Human: Paradigm (COMPLETED)

Chapter 34


Black car like Wevrolet passes the house and blocks the view with other more vehicles.

“What are we going to be?” I ask.

“We’re going to enter the house,” emo kid says.

“We are intruding the vice principal’s house?” hell. I said tail, ain’t do a crime.

“Yep~” idiot says.

Emo kid glares. “If you can’t tone down your voice, keep your mouth shut. You’ll alarm them.”

Idiot pouts.

“How are we going to invade the house when sentinels are safeguarding the front gate of the mansion?”

“We can use our ability like a normal Sken would do. Or have you forgotten that?”

Emo kid’s face’s serious and his voice’s irritatingly rubbing me the wrong way.

“I am well aware of our capabilities.” swear am gonna kill you. “Anyway, what is the plan that you have thought?”

“I am our ace!” idiot interrupts and raises hand. “I can use my ability~”

“What is your ability?”

“You don’t know? I remember showing it to you before.”

“I am afraid that I have forgotten.”

“Light manipulation.”

“Light manipulation?”


Idiot directs hands to the leaves side us. One moment, the leaves are lying the ground, the next moment, it ain’t there no more.

Am I gone insane?

“It’s still there,” idiot says. “I just changed the amount of light going to the leaves. That’s why they look like they vanished. Amazing right?”

This the first time seeing this...

“Yes. Your ability is indeed extraordinary.”

“You’re done showing off?” emo kid’s scowled.

Idiot grins at him. Emo kid gives him hard eyes.

“We’re going inside with Hwan’s ability.”

“How are we going to enter? We cannot really climb on the wall because it has no leverage.”

“We have no choice but to knock the guards out.”

“All right. I can at least do that.”

Idiot goes front us and waves hand in a circle shape. I look to him and emo kid to see em standing. Guess mah eyes ain’t affected.

We walk the gate.

Three men are guarding. Two em frozen like a statue while other one’s blabbering the radio.

“Update?” one guard talks the radio in hand.

Emo kid looks us. Idiot nods. Then, we creep up to one in the middle and left.

“Good. Nothing’s,”

Place mah hands on two them

“, going on he— ergh!”


Their meats drop to the ground.

On the left, emo kid punches the guard on the stomach.

Eh? He’s barely sniffing. Where’s that strength comes?

“Done?” he asks me.

“They will remain unconscious for a few hours.”

“Guys, we can’t make too much noise. We’re invisible in their sight, but we’re not intangible.” idiot says in soft voice.

So you can be serious sometimes?

“Also, don’t go too far from me because the illusion will wear off. Ah! And I also need a light source to use my ability, so if we’re going somewhere dark, I need light.”

“I didn’t bring my phone,” emo kid says.

“What are we going to do if there’s no light source?”

“Let’s think about that later. We should go for now.”

We walk the gate to open it. We use light touch so it ain’t make a loud noise, then, we tiptoe to old geezer’s house.

Men in blue, a.k.a guards are roaming inside but they keep on standing like some damn hard di—! Actually, they minds me of Men in White. Both sloppy.

After some avoiding, we arrive at the door. Since idiot’s ain’t cast his spell yet, he waves his hands slowly at the door like tracing the shape.

“Now, they should see the door as closed. Aokay.”

Emo kid immediately grabs the knob. The inside of the house’s big or bout as big as bitch. Long hallway fronts. Red carpet sways. Bigass chandelier floats. But no one’s here cept a man in black suit, walking.

Second floor has 3 rooms in total. One is each side, nother one’s the end. On mah right is nother stairs that goes up. Size is long, but design’s splattered in white with some golden shit. Stairway to heaven?

“We should inspect each room before going to the other level,” emo kid says.

“Right,” I say.


We creep the door on left just cuz it’s the nearest. We glue our ears on it.

“Why did you do that?” voice says.

It sounds deep, and round, must be Braggart.

“Sorry but no one really knew.”

Sounds lighter, it’s smooch. Are they in spat?

“Sigh. If you’re not going to follow what I wanted, then you shouldn’t have asked for instructions. You’re doing things in your own way.”

I turn to idiot. Side me, he’s grinning a big-eared smile.

“I’m really sorry, hyung.”

“No one really understands me at all. It’s better if you leave now.”


Footsteps come rushing to the door. We get outta way.


What comes out is a nice view of smooch and his frowning assface. Looks like someone didn’t become a good puppy. Hehehe.

“Dick head.” he bolts away

I could’ve recorded this. Bummer mah laptop’s ain’t here.

“Did you catch that?” idiot asks. “Jules is really bummed out.”

Emo kid narrows eyes. “We’re not blind.”

“It looks like Jules and Richard had come to a dispute.”

“Sounds like it.”

“We need to check their rooms and find evidence about Hwan’s poisoning or your president’s death.”

“Aww... You’re concerned about me.”

“I rather have you dead than this.”


“You’re so mean.”

They fall off the usual banter, and I know it goes on and on. Better do something before they stop after two days. So, I place ears on the door.

“Tsk. Everyone’s stupid.” braggart says.

But you’re the stupidest I know.


Did something fell or what?

“Evergreen Mall.” he says.

Evergreen? The big mall here?

Suddenly, footsteps rush the door again. I get outta way, almost hitting tall vase.

Now, braggart’s standing at the door. He looks the hallway, wearing the assest of the assfaces I’ve ever seen.

I look at emo kid. He nods. We walk to the room.


In a snap, the lights damned down and everything becomes pitch black. The heck!

“Jose? The lights are out!” braggart yells.

Suddenly, something grabs me.

“Run!” a voice mutters. I feel a moving force.

Heck. Who’s this dragging me do— Ouch!

“Arg!” someone yells.

I bump into something hard. Hope it’s braggart.

Moving on, mah feet feels like they’re floating on the ground. What the heck’s this?

“Chifui, the door.” sounds like idiot.

“I know. I know.” tastes like emo kid.

Suddenly, a buzzing noise like something’s frying came. Wait, that sound...

“Argh. What’s this? Something is in the front.”


Though can’t see anything, I feel static coming in front. Ugh. Not this shit again.

“It burns,” emo kid says.

“That is my ability. Do not bother and just keep on running.” I say to whoever’s dragging me.

“You’re ability? Chun, I thought your ability is—”


We crash the door or the field crashes the door? Idk, but there are light stinging mah eyes. Looking straight, men in blue are staring at us. Their hands with guns.

“Hwan!” I call, tryna suppress mah voice.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bullets fly the air. Idiot and emo kid are flustered, but it ain’t come cross cuz mah field’s protecting us.

“We should be in-vi-sib-le.”

“Tsk, you’re too slow.”

“You’re just too fast— Hey! Watch out!”


The field breaks the gate. Then, Emo kid keeps on dragging us. Everything round is in blur. Relief spills on mah head. I survived.

“I thought that your ability is Electric Manipulation? ” idiot asks nowhere.

“Indeed, my ability is Electric Manipulation.”

“Then explain this!”

That asshole left me electricity shit, but... “My mother’s ability is force field generation, and her ability was passed to me.”

“Is that even possible?”

“I am uncertain too myself.”

Emo kid stares the way. Though can definitely see mah feet are on the ground, I don’t feel anything for real. Still feels like floating. So he’s really strong even though he looks like he’s gonna break if a wind blows over.

After some seconds, the feeling continues and the scene outside be unclear. Mah eyes feels heavy. I close them.


“Evergreen Mall,” braggart said.

Ah! The mall!

“Excuse me, Chifui.”


“Can you lead us to Evergreen Mall?”

“I’m thinking of stopping here” he snickers lips that’s seeable on the field. “Why do we need to go?”

Tsk. “I heard that Richard is going there.”

He raises his eyes but then returns looking straight. “Fine.”

“Thank you.”

He ain’t move. Not even a flinch. But that ain’t a big deal cuz he’s driving us.

“What do you think about their convo~? Chun? Chifui?”

“Richard is furious with Younger brother."

“We’re stopping here.” emo kid interrupts.


Oh no! “W-wait, listen!”

The view round us becomes solid and clear not like the blurred shit earlier.

No way!


To the air, the blue color of mah field explodes. Heck.

“What the?”

Mah chest bangs. I close mah eyes. Am too young to be club fed.


The wind blows on me and nothing loud appears.

Opening mah eyes, I see the surroundings are calm. Buildings have no damage. Peeps have no injuries. But across wraps everything prolly 5 feet away us is purple field.

“Richard?” words spout mah mouth.

“Who do you think that is? Of course, he’s the only one who can do that.”

“How did he get here soooo fast?”

“Are we still under your ability?” I ask.

“I’m not sure. But I think so.”

“You better be sure.” emo kid points the sidewalk.

We walk there. Suddenly, the purple field vanishes. Peeps around us start walking suddenly, some almost skin-to-skin to us but they ain’t noticing us.

“Woah. It’s Richard!” thirsty girls scream.

“Master Richard saved us.” peeps shout.

Meantime, braggart walks away while looking the ground. Guess he’s shy.

“Hwan’s ability is still with us.”

I turn at Emo kid.

“Yep~ Amazing!”

Phew. “Thank you for everything, but I think it is my duty to follow Richard from here.”

“Be careful, okay?”

“I will.”

Chifui grabs him.

“Text us if something comes up.”


Idiot’s tryna blabber something but they disappear before I can pick up.

I walk ahead. I keep mah distance from him.

He walks on, but he passes the mall.

Huh? This where he gonna go.

He literally ignores it as if it’s a ghost. After a while, he turns the dark alleyway past the mall.

Near the entrance stands a dump box. At the end, braggart’s sight is focused straight. I sneak to the box. Garbage perfume enters mah nose and I hold mah sniff though gross smell’s literally coming over.

Someone arrives. Outta nowhere, boy in hoodie creeps to braggart.

“Hey, you’re here already,” hoodie says.

Wow. He’s breezy.

Braggart glares. “You’re 5 minutes late.”

“Heh.” hoodie bows down. “I’m very sorry, your majesty.”

Hahaha. Good one.

The glare changes to a very mad glare. Braggart then raises left hand to hoodie boy and throws a purple something at him. The colors round us immediately becomes blinding white. I close mah eyes.

“Ouch. That hurts,” someone says.

In front’s him is sill hoodie boy. Still alive, still sniffing, and still standing. What?! He ain’t affected?

Braggart gapes like a fish too. “That’s... You’re kidding.”

Hoodie shakes head. “Nope.”

“What are you?”

“That’s a secret...”

The quiet flies in the alley. Nothing of them dare to move.

“Just kidding. Of course, I’m a Sken like you. I wouldn’t be here if I’m not, right?” hoodie smiles. “Anyway, are you willing to hear what I’m going to say?”

Braggart pinches above nose. “Just spit it out already.”

“Do you want to join me?”

“What are you saying?”

“Listen.” then, hoodie points the sky.

In the sky, a small large medium car’s flying. It’s the news plane but truth is, everything bout it is just pure gossip.

“Breaking News! A new Class Division in the city has been discovered. The said Class Division is stronger than Class IV and is temporarily called Class Paradigm. The very first Sken to be classified as this is a student in Jip-eun Sig Academy named Isaiah Matt Cruz.”

W-wha?! Paradigm? The heck’s that? And cheater?

Real bullshit gossip.

“What kind of joke is this?” braggart asks with scrunched brows.

“You don’t want to? After boss has gotten in trouble for that substance, you’re backing down?”

“What are you saying?”

“That’s why we’re negotiating.”

The smile on hoodie’s face becomes more crumpled than the love letter Gunwoo gave me. Wait, why am thinking bout him?

His haughty vibe clashes with braggart and the wind suddenly reeks bad. Guess they’re same kind.

Braggart’s eyes meet him.

“What’s your name?”

“Call me Changheom.”

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