His to Own (Mafia Kingpins Book 1)

Chapter 3

Well, that didn’t go as planned. My heart thumps hard as I look out the window and watch Miceli Rossi walk down to his car. It’s a big black SUV with dark-tinted windows, most likely bullet-proof, too. My family’s home faces Central Park and I have a clear view from my bedroom window of the tall, dark-haired man who is going to marry my sister. He opens the door and slides into the backseat and then his driver maneuvers the car away from the curb and into traffic.

Ugh. My stomach hurts and my mind turns to Rocco Bianche. He is everything I don’t want in a partner—arrogant, pushy, smug. I can sense a meanness just beneath his surface and I’m afraid he’s the type of man who would snap for no good reason and take a perverse joy in punishing me.

I also don’t find him the least bit attractive. He’s average height with a soft middle and a hard face covered in acne scars. His thin lips seem to sneer a lot and I didn’t appreciate the way his light brown eyes raked lasciviously down my body. He didn’t even try to hide it and the way he was checking me out made my skin crawl. So skeevy.

I can’t marry him and I told him so. After saying I couldn’t marry a man I didn’t love, the coldest look filled with hate flashed through his brown eyes. Then it disappeared and he gave me a tight smile. His parting words were simply, “That’s a decision you’ll regret. Think carefully and hard on it, sweet girl.”

My skin crawls as I think back over our conversation, especially his parting words. But, I don’t care what my parents want or push or demand. Rocco Bianche reminds me of a serpent, ready to strike, not a man I’d want to marry and raise a family with.

Now, Miceli Rossi, on the other hand, has my complete and undivided attention. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s dangerous. Mysterious, too. But, something about him fascinates me. He oozes power and even a darkness, but it doesn’t scare me. His energy draws me closer and I want to get to know him better.

Dammit. I can’t believe I went into the library when I was supposed to go into the sitting room. How did Gia and I screw that up? Although, I was just doing what my mother said. So, technically, she’s the one who messed up. I’m happy she did, though. It makes me realize what I want. And what I don’t want.

And I know I don’t want to marry a man who gives me bad vibes. I have no idea if the rumors about Rocco are true but if anyone would have the scoop, it’s my best friend Cara. Turning away from the window, I grab my phone and drop down on my bed. Pulling her number up, I hit send and wait as it rings.

“Hey, A,” she answers cheerfully. “What’s up?”

Although Cara knows my family is pushing me to marry, I’ve never told her who they want me to be with. She doesn’t understand the dynamics of the Five Families and the importance of maintaining and strengthening bonds with certain people. Her parents are lawyers, not mafia. But she does support and love me despite what my family does and I don’t judge her either. Because, let’s face it, my father has worked with her father to clear his name of certain things in the past.

“Cara, what do you know about Rocco Bianche?”

“Rocco? Isn’t he the one who murdered his girlfriend?”

I curse under my breath. My friend is an all-star gossip and has the most brilliant ways of finding out information and deciphering fact from fiction. “I don’t know. Are the rumors true? Because he’s the man my parents want me to marry.”

“Nooo! Are you serious?”

“As a heart attack,” I answer glumly.

“Oh, holy shit, Less. You can’t marry that guy. He’s a monster.”

I sigh and start picking at my comforter. “I was hoping you could tell me something different. Have you heard anything good?”

“About Rocco? God, no.”

“There has to be something. It’s not like he eats children for breakfast and murders puppies.”

“No, just girlfriends.”

“I was hoping that wasn’t true.”

My friend’s voice lowers to a conspiratorial whisper as she says, “All I know is he had a girlfriend named Mercedes who mysteriously vanished after they had a big fight. Nothing was ever proven one way or another and no criminal charges were ever brought against him because there was no evidence. None found, anyway. Like I said, she just…disappeared.”

A shiver runs through me. “Do you think he killed her?”

“You want the truth?”

“Of course.”

“Personally, if he didn’t do it himself, I think he hired someone to do it. Most likely one of his men.”

“This isn’t making me feel better.”

“I’m sorry.”

“The thing is my parents want a marriage between me and a son of the Five Families. So, they chose Rocco for me…and Miceli Rossi for Gia. There was a mixup, though, and I met Miceli first.”

Cara waits patiently for me to continue, but I’m not sure how to explain the fact that Miceli intrigues me like no one else ever has before.

“Aaand,” she prods, stretching the word out in anticipation.

“And I’ve never met anyone quite like him,” I admit. “Everything about him is…”

Utterly delicious.

“Is what?”

I huff out a breath. “I don’t know how to explain it. I’m just really curious about him.”

“Uh-oh. It sounds like you want Gia’s fiancé.”

“I mean, technically they aren’t engaged yet.” I’m trying to find ways to justify my feelings and Cara isn’t stupid.

“What makes Miceli so much more interesting than Rocco?” When I don’t answer right away, she laughs. “You think he’s hot, don’t you?”

“Yes. He’s ridiculously beautiful in every way. What do you know about him?”

“Just that he’s just as dangerous as Rocco. Probably more so.”

I sigh, not wanting to hear that.

“Have you talked to Gia? Maybe she’d be willing to do a swap.” When Gia chuckles, I frown.

“It’s not funny. This isn’t a joke. My parents are really expecting an engagement and marriage. This is my life we’re talking about, not just some random date.”

Cara quickly sobers up. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact you’re supposed to marry a man you don’t know. The whole idea of your parents promising you to someone you’ve never met is pretty damn archaic.”

“I know, but they’re counting on strengthening alliances within the Five Families. And somehow that’s fallen on my shoulders. And Gia’s.”

“Can’t you just tell them no?”

A sharp laugh rips from my throat. “Yeah, right. They’d probably disown me. Or, give me the biggest guilt trip of my life.”

“But, it’s your life, Alessia. Not theirs.”

“I know,” I whisper, mulling over her words. My future happiness is at stake. And if I marry Rocco, something deep down tells me it’s going to be a bitter, nasty and very unhappy union. And, I might wind up disappearing just like Mercedes.

“If you’re giving in to your parents’ demands, at least choose a man who interests you. Please, Less, don’t go with Rocco. He’s not a good person. There’s always a kernel of truth to rumors.”

“What should I do?” I ask, feeling trapped and unsure.

“Talk to Gia first. See how it went with Miceli. Maybe she has no interest?”

“Okay. Thanks, Cara.” My sister does seem to be rather indifferent about the entire situation.

“Anytime! And keep me posted!”

After promising to let her know what happens, I drag myself off my bed and head down to Gia’s bedroom. Poking my head in, I knock lightly on the doorframe. My sister is curled up in a chair, scrolling through her phone. “How’d it go with Miceli?” I ask curiously, walking inside.

Gia looks up. “He’s very handsome.”

Jealousy stabs through me and I try not to react. “Did you have a lot in common? Was he nice?”

Gia tilts her dark head, studying me closely. “He wasn’t very friendly. And he kept asking questions about you.”

That grabs my attention. My ears perk up and I think my heart stops beating in my chest before speeding up like crazy. “Me?”

“What the heck did you do in five minutes that made him totally infatuated? Because he wasn’t interested in me whatsoever.”

My mouth drops open and I hurry forward, sitting on the edge of her bed, eagerly leaning forward. “Are you serious? You think he likes me?”

“No doubt about it. He’d rather be with you and he made that abundantly clear.”

A part of me is shocked to hear this but, at the same time, it’s like I already knew it.

“Was he rude or did he hurt your feelings?” I ask, brow furrowing.

“No, he just let me know where his interest lies.”

Secretly, I can’t help but be pleased. “There seemed to be a connection between us,” I admit slowly. “More so than with Rocco.”

My sister’s eyes narrow. “Don’t fool yourself, Lessi. They’re both dangerous men who have a history of doing very bad things. They steal, lie and kill. All for the sake of power.”

Deep down, I know she’s right, but I don’t want to let myself think those things about Miceli. However, it’s easy for me to believe such atrocities about Rocco.

“I know,” I say in a low voice. “I honestly don’t think I’m ready to get married, anyway. Especially not to a complete and total stranger. I’m not exactly the most experienced person in the world.”

“You’ve never had a serious boyfriend. It only makes sense that you’d want to fall in love and be intimate with a man you have strong feelings for first. Before being sold off like a cow to the slaughterhouse.”

“I suppose that’s one way to put it,” I comment dryly.

“Once you have sex it isn’t that big of a deal anymore,” she tells me wisely. “But when you’re still a wide-eyed virgin with hopes and dreams about finding your soulmate, you want your perfect match. But, trust me. All men are the same.”

Ever since my sister and her boyfriend Marcus broke up, she’s lost the glow she used to have. Now, she’s jaded and dull. It makes me sad that things didn’t work out because she’s turned into someone who no longer believes in love and happy endings.

“I don’t believe that,” I insist. “If that’s true then it shouldn’t matter who you end up with.”

Gia gives me a sad look. “It doesn’t.”

Wow. My sister is even more dead inside than I realized. “I want to choose who I give myself to and, preferably, to a man I’m in love with. Why can’t Mom and Dad understand that?”

“Because they had an arranged marriage, too.”

Even though I already know this, I never dwell on it. I suppose it explains a lot, though. They seem to get along and are companionable, but I’d hardly say they’re head over heels in love with each other. Half the time, my father sleeps in the guest bedroom at night, claiming his back hurts, and I don’t remember them ever saying I love you.

And I know that is not the kind of loveless relationship I want to have with my future husband.

So what exactly am I supposed to do? Ask Gia if she’d like to swap fiancés? That hardly seems fair or right, especially since Rocco isn’t a good guy. Running a hand through my long hair, I let out a frustrated breath.

“I don’t want to wind up like them,” I say softly. “If I can’t choose my own husband then I’m not getting married at all. Especially not to a man who has a reputation worse than the devil’s.”

Gia cocks a thin, dark brow. “And how exactly do you plan on getting out of this?”

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly.

“I only see one solution.”


“Leave,” she says simply. “Go far away from here and take control of your life.”

As scary as that idea is, there’s something very appealing about it, too. I’d have to leave New York City, find somewhere safe to go, get a job so I could pay for an apartment, food, clothes, a car. All my life, I’ve depended on my father to pay for everything. But with freedom comes a price, right? I’d have to break the chains holding me to the DeLucca fortune.

The thought terrifies me. Yet, at the same time, it’s also so exhilarating.

Chewing my lower lip, I wonder if I can do it. Could I really leave my family and all this behind?

“Why haven’t you left?” I ask Gia. “You don’t seem happy.” And, it’s true. All the spark and grit my sister used to possess is gone. It’s like her light has gone out and she’s just a husk of who and what she used to be.

For a long moment, she doesn’t say anything. Then she gives me the saddest, smallest wisp of a smile I’ve ever seen. “After losing Marcus, I just don’t care anymore. About anything. Father could marry me off to Satan himself and I’d accept.” Her dark eyes glisten with unshed tears. “I’m broken, Lessi. Please, do whatever you have to do, but don’t end up like me. Like a woman who doesn’t care if she lives or dies.”

Getting up, I pull my sister into a hug, angry at myself for not realizing how deeply hurt and lost she’s become after losing Marcus. “I won’t,” I promise.

Gia is right. The only way to avoid becoming a sad, unhappy woman like Gia is to run away. To take my life and my future, into my own hands.

It’s suddenly very clear to me that I need to escape from here as soon as possible.

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