fine to give us five minutes at most…wouldn’t it.” She used the same tactic that she did with the Duke. Fluttering her eyes, and showing the curves of her breasts, even leaning in for a bonus.

Nathan couldn't get his eyes off of her as he looked at everywhere she intended him to look. “Uh I guess five minutes wouldn’t hurt anyone.”

Got him.

She clapped once she was off him. “Oh thank you, Nathan, I won’t forget this.”

Nathan was occupied being in a daze when Luna slowly opened the door. She would have only a few minutes before the regular guard came back. But when her eyes locked to the dark void she wouldn’t admit it but she almost pee’d herself.

Her foot touched one out of three steps of stairs before Nathan put his hand on her shoulder. She jumped forgetting for a single moment that he was beside her.

“You sure you wanna go alone?”

Luna gave a reassuring smile to him, though she felt it was mainly for her. “I’ll be fine. Oh! And by the way could we just keep this between us? I don’t want the Duke worrying over me for my sake. You know he's a busy guy.”

Nathan crossed his arms and warmly smiled. “It pleases me that you give me this amount of trust, even after we just met an hour ago.”

That's because I know you’re too afraid to tell the Duke you let me come here.

Knowing she didn't have much time on her hands she closed the door. The sound of Nathan shouting a “Wait!” did reach her, but she was running out of time. This might’ve been her last easy chance to see Keir. So much planning had been put into this by May. It would kill Luna if she squandered it.

“Uh Hello?”

The sound of the ceiling dripping of unknown water made the experience much more frightening. She skimmed at her cell before reaching his. There was a sound of shuffling then silence.

She was about to say his name.

“What a surprise. The light user has came before me.” His voice was hoarse as he tried to chuckle. “What are you doing here, Angel?”

She knelt down inches away from the bars. She tried to see his red eyes for they were all she could think about when recalling him. Unfortunately his hair blocked her only view.

“Keir was it? L-listen I’m just gonna cut to the chase and tell you that I want to make a deal!”

His head moved slowly like a cat. His eyes slowly being revealed. “A Angel making a deal with the devil? How ironic.”

Luna snapped herself out of his gaze and started to look around. “That's right. I believe we can help each other.”

He crawled to her ever so slowly. He wasn’t close to the bars but he was in front of her now. “Now why would a pretty thing like yourself want help from me?”

Luna's eyebrows furrowed. “Because you are the only one I know that can kill the Duke. I can’t stand another minute with him…If you help me, you’ll be free. It's a win-win situation if you think about it.”

His long eyelashes lowered at her. He was checking her out. But not in the same way many of the males had in the Mansion. He was looking for something. “As much as I love your confidence, Angel, I do hope you have a plan in all this.”

Luna smiled at him. Keir reacted by pausing at her face.

“Of course I have a plan. Well really it's more like Mays plan, but yes we have a plan.”

He snickered at her and leaned on the wall next to the bars. “May huh…Well please do tell.”

“As you know, I can heal things. I'm not sure how far I can but I know I can definitely help you gain your powers again. By healing you a little each day, you’ll be able to stand without hurting yourself. Oh and I’ll also bring food and water everyday. In three days time you should be in better shape.”

“And what about the guards Angel? I would hate to be a part of something that would lead to my demise.”

She unconsciously played with her hair and giggled. “Yes right right, about that…um every night the guard who guards this place falls asleep at his post, and you don’t gotta worry about me visiting you everyday because I’ll just ask the Duke, and by the way I have a little scheme on that too-”


Luna twisted her lips when she felt the embarrassment reach her cheeks. “What?”

He lifted his head and although Luna couldn't see his smile she knew. “Nothing Nothing, I’m sorry…Luna was it?” She couldn’t help but smile at his callback. “You’re just-”

“Miss Luna! Sorry, but you can’t stay down there any longer.” Called Nathan.

She quickly got up wiping the grim from her dress. “I’m so sorry, I wish we could chat more but I gotta go.” She quickly ran up the steps. “Goodbye.”

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