Hunter's Secret

Chapter 45 - Birthday

Raine’s POV

It has been a few weeks since Emma found out she was pregnant, and today is my twenty-eighth birthday. I don’t remember the last time I was able to celebrate my birthday with my dad, so I told Hunter I wanted to spend the day with dad. Hunter had lots of Alpha things to do today so he let me go without hesitation.

Rebecca and Keegan walked me over and I convinced them to just let me spend time with dad without their constant hovering. Plus, Chris was still there anyway so they were willing to leave since he was still there. However, I also convinced him to just give us a few hours alone. As much as I appreciate them, I also just want to spend time with my dad by myself. Chris went to go join Elle at Ash’s house. Ash had some potions and stuff to make today.

As soon as I step into my dad’s house, he wraps me in a giant hug, “Happy 28th Birthday baby girl! I love you so much!”

I smile, “I love you too dad. Happy 44th! So, what would you like to do today?”

“Whatever you want to do, Rainey. It has been so long since I could actually celebrate with you on your birthday. I am just happy you are home."

I pull him in for another hug. I missed out on so much when I was away and while it was good and I don’t regret going to school, I really missed my dad.

“What’s wrong? Is it Hunter?” he asks, sensing my shift in mood.

“No, Hunter is amazing. He is so sweet and caring. A little overprotective at times but so are you so I am used to it.”

“Good. He may be my Alpha, but you are my daughter and if he hurts you…” his voice trails off as he continues to hug me.

“Dad, you taught me what to expect from a man and I won’t tolerate anything less than that. Plus, my failed relationships before taught me how to stand up for myself. So no, Hunter is not the problem.”

“So, then what is going on in that big brain of yours?”

“I am just really thankful to be home. I didn’t realize how much I missed you until I was able to see you more often again. I really did miss you.”

“Rainey, I missed you too. I am so proud of everything you have accomplished so far though. I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter.”

“And I couldn’t have asked for a better dad. I love you.”

“I love you too,” he says and when I look up at him, his eyes are misty.

He pulls back from the hug, and he goes into the kitchen to start prepping lunch. I missed his cooking too. He has always been such a good cook. I hop up onto the counter and we just talk while he cooks. I would offer to help but I burn water so there’s that.

We sit down to eat lunch and an idea pops into my head.

“Do you think we could watch a movie and eat ice cream like we used to do?” I excitedly ask and he flashes me a smile and excitedly nods his head.

“What movie do you have in mind?”

“Hmmm…a princess one?”

He smiles again and nods his head. We finish lunch and I go to the living room and get a movie picked out. I chose Cinderella this time, which is one of my favorites. Dad joins me on the couch, handing me a bowl of vanilla ice cream with sprinkles. What can I say? It is still my favorite, and it makes me happy that he remembers. And he just doesn’t remember, he keeps all the stuff for me so I could have it anytime I came home. He offers me his bowl and I happily take a bite of his before digging into my own.

When we finish our ice cream, I move over so I can sit by him. He drapes an arm over my shoulders, and I snuggle into him. He has always told me that it doesn’t matter how old I get, I will always be his little girl and he will always be happy to sit with me. I am so lucky to have such a good relationship with my dad. I know that is not something everyone has. How many twenty-eight-year-olds can sit, eat ice cream, and watch a princess movie with their dad? The answer is: very few and I am really thankful that I am one of those few.

We finish our movie and I lean up and turn so I can face my dad. He smiles at me and I smile back at him.

“I have something to give you, I will be right back,” he says, standing up and stretching before disappearing down the hallway and into his bedroom. He comes back out holding two gift bags. He hands them to me, and I open the smaller of the two first.

It is a beautiful and dainty gold necklace with small white pearls spread evenly around the chain.

“Dad, this is beautiful. Thank you so much!”

“It was my mother’s. I wanted you to have it now.”

“Dad…thank you. I know you miss her a lot.”

I give him a quick hug and open the next gift. I pulled out a beautiful red gown and at the bottom of the bag is a note.


I may or may not have a surprise for tonight. Please wear the dress. See you later, lovey. <3


I turn and give dad a very quizzical look and he just shrugs his shoulders and smiles. I didn’t even know that Hunter knew it was my birthday. But I guess it is his job to know everything. He is just too sweet. I don’t understand why he is so interested in me. I am not tall like Emma. I don’t have pretty hair like Rebecca. I am not strong like Elle. And I am certainly not elegant like his mother.

I push those thoughts out of my head and look over at my dad. His eyes are gray and when he blinks and looks back at me, they are back to their normal brown.

“Hunter will be here in about an hour and a half. Can you be ready by then?”

I smile and nod my head. I walk back to my bedroom and all of my getting ready stuff as well as my heels are sitting on my bed. I smile to myself and head to the bathroom to start getting ready. After my shower, I dry and loosely curl my hair, letting it fall over my shoulders. I apply some light natural looking makeup and then step into the dress. It is a beautiful satin a-line dress with a small v neck that highlights my collar bones. If Hunter chose this, he did an exceptional job. It is a little scary how perfectly this dress fits me. It hugs my curves in all the right ways, and I really do feel beautiful.

I headed back to my room and slipped on my heels and stood in the mirror, putting on the necklace that dad gifted me. I look down and smooth out the dress and when I look back in the mirror, Hunter is standing in my doorframe. Not just standing, he is leaning against the frame and hot damn he looks good. He lets out a low whistle and I turn around to face him. He is wearing a black suit that has obviously been tailored for him. It hugs his muscles perfectly and he is wearing a red tie, to match my dress. He allows his eyes to leave my face this time and they roam over my body, making my heart race in my chest.

He smirks and when he talks, I swear I might actually fall over.

“You look like perfection. You are gorgeous, Raine,” his voice is deep and sexy, and it stirs a whole host of butterflies in my stomach. I take a deep breath and respond.

“Well, you don’t look too bad yourself.”

“Hmm, based on your heart, I think that you think I look a little better than ‘not too bad.’ But that is okay because,” he gestures a hand to his body, “I am all yours. Are you ready to go?”

I roll my eyes at him, but I also have a huge smile on my face. I walk up to him, and he offers me his hand which I happily accept. He leads me down the hallway and into the kitchen where my dad is standing. He opens his arms and I drop Hunter’s hand. I give my dad a big hug and when I pull back, he gives me a misty-eyed smile.


“You are just so beautiful, Rainey.”

“He is right. You really are,” Hunter says, slipping a hand around my waist. My breath hitches at the contact and my dad narrows his eyes at Hunter.

“Titus, thank you for allowing me to surprise her. Do you mind if I take my birthday girl for some dinner now?” Hunter asks, keeping his hand on my waist.

My dad just looks at me and I smile so he nods at Hunter. As much as my dad likes Hunter, he is still not used to the idea of me and Hunter being together.

“Oh, and happy birthday Titus. I hope you have a good rest of your day,” Hunter smiles and my dad smiles back and thanks him.

Hunter guides me outside and we start walking but not in the direction of his house. He is holding my hand, and the sparks flickering between our skin are magical. We walk in comfortable silence, to the gazebo I used to spend my summer evenings in. It is decorated with fairy lights and the table is beautifully decorated with a satin white tablecloth with a bouquet of daisies in the middle. I don't know how he knew that daisies were my favorite but they are and it makes me smile. Hunter helps me step up into the gazebo and fake pulls out my ‘chair’ which is really just the picnic table bench.

I sit down and he starts getting the dinner out of the picnic basket. I hear the sound of a stick breaking behind us and my heart immediately starts racing.

“It’s okay. It is just Ryan. He is just coming to provide some extra security so I can focus on you,” Hunter tells me, without stopping getting things out of the basket. I turn around to wave to Ryan, but I don’t see him anywhere.

As if Hunter can read my thoughts he explains, “Ryan is keeping his distance so we can have a semi-private dinner. Take some deep breaths. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

I follow his suggestion and work on calming my heart back down. His face is half-lit by the flickering fairy lights and he looks so handsome. He continues setting the table and the smells of the food fill the air and my stomach grumbles. He chuckles and lifts his head to smile at me. He sits down across from me, and we talk about our days and just typical conversation topics while we eat our food. When we finish eating, he reaches his hand across the table, and I place my hand in his. He gently squeezes it and takes a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second. When they open again, they are only full of love, and it melts my heart a bit.

“Raine, will you be my girlfriend?” He asks, maintaining constant but not uncomfortable eye contact.

I raise an eyebrow at him, “Am I not?”

“Well, I didn’t actually ask you yet. And I don’t want to assume anything. So, will you be my girlfriend?”

“Of course. Will you be my boyfriend?”

“I think that kind of comes with the territory of you being my girlfriend but yes, I will be your boyfriend,” he smiles and butterflies erupt in my stomach again. Using my nervousness to my advantage, I stand up and walk over to his side of table, and he swings his legs out from under the table, allowing me to sit next down next to him while also being able to look out into the night. I interlock my fingers with his and rest my head against his shoulder. We watch the fireflies dance across the meadow, and I sigh with contentment.

“Thank you for such a wonderful surprise, Hunter. The dress is beautiful.”

“Mmm, not as beautiful as the girl wearing it. Happy Birthday lovey,” he responds, turning his head to place a soft kiss on the top of mine.

“I love you,” I quietly say, those three famous words slipping out before I could clamp them back again.

He scoots away from me some so he can turn and look at me. I keep my eyes down, scared to see his face and he takes a gentle finger and turns my head and lifts it to meet his.

“I love you too, Raine. I love you so much it hurts. Trying to picture my life without in you in it is a life I don't want to experience. You are so perfect. And you saying that you love me, is the best thing anyone has ever said to me. You just made my whole day. No, you just made my whole life,” he responds and my breath hitches when I hear the sincerity in his voice. I stand up, dropping his hand and move to put some space between us. No man has ever said ‘I love you’ to me like the way he just did. And it scares me. Mostly because I believe him.

He stands up and slowly walks up behind me, “Raine?” he softly whispers. I turned around to face him and I have decided that I would refuse to let myself be scared of feeling happy. I deserve to be loved just as much as anyone else. I close the gap between us and pause in front of him. His eyes search my face and I take a deep breath before telling him, “Kiss me.”


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