
: Chapter 37

The cabin was enveloped by a blissful hush, the only sound being the warm and comforting crackle of the fireplace. The gentle flickering of the flames illuminated Saint and I nestled cozily beneath a thick, fluffy blanket.

‘Tell me,’ I prompted, gazing up at Saint with genuine curiosity. ‘What’s your favourite memory of us?’

Saint’s honey-green eyes glimmered in the light of the fire as he pondered my question, his face buried in his hands.

‘Ah, there are so many…’ he mused before flashing me an impish grin. ‘But if I had to pick just one, it’d be anytime we literally fucked the feelings out of each other.’

I groaned in jest, playfully swatting him on the arm. ‘Ugh, come on! Give me a real answer.’

A smile of contentment stole over Saint’s face as he fell deep into thought.

‘Well, there’s a moment I remember whenever I’m playing the piano with you. It’s like we become these raw, unguarded versions of ourselves…’ his voice trailed off wistfully, and a tender smile slowly spread across my face.

His eyes glimmered like molten honey in the firelight as he pondered deeply for a moment.

‘Although, I treasure every moment we’ve spent together,’ he adds.

I couldn’t help but chuckle, realizing we were both experiencing the same intense connection I share, feeling his arms wrap around me. His curious gaze lingers on me as he asks, ‘And what about you?’

As I gaze into his eyes, a rush of memories wash over me, but one image stands out among the rest.

‘Remember when you flew across the world just because you wanted to hold me in your arms and I helped you fall asleep…’ I trailed off and his eyes gleamed. ‘How could I forget?’

I lightly chuckled. ‘I was watching you sleep. You are an adorable sleeper by the way with your light snores and sometimes your body does this little twitch thing. I find it cute.’ I explain and his cheeks flush. ‘Why is it your favourite?’

Because of the realization that I was deeply and irrevocably falling for you.

‘Turns out I love watching you sleep,’ I tell him almost half the truth.

Saint gently brushes my cheek with the pad of his thumb. ‘Not to be cliché or anything but I also love to watch you sleep. You on the other hand drool like a baby.’ he teases and my cheeks flush from embarrassment, pushing his hand off I lightly slap him on the shoulder.

‘No, I do not.’ My face flushes with a mixture of adoration and embarrassment, as I swat his hand away and deny his accusations with a scoff.

However, he persists in mocking my sleeping habits, even going so far as to imitate me in slumber. I push him away, but cannot help but giggle as he rewards me with a melodious laugh, his eyes crinkling with joyful mirth.

Truly, there is nothing more delightful than basking in the warmth and affection of this man, even in the quiet moments of rest.

I was completely captivated, unable to peel my eyes away from him as he was consumed by his own infectious laughter. Watching him filled me with a sense of joy that I had never known before. At that moment, I understood what it meant to witness pure beauty.

It was as if time stood still as I gazed into Saint’s enchanting eyes. His emerald irises shimmered like a sea of precious stones, delicately weaved with strands of golden honey. Each time he laughed, his eyes would light up like a constellation of stars, creating an otherworldly glow that radiated from within.

In his eyes, I could see the secrets of the universe and the wonder of creation. There was a magic there that I couldn’t quite put into words. It felt like I was staring into eternity, and I was grateful for every second that I got to bask in his presence.

Saint leans in, cupping the side of my face as he captures my lips. He pulls me onto his lap and my hand snakes around his neck as I deepen the kiss by tugging on his hair. He squeezes my waist, kissing me slowly and passionately. It’s not the usual kisses we share. This one is different, far more intimate in some odd way we express our love for each other through this kiss. My heartbeat slows down and everything around us falls away as I feel as if I’m floating into space while Saint and I share a passionate kiss.

With a quick, seamless motion, he hoists me up and I melt into his tender, rose-colored lips. ‘Where are you taking us?’ I breathe barely above a whisper. ‘To the kitchen,’ he retorts with confidence, and before I know it, I’m perched on the inviting wooden counter.

Saint withdraws, pausing in thought. ‘Hang on,’ I muse, leaning towards him curiously. ‘What is it?’ I ask. ‘I want to create a new treasured moment for us,’ he calmly offers, deftly grabbing a cute apron embroidered with charming floral accents. A warm, rosy glow rushes to my cheeks.

I know where this is going.

‘Oh,’ I falter, sensing his intention. ‘But… we don’t have the necessary ingredients…’ I protest, already imagining the delightful aroma of my famous cookies. A smile dances across Saint’s lips as he deftly opens the refrigerator and searches through the cupboards. My mouth drops in wonder as he produces everything I need with ease.

‘I must say, you’re quite remarkable,’ I chuckled, and he responded with a smug grin. ‘Do you need a hand getting undressed, Doe, or should I simply admire the view?’ he inquired, causing my body to tingle with excitement.

‘I’ll let you watch, but that’s all you’re getting,’ I retorted, whisking the apron out of his hands. Without wasting another moment, I shed my layers of clothes and threw on the apron.

Saint’s gaze lingered on my exposed skin as he picked up my discarded clothes and carefully placed them on a nearby chair. As he gathered the ingredients for our baking venture, I couldn’t help but feel a growing desire for more than just cookies on this chilly evening.

‘Shall we begin?’ he smirks, puffing out his chest as if leading the way was some grand feat. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes, brushing past him to gather the ingredients. As I slice the butter with deft precision, Saint’s palm collides with my backside, making me yelp.

Whirling around, I hold the knife directly to his face, daring him to make another move. ‘Don’t push your luck, Saint,’ I warn. With a mock salute, he sets to work on the dry ingredients whilst I fire up the stove. The unsalted butter sizzles as I brown it to perfection before pouring it over a sinful mixture of brown and white sugar.

Let the baking games begin.

The cozy cabin was filled with the warm, inviting aroma of a bustling bakery. My eyes traced Saint’s skilled hands as he meticulously chopped the luscious bar of chocolate into tiny bites. Grinning to myself, I whipped together the eggs, vanil a extract, and other ingredients until they combined into a silky, decadent caramel mixture.

As Saint deftly sifted together the flour, baking soda, and salt, he sauntered over to my side of the kitchen. I dipped a spoon into the wet mixture, allowing Saint a taste, and his approving nod only heightened my excitement.

After some playful banter, we combined all the elements together, and Saint carefully folded in the chocolate. The dough was left to rest and grow to its full potential, and once the moment arrived, I deftly shaped each cookie before they were placed in the oven to bake to perfection.

Just as I turn around, Saint takes me by surprise. He twirls me around, dips me low, and plants a deep kiss on my lips before hoisting me up into his arms. As he holds me close, I can’t help but grin, my hands instinctively resting on his solid chest.

But then I notice the unfairness of our situation – I’m standing there naked while he’s fully dressed in a black tee and grey joggers. I pout, and Saint before giving me a quick peck on the lips and pulling off his shirt.

My eyes widen as I take in his chiseled abs, and I can’t help but smile in approval. ‘Definitely better,’ I say, wrapping my arms around his neck.

As I tilt my head up to meet his eyes, Saint’s gaze is intense, and I can feel the weight of his words before he even speaks them. ‘I could stay here with you forever,’ he says, his voice deep and serious. ‘Leave everything behind and just start a new family.’

I hesitate, knowing there are so many things we have to consider, but at the same time, there’s something so tempting about the idea of starting a new life with him. ‘Saint…’ I start to say, but my voice trails off.

‘What about…?’ I never get to finish my sentence as Saint cuts me off with another kiss, his passion taking over as we both lose ourselves in the moment.

‘Abel can take over. I can step down all you have to do is say the word,’ he announces searching my eyes as honesty drips from his words. I frown yet a small smile tugs at the corner of my lips.

‘But you love the mafia,’ I told him. ‘Not as much as I love you, Irena.’

Unexpectedly, Saint drops down to one knee, leaving me speechless. My eyes enlarge as he effortlessly retrieves a small, mysterious box from his pocket.

‘Saint, what’s going on?’ I gasp, feeling as though my heart may flutter out of my chest. With gentle sincerity, he replies, ‘I’m doing it the right way,’ his gaze overflowing with adoration.

With the grace of a prince, he caresses my right hand, effortlessly removing the suffocating ring my uncle once forcefully placed on my finger. As if unwrapping a treasure, Saint unhurriedly opens the plush box before my eyes, revealing a breathtaking sight.

I gasp in amazement, astonished by the five magnificent diamonds elegantly arranged on the white gold band. The stones twinkle like stars in the night sky, enchanting me with their beauty, and I shudder with excitement. Saint’s eyes meet mine, and I sense the depth of his love for me in his gaze.

Tears of joy begin to well up in my eyes, and I can hardly believe what is happening in front of me. Is this a dream, or is it a reality? All I know is that the ring, the diamonds, the moment… it’s all perfectly fitted for me.

‘My dearest Irena, as I look into your eyes, I am reminded of how lucky I am to have you in my life. Your love, your friendship, your companionship

– they all lift me up and make me believe in something greater than myself.

You are more than a partner to me; you are the soul mate I’ve searched for all my life. And so, I offer you this ring as a symbol of my commitment – not just to be with you for a day, a year, or even a decade, but for every moment of my life.’ He pauses searching my eyes. “Remember when I told you that two things can have me, you and death itself, scratch that? Only you can have me Irena, not even death can separate us.” He utters and my heart completely melts.

‘I know we both eschew the idea of fairy tales but let’s not miss out on our chance to create one. I want to be your knight in shining armor – to protect and shield you from the pain that has touched your soul. My promise to you is that I will stand by you no matter what, holding your hand in the storm, drying your tears when they fall.’

‘I will be the goofy comedian that makes you laugh every day and the passionate lover that takes your breath away. Most of all, I will be the steady partner that listens to your worries, your fears, and your hopes. With you, I want to scale the heights of musical harmony, dance upon the rooftops of Paris, stir pots and pans while cooking up a storm; feel the sun on our faces as we drive off into the sunset, and laugh until we can no longer laugh.

With you, my heart desires to create a beautiful family that we could both be proud of.’

‘Therefore, Irena, my love, my best friend, my soul mate, let me say it: I will spend the rest of my life in your loving embrace.’ With that, he felt the world stand still.

‘Will you marry me?’

As my emotions surged like a tidal wave, tears cascaded down my face in a deluge. But between spasms of laughter and nods of agreement, I found the words to express my heart’s desire. ‘Yes!’ I cried out, ‘I’ll marry you…again.’

Without hesitation, Saint slipped the ring onto my finger and with unparalleled vigor, sprang to his feet. He pulled me close, pressing his lips against mine in a passionate kiss. With unbridled glee, he hoisted me into his arms and spun me around, consumed with joy.

‘Good, because I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.’ He points out seriously and I roll my eyes as a light giggle escapes my lips.

‘Where will we even get married? When will the wedding be!?’ I question as panic takes over. ‘Relax, you told me that you’ll finally feel free when you visit Morocco.” he reminds me with an impish smile. The mere mention of the lush island destination quickens my pulse.

‘Wait, are we really getting married there?’ I blurt out, my eyes sparkling with excitement. He nods, a low chuckle rippling through us both.

‘Yes, and while we’re at it, why don’t you finally connect with your roots and invite your long-lost family?’ he suggests, his voice awash with warmth and promise.

I erupted in uncontainable euphoria, peppering his face with dozens of affectionate pecks. He chuckled, encircling me in his arms.

But my excitement was cut short as I suddenly recalled the batch of cookies baking in the oven. Hastily slipping out of Saint’s grasp, I scurried over to the oven, greeted by the toasty warmth embracing my skin and the heavenly aroma of just-baked treats.

Leaning back towards Saint with a grin etched on my face, I announced,

‘The cookies are finally ready!’


With a seductive sway of her hips, Irena pivots to reveal golden-brown cookies fresh from the oven. My lips curl into a smirk as I watch her exquisite form move with grace and dexterity. With nothing but an apron delicately hugging her form, my mind races with sinful thoughts of nibbling on her luscious chocolate derrière. Suddenly caught in my stare, Irena quirks a mischievous brow, shifting her weight ever so slightly.

‘You have quite the staring problem,’ she playfully chides, offering me a plate of cookies. I simply shrug in response. ‘Can you blame me? You look absolutely delectable,’ I confess, unable to resist her charm. Irena giggles and shakes her head, her innocent smile making me weak in the knees.

With a sly grin, she coquettishly whispers, ‘It’s time for you to taste my delicious cookies.’ My heart races as I know her words hold a deeper meaning.

Without hesitation, I scoop her up in my arms, balancing the plate of cookies between us, and lead us back to the couch.

Sitting on the plush couch, Irena perches herself on my lap, and I gently take the plate from her. We stare into each other’s eyes as the fire crackles in the background, casting an orange glow and enveloping warmth. The air between us thickens with a passionate tension that’s ready to ignite at any moment.

Irena delicately lifts a single cookie and takes a bite, eliciting a soft moan as it effortlessly dissolves in her mouth. A surge of desire courses through me in response. With her hooded gaze fixated on me, Irena gently feeds me the delectable treat. The cookie sends my taste buds into a state of bliss as its sweet and creamy flavours envelop my senses. As the last crumb passes my lips, I pull Irena closer for a tender kiss. My heart flutters as I taste the sugary sweetness on her lips. Entranced, I lift her up and draw her intimately closer.

Her sigh of satisfaction echoes against my mouth as we kiss.

‘Don’t stop feeding me, Irena,’ I whisper enticingly as she assists me in slipping out of my pants and briefs, revealing my eager erection yearning to indulge in her dripping entrance. Irena delicately presents another cookie tempting my taste buds, and in a moment of perfect synchronization, I fervently devour the treat while sinking my cock into her depths of pleasure.

Irena’s body trembles with pleasure as she nibbles on her lower lip, savoring the sensation of our intimacy.

‘Ride me, Doe,’ I whisper, and she complies with a seductive sway, feeding me her most delicious cookies. Looking into her eyes, I see a depth of emotion that suggests I am more than just a passing fancy.

In her gaze, I am her universe.

As I gaze up at her, I’m mesmerized by the way her eyebrows furrow and her lips part in a perfect O. The intensity between us is palpable as she moves slowly, savouring every moment of our intimate embrace. With my hands firmly gripping her hips, I feel a deep desire to do more than just have sex.

No, what I really crave is to connect with her on a soulful level, to become intertwined with her being in a way that transcends physical pleasure.

This is not just sex – it’s an act of surrender, a merging of two souls in a dance of passion and devotion. Tonight, I don’t want to just be with her – I want to become one with her in a symphony of divine ecstasy.

Our emotions were a wild blaze of passion, fuelled by the intensity of our desire for one another. As she threw herself into my arms, her every touch sent shivers down my spine. Our bodies swayed in perfect harmony, like two stars swirling in the night sky, united in a cosmic dance of love and lust.

I knew Irena was lost in the moment, as her hips rocked back and forth, pressed tightly against mine. My hands gripped her waist, feeling her every movement as if it were amplified a thousand times over. The heat between us was palpable, as we spiraled deeper and deeper into the dizzying abyss of our shared desire.

‘Saint,’ she murmured, my name a sensual warning on her lips. I could feel her teeth nipping at my shoulder, her fingers tangled in my hair. Every inch of my skin was alive with fire, a thousand suns burning bright within me.

This was no mere physical encounter – this was a meeting of souls. A cosmic collision of two beings, fused together in a moment of pure, unadulterated bliss.

I embraced Irena fervently, my heart racing with anticipation as our climax approached.

‘God, Irena, I love you so much,’ I whispered, overcome with emotion. She let out a primal cry of pleasure in response.

In an instant, our passion ignited like two celestial bodies colliding, creating a dazzling explosion of pure, inner bliss. It was a beautiful, chaotic dance of desire that left us both breathless and spent.

‘I enjoyed the cookies,’ I whisper and she laughs breathlessly. ‘Yeah, the cookies were amazing.’

We weren’t talking about the cookies.

Playing the piano with Irena was like breathing in fresh air on a crisp autumn day. Our fingers aligned perfectly on the black and white keys, forming a seamless melody that captured the essence of our bond. Each note was a gentle caress on my ears, leaving me lost in a world of pure emotion.

As we continued to play, our souls became intertwined like two vines wrapped around each other. Irena’s smile was evidence of the magic in the air, and I knew that this moment would live on forever in my heart.

Together, we allowed the music to speak for us, our eyes locked in an unspoken understanding. It was a moment that transcended time and space, a beautiful memory that I knew I would one day share with our children.

For in that moment, as our fingers danced across the keys, Irena and I connected in a way that only the art of music could allow.

There’s something magical about playing the piano with her. It was our first exchange of words, the moment we lowered our defenses and truly connected. As our fingers danced across the keys of the smooth white piano at home, I knew I had found a kindred spirit.

But it wasn’t until we found ourselves nestled in our cozy cabin, surrounded by snow-capped trees and the gentle glow of the fire, that the true magic happened. We sat side by side, our hands effortlessly gliding over the keys of the rustic old piano. And as the sweet melodies filled the air, my heart leaped with joy and butterflies fluttered wildly in my stomach.

Skeptical of soul mates, I never thought I’d find my match. But then, I met Irena and everything changed. She’s the puzzle piece that fits seamlessly with mine – my perfect soulmate.

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