Hunter Maximus

Chapter 35

(Prince Darrius, Part 2 Chapter 10) ~Maximus is in this chapter after he left Isobel to get back to work protecting the palace etc etc~ *scroll down/across to get back to Isobel’s POV if you’ve already read this part*

Jennifer’s POV

After spanking me until I apologized, my ass was feeling sore and red and Darrius was all too happy to see it that way. Then he places me back on the bed and starts to slowly kiss me senseless. However we don’t get much further. Darrius is about to unclasp my bra when the door dramatically opens without a knock first.

I look over Darrius’ shoulder to see who it is and I narrow my eyes when I see the intruder.

I thought Darrius locked the door, how did he get in?

“Oh, wow!” Maximus is joyfully amused on what he has barged in on, “Uh, sorry to interrupt?” It was the most insincere apology I have ever heard.


I roll my eyes and Darrius’ eyes darken quite a bit.

Without a word, Darrius rolls off me, stands up and turns to face Maximus.

“How did you get in?” I ask Maximus and he gives me a wicked smile and winks.

“I have a key to this room, darling -”

I guess I should have expected what was bound to happen... but I am still shocked when Darrius rushes Maximus and grabs him by the throat, squeezing down hard, making Maximus’ face go red.

I haven’t really seen them fight and my hand flys up to my mouth, worried Darrius will actually hurt him. Maximus grabs Darrius’ wrist and raises an eyebrow, cocking his head to the side.

“Don’t ever call her darling again,” Darrius snarls, “Don’t wink at her, don’t smile at her and don’t even look at her. Got it?” Darrius shoves Maximus backwards violently and Maximus groans as he cracks his neck to both sides, massaging his neck with his hand.

“Can I ask what that was for, buddy?” Maximus asks, trying to sound as innocent as possible - but truly looking confused.

Darrius looks like he is about to attack Maximus again so I decide to intervene.

“He thinks you slept with me,” I say, “Thanks to Isobel.”

“Hah!” Maximus laughs but only glances at me because Darrius just ordered him not to look at me - which was utterly ridiculous, “Darrius, I was in here protecting her. I didn’t sleep with her. I mean, it’s not that I don’t want to -” Maximus starts to smile and laugh but instantly halts as Darrius’ expression darkens even further, “Ahem,” Maximus pretends to cough, “Uh - argh, yeah okay that wasn’t funny.”

“What do you want, buddy?” Darrius asks sarcastically. Barely holding back from probably throwing a punch or two and most probably considering snapping Maximus’ neck.

“I just went back onto my duties,” Maximus says, all laughter gone from his tone now, “Claudia is missing, we believe she has gone out into the city to find Johnathan. She is human now so she can go out in the sun.”

“When was she last seen?” Darrius asks, worry now overlapping the anger in his tone.

“I took her to get breakfast and talk a few things out - then something came up and I had to have a little chit chat to Isobel. That’s the last time I saw her,” Maximus crosses his arms over his chest, “I can’t go out and look for her because it’s daylight. She could be anywhere but she should be smart enough to stay safe.”

“We need to get her back, she isn’t safe out there as a human especially if she is trying to find Johnathan. He might kill her,” Darrius sighs, frustrated, running a hand through his hair, “I’m not sure how we can find her -”

“I’ll go!” I say, raising my hand in the air from habit of doing that at school, Darrius looks over his shoulder to me with a raised eyebrow and Maximus also gives me two raised eyebrows. I look from Darrius to Maximus, smiling at my solution, “I’m a human, I can go out into the city during the day and save her.”

“And how exactly would you keep yourself safe?” Darrius asks, “Everyone out their knows who you are. The human government might abduct you, Eddrick may find you. I’m not going to let two people I care about go out there to potentially get killed.”

“If Eddrick kidnapped two werewolves he’ll be busy with his experimentations,” I say, standing up off the bed - uncaring that I am in nothing but my bra and panties. I stick my hands on my hips and my chin in the air, “I’m going. I’ll be careful. I don’t have to approach anyone or get involved with any action. I’ll just be the look out and I’ll report back if I find her or see her in my line of vision. Dress me up in a disguise. No one will notice it’s me!”

“It’s actually not that bad of a plan - ” Maximus agrees with me, but Darrius cuts him off.

“Shut up,” Darrius snaps at him before crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at me, “No way, sweetheart. Now get back in bed.”

I pause, he did not just tell me to do that in front of Maximus. With that tone.

I walk towards Darrius until I am just in front of him and I smile, evily.

“I’ll ask the King, I’m sure he won’t mind me leaving the palace for a bit,” I say, smirking.

“My father will not listen to you,” Darrius growls.

“Oh, well... maybe Xavier will,” I add.

“He won’t let you go either, you really think you are going to get your own way, don’t you?” Darrius asks, amused.

“I’m going to find a solution to this problem. I owe Claudia my life for what she has done for me and after I nearly got her killed by the werewolves. Now I have to make sure she is safe,” I turn around and walk towards my room. I needed to put on some damn clothes.

“She’s cute when she is so determined,” I hear Maximus growl this in appreciation of my defiance.

“Shut up and go find another way to get Claudia back,” Darrius snarls.

When I’m in my room I go to my wardrobe and pull out a black dress, wiggling into it because it is so tight. Then I brush my hair and walk out to find Darrius leaning on an armrest of one of the couches, his arms crossed over his chest and a dark look directed my way.

Maximus has left and it is just the two of us once again.

“If you really want to help Claudia,” Darrius growls, “We’ll do it together.”

“Can I go outside into the city?” I ask, hopeful.

“No,” Darrius snaps, but then he tries to keep his calm as he stands up to his full height, “We’ll figure out something else. Let’s go do some asking around to first figure out if anyone saw or talked to her before she went missing. For all we know maybe she was kidnapped again, is that okay, Jennifer?”

“Yes,” I nod, smiling. Darrius was giving in half way to me.

Which was a major improvement to how he use to shut me down on everything. It was always his way or no way. Now he was giving me something and I was going to take it.

“Follow me then, beautiful,” Darrius holds out his hand for me to take it and I happily grab his hand.

We were working together.


I’d have to appreciate it while the moment lasted.

Because we were about to find out exactly what Eddrick did to the two werewolves he kidnapped - and it wasn’t going to be fun.

***Updates every Tuesday, part 1, chapters 1 - 60, is on Amazon for $2.99***

Chapter 35

Isobel’s POV

I’m oddly annoyed as I have a shower and then go through Maximus’ wardrobe and sort through the women’s dresses. I was sick of wearing the black outfit and needed something fresh anyway - so I find something that I appreciate the design of.

I go for a red and white dress, white at the top above the waist and red down below. It was simple but elegant. Then I tie my hair up in a bun and decide to take a bunch of Maximus’ dresses back down to my own room.

However on my way there, with dresses piled up in my arms - I can’t help but think of why he had so much female clothing.

How many women had he seduced over the years?

How many slaves had he kept and obsessed over before getting over them and finding new women to love?

These simple thoughts make me extremely jealous and I remember that Maximus also gets clearly jealous too. He disliked Anthony and absolutely despised Luke - my former trainer.

When I’m just about at my new residence I glare at the door opposite my own. I could hear Darrius snapping at someone, and then to my not so great surprise - the door opens and Maximus steps out into the hallway, shutting the door and looking flustered.

“Hey,” I say as I walk past him to my own door, trying very hard not to think about why he was in Jennifer’s room - again. I believed he didn’t sleep with her... sort of. I honestly didn’t know. He most likely didn’t... but then again....

“Darling,” Maximus is somewhat surprised to see me with a whole bunch of dresses held to my chest as I open the door to my new room and give him a cheeky grin.

“I hope you don’t mind me stealing your collection of dresses,” I explain simply, grinning because Maximus still looks flustered, “What happened in their?” I try not to ask the question like I cared about the fact Jennifer was probably in their too.

Maximus’ eyes suddenly narrow at me and I choose that moment to walk into my room before he can pounce.

“You certainly managed to make my best friend believe I slept with his princess,” Maximus growls at me, following me into my room as I go to place the dresses on the bed.

When I turn around he gets to see the dress I’m wearing properly and I can tell it is distracting him from what he is really worried about. His eyes keep on traveling down... if you know what I mean.

“It’s over now, Maximus,” I say, shrugging, putting my hands on my hips because I like the way my dress is effecting his concentration, “Don’t you have duties to attend to?”

“Yes,” Maximus nods, “But I’m curious, darling, what do you think you are doing?” His eyes rove over to the dresses I’ve placed on the bed and then he meets my eyes once more.

“I’m just trying to make myself feel at home,” I say, “You know - because this is my room. We’ve already discussed this.”

“Have we?” Maximus gets a dark look in his eye and stalks up towards me, putting a hand on my waist and reaching his other hand up to my face so his finger tips trail down the side of my cheek gently, “When exactly did you ask me about this?”

“I asked the King,” I say, trying not to push my cheek into his hand like I so badly wanted to do, “The King overrules you, sorry,” I shrug again, smirking.

“Mmmm...” Maximus hums to himself as he grabs my chin in his hand, and his other hand grabs my waist in a tighter grip than before. He leans in until his lips are nearly caressing my own, “I don’t think I ever did explain to you exactly what it is I expect from you.”

“I think you’ve explained more than enough,” I whisper back at him, “Now go do your damn duties.”

“Ah, ah, darling, I never explained some of the rules that I expect my slaves to follow. I work on a reward system,” he says, “Good behaviour equals rewards.”

“I haven’t done anything bad,” I snap.

“Not yet,” He says, shaking his head, “I’m talking about you following an exact order, without hesitation. That’s good behaviour, sweety, now - if I asked you to get on your knees for me... would you do it?”

At once I lose whatever smile I have left in me and I swat his hands away from me, stepping out of his reach.

“What the hell?” I yell, “In all honesty, I will never understand you. Why should I get on my knees? Please explain.”

“I just thought you’d look pretty cute on your knees in front of me in that red and white dress,” he says, smirking, “I didn’t want you to do anything else, sweety, it was a simple request.”

“Um, let me think about it, hmmm, no,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest, “Go back to work, asshole. You are so random sometimes!”

“No, no, no,” Maximus shakes his head, “Now we are learning, darling. I’m teaching you your first ever proper lesson in obedience. I told you what to do and you didn’t comply - which equals bad behaviour.”

“Oh, shut up,” I roll my eyes, ”Seriously, you know me better -” Maximus sighs, giving me a dark look before he rushes me, grabbing me around the waist. He flips me around on the side, sits down on the edge of my bed and then he places me along his knees, face down.

“This is what happens when you don’t follow orders,” Maximus growls happily, “Oh and just a warning for next time,” he leans down so he whispers the next part, “You’re wearing a dress I save for good slaves - slaves that do as they are told. So if you wear this dress - you better fucking do as you are told.”

“I’m. Going. To. Kill. You.” I growl, “Slowly!”

“Since you are obviously not a good slave - yet, I haven’t trained you, and since you stole this dress I keep specifically for good slaves, and since you didn’t get down on your knees for me when I asked it - now I get to spank your ass,” Maximus holds me down tighter as I try and struggle.

“I think you should just calm down - ow!” I hit his leg with my fist when he smacks my ass without warning. The dress was riding up in the position I was in so my whole backside was exposed besides the black panties I was wearing but it didn’t stop the sting of the smack.

“I suggest you just shut up and take it, darling,” Maximus growls low, smacking me again.

"God damn it, Maximus!” I yell, struggling wildly. I dig my nails into his legs but the leather pants protect him.

“I’m not going to stop until you shut your sweet mouth, Isobel,” Maximus goes in for another smack and I swear any curse I can think of at the top of my lungs.

Maximus sighs and suddenly shoves me off his lap - thanks to my fast reflexes I manage to stand up straight, my ass stinging at how hard he actually, legitimately, just spanked me.

“Don’t look so shocked, Isobel, my little hunter,” there is so much menace in his tone as he turns to leave my room, “I probably owe you more spanking than that. Much more. But luckily for you - I have work I need to do.”

Asshole, I yell at him through the mind link, glaring at him as he stalks out of my room.

He just bloodly spanked me - in my room. In my room.

How dare he?

Watch your language, sweety, or the punishment can build to different heights. And I have lots of ways to punish rebellious slaves.

Maximus leaves, muttering to himself happily, “Damn that felt good...” and I just smack my palm to my forehead.


He really was quite simply unbelievable.

I had to get him back for that.

Oh, yes, revenge sounded damn fine right about now!

I decide it is time to go find Anthony!

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