I Am Rosaline

Chapter 7

I moved off towards the little clearing in the forest while Merryn went off to talk to Samara, whom I imagined would agree with his idea to move towards the mountain. The clearing had been cleaned up nicely. The twigs and broken branches had been cleared away and packed into a neat pile and instead of branches over the fluffy green moss; I now had a little cream coloured tent. Inside was an autumn coloured Persian rug and beautiful silk and velvet covered cushions in burnt orange, burgundies and ochre. I had always loved autumn colours. I found them relaxing and warm for my soul. I gasped at the sudden realization that I was remembering something from my life. It was something small, but for me it was very significant. I knew I had to concentrate on regressing, to remember my past, but I felt great relief in remembering that at one time I was very much alive.

I shook my head to clear those thoughts and simply admired my little tent with a big smile on my face.

“Hold on a second”, I said out loud to myself, maybe my love of those colours was something that I carried from one life to the next! If that was possible then I must have carried my memories from the beginning and all I needed was a catalyst to help me push through the fog in my soul and find the path to my father’s burial site. A father that I still have absolutely no memory of! Yes! I was sure about this. I knew that I would most certainly remember. I would keep learning from Samara and Merryn and instead of leaps and bounds, I would do it gently with small steps. I realized that when I was calm and relaxed, the clouds lifted in my soul and I was able to access once forgotten memories.

Feeling almost ecstatic, I left the tent to go back towards the opening in the forest. I needed to share this news with Samara and Merryn, but as I moved forward, I started to feel very cold and uncomfortable. Something was wrong. I felt as though I was suffocating, like the air around me was disappearing. My first thought was to call for Merryn, but I couldn’t get a sound out of my mouth. I felt myself grow hot and I felt a rage that was frightening, even for me. I tried to move forward, but I couldn’t seem to put one foot in front of the other.

No! No! No! This couldn’t be happening. I had only just scratched the surface of my lives and now someone was trying to end it! I had to fight. I had to use every bit of strength that I had to be able to beat whoever this was. Just then I noticed a faint movement in the trees. I thought about moving towards it, but then decided not to. I worked better in the light and preferred to see who was trying to hurt me.

Obviously realizing this, the unknown being moved forward and took two steps into the clearing. I almost fell backwards.

It was an ugly, grey, red-eyed Gibborus. His ugly grey and tattered wings twitched spasmodically behind him while his bloody red eyes glowed fiercly at me. His mouth opened to a grin and I could see the most awful jagged teeth. He tilted his head to one side as if asking me what I was going to do about it. His dull grey-coloured skin glistened with what looked like sweat, but the stench emanating from him reminded me of the same rotting flesh that I encountered on the train. How had he found me? What did I do to draw attention to myself this time?

I stepped back a few paces, bent my knees, stretched my arms out to my side and leaned forward. A loud hissing sound emitted spontaneously from my mouth. An irrational anger was building up inside of me. I thought of what I had seen in the forest of long ago. The memory of my family cut down in their prime, started a fire blazing in my stomach. I could feel myself grinning right back at the Gibborus. His eyes grew wide and he jerked his head back a little. Was this confusion, I saw on his face? I used it to my advantage and gestured with my hand for him to move forward toward me, inviting him into my space. I suddenly thought how un-angelic I was being right now, but did not care! I was already planning in my head what I was going to do and how I was going to eradicate this odious creature. A natural primevil overtook my senses and I prepared myself for battle.

Growling and hissing he moved forward. He did not retract his wings, but left them quivering still extended, almost as though he could not retract them. I made his wings my objective and start figuring out a way to get my hands on them. He leaped forward towards me. I quickly stepped to the side and extended my arm. My forearm caught his throat. He fell backwards, but leapt up and ran at me. Within milliseconds, I jumped into the air, stepped on a branch sticking out from a nearby tree and with a cracking sound I kicked him in the head. His head felt like a solid rock. I somersaulted off the tree and landed behind him, but he was too quick. He spun around and grabbed me around my throat. I could feel his cold skin against mine, and his talons digging into my flesh. I started to choke and grabbed his wrist to pull him down with me. As I landed on my back, I pulled up my knees and kicked him solidly in the chest. I must have been stronger than I knew because he flew at least three feet in the air. I rolled out and jumped back to my feet. I felt something trickle down my neck onto my chest, but didn’t take my eyes off him.

Because his wings were not retracted, he was able to stabilize himself rapidly and flew back at me with lightning speed. He was deadly and wanted my blood. He came straight for me. Heat spread from my stomach through my body like wildfire.

I stood up straight and exposed my wings. Just before the Gibborus reached me, I lifted off the ground. In the split second I saw the surprise on his face. I spun around and was on his back. I grabbed onto his wings and pulled with all my strength. I could hear the Gibborus screaming out an inhuman sound, but I didn’t care. This was a case of kill or be killed.

The sound of the wings ripping off his back was like the sound of breaking bones. His hands clawed to reach me. I jerked back as his talon caught my cheek and felt my skin being split but held on to his wings. A dark red, almost black, substance oozed from the wounds that I was making. The smell made me reel and I almost let go, but I knew that if I did, I risked failing.

It only took me a second to get a vice like grip on his leathery wings, one hand on each. I instantly stabilized myself by extending my wings to their maximum. I jerked my knees up to my chest with one fluid motion and with one violent kick with both my feet planted solidly on the small of his back. The forest that had up till now been deathly quiet was now echoing with blood curdling, unearthly screams of horrific agony as I landed firmly on the ground with both of his wings still clutched in my numb hands. I kicked him forward and threw his amputated wings on the ground. He started howling and crawling on the ground as I settled back down and retracted my wings. His body started shaking and the smell was like something I had never experienced before. A distinctly acidic smell emanated from him and he howled even louder and as his whole body started vibrating, smoke rose from his skin and eyes. I suddenly realized that he was burning from the inside out and I watched while his body disintegrated and his tatty, limp wings burst into flames right before my eyes. In some deep recess, hidden and once cold as ice, I felt a small prick of compassion for this creature.

Just then Merryn stormed into the clearing with wide eyes and the biggest sword I have ever seen clasped in his hand wearing the leather breastplate, sandals, arm bands and tied back hair. We both stood in silence as the Gibborus disappeared, leaving only the putrid acidic smell and the small patch of dead grass on the ground. From deep within me I felt a dull ache and a sadness for this creature I had just defeated. It was a sad creature who clearly was being used. I shook my head and blinked my eyes and wondered where those thoughts came from. What the hell! It tried to kill me and I defended myself. Secretly I felt elated at its defeat, but mixed in with that elation was a sense of sadness. I frustrated myself!

“How did you do that? How did you even know what to do?” Merryn asked in amazement while staring at the smoking ground. He looked at me and noticed the wounds and blood running down my neck. He reached forward to touch my face and neck and then shook his head and clucked his tongue like a father would do when a child had been up to mischief and hurt itself.

I took hold of Merryn’s hand and gently held it for a second and pushed it away as I thought about what just happened. “I don’t know. I got all angry and hot and I hissed at him. I am not sure how I knew how to do that, but I just knew that his wings were his weak spot because they did not retract. The question that we should be asking is, how did he find me? We should leave now and take Samara with us. Something is not right here. Somebody must have divulged my whereabouts to Erro. Dorian did say that Gibborus could not think for themselves and they only did the bidding of their master. Erro has an army of Gibborus and she is using them. Don’t ask me how I know this, I just know.” The words tumbled out of my mouth in a rush, but it was probably the result of the adrenaline that was still present in my system. I had all the energy in the world and I felt the need to get away.

“You are right, we need to get away from here, if she knows where you are and if she gets wind of the fact that Samara is assisting you, she will bring down heaven and earth to stop you. The frightening truth is Gibborus always attack in pairs and I can’t help but wonder where the other one is. Go to Samara as fast as you can, Rosaline. Go now!”

I felt a little afraid when I heard the urgency in his voice, so I moved to the edge of the clearing and allowed my wings to unfold, at the same time pushing off the ground with my feet. I needed to get to Samara and my thoughts were with her as I lifted higher into the waning light of the day. I could see Merryn look up at me and then head off into the dense section of the forest. As I flew forward with the air rushing past me, I heard a loud screeching noise from above and looked up. Another Gibborus was flying directly at me with outstretched arms and talon-like claws spread, like an eagle swooping down onto its prey. I pushed myself forward and trusted that because my wings were bigger, they would be stronger and propel me faster through the air. This was exactly what they did. Clearly I was still new at this flying because I obviously underestimated the creature as the Gibborus came plummeting past me, within inches of ripping at my chest. His hissing and screeching was loud enough to drown out my own thoughts.

“Move up as high as you can, Rosaline.” I heard Samara’s voice. Stunned, I looked around for her before I realized that I could hear her voice in my head. I pushed myself even harder and my wings moved faster. The light glinted off the snowy white and blue-black edges as I raced higher and higher into the fading light of the sky. I looked down to see the Gibborus attempting to follow me. A large shadow suddenly appeared over me. I looked up and saw with relief that Merryn was above me. I was awestruck all over again at how big this fellow was and marvelled at the pure black wings on his back. He was wearing heavy leather armour, leather sandals, his hair tied back and that huge sword in his hand. This was clearly Merryn the warrior.

“Keep moving Rosaline. Samara is on the move already so I will take care of this one.” He did not shout or raise his voice, but I could hear him as clearly as though he was standing right next to me. I moved up higher as he swooped down past me and I felt the rush of wind caused by the speed at which he moved.

I looked in the direction of Samara’s camp and could see her in the distance upon her horse with her guard, moving swiftly through the forest. Instead of joining them, I decided to fly above them because I wanted to keep an eye on what was unfolding beneath me.

I looked down and saw, to my surprise, the Gibborus flying as fast as he could to get away from Merryn and that enormous sword of his.

I kept note of where Samara was and followed in that direction. I wondered who could have let us down. I could not imagine that anyone I had met so far would be that vicious and weak. Then again, there was someone who had been touched by Erro before. Dante. He was the only one I could think of.

The loud screeching of the Gibborus interrupted my thoughts and I knew that he had come to his end by the large blade of Merryn’s sword. I looked down and saw a headless Gibborus tumbling out of the sky towards the ground below and Merryn flying up towards me, his very large black wings moving effortlessly. I was still mesmerized by the size of this man. I never imagined that someone so large could move with the agility of a ballerina. I smiled to myself as I pictured Merryn doing pirouettes in the sky. I shook my head. This was not the time for silly imaginings. I looked towards Merryn again, but all I could see in my mind’s eye was Merryn performing sultry ballet moves and I started to laugh.

Merryn looked at me as though I had completely lost my mind. He moved closer and asked, “Are you alright? You seem to be having some sort of attack, maybe brought on by shock, I would think. We should head down below and set up camp with Samara and she can help you.”

The genuine look of concern made me laugh even harder because I simply could not get the ridiculous image out of my mind. “I am so sorry. I know my laughter seems very inappropriate because of the seriousness of our situation, but if I told you what was so funny I think you will be unimpressed.” I could not help myself, the laughter just bubbled up and out of me and I actually started to feel quite relaxed and conceded that perhaps there was excited hysteria there as well.

With a very serious look on his face and his thick brows drawn together over sparkling eyes he said, “Oh please, if it is at my expense keep on laughing. I am accustomed to being laughed at without knowing why. Don’t let me’ stop you!”

Oh dear, I think he was offended. “I am sorry, Merryn. I will try and explain what happened.” I sobered up a bit and watched him head off toward Samara and her guard.

“Merryn! I am sorry!” I shouted after him, but he didn’t look back. “Oh damn, I think I’ve hurt his feelings,” I thought out loud. I felt quite stupid for laughing like a little child over a simple image in my mind when the situation was so serious. Who was I kidding? I didn’t want to hurt Merryn’s feelings.

The situation we were in was very serious and I had to focus on getting back to Samara and Merryn to discuss our options. I increased my pace to catch up with Merryn, but just then I heard a fluttering sound above me. I looked up to see a dark shape high up in the sky.

This was no laughing matter. I felt my chest tighten and concentrated on getting down as fast as I could. The trees came up towards me and I called out to Merryn, but there was no answer. I moved in faster and went crashing past branches as leaves went flying and vines got tangled in my legs until I landed unceremoniously on the ground.

I had twigs and leaves in my hair and grass all over my clothing. I jumped up and ran towards the path where I had last seen my companions. I almost crashed into Merryn looking at me with a curious look on his face. “What is wrong with you? Did you see something?” he asked calmly.

“There is someone up there. All I saw was a dark shape above me and I called you, but you did not answer and all I could think of was getting down here to you two.” The words tumbled out of my mouth in a rush. To my annoyance, Merryn stood there with an amused look on his face.

“Oh, you mean him?” he said, pointing to someone behind me. I spun around, ready to defend myself and looked into Dorian’s face.

I stepped back and relaxed a bit before Merryn started laughing with Samara. I stared at them in astonished silence while Merryn began explaining how the expression I had on my face was the most hysterical thing he had ever seen.

“Are you kidding me? Did you know Dorian was coming and if you did, why the hell did you not tell me?” I asked angrily and looked back at Dorian, who was walking towards me with the hint of a smile on his face.

“Okay, have your giggle at my expense. Touché.” I said and turned to Dorian, who was looking at me with dancing eyes.

“Nice, gentlemen. Can we move on now?” I said with a huffy tone to my voice.

“Yes, we need to move.” Merryn explained to Dorian, “Somehow our location has been revealed to Erro and we need to make some changes.”

Dorian nodded his head in agreement and went to greet Samara with whispered words that made her smile her gentle smile.

As we started to move forward, I fell into step with Merryn - or as in step as it was possible to be with someone that big. “Have you any ideas as to who might have given our location away?”

“No, I am at a loss as to who would put your life in danger like that. Others have been alerted to the peril that we may be in and security has been stepped up. We will need to be vigilant, Rosaline, because the time is coming near when you will find out where the burial sites are, I can feel it. Do you perhaps have any thoughts on who it could be?”

I looked at him and wondered if I should voice my concerns about Dante. I decided against it. Erro had used him and it would be very unfair of me to judge him. I decided to keep him in mind and only reveal my suspicions if there were any more attacks.

“No, I have no idea who would have done this to us. You are right though, we must remain vigilant. I hope you are right that I will find the burial sites soon.” I wouldn’t let the others sense my uncertainty, but would just move forward and work with Samara until I was able to complete the mission.

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