Hockey With Benefits

: Chapter 4

“What’s up, Daniels?” Gavin Miller dropped into the seat next to me.

New semester meant new classes, and we were in an auditorium for our anthropology class. He dropped his bag at his feet, turned to me, and threw his arm around the back of my seat.

In my head, Gavin was Grant West’s version of someone I knew from my hometown.

Both came from wealthy families. Both in fraternities where they were legacies. Both square muscular bodies. The difference between them was that Zeke had blond hair, the guy from my hometown, while Gavin had dark hair, and well, their names obviously.

“Anthropology, huh?”

He chuckled before settling more in his seat. “Needed something easy this semester but that looks good on the reports. My mom’s up my ass about last semester’s grades. Speaking of last semester, I knew the reason you ghosted our parties then, but not now. What’s the deal? Gaynor told me you were pricklier than normal at the hockey game on Friday. We had a bash on Saturday.”

Right. The game. There’d been a whole weekend between then and now, and I’d not responded to anyone’s texts or party invites.

“Coast is clear, Daniels. Burford backed down. I like having you at parties. You tend to keep the idiots in check. You’re good for the party environment.”

“I don’t do anything.”

“That’s the point. You take no bullshit, and the girls know that about you.”

“You want me to come to a party?”

“I do. A lot.”

The beef he was talking about was because of him. He’d been the reason. We were studying in the library. Sabrina Burford was into him. He was into me. She took offense, coughed the cunt word, and bam, there you have it. That was also the same night Cruz and I hooked up for the first time.

“I’m not fucking you, Miller.” I leveled him with a look, watching his reaction to that. I wanted to make sure that was crystal clear.

He eased back, but there was no flicker on his face. His lip curved up just slightly. “I know. Word is that you pick a dude for those needs, and you stick with only him but there’s no relationship strings attached.”

I almost dropped my pen. “Who told you that?”

“I got friends at Cain University. Your buddy Zeke talked. He’s a chill guy. I really liked him.”

Fucking figures. I slouched down in my seat. “I’m going to murder him.”

He held his hands up in surrender, leaning back from me. “He wasn’t spreading gossip. He just said you’re smart and don’t treat you like the rest.”

“Right, and that means he needs to spread that shit about me?”

“I’ve not said anything to anyone. I swear. I’m sharing because a chick as hot as you, I’m guessing you already got that guy picked out and it’s not me. I’m cool with that.”

I gave him a hard look.

Gavin snorted, slouching down in his seat too. “Man. You are super distrustful. That’s cool, though. I see I got my work cut out for me. I like you, Daniels. That’s all. I mean, I’d love to get in your pants, but I’m aware that’s not what you’re offering so that’s fine too. Still want you to come to our shindig this weekend. Guys have an away game, so we’re doing a watch thing at the house and then partying all night. Cool if you could come.”

I was about to respond, but caught movement behind and looked. Cruz was coming in, along with one of his teammates, Wes Barclay. They went down one of the aisles until a girl held out her hand. Barclay swung in next to her. Cruz saw me, and paused in the aisle, but he only blinked once before taking the empty seat on the other side of his teammate.



Gavin flashed me a grin. “That’s Bianca. She was all over Cruz at their party Friday night. Turned her down, and I have no idea why.” He winked at me. “She’s almost as hot as you, Daniels.”

I rolled my eyes. “Keep up with that shit and I won’t come over this weekend.”

He frowned. “What girl doesn’t want to get compliments?”

I gave him a look.

“Shutting up now.”

The professor was coming in so I gave him a nod. “Thank you. And I’ll come this weekend.”

“Nice.” He gave me a wink and then class started.

Me: Stop talking about me to people.

Zeke: What’s up, Daniels! How are you? How’s it going? Also, you’re going to have to be specific. I talk to a lot of people so that’s going to be hard to do.

Me: Had a conversation with Gavin Miller about the type of guys I fuck. IT’S NOT YOUR BUSINESS!

Zeke: Oh yeah. Now that makes more sense. My bad. I was rolling and had half a bottle of Jack in me. Sorry about that.

Me: fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

Zeke: I’ve missed you, Little Daniels.

Five minutes later,

Zeke: Still missing you.

Thirty minutes after that,

Zeke: Also, by the by, I liked Miller. He seemed like a good guy. Felt connected in a bro-way if you get my drift.

Zeke: Text again, Daniels. Once you open that door, you can’t close it. It’s the text-gate.

Me: That makes no sense.

Zeke: See! Got you. Tag, you’re it.

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