Hunter Maximus

Chapter 12

Once Darrius and I get back to the palace, we separate as Darrius leaves me in the King’s main court room after announcing to his father that he had escaped. He then called Maximus to tell him I was back and to come get me. Darrius was off to see Jennifer and his older brother, Xavier.

I was left in the massive court room, watching the King vampire who was seated on his throne while a bunch of vampires at the bottom argued about lack of humans in the palace. I watch, on edge, in the corner of the hall far away from most people, wondering when Maximus will appear.

“We need to go out hunting, why will you not allow us to do so? We need more human slaves –” The vampire at the bottom is silenced as the King cuts his hand through the air.

“Listen to me,” The King says, “My son Darrius just returned and before I allow you to bring more slaves back into the palace, security must be enhanced and who you choose as a slave must be chosen wisely. The humans have had spies in the palace before and that led to the infiltration of our palace, severe consequences will be put into place for any human slaves which are found out to be spies from now into the future.”

We are thirsty,” Another vampire from the bottom sneers, “My two slaves escaped while we were all knocked out cold from the gas at the wedding, I have had limited to drink, we are getting weaker.”

I watch as a vampire stalks his way into the palace, at first my heart skips a beat because I think it is Maximus but it is just Rafael, who has Greg Humphrey being carried behind him by two other lesser vampires. Behind them is a girl, who has brown and blonde streaky hair, she sees me and gives me a curious glance as they pass and I can tell she is human because my vampire hunter instincts tell me she is safe.

“Stand aside for Prince Rafael,” The King yells at the vampires before him and they immediately part to make way for the new arrival.

“Your highness,” Rafael speaks with that exotic accent which was so enthralling, “I have brought back the thorn in your side. Politician Greg Humphrey, who organised the kidnap of your son.” He motions with his hand and the two vampires holding Mr Humphrey come forth and dump the body before the King.

“He is alive,” the King states, “Why?”

“Darrius made the delightful suggestion of publicly executing him, as they would have done to him,” Rafael eyes the other vampires who are leering at the human girl, who bravely glares back at them. Rafael looks over his shoulder towards the girl, “Jaime,” he says, “Come here.” With a roll of her eyes she goes to stand next to him.

“Let us have a taste,” One of the other vampires speaks up, “Her blood smells delicious.”

“Let us make one thing clear, fellow vampires,” Rafael’s accent thickens as anger seeps into his tone, “She is mine and you will not touch her on pain of death by my own hands.”

“Or alternatively,” Jaime adds in, “Death by my hands.” Rafael looks highly amused by this as Jaime continues to glare at the vampires. I believe they are sharing some sort of inside joke.

It is at that moment that Maximus enters the court room, scanning the crowd for me.

His eyes narrow when he at first doesn’t spot me, but once he looks to the corner of the room where I am trying to stay as inconspicuous as possible, our eyes lock and I remember to try and breathe.

All of the conversation between the King and vampires blurs out in my mind as Maximus comes toward me with a lovely big grin on his face.

I realise I am clutching the camera too tightly so I release it, and put my hands by my sides as he approaches.

“Of course you look so damn happy,” I say dryly, “You probably thought I’d make another escape attempt, didn’t you?” Instead of replying he reaches out, scoops me up in his arms and gives me a tight hug, lifting my feet off the ground, “Hey!” I yell out, completely caught off guard by the sudden hug.

He puts me down and places his hands on my shoulders.

“Thank you for helping to find Darrius,” Maximus says gratefully, grinning, fangs gleaming. I just give him a raised eyebrow. He studies my face and the smile slowly drops off his face, “You are looking a bit pale, darling” his thumb comes up to brush my cheek, “We need to get you some food.” Grabbing my hand he turns around and tugs me along so I have to follow him.

“Can Claudia come?” I ask. She would be the only one I think that could save me from Maximus and his antics.

“Why do you want her to come?” He asks, suspiciously, giving me a cheeky smile as he walks with me down the hall.

“For the female company.”

“Maybe I want you all to myself, my cute little vampire hunter,” Maximus replies, “I haven’t even begun having my fun with you yet.”

“I’m so excited!” I say as enthusiastically as possible, “To kill you!” I add in a moment later.

He laughs mockingly.

“Darrius is going to love you,” he says, “You are so entertaining.”

“Go to hell, Maximus,” I say, I tug my hand out of his, “Once I’m done with you, you’ll wish you never wanted to keep me. I promise you that!”

“Be careful with your threats,” Maximus says seriously all of a sudden, “If you aren’t careful, you’ll get into a lot of trouble with me.” He grabs my hand back and I try to take it back once more, pulling on my vampire hunter strength. He tightens his grip, and gives me a small smile, “Entertaining, indeed,” He boldly decides to add in.


The near future was going to be full of fun.

I couldn’t wait.

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