Hunter Maximus

Chapter 36

I go and search through the palace but can’t find Anthony or Carla anywhere. I decide that maybe they had gone back to Anthony’s room. Only problem was I had no idea where that room was.

I’m about to give up on finding him when I spot Darrius and Jennifer turn the corner, heading for the main kitchen, hand in hand.

I just watch as they approach and Jennifer spots me immediately. As they get closer I see the fire in Jennifer’s eyes and I hear her heart beating faster. She was pissed at me, but I only did what I thought was best - getting some of the truth out there. So she could deal with it.

Maximus and her had - something... I just didn’t know what it was or how deep it went.

“Have you seen Claudia, Isobel?” Jennifer asks, coldly.

“No,” I snap back, “Why?”

“No one can find her,” Darrius answers for Jennifer, giving her hand a squeeze.

“I’m sure she is around somewhere,” I say, shrugging. Claudia wasn’t exactly my priority at the moment. Anthony was, I needed to go find him and tell him about everything that had happened to me. I needed more friends in this palace and I wanted to tell Anthony and Carla more about myself and get to know them as well.

“Enjoying life as a vampire, Isobel?” Darrius asks, briefly stopping before the Kitchen/Restaurant entrance before entering.

“Would have enjoyed it more if I was turned willingly,” I say dryly, watching in amusement as Jennifer glares at Darrius, grabbing his hand tighter as he pays attention to me.

“Alert me if you see Claudia, immediately,” Darrius orders, nodding at me before pulling Jennifer along with him, they are soon out of sight as the door closes and noise from inside briefly filters out, filling my ears with a rush of sounds.

I suddenly have my answer to finding Anthony.

I start to walk up and down the halls slowly, tuning in my enhanced vampire hearing to try and catch Anthony’s tone of voice. Or Carla’s.

I eventually catch onto what might be Anthony’s voice, however, I zone out so much from my immediate surroundings, I don’t hear Maximus sneak up on me.

He blows on my neck and I spin around swiftly, hand raised to grab Maximus’ throat. However he grabs my wrist, stopping my attack.

“Too slow,” he says, grinning.

“Come on!” the new female voice comes from down the hall and I look up and see Leah, looking impatient as hell, “Maximus, we don’t have time for this.”

“Let me be,” I hiss and Maximus just tightens his grip on my wrist, “I know you are trying to find your ‘friends’, I can read your little plan of revenge going through your mind. Go back to your room, now. Or mine, see? I’m giving you a choice at least.”

“If you are so worried about where and what she is doing,” Leah says with as much venom as possible, “Just drag her along with us. She may as well help us, now come on before I stake both of you, just to relieve some stress.”

“Are you ever happy?” I growl at Leah, “Where are you both going?”

“A trip wire was triggered - we’ve been infiltrated again,” Leah snaps, “We need to hurry and find the intruder.”

I’m mildly interested now that she puts it that way.

“Can I come?” I ask innocently, looking at Maximus from under low eye-lids - my attempt at being partially seductive.

“Hmmmm... ok, but you’ll need this,” Maximus reaches behind him and pulls a dagger out from his belt, shoving it into my hands.

“Is it a dangerous intruder?” I ask, as Maximus pulls me along to follow Leah.

“We are about to find out,” Leah snaps.

“Stay by my side,” Maximus growls the order, “You don’t have to do anything, just watch and learn.”

“But how do we know what we are facing -?” We all halt in our paths as the lights suddenly power off and we are encased in a blanket of darkness.

My eyes adjust in seconds and suddenly I can see again, although the hall looks more like lines and shapes instead of actual things.

“The back up generator should kick in,” Leah mutters.

“It’s been too long, it’s not going to,” Maximus adds, “This is bad. Isobel, go back to my room - it’s close to here.”

A rotten smell fills my nose and I look up - it’s coming from the ceiling.

I’m about to say something, but I don’t get time when the ceiling suddenly smashes in from above...

...and a monster, snarling and drooling, falls right on top of me.

It all happens so quick then.

Long sharp claws instantly dig into my chest and stomach - ripping and gouging their way through me like butter.

I feel my fingers dig into the furry hair of the monster on top of me.

I don’t even have time to scream.

I think I whimper, and then gurgle as blood pools from my mouth and my vision goes black.

And then I am truly consumed by darkness.

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