
: Chapter 36

‘You fucking pieces of shit you had one job! One fucking job!’

Perched atop the stool like a bird of prey, I couldn’t pry my gaze away from the macabre display of blood that clung to every surface. My hand – stained scarlet – left a grim reminder of the deadly exchange that had taken place.

‘He showed me evidence that his family, sir,’ the guard stuttered, his eyes wide with terror. But Saint only laughed, a low, wicked sound that reverberated through the silent room, his fingers tracing the rough scratch of my stubble face.

Saint’s piercing gaze locked onto the security guard as he demanded,

‘Recall the instructions I delivered to you before I took off?’ His tone was full of fury and impatience. As the guard coughed nervously, Saint pressed on,

‘Restrict entry to only the family members who have previously been here.’

He didn’t stop there. ‘Can you find any indication of Krzysztof Nowak visiting through the sign-in logs?’ The guard shook his head negatively.

This only made Saint’s anger flare up further. ‘Use your fucking words!’ he snarled.

Saint’s grip tightened on the guard’s shirt as he pulled him nearer. ‘You’re lucky that she’s still breathing, but it’s unfortunate that I entrusted you to keep her safe, only to find out she suffered an injury to the head.’ He gritted his teeth as he spoke, a dangerous glint in his eyes. ‘I-I’m sorry sir I promise it won’t happen again,’ he asserts.

‘I know you won’t.’

With a low growl rumbling in his chest, he shoves the guard away with a force that leaves him stumbling. ‘Thank you si-‘

The grateful words that were about to spill from the man’s lips never see the light of day, cut short by Saint’s sinister actions. In one fluid movement, he draws his gun from its holster and fires three quick shots into the hapless guard’s skull. The sound of the man’s body hitting the floor reverberates through the room, and Saint barely flinches as a spray of blood splatters across his face. With the weapon safely back in its rightful place, he strides over to me, his movements both fluid and menacing.

There he stands, nestled between my parted legs, lowering his head to rest upon my forehead.

‘I’m so sorry Doe.’ His soft murmur grazes my ears as I remain motionless, transfixed upon the crimson blood of Krzysztof’s on the floor Suddenly, Saint withdraws, his hand reaching up to delicately grasp my chin, coaxing my gaze towards him. ‘Are you okay?’ he queries with tender concern.

I slice my gaze to his and his eyes soften when we lock eye contact. ‘I don’t know,’ I answer truthfully.

My mind was swirling with uncertainty. Was everything really okay? My heart thudded in my chest, and I couldn’t shake the ominous words that had just been spoken. ‘I don’t know if I’m okay. He said he wanted to kill me, Saint, that all my uncles promise to kill me if you don’t fulfill your end of the deal.’ My brows furrowed. ‘What deal Saint?’ I ask, voice shaking.

He gazed at me, an edge in his eyes that I couldn’t quite place. ‘It’s a dangerous world, Irena. Everyone has their own motives.’ His hand brushed my cheek gently, a stark contrast to the grimness of our conversation. ‘But I won’t let anything happen to you. You’re everything to me.’

My pulse was racing, and my thoughts were in disarray. What kind of deal had he gotten himself into? And what could I do to help? I knew I had to trust him, but the gravity of his words weighed heavily on me like a dark cloud hovering above. It was just business, he said, but when it came to family, things were never that simple. And I was right in the middle of it.

‘I am afraid I’ve only made things worse by killing Krzysztof Saint,’ I confess, my voice trembling with fear. The weight of danger now rests heavily upon us both. Saint shakes his head, his reassuring gaze comforting me.

‘Do not worry Doe, I will make sure nothing harms you,’ he assures me.

My emotions bubble up inside me, threatening to overflow like a violent tsunami.

Suddenly, I blurt out the insecurity that has been gnawing at me for far too long. ‘Do you think I am worthy of love?’ Saint looks at me with concern, furrowing his brow. ‘Why would you doubt your worth?’ I shrug, feeling foolish for even asking. ‘It’s nothing, forget I said anything,’ I mumble through my tears, brushing them away hastily.

‘Irena, do you know the depths of love I hold for you?’ he whispers, staring into my eyes with a passion that ignites a flame within me. ‘Words fail me, my heart overflowing with adoration for you. In my eyes, you’re the shining star that lights up my world, and for as long as I exist, you’ll always be my cherished one. Nothing can break the bond we share, it’s unbreakable, unshakable, as pure as the divine heavens above us.’

He takes my hand, caressing it with tenderness, a loving smile etched on his lips. ‘You’re deserving of all the love in the world, Doe. You always have been, and always will be. Don’t you believe any lies, any hurtful words uttered by your uncles? In my eyes, you are a treasure, a gem that shines brighter than the sun itself.’

With his soothing words, a sense of comfort washes over me, my quivering lips now no longer trembling but curved upwards in a smile. My eyes quickly dart to the envelope that Krzysztof brought. I silently wondered what were the secrets that were hidden in the file. Gently, he kisses away my tears, distracting me from the curiosity that is eating me up. His lips trailing a path of sweet kisses, filling me with a warmth that envelops me entirely. My lips meet, a melting of hearts as if nothing else in the world existed but this moment.

‘Do you ever feel like this world is just too much?’ he asks, his eyes piercing into mine. I nod, knowing exactly what he means. ‘What you need Doe, is a break. A chance to escape, to find peace in solitude.’ His hand reaches out to hold mine. ‘I have the perfect place in mind. Let me have the maids pack your bags and we’ll disappear together, just you and me.’ A smile spreads across my face as I lean in, my hand resting on the nape of his neck. ‘Yes, let’s go,’ I whisper. He presses a gentle kiss to my cheek before enfolding me in a warm embrace.

As I gazed out the passenger window of the Range Rover, I felt as though I had been transported into a winter fairytale. The trees bowed elegantly under the weight of the snow, causing an arc of glittering crystals to powder the ground. The azure blue sky was a dazzling backdrop for the pristine skiing conditions, making it difficult to contain my excitement for the upcoming weekend at the cozy log cabin with Saint. My attention shifted to the side of Saint’s chiseled jawline, and I was struck once again by his remarkable handsomeness.

It was almost surreal to believe that he was my partner and that our relationship was thriving with each passing day.

‘Almost there,’ he murmured, his eyes fixed on the winding, snow-covered road ahead. ‘Are you ready for some excitement?’

‘Excitement?’ I echoed.

‘Skiing,’ he grinned mischievously.

‘Oh, right. Of course,’ I replied, my heart quickening with anticipation.

His expression softened. ‘I’m sorry about Krzysztof I’ll make sure that I take your mind off of it.’

‘It’s alright,’ I reassured him. ‘But I am looking forward to skiing.’

He placed a reassuring hand on my knee. ‘Me too, and once we reach the cabin – secluded and serene – with a crackling log fire and a plush fur rug, I plan to keep you naked and writhing in pleasure for the entire weekend.’

‘I’m not sure about that,’ I felt a flutter in my chest and my stomach tensed.

Whenever Saint mentioned anything sexual or what he wanted to do with me, I couldn’t help but react this way. He was phenomenal in bed, the best I’ve ever had. With him, I never had to worry about not reaching a climax; it was only a matter of how many times. His thick cock always brought me to orgasm, and he had great finesse with his fingers and mouth too.

I shifted in my seat.

Oh God, I need help. Just a few hours ago, I killed my uncle and now I’m feeling aroused while sitting next to Saint. I need to control myself.

As he navigated the winding road, he stole a brief moment to trace his fingers up my soft thigh before firmly grasping the steering wheel once more.

Finally reaching our destination, I eagerly donned my cozy black earmuffs and slung my skis over my shoulder, noticing that Saint had followed suit with his jacket left ajar.

the light snowfall and rustling branches, the frigid air failed to mar our excitement as we made our way through the wintry landscape – the crunching snow beneath our steps was like music to our ears. ‘I adore this,’ I proclaimed, grinning from ear to ear as we journeyed deeper into the frosty forest.

‘Me too. I used to come here during my early twenties to escape the world.’

‘I wouldn’t blame you, it’s so peaceful here.’ With the path completely covered, it was impossible to guess the way to the lodge. ‘Are you sure we won’t get lost?’ I questioned and Saint chuckled.

‘I know it like the back of my hand,’ he reassures.

As we strolled shoulder to shoulder, a sudden rustling jolted me, and I turned my head to spot a feathered beauty flitting about the branches to my right. A flurry of snow it dislodged sparkled in its wake, cascading to the ground like a cascade of glittering jewels.

‘How wonderful. I feel a million miles from Paris. And it’s so quiet too.


‘Come on, we still have a long way ahead of us.’

My weary groan melted into a contented sigh as Saint led me deeper into the mountain, chatting effortlessly about nothing. He had been right all along. The crisp air and breathtaking scenery had done wonders for my frazzled mind. As we ascended, I found myself laughing and bantering with him, forgetting all my troubles in the process. In no time at all, we reached the top, and the stunning winter vista took my breath away. A wide smile spread across my face as I took it all in, grateful for Saint’s thoughtful gesture.

There’s nothing quite like the rush of knowing you’re about to defy gravity, soaring to nearly two miles high on a crickety seat dangling from a cable, before rocketing down on a pair of skinny strips of plastic. The entire ski experience is a thrill ride that starts with the chair lift, culminates at the peak, and then picks up speed on the way down. At the bottom, I gaze up at the colossal mountain that just put my skills to the test. I snap my boots into my skis, clutch the poles, and slice through the pack toward the chairlift.

Excitement buzzes through the crowd- some, like me, are eager to conquer run after run, while others feel trepidatious, facing the slopes for the very first time.

‘Are you okay?’ Saint asks, his cheeks rosy from the nippy air, beanie, goggles, and heavy clothes snuggling his body as a shield against the wind.

‘A bit nervous, to be honest,’ I reply honestly. ‘Don’t worry,’ he assures me,

‘I’ll stick by your side and keep you safe.’

‘Just you and me,’ I beam, feeling my jittery nerves settle as our camaraderie fills the chilly mountain air. ‘We’re going to have a blast!’

As I gazed upon the lost belongings scattered amidst the snow, a shiver of apprehension ran down my spine. The mere thought of my skiing poles slipping from my grasp scurried through my mind, arousing my anxiety.

Nevertheless, as we glided upwards, I was astounded by the expanse of the sloping terrain that steadily revealed itself. Initially, the skiers and snowboarders below us implausibly appeared to be in no hurry as they leisurely slalomed down the incline. However, as we climbed higher, so did the proficiency and swiftness of those descending. As our ascent continued, the shroud of trees that once shielded us from the biting wind faded away, and we were mercilessly bombarded by it, leaving us feeling like we were being pricked by hundreds of needles.

Despite the distractions, my thoughts are captivated by the skiers and snowboarders deftly carving their way down the mountain. My heart quickens as I recall my own thrilling descents from past trips. As the chair lift reaches the summit, I dismount gracefully and pivot toward the path I’ve plotted. Despite the biting cold, I barely feel it beneath the multitude of clothing layers embracing me.

The mountain was blanketed by a vast blue sky, which held the sun like a shiny medal above it. Sunlight poured into the valley, making colors sparkle and radiate with life. Beneath the sky, a sea of pure white snow stretched out like a sheet, tempting the lift sitters with its serene beauty. As eyes roamed further, the snow became scarce, leaving jagged rocks and blemishes in its wake.

It was early winter, and the snow was a delight to behold. It seemed to embrace every inch of the mountain, covering its scars and flaws while enhancing its beauty. Rusty red rocks and gentle brown hues peeked out from beneath the snow, painting a picture of contrast and harmony. Young trees emerged from the snow as if bursting from their cribs with vigor and eagerness. Even resilient weeds refused to be silenced, becoming the mountain’s unshaven stubble.

Nature and weather were locked in a fierce battle, but their efforts yielded nothing short of extraordinary beauty. Looking out at this spectacle, it was a battle to be forever remembered.

Gazing in wonderment, a chilling breeze danced through my locks. The aroma of fresh pine sent my senses on a journey as I took in the breathtaking panorama of untamed terrain. With my sturdy boots anchored in the snow, a tremble crept over my body. But as I gracefully glided through the pristine powder, calmness transformed into invigorating gusts, tinting my cheeks rosy. The rush of adrenaline proved to be a potent cure for the frigid bite of ice and frost. The living metaphor couldn’t have been more conspicuous- my inner warmth and ebullient spirit were my best allies.

As I picked up the pace, the wind proved to be a formidable foe pushing with all its might, but my trusty jacket thwarted its malevolent designs. A quick glance and I saw Saint, emboldened by the sheer joy of skiing. For him, it was nothing short of his raison d’être, lighting up his world just that little bit more.

As we reach the end, my heart races with excitement as Saint suddenly appears by my side. With a beaming smile, I remove my goggles, followed by Saint who does the same.

‘Absolutely breathtaking,’ I exclaimed, still catching my breath.

Saint pulls me towards him and places a tender kiss on my forehead, his touch sending shivers down my spine. ‘Shall we walk to the cabin?’ he proposes, leading me into the depths of the forest, the trees towering over us like ancient guardians.

As we make our way through the wilderness, I notice a structure peeking through the trees, and as we draw closer, the cabin comes into full view. A snow-covered roof, windows that look like glittering jewels, and a chimney that pokes at the sky like a proud soldier.

‘It’s magnificent,’ I breathe in awe. ‘Like something out of a Christmas fairytale.’

He took my hand. ‘We’re going to have a great time.’

‘I know.’

‘Starting now?’


He set down his skis. ‘Doe, here you can make all the noise you want, and only the deer and birds can hear you,’ he utters, his gaze darkening sinfully. I flustered.

I gazed into his striking green eyes, flecked with glints of gold and bursting with an unmistakable passion. I had grown accustomed to deciphering his thoughts, and it was clear to me that his mind was fixated on one thing.

‘You’re thinking about sex, aren’t you?’

‘Guilty as charged.’

My laughter filled the crisp air as I raised my hand to catch a snowflake.

‘Sex outside? In this weather?’

‘So, we’ll stand under here.’ He took my skis from me and stepped towards the cabin under the wooden overhang. ‘And I promise you won’t be cold.’

‘Saint,’ I warn. ‘Okay, what if someone comes and sees us?’

As we stood there, engulfed in a sea of serenity, he gazed off into the distance with a casual air. ‘No one can hear us, my love. We’re miles away from any prying ears.’

Ever so gently, he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer into his embrace. As his warm breath graced the nape of my neck, I inhaled the spicy scent of his cologne, sending shivers down my spine. ‘But what if…’ I began to say before he silenced me with a tender kiss on my neck. Then, he gradually lowered himself to plant a kiss on my chest.

As his lips trailed over my skin, my nipple perked up and my pussy ignited with a fiery hunger for him. His touch was electric, sending bolts of pleasure straight to my core. I yearned for more of him, craving everything he had to offer me.

I ran my hands over his hair and then to his cheeks. ‘A dog walker might come by or…’

‘I’ve never known anyone to just show up here.’ He kissed me, his mouth soft, his dark stubble brushing my chin. ‘But I promise I’ll keep a lookout.’

I kissed him back, stroking my tongue onto his.

‘You won’t regret it,’ he murmured, his voice low but a playful smile dancing on his lips.

‘I know.’ I grinned.

As his lips met mine once more, I felt a jolt of desire surge through me. His hands eagerly cupped my breasts, and the absence of a bra only heightened the thrill. Peeking through the fabric of my top, my nipples were taunting him to continue his exploration.

With each kiss and nibble, I became more and more breathless. My fingers greedily clung to his jacket, my yearning building to a fever pitch. There was no denying it, my panties were already saturated with lust, and there was no turning back.

He declared, ‘You’re incredibly irresistible,’ and held me tightly as our lips collided in a passionate kiss. ‘I won’t ever lose my desire for you.’

‘Good.’ I encircled my arms around his neck and pressed myself against him, detecting the outline of his erect cock beneath our clothes.

He let out a low growl and pulled me nearer. ‘Fuck Doe’ he proclaimed while placing his hand into the waistband of my black pants.

I parted my legs and relished the sensation of his cool fingertips sliding under my panties to touch me. ‘Oh… Saint.’ I breathed out.

‘Hot and wet, just how I like you,’ he murmured, stroking my pussy.

‘I need you.’

‘Come closer,’ he commanded, his voice low and seductive. As I turned to face the cabin, every nerve in my body was alive with excitement. My back pressed against the cool, rough-hewn wood, my heart pounding in my chest.

With a swift movement, he had my trousers down around my knees, and the cool air rushed over my bare skin like a wave. I felt his eyes on me, drinking in the sight of my curves and contours.

‘You have the sexiest ass I’ve ever seen,’ he breathed, his voice full of heat and desire. His teeth nipped at my skin, and I moaned softly, relishing the sensation.

As he pushed my white bodysuit aside, his fingers tracing the curve of my hip, I knew that I was his. The anticipation was almost unbearable, but I couldn’t wait to feel him inside me, taking me to the heights of passion.

With an exclamation of pleasure, I felt him kneel behind me, his mouth kissing and caressing my butt cheeks with fervor. The sensations sent shivers through my body and set my arousal ablaze. His lips and tongue explored every inch of my curves, making me moan and tremble in delight.

‘Saint,’ I whispered, my voice cracking with desire. ‘Please, don’t stop.’

He didn’t. Instead, he gently parted my ass to reveal the warmth between my thighs. His hot breath teased my most intimate areas and I gasped as his kisses grew deeper, more intense. I lost myself in the wicked pleasure, my body bucking and writhing against him.

And then, his tongue was on me, delving deep into my sex with sinfully erotic precision. I cried out, my senses consumed by the rawest pleasure I had ever felt. My pussy ached for more, for more of Saint’s incredible touch.

He tipped me forward, his eyes devouring me as he took in my flushed, wet body. ‘You’re so beautiful,’ he murmured, his fingers finding my clit and sending me over the edge. I moaned, my entire being consumed by waves of pure bliss.

‘Yes,’ I panted. ‘Ah, Saint. More.’

And he gave it to me, every sensual inch of his body dedicated to fulfilling my deepest desires. With each touch, each kiss, each thrust, I lost myself in the rapture of his passion, utterly and completely consumed by ecstasy.

My body shook with an intensity that threatened to bring me to my knees, my toes curling within the confines of my sneakers. The sensation of his deft fingers working my clit in small, rapid circles sent me spiraling toward ecstasy. His tongue was abruptly replaced by four fingers, plunging deep into my innermost depths.

This was only the beginning of what I craved; I surrendered completely to his cadence, uncaring of who might witness our passion. With my back arched sinfully and my pants pulled down around my ankles, my bare ass presented to him, my husband continued to work his fingers relentlessly, driving me to the brink of insanity.

As he moaned in pleasure, I felt every fiber of my being grows weak, the need driving me to the brink of col apse. His voice, gravelly with desire, wafted to my ear. ‘Do you want me, baby?’ he breathed, his arms wrapping solidly around my waist.

The plea was all it took to send me tumbling over the edge. I gasped and moaned breathlessly, barely holding on as pleasure overtook all of my senses.

‘Yes, please.’

The velvety head of his engorged cock pressed against my entrance, radiating intense heat. The urge to feel him inside me was insatiable, and he reciprocated my eagerness, plunging deep with one audacious thrust. The slippery wetness that coated me made it an effortless descent.

He groaned in pleasure, ‘My God, you’re amazing. So hot, so tight.’

Cupping my breast in one hand, he gripped my hip with the other, setting a ferocious, unrelenting tempo. Each time he withdrew from me, I was left breathless until he plunged back in, jolly my entire body.

‘I want everyone to hear how good I make you feel,’ he grunted in my ear, urging me to stand, back to his chest with his entire length still inside me.

‘Scream out how amazing this is.’

‘I thought you said no one comes around here.’ I managed to say.

‘I lied.’

My senses took flight as if I were traversing a constellation, a cosmic explosion igniting every inch of me. And while I wasn’t furious in the slightest, I was giddy with anticipation at the possibility of being caught.

‘Oh my…’ My breath hitched as his fingers deftly sought out my pleasure center. Writhing under his spell, I surrendered willingly. The intoxicating grip he had on me, like I was his to claim, made the heat in my body surge.

The pressure built within my core, my sensitive nub expanding, the brink of ecstasy teasing me.

Undeterred, he focused on his task with unwavering determination, urging my release to spill forth with each passing moment.

With a shuddering cry, I gasped in the frigid air, knowing that the moment of no return had arrived. The intensity grew, and my body ignited like a roaring inferno. Ecstasy coursed from my clitoris down to my aching core, urging me on to the ultimate peak.

‘Sweetheart,’ he whispered, skillfully working my swollen bud, inching me closer and closer to the edge. With an explosive release, I collapsed into his strong arms, my body convulsing with unrivaled pleasure.

His breaths were short and fervent as he hugged me tight, never wanting to let go. I was still gasping for air, but would forever remember this moment of pure rapture.

‘You’re incredible,’ he breathed hoarsely.

Lost in a whirlwind of passion, I turned to face him, my cheeks flushed with excitement. And then, I whispered those words that I never thought I’d say.

‘I want you… to come.’

‘I’m going to, but it’s all about you Doe.’

With a gentle touch, he cradled my breast, sending waves of cool pleasure across my heated flesh. Our bodies intertwined in a symphony of ecstasy, as we surrendered to the indescribable sensations that consumed us both.

With renewed vigor, he plunged his rock-hard dick deep inside of me. Each thrust sent aftershocks coursing through my body, my pussy still tightly gripping him. As his pace quickened, I could feel his impending release. His cock was throbbing and steely, his breaths coming in jagged gasps.

He sucked in the air faster, his eyes screwed tightly shut as he blissfully fucked me. His cheeks had flushed deep red, and his grip on the back of my neck grew tighter. Suddenly, another burst of pleasure overtook him. He cried out unholy praise to the heavens, thrusting deep inside of me as hot liquid spilled out and mixed with my own release.

Exhausted and spent, Saint held me close, his still-erect member buried deep within me. ‘I could stay like this forever,’ he whispered in my ear, wrapping his arms tightly around me. I giggled in response, utterly content in his embrace.

‘Come on, let’s take this inside,’ he murmurs, catching me off guard as Saint effortlessly lifts me up, our bodies still intertwined as we make our way to the cozy cabin. His lips pressed against mine with fervor, an insatiable hunger driving us forward.

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