Hot Puck, A Rough Riders Hockey Novel

Hot Puck: Chapter 8

Beckett had managed to steal Eden out of the bar without anyone from the team giving him a hard time. If they’d noticed, he’d catch shit tomorrow. But he’d take as much shit as they dished out and he’d smile through it all too.

He stopped on the corner where a group of pedestrians waited at a red light. She was already leaning into him, but he pulled her into the circle of his arms and tugged the collar of her jacket closed against the DC wind. “Are you warm?”

She smiled up at him. The same smile she’d been wearing since she’d floated back to earth after that orgasm at the bar, a sort of dazed grin, like she had a secret. “I don’t think I’ll ever be cold again.” She curled her fingers into the front of his overcoat. “And thinking about getting you naked is keeping me all toasty. Skin on skin,” she said, her voice throaty. “God, I can’t wait.”

Her hair blew across her face, and Beckett lifted his hand to push it away. Only when it was too late to stop did he realize he’d probably moved too fast. But she didn’t startle or avoid his touch. And that was great progress in his opinion.

Though making her orgasm in the midst of a crowd of dozens was progress too. On a whole different level. The thought of getting her back to his apartment to see what other intimate levels they could achieve tonight was making his cock throb and his mouth water.

“You floored me in there tonight,” he said honestly. “I can’t remember the last time a woman blew me away like you did.”

“Hmm.” She laughed softly. “I think you were the one who blew me away.” She pushed up on her toes, wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled his head down to kiss him. And, man, he loved the way she kissed.

With 90 percent of his blood currently in his cock, he didn’t know exactly why he loved it so much. But he didn’t care either. And he couldn’t wait to get her back to his apartment and start getting to know every intimate inch of her.

“Why’d you turn down the other girls?” she asked, flipping Beckett’s mind upside down.


“The two pretty girls who came up to you earlier. You hooked them up with two of your teammates.”

“Oh, right. Yeah. They weren’t my type.” And he really didn’t want to go into why. He didn’t see any good coming out of that conversation at this moment. He cupped her jaw and stroked her cheek. “Where are you from, Eden Kennedy?”


“Whoa. You’re pretty far from home.”

“That’s where I’m from, it’s not my home. This is my home for now.”

“For now?”

She gave a one-shouldered shrug. “I don’t know where life’s going to be taking me.”

“Do you still have family there?”

“Yes, but my family isn’t like yours. We’re not close.”

“Hmm. I’m sorry.”

She shook her head. “I’ve never known any different.”

“Neither have I, but I could imagine.” He pulled her close and kissed her forehead. “I don’t know what I’d do without my family.”

Her hands slipped under his jacket and roamed his abdomen. “I’m glad you have them.”

“God, you’re sweet,” he said for what had to be the fifth time tonight. “Why hasn’t some smart guy snapped you up?”

She grinned. “I move too fast. Every minute of my day is filled.” She stretched up and kissed his jaw. “This is one of the rare times I give myself a little break.”

“I feel doubly lucky now.” His eyes closed as her mouth moved down his neck and tingles followed. “Don’t you get days off work?”

“Mmm-hmm. But I’m in school those days.” She pulled back and lifted a hand to his chin, running her thumb over his lips. “All my spare time is spent studying.”

He frowned, thinking back. “Did I miss something? I don’t remember anything about school.”

Her gaze lifted to his, then flicked past his shoulder. “It’s green.” They started across the street. “I’m in paramedic school. Between that and work, I’m usually running on empty.”

“Really. What school?” He was still trying to envision what that kind of schedule would look like, when they approached his building. He tugged his wallet from his pocket and held it in front of the electronic pad above the door handle.

“It’s through Johns Hopkins.”

Beckett was staring at her with more realizations and a loose jaw when the lock clicked over. “Hopkins. Jeez. Didn’t I see an article about them in Newsweek? One of the top five best hospitals in the nation or something?”

Her grin shone with pride. “Third best It changes a little every year, but Johns has been in the top five for over two decades.”

“Go big or go home, girl.” Beckett pulled the door open for her. “Just when I didn’t think you could impress me any more, you do.”

“Thanks.” Eden stepped into the warm, still marble foyer and sighed. “Oh, it feels good in here.” She shook her hair back and combed her fingers through the windblown tangles, staring at the three ornate crystal chandeliers that lit the foyer. “I love this place. These chandeliers make me think of ballrooms.”

Beckett shrugged his overcoat off his shoulders. “You’ve been in this building before? Did I miss that conversation too?”

She grinned at him. “After two years running ambulance in DC, I swear I’ve been in almost every building in the city.”

“Ahhh.” He smiled. “Right.” He folded his coat over his arm, then stepped behind her and slipped hers off. He lowered his chin to her shoulder and murmured, “I forget you’ve got a master key to the most powerful city in the nation.”

She started laughing. “A slight overstatement.”

He curved an arm around her waist and dragged her back against him. She moved willingly, fluidly, molding her body to his. The way her ass rubbed his erection stole his breath and added another punch of heat to his cock. Beckett pressed his mouth to her neck and groaned. Eden’s laughter ebbed into a moan as she rocked against him. Excitement, shock, lust… They spiraled together and pooled between his legs.

“God, Eden…” He released her, took her hand, and started for the elevators. “Let’s get upstairs while I can still walk.”

He tapped the Up arrow, and one of the elevators immediately dinged. He stepped in, turned, and dragged her into his arms, kissing her hard. As soon as the elevator doors closed, Beckett lifted her, and Eden wrapped her thighs around his waist. He turned, pressed her against a wall, and sank in. Her softness cradled his cock, and the groan she let roll into his mouth reached all the way to Beckett’s chest and squeezed. One arm tightened around his neck; the other hand drove into his hair. She tilted her head, opened wider, and tasted him deeper, the same way he wanted to fuck her.

Beckett broke the kiss to pull in air and reposition his hands on her ass, his mouth on her neck. “You are one blazing-hot puck.”

She pulled back with a silly sort of frown crinkling her forehead, and Beckett realized he’d used a euphemism saved for the locker room. “Do you mean fuck?”

“Same difference.” The elevator doors opened. He was breathless, and after the game he’d played, his body ached. But no one could have paid him enough to put her down, and he walked the short distance to his door.

“How is that the same difference?” she asked.

He sighed, knowing she’d never let it go. “On the ice, when we’re closing in on a goal and our team controls the puck, when we’re right there, passing it between each other, smokin’ the other team, knowing we’re going to score and that the goal is going to be extra sweet because the other team is dogging us but we still hammer the net, we call that a hot puck. The guys and I made it up.”

When he reached his door, her eyes were glazed, her expression hot, her smile a little wicked. “So it’s like a sure thing but way sexier.”

He grinned. “I love the way you get me.”

“I don’t know if I’d go that far.”

He turned, put his ass—and his wallet—in proximity to the electronic pad, and his door clicked open.

Eden laughed. “That was slick. You must do this a lot.”

“Yep,” he admitted, teasing her as he pushed inside his apartment, “Every time I carry in groceries or my duffel bag or—”

“Or me.” She kissed him, long and deep and wet. “Take me to your bed, Mr. Croft, because I have a feeling I’m not the only hot puck in this apartment.”

He hesitated, stupefied a moment that she didn’t want to look around. Didn’t want to marvel over his apartment. He hadn’t brought a woman here since he’d taken custody of Lily, but before that, his hookups had been ridiculously impressed with this place. Eden, on the other hand, didn’t even glance around. She brought her mouth back to his and kissed him like she needed him to make it through the night.

Beckett broke the kiss when he almost walked into a wall. “Damn,” he told her. “You’re making me dizzy.”

“Sure”—she pressed kisses to his forehead, his temple, his jaw—“it’s all my fault.”

“I’m so glad we agree on that.”

“I want to eat you.” Her teeth closed on the skin near his ear, shooting tingles down his neck. “I want to kiss and lick and eat every inch of you.”

“Jesus. Are you trying to kill me?” He paused to press a hand to the doorframe of his bedroom, already breathing hard. He pulled back and looked her in the eye. “You do realize I’ve already wrung myself out in one hell of a game tonight.”

“I was wondering when that cocky side of yours was going to show up.”

“Maybe I’m hoping you’ll get tough with me again.”

“That could be arranged.” She brought both hands to his tie and deftly unknotted the silk. Something that often took Beckett several minutes to accomplish. “I could get creative with this if I had to—never underestimate the ingenuity of an emergency medical professional. What do you think about that, Mr. Croft?” She let the tie hang loose and started on the buttons of his shirt. “About having your hands secured to your bedframe with your tie, your body all mine to do with as I please?”

A wild, erotic thrill whipped up inside him. “I think that would be a first for me. I also think that would blow my mind in all kinds of new ways. But I’m afraid I don’t get out a lot and doubt I’d last very long. So in the interest of getting the most out of the small amount of time we have, I’d opt for the flipside of that idea.”

She yanked his shirt from his pants and unfastened the last button, then pressed both her hands to his belly and guided him back toward his bed. When his legs hit the footboard, Eden slid her hands up his chest, grabbed his tie with one hand, and used the other to give him a gentle push. Beckett let himself fall to a sit.

The take-charge Kennedy was back, but this time she was joined by the softer, more sensual Eden. The combination created a unique kind of sexual frenzy inside Beckett. Then Eden pressed one knee to the mattress and smiled down at him. A smile that said I can’t wait to get my hands on you and turned Beckett inside out.

She slipped the tie around her own neck, released the ends, and lowered to a crouch between his legs. Beckett’s breath caught, but she only unlaced his shoes and pulled them off. When she stood again, she lifted her chin toward the top of the bed. “Scoot back.”

Instead, he slipped his hands beneath her dress and wrapped his hands around the backs of her thighs, then slid them upward along her smooth, warm, taut skin to the curve of her ass and squeezed.

A sound of desire rolled through his throat, and Eden’s eyes fell closed as a wash of pleasure spilled over her face. He fisted the dress at her hips and dragged it upward, pushing at her arms when she held them down with a murmur of complaint.

He broke the kiss, reminding her, “You said you had a surprise for me.”

With a little smile, she let him draw the dress over her head and he dropped it on the bed beside him as he scoured every gorgeous inch of her.

Holy fuck,” slipped from his mouth in a raspy whisper.

She was everything he’d hoped for…and so much more. His gaze scoured her body over and over, unable to get enough. She was like a wicked wet dream. Her bra and panties were deep red, like her dress. Edged in black lace, like her boots. Her body filled out the lingerie to perfection. She had curves in all the right places, flat, taut planes in all the others. She was toned and supple and delicious.

He covered the hard thump of his heart with one hand. “This thing feels like it’s going to break my ribs.”

A smile quivered on her lips. “Same.”

“You are…” He shook his head. “I can’t begin to find words to do you justice.”

“That was pretty good.” She pressed a kiss to the center of his chest. “Now scoot back,” she said with growing impatience.

He reached for her. “But I want to—”

“Uh-uh,” she warned him with a hand held palm out. “It’s my turn to play with the hot puck.”

A grin overtook his face, and he laughed, then shimmied back on the bed. Eden followed on hands and knees, and the sight of her crawling over him, her hair a little wild, in that sexy lingerie and those fucking kick-ass sexy boots, made Beckett start to think Eden might be his hottest hookup ever.

She sat back on his thighs, did something with his tie that created loops, and deftly slipped one of his hands in, then reached for the other.

“Do you know what you’re doing here?” he asked, marveling at how quickly and easily and expertly her hands worked.

“Mmm,” she murmured, carefully tightening both ends of the loop around his joined wrists. “I use this in the field for restraints all the time. This method is invaluable.” When she finished, there was one long end and one short end. She took hold of the long end and said, “Now pull.”

Beckett hauled his hands backward and met resistance, but the knot didn’t slip or tighten. And he sure as shit couldn’t move his hands. A flicker of unease, of electric thrill, shot through him. “Holy shit.”

Eden leaned in and brushed a kiss over his lips. “Don’t worry,” she murmured with a devilish little smile. “I won’t do anything you wouldn’t do.”

“That does not give me any peace of mind.”

She pushed up on her knees and leaned toward the headboard, drawing his arms overhead. And Beckett had a moment of What in the fuck have I gotten myself into? But then her body pressed against his as she fastened the tie to a slat in the headboard with another knot. Beckett brought his head upright from watching her progress and found her deliciously plump breasts at eye level. With a tilt of his head, they were at mouth level, and Beckett opened wide, taking as much of one silk-covered breast in his mouth as he could.

She uttered a surprised cry, her body jerked, and her forehead dropped against the crown of his head, resting there as he took her nipple between his teeth and treated her to a sadistic massage.

The sounds she made—surprise, pleasure, pain—had Beckett’s cock thumping against his zipper. When she shivered, he released her and quickly turned to the other, repeating the pattern. Loving the way her excitement intensified when he bit down and scraped the hard tip with his teeth, he pulsed, pulsed, pulsed it between his teeth. All followed by gentle sucking.

“Strip, Eden,” he ordered, breathless. As if he were in a position to give orders. “Give me skin. Give me raw skin, and I’ll make you come with nothing but my mouth on your tits.”

She made one final tug on the tie at the headboard and pushed back, panting. Beckett immediately tested the restriction, sure he would break right through, flip her beneath him, and blow this deliriously stupid agreement away.

But he met resistance. Unrelenting resistance.


“I warned you.” Her lids were so heavy, they were almost closed. She licked her lips and grinned.

He heaved a frustrated breath. “Maybe we could save this for another time. I’m a little too impatient right now.”

“Who says you’re going to wait for anything?” She planted her hands on the bed and looked deep into his eyes. “But I should warn you now that I have a not so teeny-tiny oral fixation. And I haven’t been able to stop thinking about sucking your cock for days.”

Lust surged through him. He dropped his head back and pulled at the tie.

“Please tell me you like having your cock sucked, Beckett.”

He lifted his head and met her eyes while her tongue slid over her bottom lip. Sitting back again, she moved her hands to his belt and easily unbuckled the leather, then unfastened and unzipped his pants. All faster than Beckett could. “You’re quick with those hands.”

“I undress people for a living.”

“Huh,” he huffed a laugh. “Never thought of it that way.”

Tugging his pants and boxers low enough to allow his cock to spring free, Eden exhaled heavily. Her face went lax, mouth fell open. “Thank you, God. I will never lie again, as long as I live.”

That made Beckett laugh. But then Eden wrapped her long fingers gently around his engorged cock and stroked, slowly. Pressure and heat exploded in his groin. Beckett arched and moaned.

“I have…another a little confession.”

“Jesus.” He pressed his eyes closed. “This is not the time to tell me that.”

“I have been proverbially starved for years. And your cock looks like a prime cut of meat from a sacred fucking cow. I think my teeny-tiny oral fixation just turned into a full-blown obsession.”

Beckett started laughing again. Until wet warmth surrounded the head of his cock. He sucked a sharp breath and jerked against the restraint on his wrists. “Fuck.”

When he opened his eyes and looked down, Eden was focused on sucking the head of his cock between her lips over and over. Once he was inside her mouth, she swirled her tongue around the ridge, then pulled back, and cool air drifted over the sensitive skin.

A tremor snaked through him. The muscles of his arms flexed, the fabric of his tie pulled. And Eden lifted a naughty smile to him before spending long, slow seconds torturing him with her tongue around the sensitive tip and rim.

Beckett dropped his head back on a loud groan and a few more curses.

When her mouth released him, Beckett opened his eyes and found her leaning over him to reach for the pillow beside his head. He lifted and grabbed the edge of her bra with his teeth.

Eden laughed a little squeal. “Let go.”

He grinned. “Uh-uh.” Then added a muffled “Take it off.”

After a few minutes of tussling to get the fabric from between his teeth, Eden gave in and unfastened the bra. When she leaned back, it slid from her arms and exposed her breasts. Bouncy, full, gorgeous breasts.

Beckett pushed the fabric from his mouth and rasped, “Bring those beauties here. I’m hungry too.”

“Sorry. My needs come first.” She stuffed a pillow beneath his hips. “Especially since you’re a little tied up at the moment.”

Beckett growled. Frustration burned through his body.

Eden hooked her fingers in the waistband of his pants and boxers and slid them down his thighs, his calves, then took hold of his socks and pulled them all off in one swoosh. And then stared at his body, a hot smile lifting half her mouth. “Well done, Mr. Croft. Really, really well done.”

Her approval only made his need more urgent. “Come say that to my face.”

Eden laughed at his challenge to draw her closer, but she did come back to him. And she did lower her head and start feasting. Only she didn’t start with his cock like he expected. Instead, she pushed his thighs wide, lifted his testicles, and massaged them while she licked at the sensitive perineum behind. Beckett’s breath caught. Sensation rocketed through his cock and up his body, out his arms. His hands fisted and jerked against the tie.

But Eden continued to tease him with light pressure from her lips and the warm stroke of her tongue, nearly tearing Beckett from his skin. And when she gently took the skin of his sac between her teeth and scraped, he swore and bowed backward. Both hands gripped the headboard while Eden pulled his perineum between her lips and sucked and sucked and sucked. Beckett’s eyes rolled back in his head. His breathing stuttered. Pleasure shuddered through his body.


She slid her tongue across his sac, then slipped one testicle into her mouth, the move gentle and fluid and utterly natural. But the sensations it washed through Beckett blurred his vision and trembled through his body. His mind wasn’t working. The words he uttered were fractured and disjointed, making no sense. Just as smoothly as she’d taken the first, she released it, licked the other, then closed her lips around it and rolled it around with her tongue like candy.

Beckett let out a long, deep, tortured moan. Fuck, that was so good, he couldn’t even put words to it. He couldn’t remember a woman ever doing this for him. And he would have remembered something this mind-blowing.

The sight of her small hand holding his cock, her blonde head working between his thighs, delivered another jolt of urgent lust. “Eden, can’t take anymore.”

She hummed in disappointment, and the sound vibrated through his sac and into the base of his cock. Beckett’s hips surged, and he choked out a moan. Eden pushed up on one hand. She brought the other to her mouth and met his eyes while she stroked her tongue down her palm, then wrapped her fingers gently around his length and stroked.

Fire blasted through his shaft and spread through his pelvis.

When he caught his breath, he asked, “Are you wet?”

She nodded, a small smile turning her lips. A dazed look in her eyes.

“Take off your panties.” When she didn’t seem interested in his suggestion, he said, “Let me see your pretty pussy while you suck me off.”

She stepped off the bed and hooked her thumbs in her panties, slowly sliding them down her hips, her thighs, and letting them drop. Her pussy was shaved except for one light strip of hair down the center.

Beckett’s breath released on a wave. “How the fuck did I get so lucky?” When she returned to the bed, straddling his thighs, he said, “Bring it here, Eden.” He flexed and clenched his fingers, aching to touch her. “Let me taste that pussy.”

“Mmm, not now. I have work to do here.” And she held his gaze, opened her mouth over the head of his cock, then slowly took three-quarters of his length.

Delirium hit. Pure, unadulterated, raw delirium. Beckett’s mind turned to a white haze sparkling with sensation. Then she closed her mouth over him and added suction. Excitement lurched toward Beckett’s throat. “Fuck, that’s good.”

She continued to impale her mouth with his cock, all while her beautiful eyes held his. Eyes swamped with lust and hunger. And she was in no rush. Her mouth moved slow and strong, her tongue languid and luxurious.

Eden pulled him from her mouth and stroked his wet length with her hand, shooting more sparks into the fire. His balls felt as heavy as rocks. A coil of heat lay at the base of his spine, ready to explode.

“I could do this all night,” she murmured, her gaze lovingly moving over his length. “I think you’ve given me a cock fetish.”

Beckett was pretty damn sure he’d never had a woman give him head this good, and wished he had more control. Wished he could let her do this for him for hours. Hours while he finger-fucked her, while he ate her out in a sixty-nine. While he just lay back and let her pleasure the fuck out of him.

“I love your fetish. But I can’t do this all night, baby. At least not tonight.”

Her brow furrowed, and her lower lip pushed out.

Beckett huffed a laugh. “Come up here and let me see how wet you are.”

When she looked like she might consider it, Beckett pushed. “Let me slide my tongue between your legs.” He licked his lips. “Just move a little north.”

She scraped her lower lip through her teeth, and a new kind of heat crept into her eyes. She walked her knees to his shoulders.

“That’s it,” he encouraged. “Mmm, fuck, I can smell you. That’s so hot. Come here, Eden. I’m just as hungry as you are.” His arms flexed, his body writhed, but nothing brought him closer to her. “Little more, baby. Let me get my mouth on you.”

She wiggled closer. Beckett lifted as far as he could and stretched his tongue to barely tease her pussy. But it was enough to entice her closer. Enough to close his mouth over her. Enough to get her moving against him. Enough to make her hands clench. Enough to make her mouth drop open and her eyes blaze.

“Spread your thighs, baby,” he told her. “Move higher.”

With her hands fisted beneath her chin, a look of awe and excitement and a little bit of unease shifting over her face, she moved a few inches higher and pushed her knees wider, placing her pussy directly over his face.

He pursed his lips and blew on her folds, glistening in the dim light. When Eden moaned, Beckett whispered, “Closer. Bring that sweet pussy to me.”

She reached out and used the headboard to steady herself, then pushed her thighs wider.

“That’s it.” Now all he had to do was tilt and roll his head to have her entire pussy at the mercy of his lips and his tongue.

He started with soft, openmouthed kisses all over. When she added her other hand to the headboard, he searched out key spots to use a flicking tongue—her swollen clit, her perineum, her opening. When he had her squirming, he took sections of the delicate flesh and added the scrape of his teeth, then the swipe of his tongue. All while her head hung between her arms and her heavy-lidded eyes watched. All while Beckett watched her watch him eat her, his hands tied and useless. This had to be the most exciting, maybe even the most erotic, thing he’d ever done.

And Eden reveled in it. Her hips rocked to the sensual rhythm of his mouth; sounds of pleasure filled the air. And the look on her face—that was an aphrodisiac all its own.

“You are so damn…” She shivered, and her eyes closed as a wave of pleasure passed through her. “Good at that.”

“I love being good for you. I love the way you watch me. It’s such a turn-on. I haven’t been with anyone this sexy in a long fucking time, baby. Settle in and ride my mouth to the finish. I want to watch you break.”

Eden lowered her hands from the headboard to cover Beckett’s hands on the slats and threaded their fingers together. Her thighs flexed as she moved her pussy over Beckett’s open mouth. With his eyes on Eden’s, he sucked and licked deep inside her. Eden held her lower lip between her teeth, moaned and rocked against his mouth, while Beckett deliberately drove her higher.

“Beckett…” she murmured, her voice rising.

He covered her and hummed, loud and long, letting the vibrations shiver through her.

And that sent her over the edge. She cried out. Her pussy clenched and surged. And Beckett growled with lust as the climax bowed Eden’s back and twisted her muscles.

As Eden eased back, pressed her face to his neck, and caught her breath, Beckett thought this might very well become the best fucking night of his life.

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