His Sweetheart Luna by Elmer Novel Full Episode

Chapter 43

Chapter 43 

Her jaw drops, “You don’t feel, drawn to him in anyway?” She asks with a worried look. 

I look back at her with wide eyes, “Drawn to him? How?” 

That is an odd thing to say, especially since that is exactly how I feel. Drawn to him no matter what I do. 

She perks up, “OH MY GOD YOU DO!” 

“No! I am just curious what you mean.” I say crossing my arms, 

“Like when you aren’t with him, you want to be more than anything. And when you are with him, it feels like nothing else matters. It makes you feel good when he’s jealous, because it means he cares. And you get this pain in your chest when you guys have a fight, or he gets hurt.” She says quickly, almost like she knows exactly. What. I’m feeling. 

“Kasey, do you feel that way with someone?” I ask lowly. 

She nods with a serious expression, “Do you?” 

A few moments pass and eventually, I nod too. 

I sit on my bed, “I don’t know why though.” 

Sighing, I continue, “I mean… I have never felt the way I do with him, a–and I have never done the things I do with him. But for some reason in that moment, I can’t say no. My mind and my b*dy are fighting for control, and my b*dy wins every time. I know I am probably just another fling for him, and thats what hurts the most. I don’t want to get attached, but I think I already am.” I say and whisper the last part. 

“Lee… you are not just another fling to him. I promise you that. He has never even shown interest in a girl besides you… EVER. I am pretty sure everyone thought he was gay. She says making me laugh. 

My eyes widen, “I asure he is not gay.” I say while shaking my head. 

“Oh my god! What have you done? How far have you gone? Tell me everything!” She yells. 

I laugh, “Well the second day of school when I went to clean him up after his fight with Jared, I was trying to figure out why he got so weird about him asking me out. When I asked him about it he told me it was a mistake and I knew he was lying, so I asked if it was fine if I went out with Jared. Then, he kind of… pinned my against the wall, k*ssed my n*eck, and dry fucked me in coach’s office.” I say sheepishly. 


“Ok… umm, after work one day my car broke down, so he gave me a ride home. I fought him on it and he ended up throwing me over his shoulder and putting me in his truck. I got him a little fired up and he parked the truck and pulled me on top of him.” 

I pause. 

–“AND THEN?” She asks. 

“He sort of… ummm, fingered me while I was on his lap.” I say hesitantly. 

She throws herself on my bed, “OH. MY. GOD. Was it good? Could he find the clit? He seems like he could, but you never know?” 

I laugh again, Yes, Kasey. He new exactly where it was, that’s why I thought he was a player. He was just so good at it. And don’t even get my started on his d*rty talk. Ughhh.” 

“What did he say?!” She asks with her eyes wide. 

“No, no, no.” I say smiling. 

“Oh come on, tell me. I know you are kinky, and he would do anything to please you, you can’t leave me hanging here!” 

I sigh, “Ok, so he may have called me a slut, a whore, made me beg, and didn’t let me cum because, and I quote, “Bad girls don’t get to cum.” 

She screams and get up, “Woah! Ok, tea. What else has happened?” 

“Later that night, I felt guilty about the truck because I didn’t even do that with Jason, so I tried to sneak out and leave. Blake picked me up, but as I got in his truck Damion came out and hauled my ass back inside.” I say rolling my eyes. 

“Over his shoulder!?” 

I roll my eyes playfully, “Yes, over his shoulder.” 

“And then?!” 

“And then… later that night I had a nightmare and he woke me up. After he comforted me, he realized that I had taken the boxers he gave me off. I got hot during the night, but that’s besides the point. Anyways, he umm… how do I put this?” 

“Just say it, I’m dying here!” She tells me. 

Quickly I say, “He ate me out and I sucked his dick.” I slap my hand over my mouth 

She stares at me for a few seconds. 

“f**king hell! Was he good, were you good? Did you both like? Give me some details ma’am. I am living through you!” 

“Umm, yes he was good, like really good. I think I was ok, he finished and sounded like he liked it. He is big though, I’m talkin-” 

“Ewww gross. I don’t want to know about that.” She says grossed out. 

I laugh, “Kasey you said you wanted to know!” 

“Not that! Gross he’s Damion, I don’t want to know that.” 

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