I Am Jessamine

Chapter 19

Arriving back at the stables the crew of groomsmen led the horses away as a tired bunch of men, women, boys, and girls headed towards the house. It had definitely been a day to remember and Jess carried Gem up the front steps enjoying the feeling of utter exhaustion. The boy had started nodding off in the saddle and Jess had pulled Spark next to Jackson and as one of the concerned grooms held the reigns she had scooped Gem up and sat him in the saddle in front of herself and held him close to her and the groom smiled and tipped his cap at Jess.

Marie-Louise and Benjamin had climbed into the wagon not long after leaving the picnic area and they too nodded off. The children had played themselves out and Jess had insisted that they give the staff a hand rolling up the carpet and folding down the tent and she had made a game of it and promised that whoever did the most was going to get an extra helping of pudding for a week. The children jumped to it with fervor and Rourke told her she made a brilliant Sergeant Major and everyone laughed at that.

Jess had simply felt that helping the staff showed their appreciation for their efforts. It is not something that had to happen every day, but certainly, it had to be done and Jess was proud of her little Gem and brother and sister for their efforts.

Climbing the front steps Jess was grateful to see the maids come rushing out of the front doors and scoop up children and young Lizzie, the poor lass who had lost Gem on their first night, rushed forward and curtseyed and asked if it would be permissible to take Gem for his bath. Jess gratefully handed the sleepy child over and headed up to her own room, as did Willy and Rourke.

She walked into her room just as a maid was emptying hot water into a waiting tub and Jess could have kissed her. “Oh dear god, this is going to be heaven in a tub!” The young girl curtsied and asked Jess if she wanted to put any oils in the bath and Jess gratefully said, “Yes, please! Toss the most aromatic, decadent, and romantic smell you can possibly find into that tub, will you?” The young girl giggled and took a glass bottle, pulled the stopper, and poured a liberal amount of the liquid into the tub. Jess tried pulling off her boots, but her arms vibrated and shook with effort as her they were stiffening up now. The young maid stepped forward and offered, “May I assist you, Miss?” Jess fell back and raised her leg and the giggly young girl proceeded to take off Jess’s boots.

“This will be one for the books.” Muttered Jess.

“Beggin’ your pardon, Miss?” asked the maid shyly.

“Oh, nothing. I was just thinking out loud, that’s all. What is your name?” Jess asked.

“It’s Constance, Miss, but everybody just calls me Connie. You may too if you like?” Finishing with the boots Jess stood up and thanked her and said she could do the rest by herself. The young girl curtseyed and left Jess to her bath in peace and quiet.

Stepping into the tub Jess nearly cried from relief as the hot water soothed her tired and aching muscles. Jess had forgotten how taxing a good run could be, but she enjoyed it all the same. The aroma from the bath oil was marvelous and Jess could detect musk in there somewhere. Right at that moment, she didn’t care, she just wanted to feel the heat soak into her bones so she simply lay in the tub, in front of the fire, wishing Gray was with her to enjoy this all. She knew he would because he had grown up hereabouts and he had spoken of his horses lovingly and their staff and his tutor. The crackling fire and the quiet room made her all the more drowsy and she fell asleep.

With a start, Jess roused out of her slumber and felt the bath water had started to cool so she woke herself by washing her face and then giving herself a good scrub. Feeling thoroughly refreshed she stepped out of the tub and dried herself and noticed how dark it had become. She wondered at the time and thought of Gem. He had not come knocking at her door so she quickly dried herself and went to put on a shirt and a pair of pants when she noticed the wardrobe door was slightly ajar and she pulled it all the way open and gasped. Inside were dresses and on the shelves were corsets, stockings, folded petty coats, ribbons, gloves, and all sorts of other bits that had never been there before. She ran her fingers over the materials of the different dresses of various colors. It looked like a rainbow had exploded in there and Jess knew who she had to thank for this and made a mental note to seek Beatrice out in the morning. As she prepared to close the door again she noticed, hanging on the inside of the door, a lacy almost translucent nightdress with a very oriental-looking gown so she dropped her towel and pulled the nightdress on and it felt like heaven on her skin. Not the rough material like the shirt she had been wearing. She pulled the gown over and decided she was not going to take it off. Ever! “Oh, this is wonderful,” Jess said out loud. At the bottom of the wardrobe was a selection of shoes and Jess found the slippers easily because they matched the gown. Jess truly felt like a lady of leisure. Sitting at the dresser she quickly ran a brush through her unruly curls and then tied her hair back with a ribbon then quickly left to check on Gem.

Walking down the passage Jess looked over the balcony and saw only a few candles had been lit in the hallway and it was all very quiet. When she got to the door of Gems’ room she quietly tapped on the door and young Lizzy opened it. Jess frowned at her and asked why she was still there and the young girl curtseyed, “Young Gem was a little fussy and his head felt a bit warm and he didn’t insist on coming to your room so I thought it best I sit with him for a while just to be sure he was not taking ill, Miss. I was going to come and fetch you if he did not lose his heat within the hour.” Jess pushed past Lizzy and rushed over to Gem who was fast asleep under the covers. Jessie put the back of her hand across his forehead and sure enough he was worryingly hot and his hair was wet from perspiration. Jessie’s heart skipped a beat, but she felt his throat for any swelling and then pulled his bedclothes back and lifted his nightshirt to check his body for any signs of a rash or some sort of allergic reaction to something he may have touched or eaten. His little body was hot and he groaned when she pressed gently on his belly. Pulling his shirt back down and covering him Jess said to Lizzy, “Make sure he drinks water. Boiled water. Nothing else, do you hear me?”

“Yes, Miss Jessie.” And she filled a pot and put it on the fire.

Jess flew out of the room just as one of the other maids came out of a room and Jess stopped her, “Where are Marie-Louise and Benjamin?” she asked hurriedly.

Pointing to the door she just came out of she said, “This one is little Ben’s, but he is asleep.” Pushing past her and ignoring her protests Jess went into the room and up to her brother. He too was fast asleep and Jess felt his head, but he was not burning up. Turning back to the maid Jess said, “Where is my sister?” she asked hurriedly.

“Her room is the next one down.” And Jess ran out of the room to the next one.

Tapping on the door she heard Marie-Louise call out and Jess went in. “Jessie! I was just about to read. Would you like to listen?” she asked sweetly.

“Not tonight, darling. Marie, sweetheart, how are you feeling this evening? Is your belly sore at all?” Jess walked over to her and laid her hand across her cheek and the back of her hand on her forehead.

“No, Jess. I feel well. Is something the matter?” her eyes grew round and she look concerned.

“I don’t know Marie. Gem is unwell and he is running a fever so I wanted to see if you and Ben were feeling ill. Not to worry, I will go and sort him out and figure this out.” Jess kissed her on the head and ran out of the room, down the passage, and then took the stairs two at a time. She rushed to the library and pushing the door open she was pleasantly surprised to see Willy and Rourke in the sleep gowns playing a game of chess. Both men looked up and saw her face and they both stood up.

“Jessie, what’s wrong, lass.” Willy was the first by her side and she grabbed his arm.

“It’s Gem. He has a fever and his abdomen is tender. I checked on my brother and sister and they are both fine. Willy, I have to help him.” She had tears in her eyes and she looked and felt helpless and both men were devastated at seeing her that way.

“Let me go up and take a look, Jessie. Remember it was me who nursed you through all your troubles, aches, pains, and vomiting?” Willy gave her a quick squeeze and rushed out of the library and up the stairs.

Jessie turned and rushed towards the kitchen area and Rourke was beside her. Running into the kitchen she saw Beatrice, “Oh thank god, you’re still here!” Jess took her hands, “Beatrice, Gem is ill and I want to know if you can remember all he ate just in case he has an allergic reaction to something.”

“Oh my dear!” she looked truly upset, “Let me think, I know he had the pork pie, he does so love that. He also had some apple pie and he drank a little lemonade. He ate some chicken and vegetables. Oh yes, he ate a few strawberries, but then he said they made his tongue feel strange. I simply thought he meant that the seeds felt strange in his mouth. Oh, sweet lord, Miss Jessie, do you think it could be the strawberries?” Jessie didn’t wait to reply and she ran back the way she came and up the stairs with Rourke hot on her heels.

As she ran across the landing Lizzy came flying out of the room with tears streaming down her face and Jess wanted to scream. Running into the room she saw Willy with Gem on the floor giving him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and Jess dropped beside them on her knees.

“Gemmie! Gem. Oh please God, don’t take him from me. Sweet mercy, please!” Jessie begged and pleaded and didn’t even try and stop the tears and the ache in her heart.

“He is going into anaphylactic shock, Jessie. He is having a nasty reaction to something.” Willy said and went back to breathing for Gem.

“It was the strawberries!” Jessie cried. “What do we do Willy? Save my baby, please!” Jessie cried as she took over from Willy and she breathed and prayed for Gem.

“Bring me alcohol, a very sharp knife, and straw of some sort. If you have any laudanum that would be most welcome.” Willy yelled at all who were standing about.

“What is a straw, sir?” asked Gibbs who had materialized.

“A small tube of sorts. Hurry! Move!” he yelled and everyone scattered.

Within moments Lizzy came running with the whiskey which was good enough as alcohol and a nasty sharp-looking knife that was used for skinning and had an incredibly sharp tip. Gibbs reappeared with a quill that he was busy stripping of its barbs. “This is a swan feather quill.” He said and handed it to Willy. Beatrice rushed in and had a vial of laudanum in her hand.

Willy took everything and rinsed it all in the whiskey and then sliced the quill to make the tip perfectly straight, and he blew through it and then rinsed it again. Kneeling beside Jess, who was still trying to get air into the child he poured a small amount of laudanum into his mouth and then slipped a small pillow beneath his neck. He tilted his little head tilted back slightly and he felt the child’s throat with his fingers. “This is the messy part.” And he proceeded to perform a very rough and rudimentary tracheotomy on Gem.

Jess had torn her beautiful nightdress and soaked it in whiskey and got ready to mop the wound as soon as Willy made it. Her lips never stopped moving in prayer and she could hear Ben telling her to stay strong and believe that Gem will get well and her tears fell freely. Gems’ little white face and blue purple lips scared the life out of her and the idea that Gem may not make it was chased very quickly from her mind.

Finding the correct spot he placed the sharp knife against the child’s neck and pressed. Blood flowed freely but he continued and when he had gone as far as he thought he had to he took the sterilized quill and shoved it through the small hole. As soon as the quill was in the correct position air hissed in and out and Gems’ chest began to move easily. There was a resounding sigh that echoed through the room and Jess thanked the gods, angels, and spirits of the loved ones that she believed never left them and helped Willy bandage the quill in place.

Lizzy rushed forward with a basin of warm water and kneeled opposite Jess and helped her clean up the child as Willy stood and went to wash his hands in the pot near the fire. “Here, Miss Jessie, let me do that. You hold his hand and talk to him. He knows your voice and he loves you ever so much, he will respond to your touch.” The young girl said wisely.

“My precious Gem. You are such a brave boy and I am so proud of you, my darling.” Jess whispered to him as she held his hand and she felt his little fingers move in hers and she nearly yelped with joy, but her smile, when she looked up at everyone standing in the room, was enough to light the darkest night. They all relaxed just that little bit and smiled and patted each other and walked up to Willy and shook his hand.

Very gently Gibbs knelt beside Jess and put his hands under Gem’s legs and shoulders and Jess held his head as he lifted the boy. Together they walked over to the bed and placed him gently on the soft downy mattress and Jess covered him with the fluffy comforter. Rourke very kindly managed to get everyone other than Lizzy and Gibbs out of the room and then walked over to Jess and lay a hand across her shoulders. “My god, you are one brave woman, Jessie.” Looking up at her father she saw tears in his eyes and she became emotional again.

Standing Jessie walked over to Willy and almost collapsed in his arms. Sobbing uncontrollably she managed to mutter against his chest, “I thank my mother for the one thing she did for me that will always be my saving grace. You, Willy. I am so grateful to you for what you did for Gem tonight. Forever and ever.” And he held her tightly and felt her body wracked with sobs and quietly hushed her. Rourke stood and watched the two of them and had to agree with Jessie that making Willy her godfather was perhaps one of the only things Jess could ever be grateful to her mother for.

“Myself, Constance, Beatrice, and Mr. Gibbs will take turns keeping watch over little Gem, Miss Jessie. I promise we will call you should you be needed. I promise.” And Lizzy made the sign of the cross over herself.

Jessie wanted to stay with Gem, but Rourke said quite wisely, “You won’t be much good to the little fellow if you are too exhausted to even stand, my girl. Come, let us have a quick drink and then we can retire. I, without reservation, trust my staff with keeping an eye on the boy.” Looking at his staff he gave them what Jessie had always heard referred to as the ‘stank’ eye and they all nodded to their master.

“Please, all of you,” Willy said to Beatrice, Constance, Gibbs, and Lizzy, “he is not out of the woods yet as infection can set in so should the boy start to wake keep his hands away from his throat and tell him not to speak. If he wakes up crying call Jessie or me as quickly as you can.” And with a round of ‘yes sirs’, they got busy with cleaning and sorting out their duties. Rourke, Willy, and Jess walked out of the room.

Rourke put his arm around Jessie’s shoulders and she leaned into him and with his other hand he patted Willy on the shoulder, “By the gods man, that was some quick thinking. Where the hell did you ever learn to do such a thing?” he asked Willy with a very bewildered expression.

“Living in America everyone is exposed to things one normally wouldn’t be exposed to and I just happened to take note and remember.” Willy shrugged and then said he would see them in the library shortly and he quickly went off to his room as Jess was herded by her father downstairs.

Jess knew what Willy was going to do. Retrieve the broad spectrum antibiotics from where he had hidden them and make a plan somehow of getting them into Gem’s system. God bless you, Willy, Jess thought for about the thousandth time that night.

When Willy entered the library he poured himself a large whiskey and downed it in one gulp, poured another, and went to sit beside Jess. “Willy, what kind of a mother am I ever going to be if I have so much fear inside of me? It is a fear that makes my mind partially numb and I am unable to think properly. Jesus, I feel so useless!” and she leaned forward and cried into her hands.

Willy put his arm around her shoulders as Rourke said, “Jessie, the fact that you acknowledge the fear, but were able to assist Willy during such a frightening experience, tells me you are fully capable of being a mother of value. I can only speak as a father, but believe me when I say when one of my children gets sick or hurt in any way or form, I rage inside. My fear almost overcomes my rationale and I oftentimes feel like running screaming into the abyss. But we don’t. I know Willy helped to raise you and sees you as his child, so I can only imagine how the poor man must have felt each and every time you got hurt or sick.” Looking to Willy for moral support Rourke raised his eyebrows.

“Aye, lass, ’tis all true what your father says. There were many times I felt useless when I could not take away your pain or your hurt and I had to just sit and go through it all with you. Do you remember when I had to rush you to the hospital when your appendix burst?” Then realizing his gaffe, he quickly said to Rourke, “In the Americas, we have large establishments like infirmaries where doctors can treat many patients at a time and surgeons can perform surgeries with the assistance of other doctors and surgeons. Very much like here, but a bit more advanced. ” Nodding his head Rourke went and sat behind his desk.

“So, your appendix burst and you survived the surgery?” He asked Jessie

“Yes. We got to the hospital in time, but I was very sick for quite some time after.” This was partly truthful so Jess did not feel bad about lying to her father.

“Well then, you too have been a child who caused a parent to question their abilities?” and he smiled at her and nodded.

Jess knew what he was trying to do and she appreciated it, but she felt utterly exhausted so she excused herself and left the two men chatting in the library. At the top of the stairs Jess decided to quickly check in on Gem before going to her own room and she gently tapped on the door and walked in. Young Lizzy was sitting beside Gem holding his hand and Jess felt so much compassion for the young girl and smiled at her.

“How is he?” she whispered as she ran her hand over Gem’s face. “He feels a bit warm, but I suppose it is to be expected?”

“I promise to call you, Mistress Jessie, if anything changes with little Gem. Go and get some rest if you can, and when you wake you will feel better and have more energy.” Jess knew the young girl was being kind to her so she thanked her, leaned down and kissed Gem’s warm head, and then went to her room.

Jess was just so exhausted that she barely managed to fall into the marshmallow bed and pull the cloudy comforter over her and she was asleep. Her sleep was filled with images of Gem dying and lying in a coffin and Gray walking away from her looking so disappointed that Jess cried out in her sleep and woke herself up. The sun was just causing the sky to lighten so she got up and washed her face with the cold water in the basin. Opening the wardrobe she remembered there were only dresses and she would most definitely need help getting into a corset. Just as she was about to grab the usual leather pants and shirt there was a light tap on her door.

Forgetting everything else and thinking of Gem Jessie rushed over and yanked the door open to see Constance standing there. “Yes, Constance, what’s the matter? Is it Gem?” Jess asked fearfully and breathlessly.

“Aye Mistress. He is burning up something awful.” Jess charged out of her room, “He started burning up a short while ago, Mistress, and Gibbs said to call you immediately.” She was saying as she ran after Jessie.

Running into the room Jess saw Gem and knew he was in trouble. The child was beet red his hair was wet with sweat. Turning to Gibbs she said, “Go and get Master Willy now!” and he ran from the room. To Constance and Beatrice, she said “Get a big tub in here and start filling it with tepid water. By tepid I mean not too warm, but also not cold and I will also need vinegar in the water. Lots of vinegar!” They both rushed out of the room as Willy came rushing in with a bed head and his shirt tails and bare feet. Bleary-eyed he saw that Gem was not doing well and Jess told him of the tub she ordered the girls to bring up and he agreed.

Whispering to him Jess asked, “Did you manage to do something with the antibiotics?” and Willy nodded and showed her the tablet he held in his hand. He quickly crushed it between spoon and saucer, put the crushed powder into the spoon with a little water, and then drizzled the liquid into Gem’s mouth. Jessie very gently ran her fingers on either side of his throat and Gem swallowed slightly and then moved his head away.

The girls and Gibbs came in with the large tub and buckets of water were being carried in by the other staff who wanted to help and do their part. In no time the tub got filled and Jess felt the water and decided it was perfect. Looking at Willy she nodded and he gently removed Gem’s clothing and lifted the child in his arms. Jess climbed into the tub with her night dress and sat in the tepid water holding up her arms. The staff standing around were shocked and there was a round of gasps, but they were quickly ushered out by Gibbs and only Lizzy and Beatrice remained.

Willy handed Jess the boy and she held him like the precious cargo he was. She lay back so that the back of Gem’s head was resting across her upper chest and her arms were able to pull his little body under the water. Willy left to go and put more clothing on, thought Jess.

Using a small mug Beatrice began pouring water over the little boy and she began humming something, but it was very calming and Jess sat in the tub talking to Gem.

Lizzy ran about fetching fresh bandages, stripping the bed, and putting on clean bedclothes, she ran to Jessie’s room and brought back towels, clothing, and whatnot. She lay out towels near the fire to warm and put Gem’s nightshirt nearby as well.

Beatrice and Lizzy removed water as it got too cool and added more tepid water and Jess continued to bathe Gem. He was burning up and Jess felt so utterly useless and prayed the antibiotics they had brought with them worked. Jess then remembered something and spoke to Beatrice, “Tell me,” she whispered, “do you, by any chance, have something called St John’s Wort?”

“Aye, Mistress, I have a bushel hanging in the dry room. Do you wish me to make a tea with it for the boy?” she asked kindly.

“Yes, please Beatrice. It will help relax and calm Gem as well as stave off or fight infection.” Both Lizzy and Beatrice nodded at this and she left the room hurriedly.

“Lizzy please call Willy to come and help me with Gem. He knows how to move the child without the quill moving.” Lizzy looked flustered and hesitant and Jessie asked angrily, “Lizzy! What is wrong with you? Please go and get Willy.’

“Mistress you are in your night dress and it is wet and, well, Mister Willy is a man.” She said blushing and looking utterly harassed.

“I don’t care! Go! Now!” Jessie glared at her as she ran from the room.

Within a couple of minutes, Willy walked in with Lizzy and without a word bent down to lift the boy from Jessie’s arms and lay him on the towels near the fire where it wasn’t too hot, but he would also not freeze to death. Jessie stood up and Lizzy was standing in front of her with a very large sheet towel so Jess pulled off her wet night dress and wrapped herself in the towel.

“His body is feeling much cooler now and he is not so red in the face. Looks like the bath helped the lad.” Willy said looking up at Jess and her relief felt like a soothing balm for her already rigid nerves.

“I will step out while you dress then, ’ey lass?” Willy said and went out just as Beatrice was coming in with a little water pot in her hands and she walked over to the fireplace and stood it close to the fire.

Lizzy knelt down and gently began patting Gems’ body with the towel and Beatrice assisted Jess with getting dressed. Jess hurriedly pulled on the shift and skirts and Beatrice quickly tied her stockings with lacy ribbons around her thighs and then pulled the laces of the corset tightly and thoroughly and then pulled the dress over Jessie’s head. The dress was white with flowers of every color imaginable embroidered onto the material. If Jess had not been so afraid for Gemmie she would have appreciated it a bit more, but right now she simply wanted to get dressed and back to help the child. Quickly brushing her hair back Beatrice tied it with another ribbon and Jess felt her pause momentarily and then continue with what she was doing. Jess slipped on a pair of soft leather shoes and then thanked Beatrice for the beautiful dresses and for helping her to dress. Then she rushed back over to Gem and helped Lizzy dress him. Just then Willy knocked and then walked in with an odd expression on his face, but Jess didn’t take much notice.

“Right then, let’s get the lad back up on the bed, shall we?” and he lifted Gem as Jess held the boy’s head. Under Jessie’s fingers, she could feel that he had cooled down substantially and when they lay him back Jess packed pillows around the boy and then lay a sheet over him so that air could flow freely and keep his body cool.

“Come downstairs with me, Jess. Get something small to eat and then you can come back and be with the boy, alright?” Jess didn’t want to leave, but she decided that fighting with Willy over this would be fruitless.

“Beatrice, please make sure the tea is stirred thoroughly. When I return I shall give some to Gem.” Beatrice gave a curtsey and said she would.

Walking out and downstairs with Willy Jessie put her arm through his and he patted her hand, “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Jessie. Children all go through various stages of infections, viruses, aches, and pains. I remember when I first learned about bacteria and having to wash hands and keep them clean. It was a strange concept, but one I adjusted to. Just as you will have to adjust to the limited resources that are here.” They reached the dining room and the staff was walking in and out with food on platters and trays and oats in bowls. Jess heard her tummy growl like a lion and Willy laughed, “There are, however, some things that no amount of time will change. Your chatty stomach for one!”

They laughed tiredly and sat down at the table together and the pot of coffee was brought to them Jess poured a cup and closed her eyes in total blissful appreciation of the dark liquid. Just then Marie-Louise and Benjamin walked into the dining room and had to look twice at Jessie.

’Oh, how beautiful you look in a dress, Jessie.” Gushed the young girl with a big smile on her face and Jess grinned back at her, “Thank you for that lovely compliment, dearest.” Said Jess kindly and her little sister beamed brightly.

Benjamin, however, looked over at Jess while he was filling up his porridge bowl, “Nope. You look lovely, to be sure, but I think you look your best wearing leather breeches and that long leather jacket. It makes you look like a lady pirate and with that scar on your face you look fierce.” Jess knew young Benjamin meant well, but she self-consciously put her hand up to her jaw.

“Oh, Benjamin! How careless of you to say such a thing!” raged Marie-Louise.

“You misunderstand me, sisters. I meant no disrespect or harm, but merely to point out that Jessie is one of the most handsomely beautiful lady lads the good lord ever created.” Benjamin said quite seriously and Willy grinned and winked at the boy.

“Thank you for the lovely compliment, Benjamin.” Said Jess and meant it, but Marie-Louise wasn’t having any of it and simply glared at him.

Jessie quickly drank her coffee and ate a small piece of cheese and some grapes and then stood up to go back to Gem when Benjamin stopped her and pulled a wooden carving out of his pocket and handed it to Jessie. “Please would you give this to Gem for me, Jessie? I carved it as a Christmas gift for papa this year, but I do believe Gem deserves it more.” It was a beautiful wooden carving of a horse rearing up on its hind legs. Jess held the carving to her heart and thanked Benjamin with a kiss on his cheek and the boy took it in his stride. We have a charmer in the making right here, thought Jess.

Not to be outdone Marie-Louise chimed in and said she had started embroidering a handkerchief with Gem’s name on it and it will be ready by the time he can sit up and she would give it to him personally. “Please tell Gem we wish him a speedy recovery, Jessie. He is a lovely boy and we are so pleased he is here.” Marie-Louise said this sincerely and Jess believed her and promised she would relay the message and give Gem the wooden carving.

Walking quietly into Gem’s room Jess saw Gibbs beside the bed with a book in his hands and he was reading ever so softly, but when he saw Jess he quickly closed the book and slid it down the side of the chair.

Taking the carving Jess stood it on the table beside the bed and relayed the messages from Marie-Louise and Benjamin as she lovingly pushed his crazy wild hair off his forehead. Smiling at Gibbs Jess said, “I will stay with Gemmie for now. Thank you Gibbs for showing such kindness to the boy.”

“Oh, my dear Mistress Jess, it’s the least I can do after my utterly abhorrent behavior towards you. I owe you a debt, Mistress.” And he bowed his head.

“No, you simply showed faith in someone and loyalty to a person who, I think, took advantage of it. You felt that you had been wronged and I never want you to feel that way again. It hurts me knowing you felt you were misled, and because Genevieve is my mother, please accept my heartfelt apology as her daughter.”

“I don’t deserve your kindness, but thank you all the same, Mistress.” And he made to leave the room.

“Wait, let me continue reading to Gem.” And she held out her hand for the book he had tried to secret away.

“Oh, perhaps you would like to read one of your own choices to the boy?” he said blushing various shades of pink. Jessie narrowed her eyes at him and simply held out her hand.

Sighing he stepped forward and hesitantly handed her the book he had been reading to Gem.

“Pride and Prejudice! I loved reading this book!” Jessie exclaimed with a bright smile and saw embarrassment, but also relief, on Gibbs’ face.

“Why, Mister Gibbs, I do believe you are a romantic! Have you read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte?” Jessie asked with a twinkle in her eye.

“No, not yet, but I do have a copy waiting to be read.” He smiled and bowed and turned and left Jess staring after him. What a strange man thought Jess.

She got up on the bed beside Gem with the St John’s Wort tea and spooned a little between his lips and made sure the boy did not choke. She felt his head and then took his pulse and all appeared to be on the up-and-up. For the first time since last night, Jess started feeling optimistic.

She opened the book where Gibbs had left the marker and started reading to Gem. After two or so hours Jess kicked off her shoes and snuggled down beside Gem and put her hand on his chest where his little hands were folded and she fell into a sleep so deep she did not hear anyone entering the room. She did not hear Rourke and Willy as they entered and whispered to one another and nor did she know Beatrice and Lizzy had stoked the fire and warmed the tea and fed a little to Gem.

Jessie did not even hear the horses come riding in and the minor chaos caused by these riders. Nor did she hear the bedroom door open again or feel eyes staring down at her and the little boy with crazy wild hair with a quill sticking out of his throat.

Jessie simply held on to her precious Gem and knew that he was going to make it.

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