His Sweetheart Luna by Elmer Novel Full Episode

Chapter 44

Chapter 44 

“Well who is you do want to know about?Is it Max?” I ask. 

She looks always from me. 

“Oh my god it is! Have you guys done anything?” 

“Well, no. We kind of just stare at each other and he doesn’t like when I hang out with other boys. He almost had a heart attack when I went to Homecoming with Blake. But other than that nothing. I am starting to think maybe he just doesn’t like me.” She says sadly, 



“I said, bullshit. He definitely likes you. Why would he do all those things if he didn’t, and he went with you and Jared that day, when there was absolutely no need to. He might just be too scared to act on it. Maybe you should.” I add shrugging. 

“Are you crazy?” 

“Well, yes, but that’s not the point. Tonight after the game ask him if he wants to hangout. I mean worst case he says no and you can go out with other boys and he can’t say or do shit because he said no.” 

She thinks about it for a moment, “Ok, fine. But I want you to ask Damion out too.” 

“Woah woah woah. This is about you and Max, not me and Damion. Actually, there is no me and Damion. I kind of already screwed that up. I told him that I didn’t want his help and he stormed off all angry. He probably hates me again.” I mutter. 

“Lee, pull yourself together. He may have been mad, but he has and will never hate you. And you may not be looking for a relationship but maybe one is looking for you.” 

“I don’t know. Having a boyfriend is hard. You have to put them first, they tell you what to wear, who to hang out with, and with where I’m at mentally I couldn’t be a good girlfriend. He would just end up angry and dumping me.” 

“Who told you that’s what having a boyfriend is like?” She asks. 

“That’s just was Jason always did and said. He had to be my number one priority, he always made me change if I showed too much skin, I couldn’t hangout with a group of people if boys were there, and he hated when I tried to talk about my mental stuff.” 

I sigh, “I just can’t go through that again, at least not now.” 

“That’s not what it is supposed to be like. Does Damion seem like that type to do that?” 

“Not really, but Jason didn’t at first either. He was sweet and kind. And then one day a switch fl*pped.” 

“Damion isn’t Jason, so stop comparing them. He already treats you a thousand times better than that manwhore. And he would never ask you to change because, lets face it… he can fight.” 

We both laugh, “Maybe your right. But what about my depression. It will be hard to let him in, god it was hard letting you in. And what if he doesn’t care or want to know?” 

“Baby steps, Lee. I guarantee when you need him he will be there. And when you feel comfortable telling him everything, he’ll listen because even though you deny it… he is in love with you.” She says. 

Lee’s POV: 

The bonfire was awesome. I had only been a few times before when Luca played, but it was way more fun this time. 

Our first game is always against the Jaguars, our rivals. It is sort of tradition that we burn a Jaguar because of them. After we set it on fire, we talked, danced, and hung out. I made eye contact with Damion a few times, but neither of us said anything to each other. I mostly talked to Blake and Kasey, along with a few others that I hadn’t gotten a chance to catch up with. 

Now, its time for the game. I forgot how much small towns love sports. The stands are packed with people on both sides, including the student section. 

Right now, we are standing by the concession so that I can get a water, a pickle, and hot Cheetos. Thats my go–to for football games. After I order, I turn around and someone bumps into me. Unfortunately, when I look down my white shirt is now bright red. f**k. 

“Oh shit! I am so sorry.” A guys voice says. I look up and see that its Jared. I am starting to think the universe is making fun of me. 

“Its no big deal, I can just put a jacket on.” I say with a small smile. 

Honestly, I am mad. My shirt is red, my b*dy is sticky, and it is about 90 degrees which is way to hot for a jacket, but I don’t want him to feel bad. 

“No, no. Here you can wear my extra jersey.” He says while digging through his duffle bag and pulling out a black jersey white his name and number on it. 

Next to me Kasey is weirdly quiet, but also tense. 

I hesitate, “Uhhh, I don’t know.” Usually, the girls who wear a specific players jersey are either related to the player, or are dating them. It is basically a calm on her. I know for a fact Damion isn’t going to like that, and I am trying to take Kasey’s advice and stop pushing him away. That is, if I haven’t already. 

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