Hunger Awaits

Chapter 25

Kendra's POV,

I had started to lose track of time as the days started to drag by. I hadn't had much interaction with anyone here since the first night. Leo comes in and brings me food and sometimes clothes. Ryker has stayed away for now, but I know that before to long he will reappear and want me to surrender to him. That wasn't going to happen, I would die first before I ever gave into him. I was worried about Matto and my new family. I knew how dangerous Ryker was and knew he would stop at nothing to have me to himself. I wanted to reach out for Matto, but had been unwilling to do so because I didn't want Ryker to hear us. I sat up in the bed and rubbed my eyes. The room was dark and the only light was the moonlight coming in from the barred window. I have to admit at least this time Ryker had thought of everything. There was my own bathroom and bars on any window that I had access to, plus the room was a little nicer than the last time. At least I wasn't chained to a wall.

I heard the sound of someone unlocking the door and turned to see a new face. It was an older man, but immediately I could see the resemblance to Ryker. This must be his father. He walked in and closed the door behind him. He looked at me and smiled a soft grin. His face looked tired and you could see the wisdom of many years in his eyes. " Hello Kendra. I am Andres, Ryker's father." I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at him.

“I kind of figured that out. You look a like. Now what can I do for you?" I asked him with a snap in my voice. He laughed as he pulled a chair up and took a seat.

"I see that you have your mother's temper. I knew that you were a good choice for Ryker." I looked at him in shock. Did he just say I was a good choice for Ryker?

“Excuse me, but what do you mean, I am a good choice for Ryker? I don't understand any of this." I watched as his eyes softened and he took a deep breath.

“Well Kendra, I am the reason that my son is so obsessed with you. When you were just a baby your father offered you to me as a mate for Ryker. Your father owed me and so I gladly accepted his offer. However, when they were killed and you were adopted we lost track of you for a while. When I found you again I sent Ryker to observe you and make sure you were the right person. Then, well you know the rest from there."

The anger I had right now was rising inside me. This man is the reason why I am in this mess. I stood from the bed and started to pace the room. "So your telling me that by some sick thinking in your head you think I belong to Ryker. Wake up grandpa! This is the twentieth century. The only person I belong to is Matto. We have mated and he is my soulmate. You should know how this works better than me." He watched me pace and then smiled.

“Kendra, my dear, I don't think you realize who we are. We don't follow by the rules of any tribe or pack. We take what we want and live by our own rules. That is why we are outcast and considered rogue. Ryker doesn't care that you are mated to another man. You are his in his eyes and he will do whatever it takes to keep you all to himself. In fact he has already started the process by taken out that woman that runs with your beloved Matto." I stopped dead in my tracks at the last part.

“What has he done to Tenaya?" Andres looked at me and smiled. I heard the door opening from behind him.

“I think I will let him explain it to you." He said as he stepped out of the room and Ryker entered.

"What did you do Ryker?" I said with anger in my voice. A huge evil grin spread across his face.

“I did what I had to. I am going to make Matto watch all his pack die then I will kill him. The girl was just the first." Oh no, Tenaya. I could feel the tears starting to burn my eyes as I tried to fight them back. She was dead and it was because of me. If I had never met Matto then this would never have happened. It was all my fault. "Don't worry my love. Soon they will all be dead and you will join me in your rightful place in this pack as my mate." His words were like a sharp knife cutting into my soul. I couldn't let this happen. I had to try and convince him to let them live or I had to kill him myself so this would all end. I don't think I am strong enough to take him myself so I decided to try to convince him to leave them alone. I softened my expression and walked over to him. I touched his cheek and felt him sigh.

“Please Ryker, if you have any feelings for me just leave them alone. I will go with you willingly." He looked up at me and laughed.

“Nice try sweetheart, but I know how strong the mating bond is. He will never give up looking for you and you will not truly belong to me unless I kill him." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him.

“However, with a little convincing on your part, I might be willing to let the others live."

He started to rub his hands down my back to my ass and pinched it softly. I could already feel the bile rising in my stomach as he brought his lips down to mine. I can't do this, I thought to myself. I pushed away from him in a flash and shifted ready to fight my way out if I had to. He smiled at me. "So you want to play rough. Fine." He said as he dropped his shorts and shifted as well. This time no one came in the room it was just the two of us. "I am stronger than you Kendra, just submit to me and they will live except for Matto." His voice entered my head. We started to walk in a circle around the room.

“I will never belong to you. You will have to kill me to." I said and snarled at him. His laughter entered my head and I knew that he wasn't going to be told no this time. He lunged at me and grabbed my neck. I felt the stabbing pain of his teeth as he brought me to the ground. "You are mine! Now submit!" He yelled in my head. His claws now digging into my back.

“NO! Get off of me! Your hurting me!" I yelled. He laughed again and then I felt him start to mount me.

“Have it your way. I will just take what I want." I heard. No, I thought and somehow managed to throw him off of me. He went flying against the wall and I leaped towards the door trying to break it down.

It was no use. Before I could try again Ryker grabbed my tail and tossed me across the room. I felt something crack as I hit the wall and fell to the ground. My body immediately shifted back to my human form as I laid there crying in pain. I looked up in time to see Ryker shift back and come towards me. I knew that I had probably broken a rib or two and I tried to fight back as he grabbed me up and tossed me on the bed. The tears were falling down my face as I felt Ryker penetrate me hard. I tried to fight him off, but only got met with a slap across the face. As he took what he came for, I let my mind drift to Matto. I love you Matto, I said to myself as the blackness finally consumed me. At least I wouldn't have to stay awake through this.

Matto's POV,

Her voice rang in my head, but then there was nothing. All she said was I love you Matto and then there was silence. I could feel her pain and knew that she was hurt. I raced out into the living room where Jace and Koda sat talking with Chayton. "We need to hurry. I don't think Kendra can hold on much longer. He is hurting her." I said. As they all looked up at me I suddenly felt a sharp stabbing pain in my ribs and fell to the ground. I knew it was her. Jace and Koda ran to my side.

“What is it?" Jace said.

“It's Kendra. I never realized how powerful our connection is. I can feel her pain." I said through grit teeth. Chayton walked up to us and put his hand on my shoulder.

“Brother, fight through the pain. You have to control it or you won't be able to save her." He said to me. I pushed the pain out of my head and slowly stood back up. Chayton smiled. "Good, now lets get the others and come up with a plan. I think it is time to go get your mate."

I looked at him and nodded. Chayton and the rest of our pack had arrived two days ago. We had put the woman and children up in the resort and the men were staying in the cabins with us. Tenaya had been released a few days ago and was now in her room, or at least I thought that was where she was. "Matto, there is something I have to tell you. I think it might help." Her voice chimed in from behind us. I turned to face her.

“Tenaya, you should be resting." I said as I walked over to her. Koda followed me and stood at her side.

“I am fine Matto. I think I have an idea on how to get to Kendra. We need to get to Leo." She said. I looked at her funny.

“Leo? Why Leo?" I asked. She looked at Koda.

“You didn't tell him?" She asked. Koda shook his head.

“Tell me what?" I asked, getting a little upset. Tenaya looked at me.

“Leo was the one who attacked me. He is a wolf as well and part of Ryker's pack. But..." I cut her off as I couldn't control the anger inside me.

“That son of a bitch. I will kill him to. Why would you even think we could use him?" I yelled out.

Tenaya stepped in front of me and placed her arms around me. I immediately felt my anger start to subside. "Calm down Matto. I believe that Leo will help because I don't think he willingly attacked me. He apologized to me and I could feel his remorse. I also don't think he wanted to take Kendra or cause her any harm. We can use him. I know we can." I played with the thought for a few minutes. I had felt his affection for Kendra that night at the club. Maybe we could use him. If he truly cares for her at all then it should be easy to convince him.

“Okay, but how do we get to him?" I said. Tenaya smiled.

“Let me deal with that. I think he is still going to work at the cafe to keep up appearances. I think it should be a shock to see me walk in." She said with a smile. I laughed and then became worried.

“Tenaya, what if he is being watched? It is to dangerous for you to go alone." I said. She nodded.

“I agree, but that is why I will take Chayton with me. No one knows who he is. I will be careful." She said. I nodded and we started to put the plan in motion. Hold on Kendra, we are coming for you. I said to myself.

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