Hunter's Secret

Chapter 44 - Tests

Raine’s POV

It has been two months since the attack, and my arm is feeling much better already. I was able to take the splint off today and I promised Hunter I would be careful. The nightmares have mostly gone away now. Hunter sleeps on the pull-out couch in his room while I sleep in his bed, and I feel comfortable around him. And River seems to have calmed down some as long as I spend time with him every day too. I am not ready for anything more than just kissing right now and both Hunter and River have accepted that.

I am sitting in my office in the hospital. Hunter made me the director of the emergency department. I am pretty sure that job was held by someone else, but it is mine now and no one has complained about it. Probably because they can’t, which is a little unfair, but I am not going to argue with Hunter about it. I know he is just trying to make sure I am happy here.

Rebecca and Keegan are both sitting in my office with me. I disliked their presence at first, but they are actually very sweet. And they are mates and have been together for almost ten years now, so it is really nice to see how they interact with each other. Keegan stands up suddenly.

“Luna, I have to go back to the house to get Emma. She needs to see you. I will be right back. Love you Becs.”

“Keegan, please just call me Raine,” I scold.

“Nope,” he smiles before bending down to kiss Rebecca and then he leaves.

He returns a while later with a very pale Emma in tow.

“Emma? Are you okay?” I worriedly ask.

“Can I talk to you alone? Please?” she quietly pleads. I dismiss Rebecca and Keegan who begrudgingly listen to me. They close the door behind them but stand directly on the other side.

Emma looks at me with concern and I hand her a piece of paper so she can write what she is thinking, giving her some privacy from the lurking ears. I would just text her, but all of my incoming messages go straight to Hunter’s phone. It is a little bit much but again; he is just being protective.

She thanks me with her eyes and starts scribbling down a message on the paper. She hands me back the paper and when I read the words, I can’t contain the surprise on my face. We pass the note back and forth a few times.


I think I am pregnant.

How long?

Feeling sick for a week now.

Is that why you didn’t eat breakfast yesterday?

Yes. And I am late.

Have you taken a test yet?


Do you want one?

Yes. I want the blood one. To be sure.

Ok. I can get a nurse.

No. Can you do it?

Yes. Do you want to do it now?


She nods her head and I stand up from desk, gently putting my arm back in the sling so it doesn’t move too much while I walk.

I open the door and Emma and I start walking down the hallway to an exam room, followed by Rebecca and Keegan. They take their jobs extremely seriously and it makes me smile. I stop them from following us into the exam room and close the door.

I get everything set up to draw her blood but quickly realize an issue.

“Emma, will Cameron feel the needle go into your arm?”

“Oh my gosh, I didn’t even think about that but yes, he will. And he is such a worrywart that he will march down here. He already was worried that I wasn’t feeling well and wanted to come with me, but I just told him I needed a break from being in the house and that I wanted to spend time with you and he bought it.”

I half-laugh at her words and get out two urine pregnancy tests instead. Thankfully all the exam rooms have attached bathrooms, so she is able to slip in there without having to sneak by my guards. While she is in the bathroom, I get a text from Hunter.

Is everything okay? Cameron said Emma came to see you.

Yes, everything is fine. She just wanted to get out of the house for a bit and I am at work, so she came to visit for a while. I will make sure Keegan walks her back when she is ready to leave.

Sounds good <3

I smile at his sweetness and Emma comes back out, trying to keep her nerves at bay so Cameron doesn’t feel them.

The timer that I set on my phone goes off and she looks at me, “I’m too scared to go look. Can you go look for me?”

I smile and nod my head. I walk into the bathroom and glance at the tests, both of them showing a +. I walk back out and Emma looks at me and I break into a smile and quickly nod my head. She rushes into the bathroom to make sure, and she comes back out, holding her hand to mouth in disbelief.

“I’m going to be a mom.”

“Congratulations, Emma. I am really happy for you,” I say, and I genuinely mean it.

“Cameron is going to freak out. What if he isn’t ready? What if I am not ready? What will my mom think? What will his parents…” she rambles.

“Emma, take a breath. You are okay,” I interrupt.

“Can you call him for me?” she asks, and I know confusion flashes across my face because she continues, “If I hear his voice right now, I am pretty sure I am going to start sobbing. But I want to tell him right now.”

“Sure. I can call him. Why don’t you sit on the bed and try to calm your body down?”

She nods and hops up onto the bed, intentionally inhaling, holding, and exhaling. She certainly has practiced with deep breathing.

I picked up my phone and called Cameron. He answers before the first ring even finishes.

“Luna? Is everything okay? Is Emma okay?”

“Cameron, I told you to just call me Raine. And yes, everything is fine, but you should probably come to the hospital.”

“I am coming right now!”

He hangs up and a few minutes later I hear the hospital door being thrown open. I know for a fact that it takes about 15 minutes to walk here from the pack house so he must have shifted to get here faster. I heard him run down the hallway and he let out a low warning growl to Rebecca and Keegan and they responded with growls of their own. While Cameron is higher up the hierarchy than they are, their instructions came directly from Hunter so they will always choose to follow Hunter’s commands over Cameron’s.

I open the door before a fight can break out and confirm to my bodyguards that Cameron can come in. I glance at him, and he is covered in sweat and his hands are balled into fists at his side. As soon as the door opened, he pushed past them, pausing only for me to move out of his way. I let him come in and his entire body relaxes at the sight of Emma. He runs over to her and lightly placed Emma’s hand in his own.

“I got here as fast as I could. What is going on? Are you okay?” he quietly asks.

“I can tell you ran here. You are sweaty and now you stink. But I am okay. I just have something I need to show you,” she responds, getting off the bed. She put a hand on his chest, telling him to not follow her as she disappears into the bathroom. She comes back out, holding the tests behind her back and takes a deep breath.

“Cam, I know this may be kind of soon and definitely crazy, but it is happening. We will figure it out together.”

“Okay….?” He responds.

She shows him the tests and it takes a few seconds for him to understand what it means but as soon as he does, he jumps up and down with a huge smile on his face. Then he picks her up and spins her around before passionately kissing her. I softly clear my throat and they both look at me with beaming smiles.

“Congratulations you two. Now if you don’t mind, I do need to get back to work.”

Cameron deeply bows and thanks me before standing back up to kiss Emma again.

“And do not get my exam room nasty. Go home for that,” I wink as I leave the room and I can hear them laugh behind me.

However, the hallway is empty when I step into it, and it makes me uneasy. I quickly walk back to my office and take one more peek into the hallway before shutting my door. As soon as the door shuts, I feel a hand on my back. Without hesitation I turn around, kick the person directly in the crotch and land a solid punch on their face. They fall to the ground, and I flip on the lights only to see Hunter laying on the floor, holding one hand to his junk and the other to his chin.

“Nice to see you too, Raine,” he groans out and I laugh at him.

“What did you think would happen? You snuck up on me in the dark. You deserved it,” I shrug my shoulders in amusement, a smirk on my face.

“I want to have kids at some point you know…”

“Well maybe don’t traumatize their mother,” I retort and immediately slap my hand over my mouth. A blush spread across my face and this time he is the one to smirk.

“Is that so?” He mischievously smiles as he gets up off the floor. He stands up and pulls me in for a hug, bending down to smell my hair. The whole sniffing thing is still strange to me, but it seems to make him happy, so I let him. My heart starts to beat faster, and I push him away, trying to put some space in between us. He takes a few steps back and smirks. I know he can hear my heart racing. I hate, in the best way possible, that he knows what he does to me. Fine, two can play this game.

I meet his eyes and I give him a smirk of my own before letting my eyes flicker down to his lips and then back to his eyes. I let my eyes roam all over his incredibly attractive body, taking my sweet time before I let my eyes meet his again. I close the distance between us, and I hear him suck in his breath. I smirk again before reaching my hand up, tracing his jawline, lightly brushing his lips before tapping him on the nose.

“I have work to do, lover boy. I will see you later,” I say, moving to sit down behind my desk again.

He groans, “You are mean.”

“You started it. Now, go. I really do have stuff to do.”

“Fine. But be home soon.”

“I will be.”

He leaves and almost immediately Rebecca and Keegan enter my office and take their seats on my couch. It doesn’t feel awkward having them here and we just sit in contented silence. I am able to finish the paperwork I need to get done and when I look at the clock it is almost 6 p.m. and I am starting to feel hungry.

I tell them I am ready to go, and we all head out of the hospital. They immediately shift and flank my sides. They are constantly scanning the land and flickering their ears toward any and every sound. I know they shifted so they can be on the lookout better, but I am not going to lie, I feel pretty damn powerful walking between two wolves. We reached the house, and they shifted back, Keegan opening and holding the door for me and Rebecca.

Cameron and Emma are giggling about something on the couch and Hunter is in the kitchen, cooking dinner. He glances at us when he hears the door open and smiles at me. He nods at Rebecca and Keegan, and they take their leave and head home. I take a moment to just appreciate the joy in this house. I have lived by myself for such a long time that I didn’t realize how lonely I actually was. Coming back to a silent apartment after a long shift and eating some take-out was my life for a long time. But here I am now, listening to laughter come from the living room as delicious smells of dinner, cooked by my man, waft through the air and I realize how blessed I am.

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