Hockey With Benefits

: Chapter 5

Dad: Do you want to be involved in where your mother goes?

Knock, knock!

I was reading over my dad’s last text and well, needless to say, I was happy for the distraction.

I put my phone away and went to the door.

I was guessing it was Miles. He and I went back to being he and I. There were a couple library study sessions, or where I studied and Miles dropped his books there, his bag, and went to socialize. He tended to find a girl, bring her over. She studied with us, and then he’d either go to her place after or she came to ours. But he and I were back to being our surface-only friends, so I opened it, asking before I saw who was on the other side, “Libr–” I stopped. “You aren’t Miles.”

It was another of our roommates. Skylar. Her and her girlfriend, Zoe, lived on the second floor. While Skylar wore mostly athletic clothes, pale skin, had long blonde hair with a few dreadlocks, Zoe was almost the opposite. She was a dainty artist, wore mostly flowery dresses and the cutest shoes, had light brown skin, and kept her hair mostly in braids. Zoe also was a fan of jewelry, with long and short necklaces, bracelets, and different earrings.

Skylar gave me a small grin and half of a wave. “We’re having some people over tonight for pizza. That cool with you?”

That was another thing in this house. They liked to make sure everyone signed off if there were going to be a lot of guests. I was guessing it had to do with the noise level since Skylar was on the soccer team. Wade was on the swim team. And Darren, the guy who lived on the first floor, was on the football team. A lot of athletes in the house.

She added, “Also, we’re considering doing a whole study event too. You in?”

I nodded. “What time? How much for the pizza?”

“Whenever and whatever you want to chip in for supplies. Zoe’s taking a cooking class elective this semester, and she’s got the chef bug. You know, if the artist thing doesn’t work out.” She gave me a wink.

I grinned.

I had needed the weekend alone, but the week of classes made me look forward to a study/pizza night.

“I’ll be down in a bit. Thanks for the invite.”

Skylar had nodded and started to turn back but paused and gave me a brighter smile. “Of course. See you down there!”

My phone started ringing behind me. Skylar went downstairs and I went to pick it up, shutting the door.

Zeke calling.

I frowned, but answered, “Dude.”

He laughed, a baritone voice on his end and sounding hoarse. “Batten down your hatches, Little Daniels. I’m going to violate your rule and, gasp, ask how you’re doing! And don’t give me the bullshit of not asking because apparently, I’m the only one with balls to wade through your toxic hostile attachment barriers.”

I grew up with the guy so I just drew in a breath, knowing Zeke would ignore whatever I said. I settled down on my couch and hit speaker, putting the phone next to me. “I’m fine.”


“Zeke,” I started to warn.

He was unrolling the ball inside me that I’d been able to take all my mom stuff and stuff it in there.

“I’m also calling to let you know that a certain Fallen Crest nurse got sacked.”

My stomach clamped right back up. “What?”

“I made some calls, found out what nurse leaked your mom’s info, and yeah, she’s gone. Finito.”

I couldn’t talk at first. God. My mom. My dad’s text… I’d kept that all locked up in the Mom Drawer in my head. I’d been in the process of shutting it all away after reading what my dad asked, but Zeke yanked the entire drawer back out. It was spilling all over the floor.

“You did that?” My voice was raspy.

“I am all the way connected in Fallen Crest. It was the least I could do for a friend.”

I was speechless, my heart pounding hard in my chest.

Then he got quiet. “I looked up what your mom has.”

“Zeke.” I shot to my feet, but I took the phone with me. My chest was so tight.

“Her stuff seems like a lot.”

My throat was closing up. “Zeke, don’t do this. Okay?”

“Just calling to say… I don’t know, Daniels. You never let us know, and I’ve known you since kindergarten. You could’ve shared.”

He had no clue. No idea how she could be. To say she could be dramatic was a gross understatement. He had no idea about any of it, but he found out. Along with so many others because of last week, because one nurse gossiped and let it spread how my mom ended up in the hospital.

“And what then? You know our friends, how they can be. They’re vicious. I would’ve been tortured for having the ‘psycho mom.’”

“You could’ve told some of us, all I’m saying.”

I let out a sigh because dammit, that felt nice hearing and that I was hearing it from Zeke said a lot. “Zeke?”

“What’s up, Little Daniels?”

“You and I are not phone friends.”

“Maybe that needs to change.”

I cocked my head to the side. “You and I don’t share feelings.”

“I know, but I’m a new man. My dad took away the car and bank cards and I had to get my shit together. But I’m here. There’s been some hiccups, but all in all, being Zeke Allen at Cain University is quite fucking amazing.”

Some things never changed. Same old Zeke, boasting how great he is. I relaxed a little more. “That’s good to hear. Your frat is good?”

“They’re…getting better.”

“I’m sure.”

He laughed. “Okay, Little Daniels. I wanted to share the news about the nurse and to let you know that the Zeke Maestro is thinking of you. Give me a call the next time you’re drunk, and we can talk about philosophy.”

I barked out a laugh. “Looking forward to it.”

We hung up after that. I wasn’t going to reflect why that call felt nice, but it did. Half of me was normal because of my dad. Half of me was messed up because of my mom, but Zeke was all the way at Cain, California. He used to be such a douche, but I was tending to believe that he had changed. Or at least he had some humility in him now.

Maybe having a phone friend was okay?

Changing into some jeans and a tank top, I grabbed a textbook, some cash for the pizza, and rum and mixers on the way out. Then I headed down, using the stairs that led right to the kitchen.

Zoe had a whole spread in the kitchen. She looked up, smiling, some flour on her cheek. “Hi! Welcome to the downstairs lair.”

I put my cash on the counter. “For you, for all this.”

“Oh my gosh, you didn’t have to do that.”

I ignored that, giving her an easy smile and moving to grab a cup from the cupboard.

Skylar came in, her hair pulled up into a ponytail since she’d left my place. “You can put your soda in the fridge. There’s some room.”

“Baby.” Zoe said something to her, but I poured myself a drink before putting my soda where Skylar just told me. When I was done, I glanced back to them. Skylar was helping her out, putting the cheese on the pizza.

I asked, “You guys need more help?”

“Nope. I’ve got a whole system put together.” Zoe nodded toward the rest of the house. “Grab a seat at the table if you want to study because fair warning, each of the guys invited a couple friends over. It might turn out to be a party even though we didn’t all agree to a party tonight.”

I noticed her and Skylar were both eyeing me, a little cautious. It took a second before I realized they were waiting to see if I’d get mad about that.

“Oh!” I waved that off. “Going to be honest, I never care when the parties happen.”

Both looked relieved.

They weren’t kidding about the party effect. The living room and dining room was full of people.


Gavin was just coming in from the front door and walked toward me, his arms in the air. I braced myself, keeping my drink steady as he got to me, pulling me in for a tight hug. “How you doing? Long time no see.”

He let me go as I said, “We had class together. Today.”

“I know. Too long, too long.” His eyes were a little glazed and his cheeks were red.

“Started partying already, huh?”

He laughed and shrugged. “Never too early.” He eyed my drink. “Whatcha got in there?”

I moved back, bringing my drink to my chest. “Nope. It’s mine. Get your own.”

He laughed again, his arm coming down around my shoulders, and scanned the room. He had come in with a few others. I recognized them from his fraternity. They were doing handshakes and shoulder pounding with a few other guys. I looked around, seeing Miles in the corner. He saw me looking and jerked his chin up in a greeting. He was talking to a few girls.

Darren was on the couch, controller in hand. He was playing the new FIFA game with another guy.

Wade was coming down the stairs. Seeing me looking his way, he gave me a chin-lift too. “What’s up, Daniels?” He came over, saying hello to who was eyeing him back. “What’s up, man?”

“Hey.” Gavin’s greeting was less enthusiastic, but his arm fell from my shoulders. He was looking from Wade to me, a twinge of suspicion in his gaze, but he just smiled. “I need beer.”

Wade laughed, but as soon as Gavin was gone, he moved so his back was to the rest of the room. “How are you?”

Oh, boy. The way he was looking at me, and how he asked that question–he wanted a real answer.

I started to edge back when a girl came over. She linked her elbow with Wade’s, her hip bumping his. “Wade! I didn’t know you’d be here.”

He gave her a slight frown. “I live here, so…”

She laughed, tossing some of her hair behind her shoulder. “That’s right. I forgot. How are you?” She placed a hand on his chest, and the maneuver put her closer to him and with her back to me. It was obvious what she wanted.

I looked over her head to him, and he was half smiling at her, but half looking my way.

I moved back, raising my drink in a greeting.

He gave me a small nod back.

From there, I made my way to the dining room table. They had a long one, enough where sixteen people could sit around it. Miles said that it came with the house, and moving into the dining room, the sound was a little quieter in there. The rooms were all sectioned off in the house. There was no big open layout. The living room had a doorway that went into the long dining room, and if you traveled the length of the room, there was a doorway at the opposite end that went to the kitchen. On the other side of the dining room wall connected to where the living room and kitchen had their own doorway. I went in there, dropped my stuff at a seat, and sat down. A few others were in there too, a few girls, and a couple guys.

“Hey. You’re Skylar and Zoe’s new roommate?” One of the girls pointed to the ceiling with her pen. “The one who has the attic apartment?”

“Yeah. Hi.”

She used the pen to point to herself. “Jessica. You’re Mara?”

I nodded.

Jessica pointed to the other two girls. “That’s Allie and Hawah.”

Both nodded and waved.

They were all in sweats and T-shirts, their hair pulled up in messy buns. I was guessing they were upperclassmen, like Skylar and Zoe. It was also in their relaxed attitudes. Freshman girls were different at parties. They were dressed up, or in jeans, and there was an edge of uncertainty, desperation to them or they went the opposite route of being so confident that they came off like know-it-alls. They weren’t all like that, but I partied enough to tell. The other two at the table were guys, and both gave me a small nod.

“I’m Derrick.”

The other guy waved his pen toward me. “Yo. I’m Martin.”

I said hello to both.

Skylar popped her head into the room. “First pizzas are done. You guys want dibs before we let the others know?”

The chairs were pushed back, and the girls went first.

The guys were after that. Martin lingered, asking me, “You want a piece? I can grab you one.”

I shook my head. “Not hungry. I’ll grab one later.”

“You sure?” He jerked a thumb toward the other room. “Darren and the others will eat everything in that kitchen when they’re let in. Football players are insatiable.” He was smirking at me, and I knew who he was connected to now.

“You’re on the team?”

His smile widened. “Yep. Running back.”

“Martin,” came from the kitchen.

He glanced in and back to me. “Last chance. One slice?”

I laughed but raised my drink. “I’m good for now. Promise.”

“Okay.” He disappeared inside as one of the girls was coming back, her plate piled high with pizza. She sat down at her spot, putting her drink next to her plate. “Not hungry?”

I shook my head. “Not yet.”

She gave me a once-over, what she could see of me, and her top lip curled up. “You don’t have an eating disorder, do you?”

I gave her the same once-over, my lip curving up too. “No. Do you?”

It was a cheap shot back at her, but she had a healthy and toned body. I could tell under her shirt and sweats. The truth is that I wished I had more muscle on me and there’d been times I spent lifting weights, but it never seemed to work. I just got more tired and felt washed out. I was envious of her, but no way was she going to know that.

She flushed but picked up a piece of pizza and took a big bite out of it. “So fucking good. Glad I enjoy eating.”

The other two girls were coming in, and they slowed, hearing their friend, their gazes jumping to me.

I narrowed my eyes, but only leaned forward. “You don’t have to be a bitch.”

“Hey!” one of the girls cried, but I didn’t remember which one. Allie? It wasn’t Jessica, who looked resigned to this exchange. She put her plate down, sliding into her seat.

“Allie,” she addressed the bitchy one. “Be nice.”

Hawah was the other one, and she was slower to sit, taking the other seat by Allie, who was still glaring at me as she kept eating her pizza. She started making noises, all directed at me. “Yum. So delicious. I looove pizza. I love food. So yum–”

I was aware of a loud sudden noise of voices from the living room, but I was up and moving around the table. I halted just before her. She had edged her seat back, her eyes wary but still hostile.

God. I hated girls like this.

“What’s your problem with me?”

She rolled her eyes. “My problem? I don’t have the problem. You do.” She gave me a once-over. “Obviously. I bet you’re the type to starve yourself and then eat a biscuit and throw that shit up. Ugh. What your breath must smell like.”

I leaned down, slowly, so I was staring her right in the eyes. “Let me say this slow for you, so you can keep up. You and me, we don’t know each other, but I know you now. What you threw at me, all that does is give me a window into how you think. How you view people because it’s what makes sense to your dumbass self. What I know about you, is that you’re petty, insecure. And every fucking time you’re here, I’m going to come down and make your life hell. Because while I’m not an insecure and petty bitch, I am one that likes to draw out my payback. Buckle up, bitch. You just made me an enemy—”

The light switched in her eyes. She went from being mean and mad, to being rageful. The chair was shoved back and she lunged for me.

As her hands touched me, I saw red.

There was yelling, chairs were scraping.

I knew in the back of my head that people were running in and what they would see, but I was so sick of taking shit from other girls. It’d been almost nonstop most of my life. About my size, about who I was sleeping with. I kept all my business quiet, and now this? Because I chose not to eat pizza the very first moment it was offered? Screw. Her.


There was a scramble, then two hands gripped me around my waist, and I was being lifted away.

“Shit.” A male voice grunted as I was being carried out of the room.

Once we were in the other room, I was let go, but he, whoever he was, wasn’t releasing me. I shoved him off. “Let go! She attacked me.”

It had been Wade and he kept one of his hands on my waist, or was trying. “What the hell was that about?”

A crowd formed around us, some of the guys from that room–I was frazzled. I couldn’t remember their names, though I just talked to them. Gavin and Miles came over too, both frowning, and they moved to stand between me and that room.

“You are such a bitch!” Jessica came to the doorway, trying to get at me.

I laughed, and winced because it sounded ugly. “I just educated you. You’re the petty, insecure bitch. I’m the bitch who’s now your enemy.”

She screamed, breaking free.

Miles moved in, catching her. That made her try harder.

I was keeping an eye on the kitchen, and just as I started to look to get a better view, I saw Allie coming around and trying for me that way. I moved, going at her because no fucking way was I going to take this lying down. I hadn’t started the fight, but I sure as shit was going to end it.

She was running fast too.

“Wha–OH MY GOD!” Skylar yelled.

I heard another scream. These girls wanted to jump me.

I moved around Wade, taking two steps as Allie got to me. There was a group of guys standing to the side and at our sudden movements, they moved into the hallway.


“Okay then.”

Allie lunged for me, I ducked, reached back, and caught her hair. Bracing myself, I yanked her entire body down to the floor. Hard. Once she was down, I kicked at her shoulder, pushing her over so she was on her stomach and then I knelt on her back, a hand pushing her face into the floor. “Going to stop or should we keep going?”

There were more yells behind me. I was hoping someone was holding Jessica back because she was still screaming at me.

Allie was struggling, trying to get up.

I tried to kick out one of her hands so she couldn’t use both of them to push herself back up.

“You bitch!”

“You’re the one who came at me first.”

Her head twisted to the side, but I held it down, locking my elbow in place. “Don’t fuck with me.”

“What the hell?” Skylar shoved in and began pushing at my shoulders. “Get off her.”

I was resisting until I felt the fight leave Allie and then I stood back. Skylar got between me and Allie, her eyes wide and bulging out. Zoe was crying in the corner, and Skylar frowned at her before her jaw hardened.

Allie was getting up. She was okay, still glaring at me.

Skylar let out a ragged breath. “What happened?” She turned to me. “These are mine and Zoe’s friends. They’ve been over here multiple times and have never gotten into a physical fight. I know them. I don’t know you.”

I felt people behind me.

Ignoring them, I said, “Your friend was a colossal bitch to me. Like I’m going to take her taunting me, insinuating that I have an eating disorder.” I leaned around her, saying to Allie, “I hope to God you don’t actually know someone who does have an eating disorder. You don’t mess with that shit and for your knowledge, I don’t have one but fuck you for trying to shame me.”

Skylar’s attitude changed drastically at hearing me.

She whipped around to Allie, her mouth almost falling down. “Is she serious? You did that?”

Allie took a step back, running a hand through her hair, but she raised her chin up. “What? Like she doesn’t have one–”

Skylar began yelling, “You can’t do that.”

“Oh, come on–”

“MY LITTLE SISTER HAS AN EATING DISORDER!” Skylar was visibly shaking.

Zoe stopped crying and moved in, touching Skylar’s arm. “Baby,” she said in a soft tone, moving even closer, her body touching Skylar’s.

At the touch, Skylar’s eyes closed and she drew in a sharp breath. When she opened them again, she hissed, “I agree with my roommate. Fuck you, Allie. Fuck you. You have no idea the torture that goes with fighting an eating disorder.”

Allie quieted. “Katie has one?”

It was clearly the wrong thing to say to Skylar because she drew in another breath. “Get out.”


“I’ll deal with my roommate, but right now, get out before I put hands on you. You don’t mess with eating disorders. You just don’t do that.”

Skylar started to turn toward me, but I already had my hands up. “I’ll leave. You don’t have to kick me out–”

“Stay,” her voice was low and guttural. “We can talk later when things are calmer.” She pushed through the guys, going down the hallway.

Zoe remained behind, looking from me to Allie, then to the kitchen before hurrying after Skylar.

There was a moment of quiet before Wade moved in. “Okay. Time for you to go.” He was talking to Allie, who looked ready for round two, but she clamped her mouth shut and went back to the dining room. A moment later, she reappeared with her backpack on and started toward me.

Hands touched me, moving me to the side. I was shuffled back as Miles and Gavin both stood between me and her. Just as both girls got to the front door, it opened. They fell back a step as a group of guys came in.

“Hey.” The first guy, AJ Atwater from the hockey team, had a wide smile. It fell as he took in the girls’ expressions and scanned the rest of the room. The music from the video game was still playing in the background, but everyone was either frozen or standing still. “Uh, what’s going on?”

He was followed by Marcus Keys.

Wes Barclay.

A fourth guy came last.

It was Cruz.

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