Home for the Holidays

Chapter 11 - Saturday



Hmm…so comfortable and warm. I sleepily awaken to fingers gliding up and down my back, and a very firm body beneath me. Dominick. Smiling, I raise my head to meet his sleepy gaze, “Morning.”

“Good morning. And to think you were worried about me staying on my side of the bed.”

Damn, I curled right into him in my sleep. Giving him what I hope is a sexy smile, I retort, “I never said I would stay on mine.”

“Yeah, didn’t think it would last,” he says as he shifts, and his morning arousal brushes against me.

I arch an eyebrow at him, “Or hoping it wouldn’t?”

He smiles at me. With no brilliant comeback line ready, I change the subject and ask, “Sleep well?”

“Yes, enjoying my view this morning, too.”


“Why would you say that?”

I almost snort but refrain before replying, “I know what I look like most mornings.”

He reaches up and pushes my hair away from my face, “You look beautiful.”

“Are you just saying that because you’re hoping for something?”

His smile reminds me of a cat that caught a mouse, “What could I possibly be hoping for?”

I have to admit, with those brilliant blue eyes and full lips, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t feeling hopeful myself. I slide up his body, letting my nipples brush against him. His eyes darken as I return his smile then lean in for a kiss.

His hand moves behind my head to hold me in place as he deepens the kiss. His other hand glides down my back and slips under the sleep shirt to caress my butt. Everything inside me ignites as his fingers slide under the silk of my underwear. Maintaining the kiss, I straddle him then grind against his groin. The groan that escapes Dominick fires my blood even more. His fingers continue to move, caressing my core, and I almost cry out. Sweet Jesus. If we don’t move this along soon, I’m going to explode.

“Uncle Dom!”

Faster than I can blink, Dom shoves me aside and sits up in the bed as the door opens and his niece flies in, jumps on the bed, and right into his lap. “Grandma said it was time to get up! She’s making pancakes!”

“She is?”

“Yes, hurry and get up! We can’t eat until everyone is at the table!”

“All right. Tell Grandma we’ll be down in a minute. We have to get dressed.”

Amber scrambles out of his lap and runs back out of the room while yelling back, “Hurry!”

As Dom runs a hand over his face, I mutter, “I really hate your niece about now.”

He glances back at me, his eyes dancing with humor, “Can’t say I blame you. Raincheck?”

“Only if you intend to use it.”

He leans over me and gives me the sweetest kiss known to humanity. When he lifts his head, he replies, “You can count on it.”

“Uncle Dom!”

He moves away from me and yells back, “Give me a minute, Amber!”

Rising, he runs a hand over his hair as if to pat it into place. Moving over to the dresser, he stops in front of it. I watch the pajama bottoms drop to the floor and admire the shape of his butt in those figure-hugging boxer briefs before he picks up his pants and pulls them on. I toss back the blankets and sit on the edge of the bed, “Mind if I grab a shower quick?”

Dominick smiles back at me, “Need to cool off?”

“You have no idea.”

“Oh, but I do,” he replies as he pulls his shirt on over his head. His intense gaze meets mine as he tucks the shirt into his pants. Standing, I cross over to him and lean up on my toes to kiss him again. His arm wraps around my waist as he groans and pulls away from the kiss, “If I don’t get out of here, Amber is going to return…”

“…and find you in a compromising position?”

“And then some.”

Dominick kisses my nose then releases me, “Hit the shower. Towels are in the linen closet in the bathroom.”

“I’ll be down soon.”

He smiles back at me as he grabs his shoes and leaves the room. Picking up my clothes, I follow him out the door.


It’s only been fifteen minutes, but feels like an hour since I walked out of that bedroom. My thoughts haven’t drifted away from Ally since. Even having Amber and Rosie running around the table and chanting for their pancakes hasn’t broken my chain of thought.

My father stares at his phone. Sitting beside him, Bill sips his coffee, oblivious to the chaos. Is that what parenthood does? Numbs you? Or do you just learn to ignore it, so you don’t go insane?

My mother enters from the kitchen carrying a platter, “Rosie and Amber, get seated so we can eat.”

As they climb into chairs, Mom turns to me, “Any idea how long before Alison will join us?”

“I’m here,” she replies as she enters the room, “Hope I didn’t make you wait long.”

Her face makeup free, her wet hair piled into a bun on top of her head, dressed in her clothes from yesterday, minus the necklace, she couldn’t be more beautiful to me.

“No, not at all,” my mother politely replies while placing the platter of pancakes on the table.

Ally takes the seat next to me with a smile. My heart flips in my chest. Man, I’m falling hard and fast. My sister enters with another platter, this one filled with sausages and bacon, and sets it down before taking a seat next to Bill. I take Ally’s hand under the table and squeeze it.

When Mom clears her throat and holds out her hands, I move our hands above the table and take Rosie’s as Mom says a prayer. Reluctantly, I release Ally's hand, then help Rosie by placing a pancake on her plate. I help supervise the use of the butter and syrup before pouring some on my pancakes and passing it on.

My fingers brush with Ally’s as she takes the bottle from me. Her gaze flits to mine and I note the warmth before she pulls away and pours the syrup on her own pancakes.

“Well kids, from what I’m seeing about road conditions, looks like your Lyft won’t likely pick you up today either,” my father says, then looks at me and adds, “After breakfast, you, Bill, and I will tackle cleaning off the sidewalks and driveway, then Bill and I will drive the two of you home.”

I smile at my father, “Thanks Dad.”


It is impossible to pay attention to the conversation in the car as I sit next to Dominick. He took my hand after he buckled his seatbelt and hasn’t let go since. Every little while, his fingers move back and forth, teasing me, and making me wish we were alone.

How Dom is keeping up with the conversation, I have no idea. What is he, Superman?

Doesn’t help that the roads are awful, and the drive has been a long one. Arthur hasn’t really spoken much at all. All the conversation has been between Dom and Bill. I turn my head to look at the white landscape to get my mind off the hand holding mine. So many sidewalks have not been cleared yet. Cars parked along the streets that are still buried in snow. Kids are out, bundled up, playing in their yards, building snowmen, and tossing the snow everywhere. A winter wonderland indeed.

Dom squeezes my hand to pull my attention back, “You still with us?”

Facing him, I smile and make up an excuse for my musings, “Yes, just befuddled from those delicious pancakes.”

“There were fantastic, weren’t they?” Bill says from the front seat, “We’re almost there.”

“Yes, you can always take a nap when you get home,” Arthur joins in.

Dom’s eyes sparkle as he looks at me and adds, “Yes, a nap sounds great.”

Pretty sure my cheeks are a bright red at this moment. Hoping Arthur isn’t looking in the rearview mirror, I quietly reply, “Sounds like a plan.”

The car turns down the street, and soon we are in front of the apartment building. Dom releases my hand to unbuckle his seat belt and climbs out, and I do the same. I round the car as Dom talks through the open passenger window, “Thanks for the ride, Dad. See you guys soon. Careful driving home!”

I don’t hear the replies, but Dom glances my way with a smile and says, “Will do.”

Ok, now my cheeks are feeling a little warm again. He stands up as the window closes and waves as the car pulls away from the curb and heads down the street. The gleam in Dominick’s eyes as he turns to face me makes my heart race. He smiles as he approaches, “Alone at last.”

“Not quite. We’re still in public.”

He glances up and down the sidewalk before pulling me into his arms and kissing me. And oh, what a kiss. His mouth moves over mine as his hands move to my hips and pulls me intimately against him. I don’t feel the cold at all anymore when he lifts his head and suggests in a heated tone, “Let’s get inside.”

At my nod, he wraps an arm around my waist and leads me to the door. He badges us in and heads toward the stairs. Pulling away, I take Dom’s hand and lead the way up the steps. I can’t wait to get to the privacy of an apartment, any apartment, I don’t care which. I just want to get this man naked. Reaching our floor, I turn to smile at him when I hear, “Dominick.”

He pulls away from me and faces a beautiful blonde that looks like she belongs on the cover of a fashion magazine. She gives him a brilliant come-hither smile as she approaches, “I’m glad I caught you.”

Dom glances my way, then says, “Hello, Jamie. How did you get up here?”

The ex? What is she doing here?

The woman approaches and runs a finger down Dom’s chest. I want to slap her. She releases a deep, exaggerated sigh and replies, “One of your neighbors was nice enough to let me inside to wait for you. It’s so cold out this morning.”

She gives him another sexy smile, “I’ve been thinking. Maybe I was a bit too hasty. Can we talk?”

I already want to push this witch down the stairs, and I don’t even know her.


Sure? Sure? Ok, now I want to push Dom down the stairs with her. He gives me an apologetic glance then leads Jamie down the hall. I watch him unlock the door to his apartment and lead his ex-girlfriend inside. He is acting like we weren’t about to go into my apartment and have crazy, passionate sex. Rage flares through me and tears fill my eyes.

Not again. In the same damn week! Trying to keep it together, I approach my door and unlock it. Walking inside, I slam it shut and flip the locks.


Hearing the door slam, I cringe. Oh man, did I just blow my chance with Ally? I probably shouldn’t have walked away like that, but I didn’t want to leave those two together. Given Jamie’s personality, getting her away from Ally was my top priority. Praying Ally will understand later, I turn to face Jamie. By her expression, she heard the door slam as well. She looks back at me, “Did I interrupt something?”

“Yes, actually, you did.” I set my keys down on the table next to the door and face her. “What do you want, Jamie?”

She ignores my question, “Are you honestly telling me you hooked up with your next-door neighbor?”


“Possibly?” Jamie approaches me, “Well, if it hasn’t happened yet, then maybe there is still time.”


She offers me the same smile that used to make my blood run hot but now leaves me wondering what she is up to. She reaches up to caress my cheek, “I’ve missed you.”

I avoid her hand, “Jamie, you were clear when we broke up. You were done with me.”

Her hand falls away, “Perhaps I made a mistake. I want to try again.”

Eying her, I note the perfect makeup. Perfect updo, not a hair out of place. The designer clothing. Everything that drew me to her so many years ago now repulses me. Is that what maturity does? I shake my head at her, “I don’t think so. Truth is, Jamie, we grew apart a long time ago. Your decision to end it was the right one.”

“Are you saying that because of that woman?” Jamie releases a ladylike snort of disdain while crossing her arms, “She isn’t in your class.”

“You mean, she isn’t in your class. I think Ally fits me just fine.”

Jamie narrows her eyes on me, “Ally? Sounds like the name of a dog. Are you doing this to punish me?”

I would laugh if her reply wasn’t typical with everything in life revolving around Jamie. Keeping my expression neutral, I reply, “No, this isn’t about you at all. I met a wonderful woman that makes me laugh and feel alive. I enjoy spending time with her. I want to spend more time with her.”

“It won’t last.”

“You don’t know that.”

Jamie’s arms drop and she tries that smile again, “Come on, Dom. No one knows you better than me.”

The smile falls off her face as she jumps and glares down at Oscar. He walks away from her and sits next to me. She makes a growling sound and explodes, “That dumb cat. When are you going to get rid of him?”

“Never. You know, Jamie, I’m beginning to think you never knew me at all.”


“I’m done with men, Stacy. At least until after New Years. Maybe longer.”

“Maybe he is just talking to her. You don’t know.”

I wipe the seemingly never-ending river of tears out of my eyes with the shredded tissue I’ve been using for the last ten minutes of my conversation with Stacey. I toss it on the table to join the growing mound of tissues that started when Dominick walked away with his ex-girlfriend.

“You didn’t see the way she touched him. They’re probably in bed already having make-up sex.”

“Don’t think the worst before you know for certainty.”

I grab another tissue and blow my nose. A knock at my door draws my attention. Who the hell could that be? Sniffling as I wipe at my nose, I say, “Stacey, I’ll have to call you back. Someone is here.”


I approach the door and glance out the keyhole. Dominick. A bubble of pain builds in my chest with thoughts of what could have been. I almost turn and walk away when he knocks again and calls out, “Come on, Ally, open the door.”

Irritated, I open the door to find Dominick standing there with a smile on his handsome face. I arch an eyebrow at him, “What do you want?”

Like help burying the body?

His smile grows as he pulls mistletoe out of his pocket and holds it above his head, “Do you have any plans for Christmas?”

The bubble in my chest bursts then builds again as I ask, “What about your ex?”

“She’s gone. I told her, it’s over and it is.”

“You could have told her that in the hallway.”

He lowers the mistletoe, “Yes, I could have. I wanted to get her away from you.”


“Because Jamie can be a real bitch and I didn’t want her to hurt you.”

“You think I couldn’t handle her?”

He sighs and leans into my doorframe, “You don’t need to, nor should you have to. Our conversation lasted only a few minutes, and she left.”

I glance at my watch, “It’s been almost an hour.”

“I’m sorry. After she left, I figured I shouldn’t show up here without backup. Took me a bit to find some.”


Standing upright, he holds the mistletoe over his head again, “You know the rule, Ally. You have to kiss the closest person.”

The bubble bursts for the last time as I close the distance between us and lean up on my toes to kiss him. His arms wrap around me as he deepens the kiss, his mouth moving over mine. When we both need some air, he lifts his head and says, “How about spending Christmas with me? You know those family gatherings can be stressful.”

Going for nonchalant, I reply, “Sounds like a plan. I really don’t want to listen to fart jokes.”

He breaks into laughter. I wind my fingers into his hair and pull him back down for another kiss. Now this is an early Christmas gift.

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