His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 7

Chapter 7
I cannot develop a crush on Gabriel Whitlock.
There was an unspoken rule in the universe that said you cannot fall for your fake husband who is paying a hefty sum of money
to get rid of you in about five and half months from now
But to be fair, I did not have a crush on him. I didn’t like him as a person, at all. I found him cocky, arrogant and borderline
The only thing I did find him, is hot, Undeniably hot. So, I was physically attracted to him.
I still hated his guts, but I also thought that my fake husband would be good to have in bed.
Not a crush. That felt good and convincing, and a tat bit shameless.
The next morning, there was no sign of Gabriel again and that didn’t surprise me at all. I was actually a little relieved, knowing
this would give time for my physical attraction to pass.
1 took the day to visit my grandfather after an early lunch, who was staying with Gabriel’s grandparents for a last few days before
he returned home. I spent the afternoon to him, avoiding the topic of my marriage as far as I could. But in the evening, when
Gabriel’s grandmother joined us with tea, I knew it was inescapable.
“I have been convincing Jim to stay here,” She said; passing a cup to me. “It’s just me and Alister here, and Alister is always
working. He’s stayed home more this week to spend time with Jim than he has in forty-three years of our marriage.”
My grandpa laughed. “He’ll get bored of me soon.”
I’m serious, Jim.” She told him. “It’s good having you here. And this way, you can even be close to Sofia and your health will be
better taken care of.
“I agree, Grandpa,” I said softly, “You can even stay with me. Gabriel’s house is way too big for just the two of us.”
Gabriel’s grandmother, Leila, passed me a sympathetic smile. “I must get lonely there, hm?” There was something in her tone
that said she knew the loneliness wasn’t because of the huge house, but because of being alone in it because her grandson was
never around..

“Could you please pass me more sugar?” I dismissed what she had asked me with a little smile and change of topic, “And yes
she is right, Grandpa. I will always worry about your health if you’re alone there.”
“Oh, I’m not a child. I can take care of myself.”
“If you’re not a child, stop behaving as stubborn as one. A fourth voice echoed in the living room, and I turned to see Gabriel’s
grandfather Alister walk in. ‘Leila is correct, you should stay here.”
My eyes widened.
No, not at Alister.
But at his grandson, who was walking behind him, eyes fixed on the tabloid in his hand. I don’t think he even saw me.
As if just on queue, he raised his head to offer a glance to his audience, but the first person he saw was me. Surprise flickered in
his eyes. ‘Sofia. He greeted me.
I realised the three elders had gone quiet in the room, their eyes fixed at us.
“Gabriel. It was almost awkward. Almost
Chapter 7
Alister cleared his throat, and when I looked at the intimidating man, his brown eyes were fixed on his grandson. “You didn’t
know your wife was here today?”
“She’s an adult. I don’t expect her to tell me every place she goes in a day,” Gabriel replied coolly.
His grandfather, however, wasn’t amused. “She’s your wife.”
“She’s an adult,” He pushed back.
“It’s my fault, I cut in, and Alister looked at me. “Gabriel had asked me when we returned from his parents’ house what my plan
was for today, but I decided to come here after lunch today, I didn’t want to disturb Gabriel at work, or else he would’ve

His eyes softened. “Very well.” I offered him a small smile while his eyes turned back to his grandson. “You’re taking your wife
“I can’t, actually. I’ve got a meeting.”
“Then you’re taking her with you.”
“I can’t-”
“No discussions.”
Gabriel shut up. For the entirety of the next thirty minutes we were there, he silently glared at me as if I had killed his
When we were outside, watching the driver bring Gabriel’s car to the front door, I whispered to him even though it was just the
two of us there, “You can drop me by the curb and I can just take the subway home.”
“Subway? How middle class are you?”
“Or I can Uber,” I offer quickly.
Jesus Freckles, just get in.” He opened the door and without arguing, I slid in. He shut the door behind me and got in from, the
other side.
“Where to, Sir?” The driver asked, his eyes flickering at me.
“Home,” He said, “I’m cancelling my meeting.”
“You don’t have to do that,” I chimed in.
“Gabriel, seriously. I can wait around.”
“Whatever.” He huffed, turning to the driver, “Fine. To Mr. Geller’s.”

We drove in silence. This time, I didn’t insist on music or initiate futile conversations with hirn. I sat in silence watching the blue
blush of the sky turn into nightfall, my thoughts occupied by how worried I was going to be of my Grandfather’s health once he
went back home. He needed help sometimes, and I wouldn’t be around to help.
*Fl just take thirty.” Gabriel cut into my trail of thoughts when the car came to a halt. It had been around an hour of us driving,
and it passed in a blink for me.
“Okay,” I nodded, opening the car door.
Chapter 7
“What’re you doing?”
“Coming in
He kept staring at me.
1 scoffed. “You want me to wait in the car?t
“You’re kidding”
He seemed unamused. Like I said, Sola, I don’t kid”
I murmured a string of curses under my breath, something I was glad he didn’t hear
“What’s that””
“Nothing! Go
I was still grumping and pouting to myself when he shut the dog and lett. My stomach grumbled having had nothing after lunch
except half a cup of tea, but the place we were at was on the outskirts of town and any restaurant seemed like a good distance
from here
Removing my shoes, I hugged my knees and resting my head on them. I shut my eyes.


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