His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 27

Chapter 27
The children’s hospital was a fun change, especially the way all the donated flowers filled in every vase of every room and more.
We didn’t just stop there. We visited a few kids, and Gabriel even read a story to a bunch of them in the play area. There was a
certain sparkle in his eyes when he picked a little girl up, and helped her braid her hair when she asked him to, and miserably
failed at it, and I had to step in. My heart fluttered when he held a few month old crying baby in his arms securely cradling him,
and the baby instantly stopped crying. I knew I was in trouble when I realised Gabriel Whitlock had a soft side that he concealed
from the world so effortlessly, but hadn’t hesitated showing in front of me.
He thought I didn’t notice when he slipped away and sneakily brought out his chequebook and scribbled something with a few
zeroes and his signature underneath.
I knew I was in serious trouble when sleeping was hard that night, and I dreamt more about the man at the end of the hallway
sleeping next to me than his body doing things to me. That would’ve been a sweet bonus though.
It was also the first night I touched myself thinking of Gabriel. The first time without him watching, that is.
I had considered walking to his room naked under a robe and asking him to f*ck me like he had promised to, but chickened out
at the last moment. My heart was having serious trouble recognising that my husband was my husband just for a few months
more and I couldn’t fall for him, and I could not add sex to the mixture.
Sex that he was wonderful at..
Even as much as I wanted to, I couldn’t. Not that night at least, but I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold out.
On Monday morning, I had my resignation letter printed out. I was required to give a two week notice, and I felt horrible doing this
just after Drew, the head of my tear resigned.
After lunch, I visited Viktor’s office.
“I just wanted to hand in my two-week notice,” I told hum, handing over the letter when he asked me to come in.
His lips pursed. “I’d be lying if I say I didn’t expect
I expect this.”
“You did?”

“You’re Gabriel’s wife. Of course he wouldn’t let you work under me. Not with our history.”
“Your... history?”
“Oh, he didn’t tell you?” Viktor didn’t sound apologetic at all, even as he added, “I’m sorry I mentioned anything at all then, wasn’t
my place.”
I nodded, smiled formally, and left his office, back to my desk. I knew he was trying to bait me, and it had worked. I knew Wales
was a direct competitor of the Whitlock company and that Gabriel and Viktor often bumped heads, but I did not know there was
some history that strained their relations, or that they even had a relation outside of work.
“So, you’re actually leaving?” James peeked from his desk to mine, pulling me out of his thoughts.
I nodded, fake pouting. “Husband’s orders,” I joked.
“Td happily take my husband’s orders if he was a hot billionaire with his own company too.”
I swatted his arm playfully. “Look at how attached you’ve grown to me in just a month. You’ll miss me.”
“I will.” He sighed, “Maybe you can convince the husband to employ both of us.”
“Maybe I can, I joked, “But then Viktor would probably sue the flick out of Whitlock for poaching employees.”
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Chapter 27
James laughed. “I’m pretty sure there’s no law against stealing employees, it just shows bad faith in business. And, Viktor will
understand. There is only one of me after all.”
I shook my head at James and tried focusing on work for the rest of the day even though my thoughts kept carrying me to what
Viktor had mentioned. James was inviting me for dinner that weekend at his house when Steve was planning yo cook when we
exited the building after work, and I shocked when I saw a Mustang parked right outside Wales’ gate, and a familiar man leaning
on it in a work suit, tapping his feet impatiently while checking his watch.

“Oh my. God James exclaimed, and I was sure if I looked at him, his mouth would be open, just like mine should have been, but
being married to this man had taught me to expect the unexpected. “He’s the husband? He’s so much hotter than you told me.
“Gabriel!” Ignoring James, I called him softly as I walked ahead. Gabriel straightened, walking towards me with long strides.
“Hey, babe. My husband greeted me, loudly.
My eyes narrowed at him. Babe? He had never called me babe. Raby, yes, once, when my mouth was stuffed with his d*ck and
he was encouraging me to take in more.
“Are you here for a meeting?” I asked, eyebrows still knit.
“No. He chuckled. He chuckled. Gabriel never chuckles. He never laughs. Ha rarely even smiles. Im just picking up my wife from
work. Do I need a reason to do that?”
Before I could even reply, he pressed his lips onto mine. I froze, and before I could even process it, he had pulled away.
I just stared at the man, dumbfounded.
But he wasn’t looking at me, he was looking past my shoulder. “Is that your friend, babe? Won’t you introduce me?”
I left out the breath I didn’t know I was holding as I turned to James. This show he put up was for James. To show him that I was
married and Gabriel was my husband.
Was he jealous?
He seemed jealous...
This was fun. “Sure, Gabriel, this is James. In fact, James was just inviting us for dinner at his house this Saturday.”
“I have a work dinner on Saturday night.”
I pursed my lips to hold in a smile. “You can go for that. I can go for dinner with my friend.”
“James can push the dinner.”
“Oh, he doesn’t have to.” I said in a nonsense tone. “You can join as another time.”

“No” Gabriel said, his voice suddenly stern as he turned to my poor friend, glare fixated on him. “You can push the dinner, can’t
you James?
“O-Of course. Sunday works just fine too. My boyfriend is the one who’s going to be cooking, so I’ll just check with him
“Your boyfriend, huh?” Gabriel said, his eyes turning to me.
I grinned, ignoring him “Bye James, see you tomorrow”
James waved at mr. told Gabriel it was nice to meet him, and walked his own way
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Chapter 27
“You were jealous, I teased Gabriel as soon as James was gone, and he glared at me.
“I should punish you for this, you know.”
“You were the one who went all caveman as if I’m your property
“You are.” Gabriel declared shamelessly, and actually rolled my eyes. “Now get in, we have to leave.
“Leave for where?” I asked as I did get in the backseat of the car, and Gabriel got in from the other end as the driver drove. “I
thought you came here just to spy on me.”
“Did you submit your resignation?”
“I submitted my two-weeks notice, Gabriel
“You were supposed to resign.”
“I did,” I said, firmly, “But I have to work for two weeks more.”
y so,” I heard him mumble under his breath.
“I thought you might saya
“What?” I asked.

“I said, we never had a honeymoon”
I narrowed my eyes again. “You didn’t say that,
He ignored me as he pulled out two tickets from the inside of his jacket and handed them to me. They were plane tickets with our
names written on it. “These are tickets to Italy,” I read, “For... tonight”
“It’s honeymoon time, wife.”
My eyes widened. “What?” I think I must’ve screamed by the way Gabriel’s nose scrunched.
“Don’t be dramatic about it. I didn’t want to miss work for a holiday either. But we have to, because it’s a wedding gift from my
“But... Gabriel... it’s for tonight!”
“I know. We’re headed to the airport right now.”
“Gabriel... what?!” I hissed, “I.. I have work. I haven’t applied for a leave. I can’t just..go.”
“Yes, you can. I have work too. I’m going. And about your leave, Alister said he’ll take care of it.
“Take care how?!”
“He’s my grandfather, Freckles. He was the CEO of Whitlock and he ruled the industry for over three decades. You think he can’t
arrange a leave for you?”
“And.. clothes?”
Luna packed for you.”
“What about yours?”
“I packed for myself
“Gabriel III just looked around, no real words forming as processed what he just said. I was flabbergasted. I came

Chapter 27
from a middle class background where I struggled for money the past few months. This wasn’t my normal.
“Freckles, we’re going for our honeymoon. I’m sure there’s a few things more you can focus on than having to skip work for a few
“Like what?” I asked, absentiinded, my thoughts still roaming circles.
Gabriel didn’t even miss a beat “Like having sex with me?

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