Hunger Awaits

Chapter 26

Kendra's POV,

I woke up a few hours later sore and alone. I tried to sit up but doubled over in pain. I laid there for a few minutes and tried to will myself up. I didn't remember anything after I had passed out and I was grateful for that. I finally managed to pull the sheet that covered me back and sat up. The stabbing pain in my ribs was strong, but I made myself get up and out of the bed. As I stood up and moved away from the bed, I looked down and saw the blood on the bed. That bastard, I thought to myself. I slowly walked into the bathroom and turned the light on. I looked in the mirror and was horrified by what I saw. I had bruises and claw marks going down my body. My lip was busted open and I also had a cut across my cheek. I could feel a slight pain on my shoulder and when I looked that's when I saw it. The bastard had marked me. There right on my left shoulder where everyone could see was his bite mark. It was red and looked like it was slightly infected already. I slammed my fist into the mirror and the glass shattered everywhere. I fell to the ground and started to cry. I heard the bedroom door open and shut and then felt someone drop down next to me. I could smell his familiar scent and I didn't even want to look at him. He had betrayed my trust and had put me here.

I felt his hand come to my shoulder and I pulled myself away from him. "Please Kendra, don't be like that. Let me help you." He said almost in a whisper. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

“It's your fault I am here Leo. Look what he has done to me. Look what you have done to me." I snapped at him. I watched Leo look me up and down and saw the look of pure remorse and agony on his face.

“I am sorry Kendra. I didn't know what he was like when I first joined this pack. I never thought he was capable of hurting you like this." I looked away from him and whipped the tears from my face. I reached up and grabbed the bathroom sink and pulled myself up. I immediately felt the pain shoot through my body the second I stood up. I doubled over and held my ribs. Before I could protest Leo had swept me up into his arms and carried me over to the bathtub. He started the water and set me down in the tub carefully. The water was warm and felt good on my throbbing body. It stung a little as he started to pour some rubbing alcohol on my wounds.

I wanted to tell him to leave me alone, but right now I wasn't strong enough to fight with him. He started to gently wash my body and hair being as careful as he could be. I just sat there and let him. Even though I felt anger towards him for all of this, something about him made me feel sorry for him. I could sense that he truly was sorry for what had happened, but didn't know what to do. "Leo, why are you still here if you don't agree with Ryker?" I asked as he washed me. His hand stopped on my shoulder where the bite mark was. I heard him sigh.

“I have no other choice. Andres is the one that brought me. He took me in when I was lost and alone, still figuring out who I was. I owe Andres my life." He said to me. I turned and looked at him.

“So what? I may have only just met you, but I can tell that you don't agree with this. Did Andres tell you that he is the reason why Ryker is so obsessed with me? Ryker thinks that I belong to him because my father promised me to him." Leo's eyes widened and it was as if something clicked inside him.

“That explains a lot. But I can't go against them. They will kill me. They already had me take you and attack your friend." I pulled away from him a little bit.

“You are the one who killed Tenaya?" I asked with shock on my face.

His eyes fell to the ground as he took a deep breath. "Yes." Was all he said.

“Get out." I said and slowly stood up. He tried to help me out of the tub, but I pushed him away. "GET OUT!" I said again, but a little to loud. The bedroom door opened again and Ryker came rushing into the bathroom. He slammed Leo against the wall and started to punch him.

“What the fuck did I say? No on touches her." Ryker yelled in Leo's face. I watched in horror.

“Ryker stop! He was just helping me." I shouted. Ryker turned and looked at me, then he let Leo go and left the room. Leo slumped to the floor and I went to his side. His nose was broken and his eye was already starting to swell.

“See, no choice." He said, as he stood up and started to leave the room.

“Leo, wait. I am sorry, but Tenaya was my friend and I don't know if I can trust you after that." I said. He didn't say anything, but I could see the hurt in his eyes as he turned and left the room.

Damn it. I said to myself, as I grabbed some clothes from the small dresser in the room. Ryker had brought it in after the first night I was here. I guess he didn't want the other men to always have to bring me clothes or for that matter ever have to see me. I got dressed as carefully as I could and sat down on the chair in the room. I had to find a way out of here and I think my only chance is Leo. Can I trust him though? He had already kidnapped me and killed my friend, but I could see it in his eyes that he didn't want to do those things. He was just as much a prisoner here as I was. I guess I will just have to see what I can get him to do. After a few minutes I stood up and went to the bed and took the sheets off. I threw them in a pile on the floor and then laid down on the bed. I slowly drifted back to sleep and dreamed of being home with Matto.

Leo's POV,

Her words had cut through me like I had never imagined they would. To see her so hurt and broken in that moment tore me apart. I knew deep down that I had to make this right, but how I wasn't sure yet. I started to walk away from her door but was stopped by Ryker. His eyes were full of rage and I half expected to be brutally beaten to death. "What in the fuck were you doing in there? I told everyone to stay away from her, that includes you." He screamed at me. I stood my ground and looked at him.

“When did I become part of that? You have been the one making me deal with her, this whole time. All I was doing was cleaning up the mess you made." I said with a sternness to my voice. Ryker eyed me for a moment, his fist balled up next to his side. I waited for him to punch me or something, but it didn't come. Instead he punched the wall next to me.

“Then why was she screaming at you to leave?" He asked, as he backed away from me a little bit.

“Because I told her that I had killed her friend for you." I spit out. "Now she will probably never trust me or want me near her. So you'll have to deal with her yourself." I said with a growl in my voice. He laughed and started to walk away.

"No Leo, you will steal tend to her. She may not trust you, but I know you won't do anything to her." He said and then went back to his office.

It was now seven in the morning and I needed to get to the cafe. I was still working there to keep up appearances in hope that Matto and his group wouldn't suspect me. I made my way to my room and changed for work. I made my way to the cafe, but all I could think about was how to help Kendra now. I wish I could just reach out to Matto and tell him everything, but if I did that he would probably kill me. Which I knew I deserved since not only had I taken his mate from him but I had killed one of his own. I may be new to this whole deal, but I had learned quickly that you don't mess with anyone in the pack. It was a death sentence and I had pretty much screwed up all hopes of Matto ever trusting me.

I was alone in the cafe this morning, as I started to make my preparations for the day. Sam would be in later, but for now I was alone. The morning was dragging and we weren't very busy. I heard the chim of the bell on the front door and looked up to greet the customer. "Hello, welcome to..." I stopped the moment I saw her. She walked in and slowly approached me. What in the hell? I thought she should be dead.

“Hello Leo." She said.

“What? How?" I stammered out.

“How am I not dead? Well you need to work on your skills there Leo. You hurt me badly, but I fought to stay alive, because I am needed here. I know that you didn't want to do this to me and I know that you don't want to hurt Kendra. So help us get her back and we can help you." She said to me. I looked down because it hurt to look at her. Tenaya was so innocent in this and I knew that I didn't deserve her sympathy or her forgiveness. I felt her hand come to my shoulder and I looked up at her. "It's okay Leo. I am alive and all healed up, but I don't think Kendra has much time left. Please help us."

I turned away and took a deep breath. I had asked for a way to help Kendra and here it was. "But, how? Will Matto and the others even trust me?" I asked her, as I turned back to face her. She smiled.

“I have already talked with the others and they agree with me. We don't know your situation, but we all agree that you didn't want to hurt anyone. So if you help us, then we will try to help you get away from Ryker and his pack." I looked at her soft eyes and then the front door bell chimed as a man walked in and stood behind her. I didn't recognize him as someone from her pack.

“How are things going in here Tenaya?" He asked her. She looked at him and smiled.

“Everything is fine Chayton. We were just coming to an understanding." She turned back to me. "So Leo, are you going to help us?" She asked. I nodded my head at her. I had the chance to help Kendra and I was taking it. "Alright, come to the cabin after your shift. I know you know where it is." Tenaya said with a smirk on her face. I will probably never make up for what I did, but I was willing to deal with the consequences if it meant saving Kendra.

“I will be there by five." I said. She nodded and they left the cafe. Alright Leo, now let's make this right. I said to myself as I finished my work.

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