Home for the Holidays

Chapter 10


I can’t believe how relaxed I am with my family being around Ally. She keeps things light. Doesn’t seem to mind my nieces crawling all over her, something Jamie hated and would complain about when we left. The bun incident would have horrified her. My mind goes over all the excuses she gave for not visiting my family in the past. Things I let go of that I shouldn’t have. All those red flags that I ignored.

As dinner finishes and Stephanie and my mother get up and start collecting plates, Ally stands as well and asks, “Can I help?”

Again, something Jamie would never offer. She would either suggest we leave early or join me in the living room, sitting on the couch while the rest of us would talk or play games with the girls. Why didn’t I see she was never comfortable around my family?

Because I was a blind fool.

I stand and take the plates from Ally. If she helps, so do I. As I pass my mother with the plates, she lifts an eyebrow at me. Yeah, I’m the ass that never usually helps with cleanup. Ignoring her, I head for the kitchen.


I catch the look Stephanie shares with her mother before she notices me looking and gives me a pleasant smile. I’m guessing Dom doesn’t usually help with cleanup after dinner. I smile back as I pick up two of the serving dishes and follow them into the kitchen.

After setting the platters down on an open space on the counter, I ask, “What would you like Dom and I to do?”

Nancy gives her son a questioning look before replying, “Why don’t you start loading the dishwasher while Stephanie and I put the food away?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Dom follows me over to the dishwasher and I open it, glad to find it empty and ready to use. As I pull out the lower tray, Dom whispers to me, “I hope you know how to load this thing. I don’t.”

Trying really hard not to laugh, I pick up a dirty plate and set it in the first open space while saying, “Why don’t you gather the plates, glasses, and utensils?”

His expression shines with relief as he turns and walks back into the dining room.

“Well, my son is definitely trying to impress you.”

Nancy arches an eyebrow at me then follows him out of the room. Across the room, Stephanie smiles at me, then pulls out storage bowls and begins scrapping the leftovers into them. Dom and Nancy return carrying more dinnerware and platters, setting them on the counter before returning to the dining room.

That reminds me.

I turn my attention back to the dishwasher. I scrape off remnants of dinner off one plate onto another one and continue filling. With four of us working on cleanup, it shouldn’t take long. A few minutes later, Nancy approaches, “Let me finish that, how about the two of you start doing dishes?”

Moving over to the sink, I place the plug in the drain and start running hot water. I look out the window as the sink fills and feel my stomach sink. “Um…Dom.”

He approaches, his hands full of pots, “What’s up?”

I point to the window. He looks out and starts to swear, but it turns into a mumble. Probably because his mother would object to the language.

“What’s wrong?” Stephanie asks from across the room.

“It’s snowing, hard.” I arch an eyebrow at Dom, “Supposed to stay north of us, was it?”

“Damn weathermen, can’t trust those guys.” Dominick pulls out his phone, taps the screen, and almost swears again, “Our Lyft driver has already canceled our pickup.”

Nancy steps in behind us to look out the window as well, “Looks like the two of you will have to spend the night.” She pats me on the shoulder, “We’ll have to do some shuffling around, but we’ll make room.”

I face Dom and he gifts me with a reassuring smile that I’m just not buying into. I look back out the window at the increasing white landscape. Note to self, if ever invited anywhere again with even the possibility of a storm, bring an overnight bag.


Sitting with Ally on the couch, I pay little attention to the silly kids’ show on the television and more on the woman next to me. Yes, we’re stuck here for the night, but I’m not sad about it. I’m enjoying all the extra time I’m getting to spend with Ally.

We sat and colored with my nieces. Played more games. Enjoyed some pie. Though I’ll never admit it to my mother, the pie at Ally’s mother’s was better. Now, we’re stuck watching an animated version of The Grinch. Not my normal fare, but it keeps the girls happy. I reach into the popcorn bowl on Ally’s lap for a handful. As I munch, I lean into Ally and whisper, “How would you rate this popcorn?”

Her eyes shine with humor as she replies, “It’s microwave popcorn. That never gets more than a five.”

“Ouch. What about bagged popcorn?”

“The pre-popped stuff you get in the store? Let’s not go there.”

I chuckle as I reach into the bowl again, “There is some good popcorn out there. The stuff that has chocolate drizzled on it.”

“Ok, I’ll give you that.”


I look down to find Amber giving me a dirty look for making noise during the movie. I arch an eyebrow at my niece, “So sorry.”

Across from me, my sister gives me a humorous look. She nods to Ally and gives me a wink before turning her attention back to the movie. Yeah, I’m pretty happy Ally is a sweet lady, too.

My mother enters the room and stands in front of the TV to the groans of the girls. She arches an eyebrow at them and says, “You can come for a last snack or watch the end of the movie. Choose.”

“What’s the snack?” I dare to ask.

Her gaze turns to me and turns salty as she says, “Ice cream. If the TV is turned off in the next five seconds.”

The girls jump up, screaming for the ice cream, and follow my mother out of the room. My father chuckles as he turns off the television then rises while saying, “Ice cream sounds good.”

I take the popcorn bowl from Ally, set it on the coffee table, and stand. She smiles as she rises, “I thought your mother didn’t over-feed people?”

“Oh, the ice cream is not mandatory.”

“Yeah, like I’m not going to have any,” she retorts and follows my father and Bill out of the room.

My sister hip checks me before I can follow her. Crossing her arms, Steph says, “I don’t know how you sailed under a lucky star, but Ally is great. Don’t screw it up.”

“I’m trying not to.”

She smiles, “Come on, let’s get some ice cream before it’s all gone.”

We enter the dining room and I watch Ally accept her bowl of ice cream with a smile from my mother and take a seat next to Amber. I approach my mother as she pours chocolate sauce on two scoops of vanilla ice cream, along with a spoonful of Spanish peanuts. Oh, my mother really knows how to ruin a diet. Well, the one I was starting tomorrow.

I accept my bowl and take the seat next to Ally’s. She leans over and whispers into my ear, “I don’t know whether to love your mother or hate her. God, this is good!”

Chuckling, I dip my spoon and take my first bite. I have to agree with Ally. Man, this is awesome. It also means I’m going to be spending the next couple of weeks at the gym wearing off all the food from the last two days.

My mother sits with her own bowl, then announces, “Dominick, I have the air mattress set up in our room for the girls. That leaves your old room open. You can either share or one of you sleeps on the couch down here.”

Ally speaks up before I can, “I’m sure we’re adult enough to share the room. It’ll be fine.”

My mother gives a barely perceptible nod. Yeah, that’s what I thought. She expected me to volunteer to take the couch, which I would have done if Ally hadn’t spoken up so quickly. She is right though, we’re adult enough to share a room even if we’re not actually dating yet.

“I know you two don’t have any extra clothing with. I have a nightgown Alison can borrow. Dom, you’ll have to borrow from your father.”

For some reason, I don’t like the smile on my mother’s face.


Ugh, I know I just upset Dom’s mother. With her thinned-out lips, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out she doesn’t want us to share the room. But, I mean, it is the twenty-first century. Two adults can share a bed without having sex. Dom doesn’t need to sleep on the couch. I turn my attention back to my ice cream before it melts, and I have ice cream soup. Man, this is delicious. Almost better than pie!

As I spoon up my last bite, Nancy says, “If you’re finished, Alison, we can go upstairs, and I’ll get you something to wear for the night and show you to your room before we get the girls to bed.”

“While you two do that, the boys and I will head out to take care of the snow on the sidewalk,” Arthur adds with a wink to Dom.

Beside me, Dom groans quietly. Stifling a laugh, I rise and follow Nancy out of the room.


Man, it’s gotten cold outside. Between Dad, Bill, and I, we did a quick job of clearing the deep snow from the steps and sidewalk. We will attack the driveway in the morning. At the rate the snow is still coming down and the blowing wind, we will be starting all over again anyway. At least with three of us, it doesn’t take long.

As we shed our outerwear, my mother approaches. She kisses my dad on the cheek and says, “The girls are in bed, but not asleep.” She turns her attention to me, “I left you a set of your father’s pajamas in the bathroom. Alison is waiting for you in your room.” I receive an arched eyebrow and a warning tone, “Behave yourself tonight.”

Yeah, Ally is right. Our parents never stop embarrassing us no matter how old we get. Ignoring the laughing expressions on Bill and my father’s faces, I nod, kiss her on the cheek and wish them good night before heading upstairs. Deciding to check on Ally before changing, I head for my old room. Reaching it, I knock on the bedroom door, “Ally, can I come in?”


Opening the door, I find her standing next to the bed, holding a robe in front of her. “Something wrong?”

“Your mother doesn’t like me.”

“Um, I didn’t get that feeling. Why?”

Ally drops the robe, “She gave me a granny gown to wear.”

My eyes run over the long sleeve, floor length, white cotton mess my grandmother would never be caught dead in and almost lose it. Trying hard not to laugh, I put a hand over my mouth, then clear my throat a few times. When I know I can talk without losing it, I reply, “I think she wears those when the kids are around.”

She narrows her eyes at me, “Are you serious?”

“Yes. I think.”

“The kids are in her room tonight. What is she wearing?”

“I have no idea and really don’t want to speculate.”

“I can’t wear this thing all night. It will drive me insane.”

She turns around and rips the nightgown off over her head. I’m graced with a view of the creamy expanse of her back and purple silk underwear that cover a shapely bottom before she grabs the robe and yanks it on. The thought crosses my mind to suggest we could sleep naked, but I stifle it. Given Ally’s agitation and our current status, that wouldn’t be a welcome remark.

“Ugh, this robe is almost as bad!”

It really is. It’s a hulking thing, a white, thick terry robe that covers her from the neck down. The kind of robe a kid gifts their parents because they don’t want to see them wearing anything more revealing.

“Yes, it is.” I sigh, “Let me see if I can borrow something from my sister.”

“What if she says something to your mother?”

“She won’t. My sister likes you,” I answer with a smile.

“And you told me not to worry about impressing your mother.”

Moving around the room, I approach Ally and take her hands, “It’s not that she doesn’t like you. I prefer to think of it as a cock-block.”

“Are you serious?”

I almost laugh at the embarrassed expression on her face. “Yes, my mother has never been subtle. It’s just like you said earlier, our parents never stop embarrassing us.”

“Ugh, I’d hate to see what she would do if she didn’t like me.”

Leaning in, I kiss her on the forehead then say, “May you never find out,” before turning away and heading out of the room. Time to bother my sister and get changed.


What feels like forever but in reality, was only about ten minutes later, Dom returns to the room dressed in pajama bottoms and a white undershirt. He sets his clothing from today on top of the dresser, then turns back to me holding a men’s pajama top, “This is the best we can do, I’m afraid.”

Rising from the bed, I take the shirt, “Stephanie didn’t have anything?”

Dom clears his throat then says, “I didn’t ask. Let’s just say from the sounds coming out of that room, my mother should have worried more about Bill and Steph than you and I.”

I manage not to laugh, but it is close. Feeling devilish, I suggest, “Should we hang your mother’s nightgown on their door handle?”

Laughter bursts out of Dominick before he responds, “I’d hate to see my mother’s face when she sees it.” He brings me the pajama top, “Will this work for you?”

I take the top, “Anything is better than that sleeping bag.”

Considering I stripped the nightgown off in front of him earlier, I give Dom my back. Untying the belt, I let the robe drop to the floor before pulling on the shirt. It stops mid-thigh, but the important things are covered. I work most of the buttons before turning back to face Dom. “What?”

“How am I supposed to behave myself when you do that?”

“Is there a rule that says you have to?”

His lips twitch with a smile, “My mother’s final words of the night were, behave yourself.”


His eyes darken as he closes the distance between us. He cups my cheek, his thumb moving back and forth as he asks, “Does that mean we’re going to become more than friendly neighbors?”

Turning my head, I kiss the palm of his hand. He lowers his head, and I catch a hint of his toothpaste before he kisses me. I forget about the minty taste as he deepens the kiss, and then I forget all about reasons to keep things platonic. When the kiss ends, I almost object except he leans into me so his forehead rests against mine, “We should stop.”

My mouth runs off before I think better of it, “We can hang that nightgown on the door handle.”

His whole body shakes with laughter before he pulls back. His eyes dance with merriment as he replies, “Are you trying to get me shot by my mother?”

“That would be a sad day, so, no.”

He chuckles again and pulls away, “We should probably get into bed.”

“Is that your idea of a proposition?”

More laughter, “You are making it really hard for me to behave.”

I release a deep sigh of suffering, “Fine, I’ll stop.”

Turning away, I make my way over to the bed then glance back at him, “Left, or right?”

“I’m usually sleep on the left side.”

“Good, I like the right side.”

“Very nice,” he says as he moves to the left side of the bed, “I hope you’re not a cover hog.”

Releasing a lady-like snort of contempt and pulling back the covers on the right side, I retort, “I never hog anything.”

“Good,” Dom says as he lays down.

I settle in beside him and pull the blankets up, “I just hope you stay on your side of the bed.”

“No promises,” he says as the lights go out.

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