Human: Paradigm (COMPLETED)

Chapter 35


Numerous cars are parked outside, but not a single person is in my sight. Only the lamps that illuminate the dim parking lot are present. I walk to the Red bridge.

My gaze falls on the pond where the Arowanas I feed out of habit dwells. However, the water is murky and greenish — similar to the color of the soil. The rainbow pebbles and the ornamental plants that decorate the area before can’t be seen. I extend my hand to the railings, and as per my expectations, it doesn’t reflect anything.

They’re gone.

Without anything, I cross the bridge. By my foot tumbles a leaf. The atmosphere remains quiet, and the only sign of presence is the refulgent hall ahead. It’s quiet for now, but I am certain that another event will happen later if not sooner.

In the side of my eyes, I feel a stinging sensation that seems to be from a light. Then, a gritty sound appears. It’s nearing.

Vroom Vroom

What’s undulating the gritty sound happens to be a motorcycle heading in my direction. I jolt back. I need to evade. I prepare to jump on the right, but fortunately, I stop because the motorcycle dashes through the spot I’m supposed to land. Its engine stops, and the pillion comes off of the motorcycle. Sharp eyes and a scar on the chin mark his face. There’s no mistake, the person in front of me is Jung Hwangbo.

I should’ve expected this.

“Hey!” Jung Hwangbo smiles. “What’s up?” a smile in a so condescending manner.

I have no time for the likes of him so I turn my back.

“You’re no fun!”

“What’s he doing?”

“Turning back because he’s being shy of his appearance.”

I become frozen in my steps. In a vivid manner, a scene occurs from my recollection.

“What happened?” one of my classmates asked.

“Running away because of his looks.” another student sniggered.


I flinch. Ahead, Hwangbo is standing with an evident grin.

“Oh? What’s wrong?”

“We should take him to the clinic.” a high-pitched voice pierces my ears.

Someone grabs my hand, but I yank it. Suddenly, a violent force strikes my back. Fools. What kind of joy does it bring in provoking someone? I don’t need fights.

I see the entrance of the building in the distance. I rush toward it.

I make several turns until I arrive at the hall.

The multitude of the masses sways with the pirouette of LED lights. A heavy sound, presumably Electronic music or so, bangs my ears back and forth. So, it’s really a dance party? I’m glad that I wore these jeans instead of the tuxedo grandfather has insisted.


It’s a shout.

It is because a group of students has staggered to the center of the dance floor. One of them falls, perhaps while dancing, and the bystanders laugh. On the other hand, the teachers are merely observing their scandalous manners as a few are laughing too.

Considering how great the number of the masses is, I can’t let anyone recognize me. I search inside of my pockets. It feels empty.

Where are my sunglasses?

Could it be that I dropped it when I fled?

I check all of my pockets once more, including those on the back of my jeans, but my sunglasses aren’t there. I need to find it. Gazing downward, I head to the entrance.

“Lee?” someone declares my name.

The presence is within my touch. What’s worse is that whoever person it might be is standing in front of me.

I lift my gaze. “Good evening.”

Before me is a girl in a denim cardigan. Her hair is mid-length and her bangs are wavy than the rest, which is in a hue between brown and orange.

The girl smiles. “It’s really you, Lee Richard.”

Do I know her?

“It’s fine if you don’t remember me. I’m just happy to see you again after so many years.” her smile becomes warmer.

“I’m glad.”

The masses are either enthralled by the music, allured by the foods, and, or captivated by the dance. Great. No one has noticed my presence yet.

“Did you just arrive?” she asks. “I didn’t see you earlier. And, I’m pretty sure that you must’ve caused a commotion if so.”

“I arrived earlier. I’m just standing by the side to observe the scene.”

“Really? By the way, have you eaten? The foods are being refilled.”

“I have eaten a while ago, and the food is nice. It’s good.”

It isn’t a lie. The food on the tray is rather appealing, but I’m truly in a need to search for a missing item.

“Great!” then, she averts her eyes.

This is my chance. “I’m sorry, but I need to—”

The surroundings turn pitch black unforeseen. What follows shortly is a bright light. A bright light that’s shining in our direction.

Wandering my eyes makes me aware that the masses are gazing at us. They’d become a spectator, shouting my name, while others are flashing the gadgets in their hands. A heat wells up inside. Turning my head, there’s a glimpse of the girl whose eyes are cast downward. What’s happening?

“Why are we the center of attraction?” I ask.

She doesn’t respond.

“Look where it stopped. The two of you, please come on the stage.” a filtered voice fills the air.

Next to the stage is set a widescreen that displays words regarding a challenge. It’s a challenge for alumni couples.

Seriously? We are chosen when we aren’t even friends?

“Oh! She’s running away!” someone from the crowd yells.

Looking behind, the girl who approached me earlier is chasing the door. That’s... that isn’t fair! I pursue after.

“Block the way!”

I accelerate toward the door and grab her by the hand. I jump.

The jump makes us advance outside the hall. I manage to drag her along.

The sounds of our heavy footsteps echo throughout the deserted hallway. I can only hear her breathing, but her grip alone is enough to confirm her presence. Her hands begin to feel like fire in embers. Still, I don’t let go.

We run for a while until a familiar place comes to light. I stop.

The set of greeneries appears ahead as if we have transcended into another time. The scent of grass permeates my nose. The evening scenery illuminates the horizon.

It hadn’t changed at all.

I take a seat. “What a nice view,” I say.

I remain my gaze to the plains below of the slope. Everything can be recognized from how leveled our place is, even the net for volleyball is visible.

“The different courts, the gymnasium, and the free field looks peaceful,” she says. “I still remember how I and my friends ran there every time.”

“Going down is tiring because our classroom is located on the top floor of the Old Kim Daeguk Building, and yet, we need to go there every P.E. class.”

Her eyes are unfocused but are directed to the view.

“How long had it been? I lost count.”

“It will turn six years this winter,” I say.

“That’s fast. How are you these whole 6 years?”

“I’m good. Nothing really vast occurred, but I’m a high school student now.”

“We’re turning college soon.”

“Yes.” although we’re not the same age. “Where are you studying?”

“At Vex City National University of Arts. And you?”

“Jip-Eun Sig Academy. Economics Major.”

“You managed to pass to an excellent school, huh? Well, you’ve been always smart. I shouldn’t be surprised.”

“Thank you. Arts is great too.” I rest my hand on my lap. “I love art.”

“I hope I can show you mine someday. Not that I didn’t show you one before. Remember the drawing I gave?”

Drawing? “I still keeping it.”

“Really? That’s great. Thank you. Thank you.”

The timid beat becomes one with the silence. Now, she’s gazing at the sky.

“Come to think of it, today’s your birthday.” she looks at me and places her hands on my shoulder. “Happy birthday.”

Why? Did she remember? “Thank you. I’m glad.”

“I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean to make a drama but...” her eyes fall at my hand.

“It’s fine. Please don’t bother.”

“I need to get going. Farewell.” removing her hand, she gets up and walks away.

I will probably leave too.

I run to her. “Let me walk with you.”

“Sure. I don’t mind.”

Amidst the starless sky, we stroll. Behind a tree in the parking lot, I take notice of a figure of a boy within a company of a girl. I feign ignorance. Soon, we depart our way. She walks to the train station while I, on the other hand, ride a cab.

“Good evening, sir,” the driver pays obeisance.

“Good evening,” I say.

I hand my fare. He stops and widens his eyes.

“Your fare should only be W 3,000. This is too much, sir.”

“The regular fare is W 4,000. Did it change?”

“But you’re a VIP.”

I shake my head. “Don’t award any special treatments to me. Payment is payment and your job is your job. I’m just providing you what I’m supposed to give.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am.”

He begins steering the wheel at my words. Halfway, he begins talking. Our conversation revolves around my ability and how great of a Sken I am. I can tell it, he’s one of those people that would certainly follow me everywhere I go.

With the usual traffic, we arrive at our destination. I get off, but before I shut the door, a bright light inside flashes. Without any signal, the cab leaves.

Is that a camera?

What lurcher.

In front of me is the house that reminds me of my seething sadness. Part of me is still hoping for the impossible, but I know too well that no one is home. So, I walk to the gate.

The guards give their salutes, and in return, I manage to smile.

The carports are empty, but the house remains glorious nonetheless. It’s almost as if telling me, no one knows you’re alone because they’re only seeing what’s outside.′ I chuckle. The architecture really reminds me of the school building. What a ridiculous way to design a house.

“What’s so funny?”

At the entrance, a tall man in a black suit stands. His demeanor is intimidating, but I know him unconditionally.

“I wish it didn’t end.”

He stares at me. I don’t move nor do anything.

“All right. Enter, now then.”

I take my steps. I don’t know why, but I’m staggering like the students earlier did.

“Since it’s your day, you must join the dinner.”

“Don’t tell me we’ll be dining together.”

“It’s your grandfather.”

I see. “I almost forgot that he’s here.”

“Now, hurry. He asked the maids to prepare a feast for you.”

“A feast?” I smirk. “Really?”

“Refrain from doing that. It’s creepy.”

“Then don’t look at me.”

I push him without vigorous force and enter the dining hall at once.

I have a foreboding about this event.

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