His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 28

Chapter 28
I shouldn’t really be surprised when I found out that the Whitlocks had their private jet, but I was. Gabriel had huffed on seeing
my open mouth and then said ‘you didn’t think we’d fly with other people, did you?
His plane wasn’t anything like what they show in movies. It wasnt huge with rooms or anything. It was small, a few seats. facing
each other on one end, white leather couch on the other, ample of space to walk in between. There was a separate section
behind with a bathroom and a shower, and a small single bed to sleep in. On the other end was a separate section for two air
hostesses, and the cockpit.
Gabriel had my passport with him, and I was thoroughly impressed. Getting married in such a rush, even I didn’t know where my
passport was
“Do you always take your jet?” I asked him once we were settled in, and the jet was gearing to take off.
“Almost always. He replied, watching me keenly as I looked out of the window. “Are you nervous?”
“No. I like flying.”
He raised an eyebrow, looking amused. “Couldn’t you be scared like so many girls are and hold my hand or something?”
“So many girls, huh?” I retorted, “You fly a lot of girls?
His lips pursed. “You’re the first.”
Then who told you girls are scared while taking off?”
of his friend I had met at the charity gala made its
“Anna is. When I fly with Zach and Anna.” He told me and a meal image of I way into my mind.
“You’ve really never flown a girl to another country before?” I teased him, “I was under the impression that you were a pl*yboy
when I married you.”
He gave me a lopsided smile. “Don’t believe everything the tabloids tell you, Freckles. I mean, I did sleep around a lot, but that
starts and ends in the bedroom. You don’t fly a one-night girl to another country.”

“Hm.” I muttered, the mental image of him and countless woman in hotel rooms not sitting well with me. “So, you never a serious
Gabriel paused, his unfazed facade slipping for a brief moment did. I guess.”
“Oh. That reply, I hadn’t expected. A part of me hoped it was puppy love at thirteen and he got his heart broken so he swore off
love, and not an adult serious relationship. I didn’t ask more questions about it, and he didn’t offer any information.
As we took off in silence, I let myself wonder what Luna had packed for me. It didn’t matter a lot because I could shop again. We
were in Italy after all, and I had a black Amex. My husband’s, but I had it, I could throw a shopping fit. He wouldn’t mind.
And the sex. There was going to be sex.
The thought of it, the very thought of being naked in the bed with the man sitting across me made me feel wet.
I had always been someone with a low sex drive to the point where I had considered going to the doctor, and I didn’t recognise
this side of me. The side that was greedy for sex, hungry, passionate, even giving and not just receiving.
“Are you thinking of me, Freckles?” Gabriel broke my small reverie.
12:31 Tue Jun 4 O
Chapter 25
“Are you thinking of me?”
“Why would I be thinking of you?”

“Because with the way your cheeks are all red and there’s that smile on your face, if you’re thinking of another man, I might have
murder on my mind.”
Tam not thinking of any man. I lied, pursing my lips.
“You’re thinking of touching yourself? That I approve too
I could feel the blood rushing beneath my cheeks. “No. Not everything is about...
He raised an eyebrow. “About”
“I don’t know I grinned. “Naked stut
“Are you shy to say sex. Freckles?”
“No. I’m not shy to say sex. I’m just not saying it because we haven’t had it?
“Hm. I can change that.” Gabriel unbuckled his seat belt and I threw an empty plastic cup from its side holder at him.
He laughed, and I shook my head while grinning. I liked this side of him, the one that laughed, the one that teased, the one that
was carefree, the one that was honest and beginning to trust me. I liked this Gabriel. I liked Gabriel
The thought was scary, as was the acceptance. I couldn’t run away from it anymore. My heart fluttered. I liked the man. was, his
jealousy, his anger, his dominance, and everything in between.
Tve never been to Italy My voice faded when blonde hair peeked between us and my head snapped to the side to look at the air
hostess. She had blonde hair to her shoulders it a little mess, her plump lips a tangy red and her pale skin covered in a fake
blush and freckles.
Her eyes were fixed on my husband, the first button of her shirt unbuttoned and a blue lace pecking out.
“Whiskey for you like always. Mr. Whitlock?” She asked him, eyes fluttering.
I stared at her curtly. How is this, in any way, professional? She was pretty, okay. But the loose shirt, showing bra, me red lips?
“No. But Mrs. Whitlock had a parched throat. Maybe you could cater her...” Gabriel paused, “What’s your name again?
The air hostess’ cheeks flushed. “Katy.”

Gabriel didn’t acknowledge her.
“Katy,” I called her, “I would love a juice. I am parched. Thanks.”
1 batted my eyelashes at her and watched as she disappeared where she came from.
I turned to Gabriel. “So? What’s the story there?”
“What story?
“With you and Katy
“There’s no story. She’s been making eyes at me for a long time. Never been so... forward about it though?
That’s all?
Chapter 28
“That’s all.”
“You’ve never you know... done things with her?”
“Naked stuff?” He teased, “No, What kind of a man do you think am? I don’t f*ck employees.”
“You employed her?”
“My grandfather did when he bought the plane. I highly doubt she ever made eyes at him though.”
“I did consider it though. Gabriel smirked.
“What? Naked stiff?”
His smile turned wider. “Yes. She’s hot.”

“Gabriel.” I said, my voice soft. “If you f*ck a woman while we’re married, I will f*ck two men and make you watch.”
His laughter roared between us. “Didn’t you call me a caveman just a while ago?”
I shrugged. “I don’t do exclusiveness unless it’s a two way thing.
“It is.”
I smiled, but the thought of me not being with him the next time he’s on a business trip and Katy approaching him the same
way, or worse, more naked when he’s alone still bothered me.
I was never a possessive girl friend. But Gabriel is a hot man, and his power is a magnet for woman. I had seen it firsthand.
“Excuse me, I got up. Gabriel picked his head from the tabloid he was reading.
“The bathroom’s that way,” he said when he saw me walking the opposite direction.
“I know,” I replied, and I didn’t need to look back to know about the smirk creeping on his lips.
Ignoring it, I walked to the area in front of the cockpit that was separate for crew, and looked directly at Katy.
“You never got me my juice,” I told her, crossing my hands in front of my chest.
“Oh.” She mumbled, her cheeks flushing again. They did that a lot. “I forgot.”
“You’re terrible at your job.”
“Excuse me?”
“You dress like... that, couldn’t be bothered to comb your hair and don’t do your job properly, I commented, “Oh, and not to
forget, you make eyes at my husband.”
“W-What?” She stammered, “N- No. I wasn’t.”
Save it. You’re actually not good at your job. So I won’t really feel guilty doing this.”
“Doing what?”

“You’re fired”
“You can’t do that.”
Tue, Jun 4
Chapter 28
“I can, and I did.” I wanted to repeat myself, mostly just for the thrill of it. I had never fired anymore before. “You’re fired
“You- You can’t do that. She added again. “Gabriel employees me, not you.”
“I am his wife. Sofia Gabriel Whitlock” I reminded her, “And you are fired.”
“Sofia... Mrs. Whitlock... please. I will never repeat this.
a to ask Alister to give you a sparkling letter of recommendation so you can get another
“Good for you. I will be kind enough to ask Alis job, hm
Saying as much, I left to return back to my seat.
Sitting on my seat, I looked at my husband, who was sitting there with raised eyebrows and a smile so knowing.
“You have one employee less on your payroll, I told him.
“Cavewoman.” He commented rolling his eyes.
“I’m not. I just don’t like people who disrespect me when I’m right there. And making eyes at you in front of me? Peak disrespect.
Gabriel’s smile widened. “Italy is going to be so much fun.”.
The second air hostess appeared with my juice in her hand, gave it to me and asked Gabriel if he changed his mind about
wanting anything while her eyes remained fixed on the window ahead. They didn’t flicker to him, not even for a second, not even
for a glance.
An unknown satisfaction spread in my chest as I relaxed back in my seat, sipping on my juice.

Italy was indeed going to be fun.

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