Hot Puck, A Rough Riders Hockey Novel

Hot Puck: Chapter 9

Eden’s head was still spiraling when Beckett’s voice tugged her back to reality.

“Baby, I hate to interrupt your recovery, but do you think you could loosen the tie?”

She had no idea what he was talking about. Eden lifted her head, still disoriented. She had never come so hard. Nor had she ever been so greedy with her own pleasure. But Beckett seemed to make both incredibly easy.

When she focused on his handsome face, his lust-darkened eyes held a wickedly pleased edge. But then she realized his hands were still tied to the headboard.

“Oh, shit. I’m so sorry.” She propped herself up on her knees and lunged forward, but her hands weren’t working the way they usually did, and it felt like it took forever to get the knot loose. And while she fought with his tie, Beckett’s mouth roamed her breasts, licking and nipping and sucking.

“You’re not helping yourself here,” she told him, but he didn’t seem to care. When she freed his hands, Eden massaged his biceps and shoulders. “Do your arms hurt? Are you okay?”

He wrapped his arms around her and sat up. Her legs splayed across his lap, and Beckett pressed a hand to the back of her head, guiding her lips to his for a slow, deep kiss. She softened against him and was rewarded with the delicious sensation of skin on skin.

Beckett pulled back an inch. “I might need some TLC to help me forget about the ache in my shoulders.”

“You think?”

His brow pulled in serious contemplation. “I think.”

She combed both hands through his hair and rocked her hips, rubbing her pussy over his erection. Beckett’s moan rumbled through him like an earthquake.

The man had the body of a god, the face of a dark angel, and the soul of a lover. He wasn’t the kind of man Eden should be hooking up with for the first time in years. He was the kind of man a woman got serious about. The kind of man a woman changed her life for.

And Eden would never change her life for a man ever again.

“What did you have in mind?” she asked.

Fire flared in Beckett’s dark eyes, tugging at something deep and elemental inside her. His hands stroked down her back, over her ass, and squeezed. “First, and most important,” he said, his voice a low growl, “will you wear these boots while I fuck you? They are so smokin’ hot.”

“I don’t think that’s too much to ask.” Her sex clenched at the thought of him fucking her. “But don’t you want me to finish what I started and what you interrupted? Because I’d love to suck you.”

“You are mind-blowing. But let’s save that for later. I still have so much to explore.” Beckett tilted his head and took her mouth with an all-encompassing hunger. And while she was drowning in his kiss, he rolled her to her back. His legs tangled with hers, his mouth explored beyond her lips, and his hands traveled all over her body, sending her mind into a perpetual spin.

The pleasure was so overwhelming, she could only absorb flashes. The feel of his heavy body pressing her into the mattress. The heat of him. The deliciously sexy scent of him. The hunger of his mouth as his lips and tongue traveled over her throat. The sounds vibrating in his chest.

One of his big, warm hands slid down her thigh and pulled it wide, giving him room to wedge his erection against her sex. Sensation rushed her lower body. Eden moaned, bowed, and sank her hands into his hair. Beckett growled in approval, slid his hand back up to her ass, and gripped as he rocked against her.

“You feel so good,” she breathed at his temple.

His mouth moved over her collarbone, her shoulder, her chest, then closed over her nipple. Pleasure blasted through her breast and pulled between her legs.

Eden arched, groaned, and pulled at his hair. This wasn’t how she remembered sex. What she remembered was more like a Sunday afternoon, mellow and mild and moderately satisfying. This was sex on drugs. Intense, wild, and highly addictive.

Beckett rocked his hips against her. His erection slid along her sex, thick and hard and hot.

“Want you,” she said, panting. “So bad. Right now.”

He lifted his head and met her gaze. His eyes were hot, his expression fierce. He gripped her waist and leaned sideways, tipping Eden off-balance.


“Wallet,” he rasped, twisting to reach toward his pants on the floor “Need my wallet. In my pocket.”

He pulled is wallet free, opened it, and plucked something from the inside fold.


Eden’s pussy clenched with anticipation. She took the small square from his fingers, but he closed his arms around her and lay back on the bed, dragging her with him. Stealing the condom back, he ripped it open, and rolled it on.

Then he curved his arm around her waist, rolled to his knees, and pulled her into his lap for a slow, wet kiss. The length of his erection slid easily over her slick entrance, and she moaned into his mouth. And while his tongue stroked hers, his hands guided her hips to position himself. He pulled out of the kiss, pressed his forehead to hers, and held her gaze as he pushed inside.

Delicious pressure spread through her pelvis. Her hands slid into his hair and fisted.

Beckett’s eyes slid closed, and his fingers dug into the flesh of her hips. “Fuck,” he said, voice low and rough and tight. “So good.”

The pleasure in his voice rekindled Eden’s energy. And the feel of him inside her urged her body to move. She pressed her face to his neck, drew in his masculine scent of musk and spice, and used the strength in her thighs to move over him. Slowly at first, getting used to the stretch, she drew him out, then pushed him deep. Sensations erupted along her walls, spread through her pelvis, making her crave him faster and deeper.

“God, Eden…” His voice shook, and he lifted one hand to clasp the back of her head. “You’re so… Baby, I’m…” He pressed his face against her shoulder and lifted into her. “Fuck.”

The pleasure in his voice filled Eden with a euphoria she hadn’t experienced in forever. “I want to feel you come, Beckett.” Her hand slipped to his shoulder, and she dug in to hold on as he moved faster. “Come hard for me.”

He growled, pulled his head back, and cupped her cheek, meeting her eyes. “Come with me.”

She pressed her forehead to his. “You fucking overachiever.”

He huffed a laugh, then covered her mouth and kissed her deep. One arm wrapped low on her hips and pulled her against him, holding her still as he thrust, thrust, thrust, giving her clit as much action as her pussy.

And God, the feel of him filling her, holding her, trying so hard to please her…

Both his hands slid down her back and over her ass. He drew her cheeks apart and pushed harder, deeper, lifting her whole body with his power. His cock pounded something inside her that spurted a thrill through her lower body. A cry erupted from her throat, and her hand tightened on his shoulder.

“I love that sound,” Beckett ground out. “Let me hear you, Eden.”

When he thrust again, a sliver of pain preceded the blast of pleasure and she cried out louder. Longer.

“Oh yeah,” Beckett praised. “God, that’s good. I’m gonna come hard for you, Eden.”

“Yes,” she breathed, lightheaded from the ecstasy flowing through her body. “Yes.”

They were both sweating, and Eden’s grip on his shoulder kept slipping. He drove harder and deeper and faster until a perpetual cry streamed from Eden’s mouth, punctuated by “Beckett” or “Yes.”

“Bring it, baby,” he demanded in a dark, raspy voice that coiled inside Eden with carnal sensuality. “Come with me.”

She whimpered. He thrust. Thrust. Thrust. And Eden broke with a scream and a shudder. Beckett let go at the same time. His strong body tensed and recoiled. Drove, tensed, recoiled. The frenzied, repetitive pattern rubbed all Eden’s pleasure spots just the right way, dragging even more climaxes to the surface.

By the time Beckett’s orgasm drained him, Eden was sweating and spent, spread limp across Beckett’s lap. She was supported by his bulk, enclosed in his arms, and filled with his body. And she felt an inexplicable new weight in her chest. A sense of being owned in a primal, fundamental way she couldn’t explain, by this man she’d only meant to use for a quick fling back into life.

She forced herself to lift her head. A quick cleanup, and she wanted to be on her way. Definitely before he brought up the idea of her going home. Talk about an ego crusher.

But when she eased her grip on his shoulders and leaned back a little, her head spun.

Beckett stroked a hand down her hair and gently pressed her head back down. “Stay.” The quick rise and fall of his chest mixed with the hard beat of his heart. “This is…perfect. You feel so…perfect. Just another minute.”

One of his hands traced circles low on her back. The other twirled a strand of her hair around his finger. His cheek rested on her head. And, other than his heavy breaths, he remained silent. Contentedly, peacefully silent.

Warmth snuck past Eden’s defenses, and she relaxed against him again. In those moments, all her senses seemed to flip back on. She closed her eyes to memorize the thump of his heartbeat beneath her ear. Drew deep lungfuls of air to pull in the heady mingled scents of his skin and their sex. Slid her hands over his shoulders, loving the warmth of his skin.

And she was more than a little surprised at how amazing it felt to have a man holding her again. But then, she couldn’t remember any man holding her like this…maybe ever, let alone after sex.

Beckett finally took a deep breath and exhaled, but didn’t move. “That was fucking amazing, Eden.”

The soft words and his awe-filled tone deepened the warmth burning beneath her ribs. She didn’t know what to say to that. Amazing didn’t begin to describe that experience for her, and she opted to remain silent, pressing her mouth to his for a soft kiss instead. To relieve the ache between her legs, far more noticeable now that the intense pleasure had faded, Eden rose slowly on her knees, easing him from her body.

But he held her close and pulled her back to his lap, searching her face. “Are you okay?”

She laughed a little. “I’m better than okay.”

His concern gave way to that killer smile. “Yeah?”

“Oh yeah.” She stroked his face and decided to be honest. There really wasn’t any risk. He already had an ego the size of Texas. And she wasn’t going to do this again. “Sex has never been like that for me before.”

His smile faded, his eyes softened, and he lifted a hand to stroke her cheek. “I’m glad,” he said softly, then nodded. “Really glad.” He kissed her, gently, slowly, letting his tongue taste her in languid strokes that made things deep inside her spark and stir. He pulled back and smiled into her eyes. “I’ll clean up, then we can nap, and I’ll wake you in an hour or two in an unforgettable way.”

Eden’s lips parted, but before she’d formed any words, Beckett rolled her to her back, kissed her again, then stood from the other side of the bed and wandered into an adjoining room. The door closed, a light flipped on, and the sound of running water drifted in.

Eden groaned, flopped her arms across her eyes, then started laughing. She slid her arms down to cover her mouth and stared at the ceiling. What the hell was this fizzy thing that made her want to giggle? “Jesus.”

The humor ebbed, and reality snuck in. What the hell did she do now?

Eden propped herself up on her elbows and the first thing she saw was her suede boots where they still covered the lower half of her legs. And a smile crossed her face. Beckett had made her forget all about leaving the boots on.

She bit her lip and pushed up a little more, glancing around the room for her clothes. Which was the first real look at the space. Upon entering she’d gotten the general impression of a large bedroom with standard furniture—bed, nightstands, dresser. But she’d missed the biggest and most unique feature—one wall of floor-to-ceiling windows. And there wasn’t one blind anywhere to be seen—in the middle of a city with half a million residents.

“Shit,” she murmured.

“They’re mirrored.”

His voice made her startle. “Oh my God.”

She pressed a hand to her chest and took a few quick breaths to slow the sudden hike in her heart rate.

He reached out and laid a hand on her suede-covered ankle. “I’m sorry.”

“No.” She shook her head and drew her knees close. “No, I was…” She gestured to the windows. “I completely missed that.”

His grin was quick and hot. He crawled onto the bed beside her and kissed her shoulder. “I noticed.” He stroked a warm hand down her arm and rested his chin on her shoulder. “I was saying that the windows have a mirrored film. We can see out, but no one can see in, which I love, because this is my favorite thing about the apartment. The way the moonlight and the city lights fill the rooms at night.”

He rose onto his knees and leaned over, straightening one of her legs.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“As wickedly sexy as these are, you’ll probably be able to fall asleep better without them on.”

He found the zipper on her inner thigh, worked it down her boot, and pulled the boot off. Then did the same with the other, all while Eden was trying to sort out the strange turmoil inside her. Would she be able to sleep beside a man? Did she even want to? Long before she had the answers, Beckett set her boots on the floor and kissed his way back up her body.

Eden had changed her mind about leaving by the time his lips touched the hollow behind her knee. And by the time he’d stretched out facing the windows and snuggled up behind her, his legs all wrapped up in hers, his arm tight at her waist, her head tucked beneath his chin, Eden realized she was in deep, deep trouble.

He settled and sighed, and the sound was so relaxed, so content. But it had the opposite effect on Eden and tension wound tighter inside her. Her emotions winged completely out of control, and tears burned her eyes. Which only made her angry. But she couldn’t focus on ripping herself for letting her stupid emotions get involved when he bent his head, pressed his face to her neck, and kissed her there.

“Sex isn’t usually like that for me either,” he said, his voice whisper soft, then propped his head in his hand. “In fact, I haven’t had time for much sex at all this year.”

That surprised her. She turned her head to look at him over her shoulder. “Why’s that?”

He shrugged and let his gaze drift out the windows. “Busy. This job…during the season, it takes everything.”

She had a hard time believing he didn’t slip one-night stands or quickies in there somewhere, but she certainly wasn’t going to dig under that rock. “Are you really leaving town tomorrow, or was that just a way to get me to respond?”

A grin lifted his lips. “I’m really leaving town. I’m not a liar. I’d rather tell and hear the truth than a lie. We’ve got a rough five-game run on the West Coast starting tomorrow night in Los Angeles.” He dropped a kiss on her lips, lowered his head, and sighed again. “Catch a nap while you can, gorgeous. I plan on taking as much of your ass-kicking brand of sex as you’ll give me.” His voice turned heavy with fatigue. “Tonight’s got to carry me through these tough games next week.”

His breathing deepened and evened out within minutes, and Eden was left alone, wrapped up in a stranger’s arms, to stare out at the city lights and untangle all the contradictions she’d uncovered in this sexilicious hockey player.

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