His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 8

Chapter 8
Arthur Geller was a man in his forties, the biggest woman-objectifier I know, a pervert, and an overall cheapskate who makes the
next pretty, young girl his ‘target’ and never learnt the meaning of boundaries. Fortunately for him, the only good thing about him
was his business sense because 4% of the Whitlock revenue directly came from him and his shell companies, which is why I
dealt with him often.
In all fairness, I never cared about what he did with who outside the walls of his office, and that was until I got my wife to his
All I could think of now was the crimes I would commit if he laid his dirty eyes on the girl I had left outside.
Because even in all my annoyance against Sofia, I wasn’t blind. I knew Sofia was beautiful, more beautiful than most girls I knew
and any man with a d*ck would love her.
I knew I would.
But the idea of that being any other man, especially Arthur, drove me insane to a point where I could not sit in front of the
man anymore.
1 tapped the back of the pen on the desk impatiently and as Arthur’s eyes studied me, Peter shifted behind me in
You seem in a haste today,” Arthur commented.
“Just want to get this done with.”
“You usually never want to get done with business, you could live in it,” He mused. “What is this about? Have anyone to return
home to?”
My eyes flickered to him. I knew he had heard about my marriage. I knew anyone with an Internet access had. It had been about
ten days, and it was still making headlines.

“Lily Grant perhaps?” He pushed.
I stiffened, and if my eyes could shoot daggers, Arthur would be dead by now. Nonetheless, I pulled back my poker face. “Why
don’t we just wait quietly? There’s no reason why me picking up a file should require us talking.”
“We’re friends, Gabe.”
“We’re not.” I gave him a hard pressed smile.
Peter stepped closer to me from behind. He bent to my level. “Si, the driver called..” he murmured, only in my ear for me.
“What? Did she seize now?” I contemplated the urge to roll my eyes.
“She slept”
“She slept.
“I heard you Peter, 1 glared, and he stepped back. “Jesus”
How old was this girl, ten?
Chapter 8
Who f*cking sleeps in the car?
It was cold outside, and I knew the driver wouldn’t have the f*cking sense to switch on the heater.
I cleared my throat.
“All good?” Arthur raised an eyebrow.
“Yes. No, actually. I’ve got a personal emergency. Would you mind if you just drop the file tomorrow at mine?”
“Can do. He nodded, and I stood up, unbuttoning my coat.

“Call beforehand.” Shaking hands with him, I added, “Make sure the file’s dropped off.” I left Arthur’s office with Peter on my trail,
giving him clear instructions to send a reminder to Arthur PA if the file hadn’t been dropped by midday.
Peter left in the office transport, and me in my car. Looking at Sofia asleep with her legs over the leather seat I had paid tens of
thousands of dollars for. I almost cringed, and then I sighed shaking my head.
“Take us home,” I said to the driver. “And why is it so cold in here? Switch on the d*mn heater.”
“Sir. you don’t like h-”
“Did I ask you for your opinion?” I cut him off. He was loud, and preferred employees who could silent,y take an order. It’s what I
paid them for. Just drive. Home.”
As the temperature inside the car got warmer and I had to loosen the clothes I was wearing. I watched her more times than I
would like to admit to myself with pure amusement of how someone could sleep so deeply in a moving car.
I woke up to a scent stronger and manlier than all perfumes I own combined, which didn’t make sense because I was in my
room. My stomach had hunger pangs to the point where I felt nauseous, and confusion hit me because the last thing I
remembered was definitely falling asleep in the car.
With Gabriel.
I sprang to my feet as quick as I could, rushing outside and, Luna was right out, looking like she was in the middle of knocking on
my door when I opened.
“How’d I get here?”
“Breakfast for you.” Her eyes flickered to the tray of food in her hands, “You’ve been asleep for almost eleven hours now, and I
thought you were dead.”
I blinked. “How did I get here?”

“I slept. I fell asleep i the car while waiting for Gabriel, and I just woke up here. So how did I get here?”
“Oh, that.” Her cheeks blushed, “I don’t know. I think the driver did?”
“I’m not sure.”
Chapter 8
“Oh. Okay, I’ll make sure to thank him.” Mouth almost still open, I replied blankly.
“No! I don’t think you should do that!”
“Why not?”
“Sir never thanks his employees.
“Well, I’m not him, so..” Meekly passing her a smile, I take the tray of food from her.
Going back inside, I drop to my bed. The scent I woke up to seemed so expensive, I was almost convinced it would be
would Gabriel who had to pick me up and bring me to my room. But to thank him for that and apologise for not waking up be
more mortifying than anything, so I was glad it wasn’t him.
Throwing my head back. I cursed myself for a moment before picking up my laptop and checking my mails, and all the
embarrassment was forgotten the moment I saw a mail from Wales
It was signed by Viktor Hart, and 1 scanned through the long paragraph to quickly spot the word- ‘accepted. And what they were
paying was a httle more than double of what I cared at my last job.
Feeling on top of the world, I quickly brushed, showered, ate breakfast and all comfortable in my sweats after confirming that I
will start from Monday, I headed down. The time was just eight in the morning.
Is Gabriel home?” I asked Luna.

“No, he left a while ago, she told me as I settled on the couch. He was shouting at someone on a call. It seemed like he had a
really important meeting this morning ”
I wondered if this man sleeps at all.
“Oh. Okay. I’m going to have work from Monday, I’m tiot going to be around anymore, so it’s the last day you have to see me in
my peak of boredom I joked.
She didnt crack a smile. “Does Sir know you’re going to be working?”
“No. But I’m sure he doesn’t mind.” Why would he? I wasn’t going to work for money, I was going to work to keep myself busy.
And that’s not something he can dictate. “I was thinking I’ll paint today. But there’s some supplies I need from the market, is there
anyone who could bring it for me?”
“Yes, the driver was about to take someone to the local supermarket to buy groceries, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind pick up your
supplies as well
“Perfect, I grin. This was turning out to be a good day.
“I really think you should tell Sir about work plans,” she timidly said.
I raised an eyebrow. “Why is it such-
My words were cut off when the doorbell rang, and I immediately got to my feet. “That must be the driver” I tell her. walking to the
door, as she follows me
However, a housemaid beats me to opening the door and who stands ahead isn’t the driver from last night.
A part of me wished it was my husband, but it wasn’t
Chapter 8

It was an unfamiliar mm, but I did not like the way his eyes set at me and a smug smile spread on his lips as he stepped ahead
into the house without invitation. Tm Arthur Geller,”

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