Chapter HUGE X4: Epilogue

3 Years Later

4X The Happiness

I’m not going to tell you everything has been smooth sailing.  Relationships can be challenging when there are only two people involved.  Add another three and you have a whole heap of ready conflict just waiting to brew.  Especially when four out of the five people are brothers.


I never realized brothers could bicker as much as they do.

It’s never over anything major, but that doesn’t stop it from being really annoying.

Anyway.  They more than make up for the sibling stupidity with other benefits!  Plenty of other benefits!

After our amazing few days together, Liam and Callum had to head back to Dubai.  I cried at the airport and we must have made a very interesting scene.  The funny thing was that I didn’t even think twice about kissing them both goodbye in public.  Any embarrassment or worry about what people would think seemed to have disappeared when I let my own inhibitions go.

They were in Dubai for a whole month and during that time I got to know Matty and Ryan a whole lot better. At first, it felt weird to be with just the two of them, as though I was cheating on Callum and Liam in a way.  I know that none of them saw it that way, but I did.

It took a few days for things to feel like they were natural.  I got back to business and completed all my orders.  Happy customers always make a happy me.

Happy boys too.  They love eating all the cake off-cuts and licking out the buttercream bowls.  I tease them that they’re going to lose their figures, but really there is no danger of that.  My boys are gorgeous in every way and only seem to be getting fitter.  Maybe it’s all the crazy sex that goes on in this place.  I swear I’ve had to take up yoga so I can accommodate all the acrobatics.  And my fuffie took a while to get used to so much action.

When Liam and Callum had finally finished sorting out their security contract in Dubai, they came home.  And that’s when our relationship truly began.

We’ve had to go through a lot.  Mom and Frank returned from Jamaica and the shit really hit the fan.  To say there was an angry reaction completely underplays what happened.  Amazingly, though, for the first time in my life, I wasn’t left alone to defend myself.  In fact, I didn’t have to say a thing.  Matty and Ryan dealt with my mom and their dad.  When things escalated to angry phone calls to Dubai, Callum and Liam did the same.  Our parents didn’t talk to us for over a year.  I think it was only the fact that they were getting married that seemed to spur a resolution.  By that point, we’d proven our commitment to each other.

Am I glad that we’re all now playing semi-happy-families together? Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

That’s debatable.

Having mom in my life in any form is a challenge, but I’ve tried to be more like Kerry and let things wash over me.  I think the fact that both her daughters began to withdraw scared her enough to change some of her ways.

And the fact that there are now five men who have got our backs probably had a lot to do with it too.

There have been interesting reactions from some of our friends.

Disapproval and jealousy from some.  We swiftly ignored that.

My friends Carrie and Katelin were very supportive.  I guess because they’ve been through the same situation.  Having their backing was vital, and Kerry’s too.

Today is a big day.

About a month ago we finally moved from the apartment into a gorgeous house on the outskirts of town.  Let’s just say it’s my dream home.  It has enough room that we all have our own space, a gorgeous porch out front, amazing yard and a kitchen big enough to accommodate my baking business.  I guess it helps that I have four men bringing home the bacon, and they’re pretty damn good at that.  It’s especially important since we’re no longer just a family of five anymore.  We have two little additions.

Yes, you guessed it.

Twin boys.

Was there ever any hope that I might have a girl?  I think the genetic odds are completely out of my favor.

Caleb and Cole were born last year and they’ve just found their feet.  Now we’re all forever chasing them.

Do I have any idea who the daddy is?

Well, the answer to that is yes.  When it felt right to be thinking about taking our relationship to the next level, we discussed what that would mean.  It didn’t matter to me because they would all be my children, and Callum and Liam weren’t bothered to know.  But Ryan felt strongly that the children we have should know who their daddy is and who their uncles are.

So that’s what we did.

Can you guess whose babies Caleb and Cole are?

Callum’s.  Well, he is the oldest.  That seemed the easiest way to decide who’d go first.  In a way, I’m glad we did it this way.  I got to spend a month making a baby with just him and it felt really special.  In some ways, it was weird to have so much intimate alone time but so lovely too.

There is something so totally different about having sex and making love to create a child.  A closeness that develops between two people who are forging to build something so amazing together.  The others were different around me too.  Brotherly almost.

And once we knew I was pregnant, not all of them felt comfortable going back to how we were together.  I had to show them that I wasn’t breakable and prove that sex isn’t bad in pregnancy before they were okay with it.  I will confess that after about six months I just didn’t feel hugely sexy anymore.  Those babies were big and I am not!

We made quite a spectacle in the hospital.  The staff just thought that the three big dudes waiting outside were excited uncles.  They didn’t get the full extent of our connection until all of them burst into the room to congratulate Callum and kiss me.  I think the gossip stream was flooded that day!

I know Liam is keen to take his turn.  He’s been so great with the babies so far.  In a way, they are like his own because genetically he and Callum are identical.  Caleb and Cole still get him confused with daddy and I think he secretly likes it.

And I guess this way it means I’m going to be having at least five children…maybe more if the twin thing continues to be so pervasive.  Am I finding that prospect a little scary?  Hell yeah.  Mostly because it’s a physical challenge to carry twins.  But unlike most women, I have four men on hand to help out, and they really do.  The division of labor in this house is amazing.  I’m in charge of shopping, laundry, and desserts but pretty much everything else is getting covered by my men.

Diaper changes.  Night feeds.

No complaints.

Did I tell you that I think they might be perfect?

Okay, maybe not perfect.  Ryan is a covers hog.  Matty takes too long in the shower.  Callum never turns his clothes the right way before putting them in the laundry basket, and Liam leaves his paperwork all over the place.

But apart from that, I am totally and blissfully happy living with my boys.

So back to today.

We decided that we should hold a housewarming and invite all our friends and family.  We have a yard full of hungry people and Matty and Ryan are barbecuing up a storm.  Callum’s handling drinks and Liam’s in full on host-mode.  I’m sitting on a blanket with my baby boys, enjoying the sunshine and time with friends.

“So, when are you guys going to start trying for round two?” Katelin asks me.  She’s bottle-feeding little Isobel and I feel a pang because I know she wanted to breastfeed but can’t because of her medical history.

“Well, Liam said maybe we should start trying in September.”

“Ohh…so soon,” Carrie exclaims.  Her twin girls are currently perched on Ethan and Nathan’s shoulders having a water gun fight.

“Yeah.  I’m gonna have to fit in two more pregnancies after that so we can’t wait too long.”

Jenna chuckles.  “You’re not looking too stressed about that,” she says.

“Nah.  It’s all good.”  Caleb gets up and toddles off towards Hannah and Dominic.  They’re his special people.  Not godparents because we didn’t go that route, but just as good.  Dominic hefts him up and throws him in the air.  I wince for a second because rough play is still something I struggle with, but Caleb’s screaming with laughter.

“So, I’ve got some news,” Jenna says, sounding nervous.

“What?” Carrie is the worst at waiting.  She always wants to know everything that’s going on in people’s lives.

“I’m pregnant,” Jenna whispers.

We all lose it.  Jenna and Harrison have been trying for years with no success.  Something to do with Jenna’s ovaries.

“How long?” I say, shuffling over the blanket to hug her.

“Fifteen weeks,” she says blushing.

“Oh my goodness.”  Carrie is hugging Jenna too.  “That is just the best news.”

“Now I’ll have boring baby stories to share with you guys too,” Jenna laughs.

“Are you calling us boring?” Katelin says in a mock-angry voice.

Carrie cuts her a glance.  “What are you talking about girl?  We know we are boring about these kids.  Who give a shit about when they’ve been potty trained or what food they’re refusing to eat.  I bore myself most of the time.”

“True,” Katelin says.

“Let’s talk about our sexy men,” I say.

We all look around to find where they are.  Jenna’s husband Harrison is talking to Frank, probably about football.  It’s the universal man-versation.

Carrie’s men, Ethan and Nathan, are still getting drenched in the water pistol war.

Katelin’s trio, Bryan, Jason, and Austin are serving themselves at the buffet.  Katelin laughs.  “Look at my three.  First at the food.  ALWAYS.”

“It’s cos you keep them so busy,” Carrie laughs.  “All that sex burns calories.”

Katelin gives her a withering look.  “These days it’s them keeping me busy.  I’m so damn tired all the time, but when they start with the moves…well, I find the energy somehow!”

“You’re singing my song there, sister,” I laugh.  “With four of them, even a quickie takes over an hour!”

“Damn,” Jenna says.  “I mean, I know I lucked out with Harrison but sometimes I look at you girls and wish he had a long lost brother somewhere.”  She looks over at Harrison and grins.  “Don’t you dare tell him I said that!”

“He’d probably find it hilarious,” Katelin laughs.

“Yeah.  Knowing him he’d probably get off on role-playing that out,” Carrie says.

Jenna’s eyes flash.  “Now there’s an idea,” she says.

Carrie punches Jenna softly on the shoulder.  “Damn, that boy’s gonna have the time of his life tonight.”

“He has the time of his life every night!”

We all sigh because life is good despite all the challenges we’ve faced.  Jenna with her fertility and money worries, Carrie and Katelin with their medical scares, me and the issues with Brad and our parents.  We’ve all come out on the other side, with so much happiness in our lives.

And I guess that in the end it’s because we followed our hearts.  Not all journeys are easy, but the ones worth traveling are worth the trouble.  I scoop up Cole and tell the girls I’ll be back in a minute.  I head towards Liam who excuses himself from the conversation he’s having with my mom to walk with me.

“Thanks for the rescue,” he laughs when we’re far enough away to be out of earshot.

“No problem,” I say.  He lifts Cole from my arms and tosses him in the air, making him squeal like his brother.  My heart is overflowing with love today.  Maybe it’s the fact that we’re surrounded by our nearest and dearest, or maybe it’s just that this life I’m living finally seems to have settled around me enough for me to appreciate it.  I’m not sure.  But I lean over and kiss Liam tenderly and whisper that I love him.

He obviously senses something because he tugs me against him and kisses my hair.  “I love you too, Bethany,” he says softly.  “So much.”

“Shall we try?” I ask him and he knows what I mean right away.  His eyes are bright, his mouth quirked into a curious smile.



“You sure you’re ready?”

I nod and he beams a full on mega-watt O’Connell smile.

“Babe, I’m gonna make you come so hard tonight,” he whispers.  “I’m gonna fill you up so many times.”

Oh god, the way he talks just hits me straight between the legs.  If we weren’t entertaining, I’d be dragging his ass upstairs so he can make good on his promise right now.

“You gonna put a baby inside me?” I whisper right into his ear and he shivers.

“Yeah,” he says, slipping his hand over my waist to squeeze my ass.  “I’m gonna put a baby inside you and I hope it’s a girl who looks just like you.”

“It’ll probably be twin boys,” I laugh.  “I’ve already picked out the names.”

“Luke and Logan?”

We both chuckle at the tradition that Callum started, using the first letter of his name for his son’s names.

“Actually, I was thinking Luke and Lewis.”

“Or Laney for a girl.”

I smile because it’s so damn cute that Liam has already thought about this.

“Laney is perfect,” I say and he grins proudly.  “Will you look after Cole for a while?” I ask.  “I wanna go see Callum.”

“Sure,” he says.  “I’ll go change his diaper.”

Cole says ‘Dada’, patting Liam’s cheeks and I laugh.  “Not Dada,” I say.  “Lee-Lee.”

I turn and make my way to Callum, who is currently mixing up what looks like a mojito.

“Hey,” I say, joining him behind the makeshift bar.

“You looking for a cocktail?” he asks, giving me a delicious kiss.  He tastes of something sweet.

“You know me.  I’m always up for a Long Screw against the wall.”

“Well, I can give you one of those later if you like.”  His smile is dark like licorice.

I wink.  “Can you make me one now?”

He laughs.  “Sure.”

We spend a few minutes joking around while Callum prepares my order.  He really is very good at making cocktails.  When it’s done he pats me on the ass and tells me to go enjoy the party, so I do.

At the grill, Ryan and Matty are looking hot but happy.  I swear the whole yard smells good enough to eat.

“You looking for a sausage?” Ryan asks loudly.  There are a few sniggers from our friends closest to the barbecue and I snort.

“I think I’ve had enough sausage to last me a lifetime,” I say, putting my hands on my hips.  Yet more laughter and grins from my gorgeous men.

“How about some wings, honey?” Matty suggests.

“And ribs,” I say.  He passes me a plate and I blow them both kisses.  It’s too hot around the grill to be getting handsy, but I’ll make sure I give them plenty of love later.

The party goes on through the afternoon, but the kids get tired early so we’re all cleared up by 9 pm.  Callum puts the boys to bed and I go up to kiss their sweet cheeks goodnight.

The house is so quiet. Just the murmur of my boys chatting in the den.

I sit at the top of the stairs with my sons sleeping behind me and my men resting in front of me and I know I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.  These boys are my world.  The points of my compass.  My home and my heart.

After what happened with Brad, I thanked them for rescuing me.  None of them agreed that they had.  They told me I just needed time and space to see myself and that’s what they gave me.  Every day I feel another tiny mosaic piece of me fall into place.  Now it’s not even the pieces that Brad unearthed, but pieces that reflect the new things I’m learning in my life.

I guess the most important realization of all is this: every day that we have time and space to just be ourselves is precious, and finding love that helps on that journey is the ultimate goal of all.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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