
: Chapter 24

The phone rings three times and Nirali answers the call. ‘Hi?’ She responds over the line and I lean against the balcony railing as I gaze into the driveway, observing the afternoon sun fade away while the chilly wind brushes against my skin. ‘Hey, I’m just checking in on you after yesterday.’ I trail off slowly.

There is a brief pause on the other end before Nirali speaks. ‘I’m fine, Irena.

Abel made sure of it.’ She says with a gentle laugh.

‘That’s good, but I want to personally make sure you’re alright.’ I pause, tracing my finger along the metal pole before letting out a soft sigh. ‘I heard Abel mention that you get anxious when you see violence. Would you mind telling me why?’ I inquire quietly. I turn my head towards the room to make sure Saint is still in the shower. Nirali sighs. ‘Irena-‘ she trails off, her voice hesitant for a moment. ‘I know, I know. You feel more comfortable discussing your situation with Abel, but I’m here for you as your friend and you can confide in me. I’m just worried about you.’ I state, and she sighs. ‘It’s not that I don’t trust you, I just worry that you’ll see me differently because when I told my parents what I’ve been through, they couldn’t look at me the same way anymore.’ She explains, and my heart aches at the thought. I sigh, nibbling on my bottom lip. ‘You remember how my late husband Viktor died from a heart attack, right?’ I explain, and she responds with a ‘Yes,’ allowing me to continue. ‘He didn’t actually die from a heart attack. I poisoned him.’

I blurt out, and there is a moment of silence on the other end, which only heightens my anxiety. ‘Hello?’ I question, hoping she is still on the line.

‘Nirali, are you-‘

‘I’m here Irena, I just had to digest that information.’ She reassures me.

I hold my breath. ‘Why?’ She asked softly. ‘He abused me, assaulted me.

I sought help from my uncles but they dismissed me for some reason and believed him instead of me. I couldn’t bear it anymore. Waking up every day not knowing what to expect from someone you live with and call your own husband. I couldn’t handle the torment Nirali, so I had to take matters into my own hands.’ I finish and she sighs. ‘I’m so sorry you had to endure that for almost a decade. Although I don’t support violence. You had every right.

I just wish I had your strength…’ she trails off and my eyebrows furrow in suspicion as I watch the grey cloud pass by. ‘Remember when I told you I was a mute when Abel found me?’ She asks and I nod, realizing she can’t see me, and reply with a ‘Yes.’

She takes a deep breath, preparing for whatever she’s about to tell me.

‘Well, I come from an economically unstable background and I would always work extra shifts to earn additional money to support my family. So one day I worked a night shift and on my way home, I didn’t realize I was being followed until I was abducted and trafficked to a foreign country to be a worker into hard labour. I’ve been abused, assaulted, and tortured by people for months until a girl and I took a risk and escaped. Sadly, she didn’t make it because she lost her life while trying to save mine. She-she was only 16 and came from a family in Russia. So I found a train, hoping to make my way to the nearest police station so I could find my way back to India.

Fate had other plans and the train belonged to Saint, and fast forward, Abel found me and decided to take care of me. That’s when our love story began.

Although my journey to him was tragic. I’m happy he’s in my life and was my first love.’ My heart fills with happiness as she mentions the last part but aches with pain as I let the words of her story sink in.

She was a victim of human trafficking. I can’t even begin to imagine the things she has witnessed and endured. The countless times she has felt that pain of being worthless and wanting to give up.

No wonder she doesn’t tolerate violence because it triggers She truly is a survivor.

“You mentioned that you desire to be as strong as me. Never compare the hardships you’ve faced with someone else’s nightmare. You are a survivor Nirali. Life has thrown a lot of challenges and messed up things your way, and yet here you are today, still standing with a smile on your face and your heart filled with love more than ever before.’ I tell her sincerely. ‘I apologize that you had to endure that, and I’m sorry that your parents can’t meet your gaze after what you’ve been through. I’m also sorry that you had to witness the altercation between Viktor and Saint yesterday.’ I confess, and she lets out a light chuckle to lighten the mood. ‘You’ve apologized many times, knowing that it’s not your fault,’ she asserts, and I offer a weak smile. ‘Out of everyone, you deserve an apology.’ I declare to her. ‘You too, Irena. I can’t even imagine the betrayal and pain you’ve had to endure.’ Nirali sighs, and I do the same. ‘That was incredibly difficult.’ She points out, and I run my hands through my hair. ‘Yeah,’ I mutter under my breath. ‘But thank you for checking up on me. I really needed that from a friend.’ She states. ‘You would do the same for me,’ I respond. Before I can say anything else, I hear a male voice in the background, followed by Nirali’s voice. ‘I have to go.

Abel needs me for something.’ Nirali explains, and I bid her farewell before hanging up.


I’ve never enjoyed staying at home more than I am right now, her company filling me up with a sense of contentment and warmth. The clock hands have already reached one in the afternoon and, as I sit at the dining table, Irena invites me over for lunch.

The aroma of roasted chicken breast fills the air, accompanied by a fragrant white rice dish and a refreshing side of avocado salad. Irena has been cooking for me ever since we tied the knot, and I admit that she’s rather phenomenal at it.

As I take a bite of my food, I can’t help but notice how stunning she looks.

Her long, curly locks frame her face effortlessly, and her choice of outfit – a white floral dress – is the perfect touch of elegance. She sips on her red wine, her pearl earrings shining in the light.

At this moment, time seems to have slowed down, and all that truly matters is the delicious food in front of us and the divine company of my beautiful wife.

My gaze was transfixed on her for what seemed like an eternity until her eyes met mine. A blush of embarrassment crept up her cheeks. ‘You’re staring,’ she pointed out. ‘I know,’ I confessed.

She was a cocktail of whiskey and honey – a tantalizing combination I couldn’t resist.

‘This is my first time having a good meal with someone,’ Irena mentions while taking bites of her vegetables. ‘I’m the first one?’ I confirm, and she agrees with a nod.

As I wiped my mouth and stood up, Irena watched me intently. ‘I want to show you something,’ I announced. Her brow furrowed in confusion, but I reassured her that it wasn’t anything gruesome. ‘I promise,’ I added, and with a hesitant nod, she rose from her seat to follow me.

Exiting the dining hall, Irena trails behind me, her presence subtly perfuming the air with a delicate blend of vanil a and honey. As we progress down the grand foyer, an imposing door to the left beckons my attention.

Silently, I swing it open and gesture for Irena to go ahead of me.

The moment she enters the garage, I flick on the lights, il uminating my vast collection of sports cars sitting in an orderly row. Her eyes widen in wonder as she gazes upon the 34 different models, ranging from dainty convertibles to muscular supercars in an array of colours.

‘Are these all yours?’ Irena’s tone drips with incredulity, expressing her amazement at the impressive sight laid before her.

‘Well, as my newly wedded wife, I like to think of them as ours,’ I reply, sauntering to the far end of the garage to reach the board where the keys to each car hang on individual hooks.

‘What?!’ Irena exclaims in disbelief as she watches me hand her a key.

‘These are mine too?’

A delighted laughter escapes her lips as she proceeds to admire each vehicle with a glee that is infectious.

As I stand there, arms folded, I observe her elegant strides around the garage.

‘Choose your ride,’ I declare with a grin. Without hesitation, she points to the sleek white Lamborghini, impressing me with her taste. ‘Excellent choice,’ I affirm.

Taking hold of the Lamborghini’s keys, I press the unlock button, the car emitting a triumphant beep as it surrenders itself to our possession. Quick to be a gentleman, I open the passenger door for Irena, basking in her grateful smile as she seizes the opportunity to slip into the car. I round to the driver’s seat, sliding in with a deep breath, taking in the familiar, intoxicating scent of the luxury car’s plush, leather interior. With a decisive click of the seat belt, I bring the machine to life, the roar of the engine sending thrills coursing through me.

What a beautiful roar.

With a few deep breaths and a quick gear shift, I watched the RPMs drop as I smoothly pushed the remote for the garage door to open. Finally, I felt the freedom of the open road as I reversed out of the garage and pulled onto the lengthy driveway.

As the ramp emerged ahead, I downshifted to get the perfect RPMs for a powerful takeoff. With the engine roaring, I eagerly slipped onto the empty road, feeling the wind in my hair and the thrill of adventure in my veins.

A quick glance to my side revealed Irena, her eyes shining with excitement as we cruised along. Her angelic face was a symphony of courage and recklessness, sending my pulse racing even more.

With a deep breath, I shift my focus back to the asphalt before me. The pedal is pressed hard into the floor, and I am pushed back into my seat as the car zips forward, shifting into second gear with a jolt. Irena’s excitement is palpable, her eyes squeezed shut as she grips the car’s storage compartment tightly.

The wind whips around us as we pick up speed, the cool breeze tousling our hair as we hurtle down an open road. Glancing down at the speedometer, I see that we’re already reaching 140 km/h. With no one around to watch us, I tighten my grip on the wheel and shift into fourth gear, feeling the RPMs surge as I push the car even faster.

As I steal a quick glance at Irena, a mischievous smirk spreads across her face. ‘I want to try something,’ she says suddenly, and before I can protest, she’s unbuckling her seat belt and thrusting her head out the window. The wind whips her hair and clothes around wildly as she revels in the thrill of the moment.

Her screams reach the skies as we hurtle forward, both of us caught in the grip of an intense and exhilarating rush. A grin splits my face as I watch Irena’s joyous abandon, her laughter ringing through the air like a sweet, infectious melody.

The speedometer creeps higher and higher, my foot pressing down on the gas pedal with a manic determination. As the world whips past in a blur, I’m lost in the dizzying thrill of the moment, my senses honed razor-sharp to the razor’s edge of the road ahead. It’s a wild and reckless dance with destiny, a defiant challenge to the limits of my own mortality.

And as I hear the engine roar like a beast in the night, I know that it’s time to take things up a notch. With a fierce determination, I slam the car into fifth gear, welcoming the surge of power that comes with it.

‘Get ready, Doe!’ I call out to Irena, my voice lost in the roar of the wind.

Grinning from ear to ear, she grips the door handles tightly, bracing herself for whatever comes next.

Together, we hurtle forward into the unknown, chasing the rush of the unknown with every fiber of our being. It’s a moment that we’ll never forget, a memory etched in adrenaline and the sheer, unbridled joy of being alive.

As I shifted gears flawlessly, the needle on the speed monitor crept higher and higher, until it reached a jaw-dropping 240 km/h. Adrenaline surged through my body, making my heart race and my palms sweat as I gripped the steering wheel with white-knuckled intensity. The wind whipped through my open windows, drowning out the engine’s purr with its deafening roar.

It was pure, unadulterated freedom.

As I brought the speed demon to a stop, Irena clambered back into the car, giggling as she fixed her tousled curls and buckled her seatbelt. Her chest heaved as she took deep, joyous breaths, her pupils dilated from the thrill of our reckless ride. I couldn’t help but grin at her newfound euphoria.

‘That was wild,’ she gasped, sinking back into the plush leather seat with a contented sigh.

I chuckled. ‘I had no idea you were such a daredevil,’ I teased.

Irena raised an eyebrow. ‘What type did you think I was?’ she retorted with a playful grin.

With a mischievous glint in my eye, I pulled over to the side of the road, where a breathtaking view of Paris stretched out before us like a shimmering tapestry.

With my focus now solely on Irena, I flash her a mischievous grin. ‘The psycho type.’ Irena rakes her fingers through her hair, teasingly. ‘That is, after all, your go-to. Psycho ladies.’

I raise an inquisitive brow. ‘Not quite,’ I responded firmly. This catches Irena off-guard and she scowls. Suddenly, I slide my seat back, unfasten her seat belt, and pull her onto my lap. Taking hold of her waist, I give her a subtle squeeze and speak softly. ‘Actually, my type is a bit more specific – my psycho wife is my one and only.’

Irena’s cheeks erupt in a bright crimson hue and I’m charmed at how adorable she looks. ‘You’ve been grinning all day,’ Irena observes, and I nonchalantly shrug. ‘Well, my morning got off to quite the start.’ I wink, and her already flushed face deepens in hue. She silences me by pressing a finger to my lips.

Fucking adorable.

I gently detach her finger, capturing her delicate hands within my own, which tower over hers with ease. ‘Do you recall the moment you confessed that no one had ever shared a lunchtime with you before?’ I inquire, watching her nod in agreement. ‘Well, Doe, you hold the title of being the first companion to accompany me in my sports car. And let me assure you, I would be delighted to take you on another ride.’

The edges of Irena’s eyes soften, her demeanour shifting to a more tender state. ‘Saint,’ she murmurs, halting mid-sentence. My heart skips a beat as she leans in to plant a kiss on my lips, eliciting a stunned expression from me. Instantly remorseful, she hastily apologizes. ‘Sorry, it just felt… right.’

I shake my head. ‘Don’t apologize, Doe. I am not him. The only time I will raise my hand to you is when I reach out and wipe away your tears and the only time you will ever see my fist is when I grab your hair as you moan

‘deeper’ while I rearrange your insides with my cock,’ Every syllable rolling off my tongue bears a weight of truth that lands on Irena like a slap. The air between us crackles with tension as she clears her throat, her eyes locked onto mine.

‘Well, we will have to see about the rearranging me part.’ She states, I speak again, my voice silky smooth. ‘As for rearranging you, Doe,’ I say, my fingers tracing the line of her jaw. ‘You’ll never want to go back to your old shape once you’ve experienced my touch.’

Irena’s breath catches in her throat, her eyes widening with desire as I speak. I can feel the heat between us growing, but I stay cool, collected.

With a playful roll of her eyes, Irena flashes me a smile that sets my heart racing. I know that she’s already hooked, and I can’t wait to show her what I can really do.

The gates of my palatial abode swing open as I rev the engine of my sleek Lamborghini. I guide the car expertly through the entrance, my hand caressing the smooth white center console.

As I approach the entrance of my mansion, my sharp gaze spots two guards patrolling the perimeter, smoke curling from their lips. I can sense that something is off. Where are the other three? My mind races with suspicion.

I park the car outside the garage and shift my attention to Irena, sitting beside me in the dim glow of the dash lights. We’ve spent the morning cruising through the bustling streets of Paris, and Irena’s driving skills have improved by the hour. She’s proved to be a quick learner, much to my admiration.

Irena’s brown orbs fix onto mine, concern etching lines on her face.

‘What’s wrong?’ Her voice quivered with worry, and I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. Pinching my nose bridge, I cast my gaze out the window before turning back to her. ‘It’s hard to explain. Just a feeling that something’s not right,’ I answer, lost in thought as I try to make sense of my intuition.

She fidgets in her seat. ‘Bad vibes?’ she asks, her voice a soft murmur amidst the car’s silence.

I nod. ‘Yeah, it’s just… off. But I’ll have to investigate it first.’ I place a hand on her shoulder. ‘Don’t leave my side, okay? Until I’m sure that it’s nothing but my paranoia.’

She nods, and I step out of the vehicle to help her out. As I shut the door, I reach for my jacket’s pocket where I keep my gun. The cool metal brings me the tiniest bit of comfort as I turn off the safety.

In a swift motion, I stride towards the guards, Irena trailing closely behind.

Mico and Sash were like two statues as they watched me approach with guarded expressions. The frigid wind whipped through the barren trees, scattering dead leaves in its wake.

‘Where are the other three?’ I asked bluntly, not bothering with pleasantries.

Sash furrowed his brow, his ice-blue eyes clouded with confusion. ‘Aren’t they supposed to be guarding the other side of the house? We haven’t seen them since this morning.’

I shook my head, a sense of unease creeping up my spine. ‘According to the schedule, all five of you were assigned to guard the front of the house.’

Their expressions twisted with a mix of confusion and fear. ‘But we received a new schedule from Zolton, sir,’ Mico spoke up, his voice laced with worry.

My frown deepened. Something wasn’t right here.

Something is off.

‘There’s something off here. You two, scour every inch of this yard. Every nook, every corner!’ My demand echoes into the night as we hastily make our way up the porch steps. Gripping my weapon, I cautiously swing open the door. My heart races as I silently assess each room, gingerly guiding Irena behind me to keep her from harm’s way. At last, the living area and kitchen prove to be free of danger. However, I mustn’t let my guard down until I survey the entire household. As I tiptoe down the foyer, my instincts go into overdrive. Suddenly, I’m blindsided and knocked to the ground.

‘Irena, take cover!’ My thunderous roar warns my partner as I dust myself off. But before I can retrieve my firearm, it’s yanked from my grip and sent spiralling across the room. With resolute eyes, I face off against the shadowy figure cloaked in black.

Oh, you’re fucking dead.

The bastard swings his fist towards me and I block it with my forearm then jab him in the gut, he stumbles back and snarls, reaches into his holster then pulls out his knife.

As the blade swept toward me, I stepped in close to his body, so when I turned my right shoulder brushed his chest. Using the edges of my opened hands, I struck his upper and lower arm. The combined force of my strike and his swing made his arm go immediately limp. The weapon clattered to the floor.

‘You’re a dead motherfucker.’ he hisses through gritted teeth and that made me smile.

From the corner of my eye, a flash of silver signalled another attacker. I ducked and felt a sharp sting as his blade sliced my cheek. With lightning reflexes, I seized him by the collar and hurled him into the unforgiving pavement. His body rebounded with a resounding thud before sliding to a halt, his back colliding with a brick wall.

But the victory was not yet mine. The first assailant scrambled to his feet and aimed a vicious kick at my shoulder. Pain flared, but I refused to fall.

Instead, a fierce wrath surged through me.

With a swift, vicious twist I gripped his arm, contorting it until his hand pointed skyward. I quickly spun, placing my shoulder beneath his elbow, then wrenched his arm down until it snapped with a sickening crack. The sudden agony wracked his body, and he howled in pain.

Relishing the sight of his weakness, I landed two crushing punches to his nose, watching as blood spurted like a geyser. He reeled off balance, and I seized the chance to deliver a swift and decisive blow, shattering his kneecap.

The sound was like a cannon blast, and the doomed man crumpled to the ground in a pitiful heap.

My gaze darted frantically around the room, searching for any sign of Irena. Finally, I saw her crouched behind the door, eyes wide with fear. As I raced over to her, my hand landed on the cold metal of the gun on the floor.

In a split second, I had dispatched both attackers and was back at Irena’s side in a flash.

‘Are you okay?’ I murmured, looking her over for any signs of injury. She shook her head, still in shock. ‘I’m fine. Thank you,’ she breathed.

‘You’re bleeding.’ She says worriedly.

But as I glanced down at my cheek, I realized I was bleeding. ‘It’s just a small cut I’ll live.’ I barely had time to register the sting before Irena’s warm thumb was on my skin, the touch sending shivers down my spine. ‘There,’

she said softly. ‘All better.’

I couldn’t look away from her gaze as we stood there, her thumb still lingering on my cheek. Something unspoken passed between us in that moment, a connection that ran deeper than the wounds we had just received.

As I opened my mouth to speak, my eyes caught sight of a group of menacing figures emerging from my office. They drew their weapons with lightning speed – but I was one step ahead. I swiftly grabbed Irena and shielded her from harm, her trembling form nestled against my own. The air was thick with the stench of danger.

With their triggers fingered ready, I knew I had to act fast. I urged Irena to stay put and brave as I rushed towards the onslaught, using the door as my shield. My own bullets flew out rapid fire, hoping to meet their mark. They continued to fire at me relentlessly, their masks obscuring their hateful faces.

When their guns clicked empty, I seized the moment. Grabbing my loaded rifle from inside a vase, I initiated my deathly rain of bullets – piercing their bodies with chilling accuracy. Like fallen flies they hit the ground, cold as stone. I held my rifle firm, staying alert for any other lurking threats.

After an eerie few moments of silence, I hurried back to Irena’s side. ‘Are they gone?’ she quizzed, a hint of fear still lingering. ‘Yes,’ I replied, ‘they’re all gone.’

With trembling fingers, I extract my phone from my pocket and dial the number of my trusted ally, Zoltan. The echoes of the shrill ring reverberate in my ear twice before he picks up. ‘Saint?’ His voice booms on the other end as I fumble with random noises in the background. ‘Hitmen. I was attacked, but I took care of them,’ I announce, wasting no time.

‘Where?’ He queries.

‘My place,’ I say, pacing back and forth, my fingers running through my hair in a frenzy. ‘How many?’ He questions. ‘No idea how many, maybe 7 or 8,’ I responded.

‘Did you get anything off them?’ He interrogates, the sound of clicking keyboards resounding in the background. I shake my head in regret. ‘No, they are all dead. Call Abel, Prince, and the clean-up team. I want all of you here in less than an hour,’ I ordered before disconnecting the call. I turn to face Irena and heave a deep sigh. ‘We can’t stay here for now.’

Looking up at me, she asks, ‘Where do we go from here?’

‘To my brother’s house and once the safe house is ready we will be staying there until I’m sure it’s safe to come back. I’ll also be tripling your guards.’ I announced to her, watching as she nibbled on her bottom lip in understanding.

As she raised her gaze towards me, her brows were furrowed with questions. ‘Who do you think sent them?’

I shrug, folding my arms. ‘I’m not sure. I have a lot of enemies. It could be anyone, even the people I trust.’ She lowers her gaze, her shoulders falling in defeat. ‘Nonetheless I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe.’

‘I know.’ She mutters.

“For fucks sake.” Zoltan snickers as he admires the bodies scattered across my foyer. “You’ve done quite the job here Saint.” He praises, tapping my shoulder as he proceeds to order the men around that are cleaning after my mess.

“How did they gain access and pass security?” Abel questions beside me with a calculated look. “That’s what I’m trying to figure out and one of the guards told me that they received a new schedule that’s why most of my guards weren’t on their original post. They were assigned to new ones and that fucked up the whole security which made it easier for these bastards to get in without getting caught.” I explained to my brother. “Apparently I sent out the new schedule which I didn’t. I don’t even deal with new recruits and soldiers, that shit is dealt with by Zoltan.” Prince proclaims.

‘It’s the strangest thing, really. You won’t believe it, but just before the attack, I spotted three men leaving my office.’ I intimated, leading my companions in a confident stride back to my quarters.

Even though everything appeared to be in its place, I sensed that they were looking for something, so I made a beeline for my desk and activated my trusty laptop. After typing in the passcode, I leaned in to monitor the security cameras that only I knew about, taking solace in my ability to stay one step ahead of any potential intruders.

I have a close-knit circle of allies, but sometimes it’s just best to keep certain things under wraps. Who knows what kind of chaos could ensue if the wrong person caught wind of my clandestine precautions? But as the saying goes, better safe than sorry.

With eagle eyes, I scrutinize the screen, my senses on high alert. A sense of unease creeps over me as the door creaks open and in stride three shadowy figures. My heart races as they begin to rifle through my books, desperately searching for something. I briefly scan the shelves, then fixate my vision back on the screen.

Zoltan breaks the silence, demanding to know if they’ve unearthed their treasure trove. With bated breath, I shake my head, unable to relinquish my unwavering focus on the monitor.

I lean back in my chair, my chin gently resting on my hand. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch two of the men boldly riffling through my desk drawers, rummaging through sensitive files. But just when I thought they’d hit a dead end, one of them whips out a tool and before I knew it, the once-locked drawer was wide open, laid bare for all to see.

My breath caught in my throat as they produced the black file, its dark colour looming ominously in the dim lighting of the room. The weight of its contents was heavy, threatening to pull me down into a pit of anger.

My worst fears were confirmed as I laid eyes on the contract, the one that bound Irena and me in a marriage that was nothing but a facade.

A shiver ran down my spine with the thought of it being exposed, of all my carefully laid plans unravelling before my eyes like a poorly woven tapestry.

My entire world, built with my alliance with the Nowak brothers, would crumble to ashes.

As one of the masked figures uncovered his face and began to peruse the document, my heart raced with anticipation and anger. But my panic was temporarily forgotten as I recognized the face of the man who had lunged to reveal his identity. Cal, one of the guards I had assigned to watch over the house, was not expected to be among their number.

My brows squint as Cal pulls out his phone and snaps the pictures of the contract back to back before sending it to someone on his phone. He placed the paperwork back into the file and slipped it back into my cabinet before wearing his mask and all three exchanged words that existed in my office.

Three of my guards weren’t in today and then three intruders managed to slip past my guards. To my surprise, one of them was Cal, who was meant to be keeping watch and was now playing fucking hooky. As I pieced together the situation, a sudden realization hit me: these were the very same guards who should have been on duty.

I couldn’t help but chuckle at the irony of it all – Cal was on Zoltan’s team, yet it was Prince who had sent out a new schedule to throw our security measures into disarray. It seemed that either Zoltan or Prince was responsible for this unexpected turn of events. Taking a deep breath, I shut my laptop and rose from my chair, with my so-called loyal trio trailing behind me like trusty shadows.

As Abel probed for answers, I declared to the team, ‘I want all of you to comb through their pockets for any evidence, starting with their cel phones.’

With my orders given, I turned to my crew, ready to get to the bottom of this mystery.

‘I’m curious if any of these blokes have a mobile on them, just in case we might have led to who is behind all of this,’ I mused to myself, knowing full well that I couldn’t reveal my suspicions that one of them was a double-crosser. If I did, the whole plan would be blown to smithereens.

‘No cell phones here, sir,’ one of the men reported.

My mind raced as I tried to figure out who could have tipped them off about our fears of a phone. Someone higher up was obviously pulling the strings.

‘Keep your eyes peeled. And if you see or hear anything fishy, let me know,’

I instructed, although I knew in my gut that it was up to me to stay on high alert. Trust no one until we suss out the mole.

I will increase the security by three times. I will stay with Abel temporarily and when the safe house is ready, I and Irena will stay there until I find the person who put my wife in danger.

However, my priority now is to ensure the safety of Irena and keep the contract hidden at all times, including from Irena.

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