His to Own (Mafia Kingpins Book 1)

Chapter 2

As I watch the most amazing creature I’ve ever met walk away from me, heading to meet a different man, I find myself fuming. Everything inside of me is rebelling at the thought of Alessia DeLuca going with Rocco Bianche.

First and foremost, I hate the prick. He’s too cruel for someone as sweet as Alessia. He’ll break her without thinking twice. Plus, he has a terrible reputation for treating women poorly. Bianche is abusive, both verbally and physically, and his previous girlfriend disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

Huffing out a breath, I stand up as the woman I’m supposed to marry walks into the room. Gia DeLuca is pretty and a couple of years older than Alessia. She gives off a calm, cool and collected vibe. Very elegant, well-dressed and chic. Perfect wife material, but I’m not interested. A muscle in my cheek twitches. I’m already missing Alessia and that artless air of innocence surrounding her.

“Gia?” I ask, making sure I confirm I have the right woman this time. The way this day is going there might be another sister that I’m unaware of.

“Sorry about that,” she says, looking completely nonplussed. “I was told you’d be in the sitting room.”

Her face is unreadable, a mask of indifference. And that tells me one very important thing—she really doesn’t care who she marries. I’ll do, Rocco will do…hell, any man from one of the Five Families will do even if he’s old as dirt. Because it’s clear she’s already accepted her fate. Her job, decreed by Aldo DeLucca, her father, is to marry a powerful man from one of New York’s most important mafia families and forge an alliance.

“I’m Miceli,” I say and offer my hand. She takes it, barely, as though not wanting to touch me, and gives a very quick, weak handshake. And our future sex life flashes before my eyes. No passion, no love, no desire. She’ll do her duty, of course, and give me heirs. But our time in the bedroom won’t be leisurely and I’ll need a mistress to take care of me. Because I enjoy fucking. And, if my wife doesn’t then I’ll have to go elsewhere.

Not a great way to start off a marriage.

My mind starts spinning. If Gia is indifferent to her circumstances then maybe Rocco and I could just swap fiancées. Unless Alessia is hitting it off with him right now. The thought makes my hand curl into a fist and I feel something I’ve never felt before—jealousy. I’ve never felt it over a woman, anyway. I’ve been envious of men with more power and money, sure. It’s one of the things that’s pushed me to work so hard. Because I want to be on top and, in order to do that, I need to crush my competition.

Which I do, gladly.

The ruling five mafia families in NYC, though technically my competition, are handled in a bit of a different way. Years ago, our grandfathers made a verbal agreement to stick to our own territories and businesses, and make a promise not to threaten or attempt to overtake anything belonging to The Rossi’s, The Bianchi’s, The DeLuca’s, The Caparelli’s and The Milano’s. But within the last five years or so, lines have been crossed. Bodies have been found. And I think our shaky truce is about to go the way of the dinosaurs.

Which means I need to be ready to strike and to defend. If an all-out war happens then I will be the one to come out on top and rule this city. There is no other option. My main goal is to keep my family safe and out of harm’s way. Along with that, I need to maintain a firm control on our assets and businesses, as well as our people. What I do on a daily basis…well, it’s not a job for a man who has a weak stomach. My reputation precedes me and I’ve heard the rumors. People fear me and call me ruthless and cutthroat. I can’t deny it. Because I’ll do whatever has to be done. I’ve never been scared to get my hands dirty.

Or bloody.

It comes with the territory and I can accept it.

“So…” I motion to the couch where I was just sitting with Alessia. “Would you like to sit?”

With a polite nod, Gia glides over to the sofa and lowers herself, neatly crossing her slim legs. She’s so controlled and beginning to remind me of a Stepford Wife. Fuck. That’s the last thing I want. I need a woman who is passionate, vibrant and who challenges me. Not some cold statue-like creature who nods and agrees with everything that comes out of my mouth. I crave that fire and sassiness in a partner.

Stifling a sigh, I tell myself to give her a chance. But it’s really fucking hard when I keep picturing her younger sister. Gia doesn’t say anything, just waits for me to initiate the conversation. A conversation I don’t want to have.

So, I decide to be blunt. “How do you feel about this situation?”

My question catches her off-guard. “What do you mean?” she asks carefully.

“You can speak openly, Gia. Because I plan to.” I’m hoping that if I’m candid and matter-of-fact then she will be, too. Well, at least more so.

“Are you asking if I’m ready to get married?”

“I’m asking how you feel about marrying me? A complete stranger.”

“My family expects it,” she says simply. No ire, resistance or a trace of resentment fills her voice.

“And you’re okay with that?”

“We all have to get married sometime, right?”

“Right,” I say slowly, but it’s not an answer to her question. It’s me acknowledging the fact that Gia DeLucca and I would never have a happy marriage. The truth is, before today, I had no real interest in getting married at all, but I’m thirty-four and my parents are pressuring me. And even though they live at a winery over in Italy, it doesn’t matter. They’re up my ass constantly about finding a wife.

And I get it. But, at the same time, I want someone who makes me happy. Just marrying any woman isn’t my goal. It would be nice to find a woman who I can talk to and maybe even love one day. I didn’t come here expecting fireworks and love at first sight; I came here to fulfill my duty. The problem is Gia doesn’t excite me and Alessia does. Alessia fascinates me in a way that no woman ever has before and now I’m wanting what I can’t have.

Fuck that. I’m Miceli Rossi. I can have whatever I fucking want.

And, right now, I want Alessia DeLuca.

“Gia, this isn’t going to work,” I announce, standing up. She merely blinks, as though she knew this was coming. Or, maybe she’s just completely indifferent. Who the hell knows? “Where is your father? I need to speak with him.”

Gia stands up and smooths her hands down her perfectly-pleated pants. “I’ll go get him.” She pauses halfway to the door and looks over her shoulder at me. “For what it’s worth, I agree. I think you’re much better suited for my sister.” Then she walks out, leaving me to ponder her words.

She thinks that? My heart thumps a little bit harder and I stand up straighter. Interesting. I’m not sure what I expected her to say, but I like that she’s on my side.

After waiting a few minutes, both Aldo and Guilia DeLuca walk into the library. I have no idea what kind of relationship Alessia and Gia’s parents have and if they actually love each other or were set up, too. My father mentioned something about Aldo being the only leader of the Five Families he could stomach, so that’s why he’s been pushing for me to meet Aldo’s daughter.

“We heard there was a slight mix-up,” Aldo says, but he’s not smiling or making light of the situation. Which makes me wonder what Gia might’ve said. Gritting my teeth, I nod.

“That’s right. I’d like to spend more time with Alessia,” I say, cutting right to the chase. “I think we make a better match.”

“Really? Even though she’s ten years younger than you?”

“I don’t see it as being a big deal, especially since Gia is eight years younger.” My hackles raise and I get the feeling he’s going to fight me on this. But, I’m prepared to win.

“Alessia has been promised to Rocco. His father and I spoke about this years ago and agreed. But you’ll make a good match with Gia even if you don’t think so right now.”

My eyes narrow and my hands ball into fists. “I have to respectfully disagree, Mr. DeLucca. From the short amount of time I spent with your daughters, it’s crystal clear to me that Alessia and I would be better suited. Nothing against Gia, but Alessia is who I want to make my wife.”

There. Done. It’s Alessia or no one. Let’s see how the old man responds to that ultimatum.

DeLucca studies me for a long minute and I know he’s trying to intimidate me, but that shit doesn’t work. I’m younger, stronger and ready to fight for what I want. Even though it would be nice to have his respect, it’s one of those things that won’t be a deal breaker for me. With or without his permission, I’m going to move forward with Alessia. It would be super if we were all on the same page, but sometimes that doesn’t happen.

“Are you saying it’s Alessia or no one?” he asks, eyes narrowing.

“Yes, I am.” There’s no uncertainty in my statement, and I’m being completely forthright. Utterly transparent. He should respect my decision.

We lock eyes like bulls lock horns. I’m not backing down.

“Well, then I guess I will not be calling you my son in law. Have a nice life, Mr. Rossi.”

What in the fuck? He just told me no? You have got to be shitting me? A determined fury spikes through my blood and before he can leave, I reach out and try again.

“Mr. DeLucca,” I begin, striving to remain calm, “I’m sure as a married man, you understand the importance of connection and intimacy. Connecting with your wife and creating a strong and happy family together. I believe Alessia and I could have that together.”

Aldo lets out a snort of disbelief. “You’ve known Alessia for five minutes. Tell me, Miceli, is it a happy family you crave or is it taking Alessia’s innocence?”

Clenching my jaw, I realize the old bastard isn’t going to give in. “I told you I’d like to get to know her better.”

But he shrugs a shoulder. “You can get to know Gia better. Or no one.”

My eyes dart over to Guilia, looking for support, but she merely gives me a sad look. It’s clear she’s not going to speak over her husband. Fuck me. Now what? Before I can think of what else to say, the DeLucca’s walk out and I’m left standing there like a fool.

A fool who wants their youngest daughter badly. Badly enough that I’m willing to do just about anything to make it happen.

I guess I’m supposed to see myself out. With an annoyed sound, I straighten my suit jacket with a sharp snap and head to the door, pausing when I see Rocco Bianche shaking hands with Aldo and Guilia. And he looks so damn smug I want to punch him in his pock-marked face.

After a quick conversation, the DeLucca’s walk away and Rocco spots me hovering in the doorway like a damn idiot. All I can think about is crushing him. Absolutely bringing him and Aldo DeLucca to their knees and destroying them in every possible way. And, I’d do it, too, if it weren’t for that damn verbal agreement our grandparents made forever ago.

Hmmm. It might be time to forget about that. If I can’t have Alessia, I can take this city. Conquer it. Make it all mine and fuck the other families.

The smirk on Rocco’s ugly face has my blood boiling. Why is he acting like he beat me? There’s no way he knows I want Alessia—unless he overheard my conversation with her parents. Barely suppressing a growl, I glare at him.

“Congratulations on your engagement to Gia,” Rocco says, moving closer. “Had you met DeLucca’s daughters before today?”

“No,” I grit out.

“Yeah, me neither. I have to say, I’m glad we switched it up, though. I prefer Alessia’s hot, little ass to her frosty sister.”

It takes every ounce of control I possess to not punch him in the mouth. I don’t say a word, but if looks could kill, Rocco Bianche would have already been shot, stabbed, gutted and fileted over a spit.

“I’m betting she’s a virgin,” he continues like the asshole he is, and I feel my control slip a notch. “Defiling pure pussy is my favorite pastime.”

Keep it together, Rossi, I tell myself. “So, Alessia and you…” I search for the right word. “Clicked?”

“We will,” he says without worry, waving a dismissive hand through the air. “She doesn’t have much of a choice, anyway, does she?” His sharp bark of nasty laughter makes my skin crawl.

A devious thought slithers through my head: or, I could just kill you, motherfucker. And offer the poor girl a choice. Or, at least, an escape.

I give Rocco a tight, forced smile. Christ, I hate this asshole more than I ever thought possible. I’m going to have my private investigator do some digging on him. Already, I don’t approve of him, but if I find out he killed his last girlfriend, which I suspect he did, you bet your ass I will be the first to share that news with Mr. DeLucca.

And I’ll be the one who’s laughing when Rocco Bianche goes straight to prison and I make Alessia all mine. Not that I don’t plan to do that, anyway.

One way or another, Alessia will be mine.

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