
: Chapter 23

Have you ever experienced such a fiery rage towards someone that even just the mere thought of them ignites a burning desire for their downfall?

Their eyes, like a window into their soul, reveal a monstrous side of you that you never knew existed. It’s as though looking directly into their gaze, draws out a sense of maniacal frenzy, causing you to question your own level of sanity.

This is exactly how I feel as I stare into the abyss of my uncle’s eyes, their haunting shade of rusty brown sending shivers down my spine.

‘It’s been some time, Irena. Introduce me to your charming friend,’ he greets with a grin so infuriating, I crave nothing more than to plunge a dagger into its twisted, mocking expression again and again and again. A suspicious gaze from Nirali prompted me to reveal my palpable disdain for my uncle. I ignored his inquiries, striking a pose of poise with one leg crossed over the other and my hands casually at rest. ‘Meeting you here, Grzegorz should come as no surprise. After all, this ball is full of contemptible men such as yourself,’ I curtly retorted. As soon as the words slipped from my lips, I was taken aback. Where had that confidence come from? Was it the liquid courage or the influence of spending time with Saint?

Whatever the reason, my former trepidation towards this man had dissipated into the ether, now replaced by only mounting fury.

And I fucking love it.

As Grzegorz’s grin morphs into a scowl, his eyes transform into turbulent, brown whirlpools. With a sharp inhale, I brace myself for what’s to come.

‘Looks like someone’s lost their sense of respect. Ever since you tied the knot with someone higher up in the food chain than me, you’ve started to believe that the sun rises and sets because of you. But newsflash – you’re still the same pitiful girl abandoned by her own father and condemned for her mother’s passing.’

His cruel words land like lead in my stomach, dragging me down with them.

Abandoned by my father.

Condemned for my mother’s death.

The lyric of his venomous speech echoes in my mind.

Yet, I know I can’t let his malice penetrate my resolve. He’s merely attempting to rattle my cage and reclaim his power over me.

As I confront my uncle, a fierce determination pulses through me. Though his spiteful words attempt to rattle me, I refuse to let him see any sign of weakness. Instead, I clench my fists and meet his gaze head-on, schooling my features into a steely mask of composure. ‘You may think twisting words about my parents is a slick move, Grzegorz,’ I retort, my voice low and steady. ‘But it’s a cowardly one. My mother sacrificed everything to protect me from people like you, and my father loved me with a ferocity that you wouldn’t understand. If he were still alive, you would barely register in his periphery – a mere speck of dust that he could easily blow away.’

With each word, my anger gathers like a storm cloud, fuelled by years of his cruel barbs and insults. I square my shoulders and continue, refusing to let him see any sign of weakness.

‘Your years of belittling me and tearing me down have only made me stronger,’ I declare boldly. ‘And looking at you now, all I see is a small man trying to puff himself up with a show of false bravado. It’s pathetic, really – a grown man picking fights with those he deems weaker than himself.’

‘It is pitiful, shameful, and pathetic.’ As I finish speaking, there is a ringing silence in the room. My uncle stares back at me, his expression unreadable.

But I stand my ground, more determined than ever to show him that his words will no longer have any power over me. With rosy cheeks and a fiery glare, Grzegorz was positively livid. Just as he was about to lash out, a strong hand grabbed hold of his wrist, halting his attack mere inches from my face.

Following the powerful arm to its source, my gaze met Saint’s mesmerizing eyes, coloured like the vibrant rings of a lush forest.

Raising a single, perfect eyebrow and tilting his head ever so slightly, Saint’s voice rumbled out in a low, menacing tone. ‘Were you about to hit my wife?’

The chill in his words sent shivers spiralling down my spine.

Grzegorz’s attention snapped to the imposing figure of Saint, a flash of fear betraying his facade. ‘You know how women like Irena need to be dealt with,’ he spat nonchalantly, trying to break free from Saint’s grasp to no avail. Saint’s laughter is but a mere whisper as he shakes his head, casting a withering glare in Grzegorz’s direction. Suddenly, a wail of agony escapes Grzegorz’s lips. But Saint isn’t done. ‘Do I know you, Grzegorz? Of course not,’ he says, his voice oozing with calmness and authority. ‘Unlike you, I’m not a wretched, cowardly brute who thrives on inflicting pain on those weaker than him, especially women just to compensate for his own insecurities.’

But as I watch Saint, I can’t help but feel a shiver run down my spine.

Something is unsettling about the way he carries himself now. A quiet menace emanates from him, and even his piercing green eyes seem to hold a hint of darkness. I realize that I’m looking at a man who’s lost touch with his humanity, consumed by the thirst for retribution. ‘This isn’t the first time you’ve laid your filthy hands on Irena,’ he accuses Grzegorz coldly. ‘You’ve been abusing your power for far too long. But the reckoning has come, Grzegorz. And it’s time to pay.’

With every snap, my ears ring like church bells. Saint is the conductor of this gruesome orchestra, each snap of bone like a note on his sheet music.

And as Grzegorz screams in agony, the music rises to a fever pitch. The air in the ballroom becomes thick with tension, each gasp and murmur taking on a life of its own. Sweat prickles on my forehead as I watch Saint twist and contort Grzegorz’s limbs like a macabre puppeteer.

And yet, I can’t look away. The horror of it all is offset by a twisted sense of pleasure, a sick delight that coils in my gut like a snake. It’s a feeling I can’t quite explain, but one that I know I’ll chase for years to come. As Saint presses his foot down on Grzegorz’s shattered wrist, his screams reach a fever pitch. It’s like music to my ears, a symphony of pain and terror. And with every note, I feel myself getting higher and higher. It was a gruesome sight, yet I found myself unable to look away. The corners of my lips tugged up into a small grin, emulating the satisfaction and joy I felt welling up inside me.

Beside me, Nirali gags, her hands trembling. I can see the disgust and fear in her eyes that links to the horrid display before us. The gruesome scene held me in its grip, so much so that Nirali’s company had slipped my mind.

Suddenly, Abel appears like a guardian angel, enfolding her in his warm embrace and whispering tenderly into her ear. I catch his eye and he explains delicately, ‘Nirali can’t bear witness to people getting hurt, so I’ll be taking her somewhere safe.’ With that, he lures his partner into his arms and walks her away, determined to assuage her traumatized soul.

My focus snaps back to Saint and Grzegorz as Saint gives a sharp tug on Grzegorz’s hair, a twisted expression of both rage and restraint etched onto his face. ‘You’re one lucky son of a bitch since I need you alive,’ he growls out, slamming Grzegorz’s head into the ground with a fierce thud before rising up to his full height. Saint adjusts his impeccably tailored suit, brushing off any imaginary specks of dirt from the fine fabric.

The sound of Grzegorz’s whimpers echoes through the air, a haunting reminder of the violence just witnessed. Every eye in the vicinity shifts nervously between Saint and myself, unsure of what to make of the situation.

Saint turns his piercing gaze towards the onlookers, prompting them to quickly avert their eyes, as if desperate to distance themselves from the ruthless display of force. His attention then settles back on me, and I can’t help but feel a shiver run down my spine. As he approaches me, my heart races and my instincts kick in, causing me to abruptly step back. His eyes examine me, but then soften slightly as his voice rumbles out, asking, ‘Are you alright?’

Am I alright? I can’t even begin to answer that question, not after witnessing the torture of my own flesh and blood.

I remain silent, watching him carefully, trying to comprehend the darkness that has consumed me.

‘I won’t hurt you,’ he assures me, his presence demanding my attention as I hold myself together against the onslaught of questions. The blackness of his suit and his silent, brooding demeanour only add to the rumours that swirl around us.

‘I can’t be around you,’ I confess, the words coming out in a rush. ‘You’re too violent and I…I’m-.’

Your influence on me creeps slowly but surely, infecting every pore of my being.

It’s a malignant force I can’t shake off, and I despise it with every fiber of my body.

As our eyes lock in an uneasy standoff, the air thickens with unspoken words. I’m lost in my own thoughts, scrambling for some facade of composure. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the conversation. ‘Never mind,’ I say, as I clutch at the fraying threads of my sanity.

But Saint won’t let me off the hook that easily. He hovers over me, a heady aura of masculine warmth emanating from his being. ‘You can’t deny the truth forever, Irena,’ he warns in a voice that’s both honeyed and commanding. I feel a physical shudder run through me as his words sink in.

‘There’s nothing to deny, Saint,’ I argue, even as my heart beats wildly in my chest. But the truth is, everything is a lie. I’m lying to myself and to him.

I cannot deny the inexplicable whirlwind of emotions that have taken hold of me ever since I crossed paths with Saint. My very being transformed, morphing into uncharted territories I never fathomed possible.

It is something I dare not utter, but for the first time in years, I have become enslaved to something that sends shivers down my spine, unnerving yet al uring to me; Saint’s very touch.

I stand there, transfixed by those piercing green eyes, my mind reeling with unspeakable thoughts as I struggle to keep my composure, but it is a futile effort.

Saint studies me, his gaze unwavering, before stepping back. Finally, I am able to glimpse a sliver of light, a chance to breathe. He remains silent, yet his eyes convey everything, and the wickedness of his smile sends shivers down my spine.

He beckons me with a mere gesture of his arm, and in that instant, I know I am lost. Tempted by all his sins, I have unknowingly fallen into the clutches of a danger far more pervasive; one from which I may never escape.

The ball was a complete disaster.

As we watched Abel and Nirali make their hasty exit just half an hour before us. The thought of the betting auction, where the innocent young girls were paraded in front of unsavoury, lecherous old men, made my stomach churn.

As soon as we made it home, I ripped off the stifling dress and indulged in a languorous shower. Completely refreshed, I slipped into a delicate lacy nightdress and nestled into my bed. However, no matter how much I willed myself to sleep, my restlessness refused to escape me. The world outside still felt too raw and unsettling.

With a frustrated groan, I reached out for my phone perched on my nightstand. Its screen flashed in mocking radiance, revealing the time far past midnight. No matter how much I twisted and turned, the elusive embrace of slumber evaded me.

My mind knew the answer to my restless predicament, a truth I refused to admit. Yet, I succumbed to my temptation, breaking all of the self-imposed rules of solitude.

As stealthy as a mouse, I tiptoed out of the guest room and into the darkness of the house. Each step was cloaked in a veil of silence, and the only sound was the thunderous pounding of my heart. Eventually, my journey brought me to an imposing door, and I stood frozen in front of it, afraid to cross the threshold.

With a shaky hand, I reach for the door handle, apprehension gnawing at my insides. I lick my lips and grit my teeth before slowly pulling the door open. The moonlight spills in from the window, il uminating the darkness as I step inside.

Carefully, I shut the door behind me, the creak of the hinges echoing in my ears. My heart beats like a wild jungle drum as I sneak to the bed, making sure not to make a sound.

Gingerly, I pull back the covers and slip into his bed, my nerves on edge.

His scent wafts around me, causing my stomach to erupt with a flurry of butterflies. He’s so close, yet so far from my reach.

I release a heavy sigh before I close my eyes, letting my body succumb to the warmth of the sheets and the steady rhythm of his breathing beside me. I slip into a peaceful slumber, knowing that I’m finally where I belong.

Finally, the sleep that had eluded me all night took hold as I slept next to Saint.


As the morning sun seeps in through the curtains, its warm rays caress my skin, awakening my senses. I turn my head to the side to admire the sleeping beauty lying next to me. Irena, my stunning goddess, lies there, her skin glowing like molten caramel in the gentle light. Her lashes flutter slightly, highlighting the curve of her cheekbone, and her lips are parted in a soft, contented sigh. Her luscious curls frame her face like a halo, the dark strands dancing in the morning breeze.

I can’t help but lean closer, my nose filled with the intoxicating aroma of her vanil a perfume. Every inch of my body aches to reach out and touch her, to brush those curls from her peaceful face. But I stop myself, content to bask in her beauty and the tranquillity she brings. Here, in this moment, all the chaos of the world fades away, and there is only us and the rising sun.

So near was I to her that I could feel her breath, calm and steady. It was as though I wanted to cocoon her in my arms and shield her from all the harm of the world. To keep her with me for all of eternity.

I leaned in, placing a feather-soft kiss on her lips, and she stirred, her rich brown eyes gradually opening to meet mine. She searched my gaze for answers.


‘Morning Doe.’

‘Last night,’ she said in a hoarse tone. ‘I came into your bed.’

‘Why?’ I asked, puzzled.

She hesitated, trying to decide whether to reveal the truth to me or not. ‘I couldn’t sleep,’ she whispered, casting her eyes downwards.

I eyed her, craving to touch her but I restrained myself by turning away. I closed my eyes, attempting to ignore the nagging need within me.

With her ‘no-touch’ policy, this woman had the power to throw me off balance.

A surge of electricity courses through my body at the slightest touch of her fingertips on my skin, sending shivers down my spine. As she traces the intricate designs of my tattoos, I find myself surrendering to her touch, my tense muscles loosening in an instant. With a contented sigh, I let out all the tension that’s been building up in me.

She nudges me with a curious question, her voice soft and gentle. ‘Why the ink?’

As soon as the words leave her lips, I’m transported back to the dark, twisted memories of my past. Memories of the hours I spent being whipped at the hands of someone I once trusted. I can feel the heat of the agonizing pain on my flesh and the urge to scream as a little boy.

I turn my head and look into her eyes, trying to keep my emotions in check. ‘They cover up a part of me that I’ve been ashamed of for years.’

Irena’s lips brush against my back, leaving behind a trail of delicate kisses that set my skin on fire. The familiar chill that runs through me makes me shiver uncontrol ably.

‘What are you doing?’ I asked, feeling the palpable unease that filled the room. ‘I’m trading your scars for kisses, hoping that someday they’ll finally heal,’ she murmured, peppering my back with soft, gentle kisses. ‘You’ve taught me to stop letting my past wounds define me, to take up arms and fight my own battles. I want to be the one who finally silences your demons.

Consider it a thank you.’ Her fingers danced lightly over the tattoos that adorned my skin, as I took a deep, cleansing breath, feeling the tension begin to slip away.

Unexpectedly, Irena seizes me, flipping me onto my back and mounting me with fierce determination. Her gaze pierces mine as she rests her palms on my chest, catching the frenzied rhythm of my heart. In the glowing morning light, her caramel-tinted brown skin radiates with a delicate shine. ‘I’m done fighting, Saint,’ she avows, locking her stare onto mine. ‘I’m done fighting with you, with myself, with everything. I’m just so tired.’ With a heavy exhale, she relinquishes her body to me.

With every fiber in my being, I focus solely on her, my nerves sparking with electric energy. ‘You’re finally giving in,’ I say coolly, and her nervous smile gives way to a hesitant nod. ‘It may take some time for me to adjust,’

she proclaims, and I graciously nod in agreement. ‘You’re absolutely torturing me, Irena Dé Leon,’ I exhale, my hair falling around my face. ‘Am I really, Saint?’ She lowers her voice, tracing the defined lines of my abs with her fingers. I reach out to hold her face but she catches my wrists and pins my arms above my head. She gets tantalizingly close, her body pressed against my pulsing erection, straining against my briefs.

My breaths come out in quick gasps as she teases me, moving sensually on top of me. ‘What did I say, Saint?’ Her voice is soft and playful, her lips tantalizingly close to mine. I groan in frustration as she lowers her hips, adding subtle pressure to my throbbing dick.

I swear this woman has been playing with me like a cat with a wounded mouse, and I’m ready to combust in a frenzy of ecstasy. Who knew that a dominant goddess like Irena could ignite such a passionate fire within me?

My desire has built to the point where it hurts, an undeniable urge that begs for release.

With a disapproving shake of her head, she admonishes me like a scolded child. ‘That I should ask before I touch you,’ I say, echoing her words from a week ago. ‘Exactly.’ Her voice trails away teasingly, causing frustration to churn in my gut. ‘Can I touch you?’ I grumble, my voice barely concealing the desperation burning within me.

She raises a brow and I sigh. ‘Please Irena, can I-fuck, can I touch you?”

The fact that she’s allowing me to beg is both maddening and intoxicating.

She leans closer, her lips tantalizingly close to mine. I’m frozen, pinned under her gaze and the weight of her mesmerizing aura. ‘No,’ she whispers before pulling away, a sly grin playing on her lips. My hands remain immobile above my head, as though they’re not even a part of me anymore.

In this moment, she’s an unbridled craving that I cannot resist. I inhale the heady perfume of her being, revelling in the overwhelming power she holds over me. I am awestruck by her beauty and her dominance, lost in a world of hypnotic bliss.

Irena’s movements are a slow, seductive dance, her hips swaying to a tantalizing beat. Each shift sends a jolt of pleasure through my body, my core tightening with desire. Her sinful drooling adds to the carnal atmosphere, making my blood flow faster and faster.

As she kisses my neck, her lips set me on fire, and her slow, steady grinding drives me wild. The dampness of her bare pussy sends through to my briefs, heightening the sensation even more. ‘Irena,’ I warn but she ignores me.

Moving down to my chest, she gives me a trail of wet, teasing licks, and I struggle to hold back my moans.

Irena’s fingers trail up my thighs, inching closer and closer to the waistband of my briefs. Our eyes meet and the air crackles with an electric tension. Sin and desire dance in the depths of her dilated pupils, promising to deliver me into the abyss of pure pleasure. With deft hands, she tugs off my briefs and lifts my hips to discard them with a toss. My cock springs free, eager and ready for her. The tip glistens with my pre-cum, beckoning her to come closer. Irena’s gaze lingers on my length, her head tilting slightly to assess the challenge before her. She ponders how best to accommodate my throbbing cock in the depths of her mouth.

Her mouth opens, tongue darting out, eager and hungry to savour me. I gasp, hands quivering above my head as I grip the pillow beneath me. As Irena draws me in, half of my length disappears into the wet suction of her lips. Her back arches sensually, her ass popping up with irresistible allure, surging blood driving me to the edge.

With her head bobbing up and down, her cheeks hollowed in delightful suction, she teases and tempts me with swirling tongues and playful flicks, sending shivers of pleasure skittering through my veins. I groan out loud, biting my lip to keep a lid on my wild climax. The sounds of her feasting on me, her moans of pleasure echoing through the room, are like a passionate symphony. In between sucking my cock like a queen, her free hands massage, fondle, tease, working their magic on every inch of my body.

‘Fuck.’ I breathe. With a burst of speed, she quickens her steps as I bask in the glory of what’s to come. Every muscle within me tenses as I draw nearer to true euphoria. I feel my jaw clenching tightly as I allow the climax to take over, my soul soaring higher and higher toward the open gates of heaven. My eyes roll back in sinful delight as I reach the peak and explode into Irena’s mouth. The sensation leaves me gasping for air, while she keeps on sucking until there’s nothing left to offer.

As my senses return to me, Irena’s tongue cleanses me off, and I watch as tears streak her cheeks with remnants of my come still perched on her lips.

She grins wickedly before wiping away the traces of my release.

She crawls up to me, and without hesitation, I lift my head and capture her lips onto mine. The taste of myself lingers on her tongue. She nibbles on my bottom lip, pinning my hands above my head as the tip of my dick teases her wet entrance.

She pulls back and smiles innocently.

‘I’m going to take a shower and no, you cannot join me.’ She addresses me before pecking my lips and climbing off me then wordlessly steps out of the bed, leaving me in a state of such pure bliss I don’t know what to do with myself.

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