His Proposal: A Dark Mafia Romance (His Possession Trilogy Book 3)

His Proposal: Chapter 16

When I saw Sera walk into the fundraiser just as cocky as you please, I couldn’t believe my fucking eyes. What the hell was she thinking? That a mangy blonde wig would hide her from me?

Like an animal, I could scent her the moment she walked into a room. Nothing she did or wore would keep me from knowing she was there.

I watched her in my peripheral until she disappeared from sight, not wanting to draw attention to her. I watched as every goddamn male in the place fucked her with his eyes until it was all I could do not to pull out my gun and start popping them off one by one just for daring to think of her that way. I wanted to shove my way through the crowd around the bar and shield her with my body—much as I was doing now—until I could get her the hell out of there, and it took every ounce of self-control I had to make my excuses to Jade and put her in a cab before I prowled the place room by room until I found her.

And yet, she was still trying to convince herself that she could leave me.

That I would just let her go.

I glanced over my shoulder, taking in the room and everyone within it. “We need to go. Now stop arguing with me and walk with me out of this venue. Calmly. Do not make eye contact with anyone. Do not say anything. Do not draw attention to yourself.” I waited only long enough to make sure she was going to follow directions before I turned and started making my way through the crowd, pulling Serafina behind me.

I found Tristan in the main room where the actual fundraising was about to start with an auction, keeping a close eye on Luca and Veda as they stood in a corner of the room talking to Luca’s uncle. “I need to leave. I have an…issue. Can you handle this yourself?”

Tristan glanced past me to where Serafina was standing quietly, her hand tightly gripped in mine. If he was surprised to see her, he didn’t show it. “I’ll explain to Luca.”

“Thank you. I’ll check in with you later tonight.” I wasn’t taking Sera back to Luca’s. Not immediately. And not because she’d asked me not to.

I wasn’t taking her there because seeing her walk across the floor in that slip of a dress, every curve and dip of her body on prominent display, had set my blood on fire. And when I’d found her upstairs, it was all I could do not to bend her over the railing and throw the skirt of that damn dress over her head. However, the danger to her was very real, and it was the only thing that kept me from fucking her senseless in front of all of these people, but the pure lust raging through me wasn’t going to wait for us to drive all the way back to Luca’s. I was taking her back to my hotel room. It would be safe enough for a few hours. Tomorrow, we would return to the lake house.

The door man gave her a warm smile as we collected her coat. “I see you found your gentleman,” he said.

Sera gave me a nervous glance. “I did. Thank you so much.”

“Take good care of her now.” He smiled at me, and I bared my teeth at him in response. With a lift of his eyebrow, he held the door open for us. “At least the rain has stopped. Have a good evening!”

With my arm around her shoulder, I hustled Sera out into the damp, cold air and gave the valet my ticket. A few minutes later, he pulled the SUV up to the curb and hopped out. I helped Sera inside and gave him a healthy tip, then scanned the area around us as I walked around the front of the vehicle and got into the driver’s side.

“Enzo, I—”

Grabbing her by the back of her neck with one hand, I yanked her over to me, my mouth crashing down on hers. She tasted like tequila and disobedience, and she made me fucking crazy. I wanted to rip the stupid wig from her head and pull her onto my lap and fuck her right there on the street.

With every ragged breath I took, her scent filled my lungs. Her moans filled my ears. Her taste filled my mouth. I was surrounded by Sera until I couldn’t escape. And I was beginning to realize that I didn’t fucking want to.

I released her as suddenly as I’d kissed her. “Put your fucking seatbelt on and give me your bag.”

She blinked at me, her eyes unfocused and her chest heaving. “What?” she asked breathlessly. “Why?”

“Give it to me.” I held out my hand.

She dropped the small black purse into my hand and pulled her seatbelt across her body with shaky hands.

I opened the bag. It held some bobby pins and a twenty-dollar bill. “Is this your money?”


“Where did you get it?”

She searched the interior of the SUV. “I think it was just lying on a table.”

I left it where it was, closed the purse, and handed it back to her.

“Where are we going?” she asked me when I pulled away from the curb.

“To the hotel.”

I felt her eyes on my face.


“Nothing,” she whispered as she turned away.

The short drive did nothing to calm me down. When we arrived at the hotel, I helped Sera unbuckle her seatbelt and pulled her out of the driver’s side. I wasn’t taking any chances that she’d try to get away from me. Tossing my keys to the valet, I held her tight to my side as we crossed the lobby to the elevators.

As soon as we were inside and the doors slid shut, I had her up against the wall. One hand held her wrists above her head as the other one started pulling up her skirt. My mouth slanted across hers, taking her lips in a brutal kiss. It didn’t matter that I’d just fucked her more times than I could count only hours before. My body burned for her, every cell of my body screaming to be inside of her. I wanted to crawl under her skin, to feel her surround me until there was nothing but her and I.

The elevator door dinged as it slid open. With a growl of frustration, I released her and let her skirt drop. Taking her wrist, I led her to the door to my room and took her inside.

She spun around to face me, her eyes wide. Her lips swollen from my kisses.

“Take off that damn wig,” I ordered as I locked the door.


“Take it off.”

Slowly, too slowly, she reached up and took it off. Her pink hair was pinned close to her head.

“Take your hair down.”

I took off my jacket, watching her as she looked around, then laid the wig and her purse down on the side table. She took off her jacket and hung it on the hanger. One by one, she pulled the pins from her hair until it fell in a wavy pink waterfall around her perfect face.

I pulled off my tie and took off my vest, laying them both over my arm with my jacket. “Go into the bedroom,” I told her, my patience growing thinner by the second. “Go. Now.”

She stumbled a bit as she turned away and walked in front of me to the bedroom.

I threw my coat, vest, and tie into the chair in the corner. “Take off the dress, Sera.”

Without pause, she slid the dress from her shoulders, leaving them bare. I unbuttoned my shirt as I watched it slide from her silky pale skin, inch by inch.

It fell away from her breasts. She wore nothing beneath it. I took off my sunglasses and dropped them on top of my clothes, my eyes on her nipples, watching them harden in the cool air of the room. The dress caught on her full hips until Sera hooked her thumbs inside and forced it down over her curves, revealing her soft stomach and the dark curls that covered her pussy. She let it go and it pooled around her feet.

Completely naked except for her high-heeled shoes, she stepped out of the dress, leaving it lying on the floor.

Jesus fucking Christ.

She stood waiting, the city lights coming through the window behind her. They danced across her pale skin as I shrugged out of my shirt and kicked off my shoes before taking off my socks. My eyes never left her. I couldn’t have looked away if I tried.

Wearing only my slacks, I closed the distance between us and took her perfect face in my hands. She stared up at me with eyes full of hunger. But there was also sadness. And it infuriated me to see it. Because I knew what it meant.

She was sad because she still thought she was going to leave me.

Tightening my fingers in her silky hair, I hissed against her lips when her fingertips skimmed down my stomach, the soft touch burning like fire on my sensitive skin. But it was nothing compared to the heat of the fury in my blood.

I turned with her in my arms and sat on the bed, pulling her across my lap face down and spreading my legs wide. One hand was still in her hair, holding her head down. My other hand came down hard on her bare ass.

Sera screeched and tried to get up, but I threw one of my legs over hers. There was nowhere for her to go. Again, I brought my hand down on her ass.

“What the fuck are you doing?” she yelled.

“You disobeyed me,” I told her. And you’re still going to try to leave me.

“You can’t spank me like a child!”

I rubbed her pink skin, feeling the heat from my hand, before I squeezed one luscious cheek. “No,” I told her. “I’ll spank you like the woman who doesn’t have enough sense in her fucking head to keep herself safe.” I raised my hand and brought it down, moaning when she jerked on my lap and cried out with the pain. “I’ll spank you like the woman who is so fucking foolish she thinks she’s going to leave me.”

“Enzo—” Her voice turned pleading.

I brought my hand down again, twice fast.

She tried to twist off my lap. “I hate you!”

Sliding two fingers down between her ass cheeks to her pussy, I moaned again. “You’re so fucking wet, Sera.” I pushed them inside of her, twisting my hand one way and then the other because she was so fucking tight. “I don’t think you hate me.”

“I do!”

I pumped my fingers in and out of her until she was pressing her ass back to meet them. Then I pulled them out and inserted one into her tight ass. “Fuck…” The word came out on a groan. “Tell me you don’t hate me.” Keeping one finger in her ass, I pressed my thumb into her pussy. “Tell me,” I ordered.

She cried out into the mattress, but wouldn’t say it.

Removing my fingers, I slapped her ass hard. “Tell me.”

“Fuck you!”

Grabbing her around the waist, I tossed her higher onto the mattress as I got out from under her and shoved down my slacks and my boxer briefs. She flipped over onto her back as I crawled over her. “Tell me,” I begged her. “Tell me you don’t hate me.”

Sera stilled as her eyes met mine. Slowly, her hands came up to cup my face. Her bottom lip quivered. “I don’t hate you,” she said quietly.

“Thank you,” I whispered. Hooking one arm under her leg, I opened her legs wider and slid inside of her as I softly kissed her swollen lips, both of our breaths catching as her body tightened around my cock. I laid still as I kissed her until she started to move restlessly beneath me. Only then did I pull out and thrust back in, my entire body shuddering because she felt so fucking good.

Kissing my way down her neck and chest, I took her nipple in my mouth. Sera arched beneath me, her hips moving and her hands in my hair. But instead of giving in to what she wanted, I pulled out of her and moved to her other breast before moving down her belly, drawn by the sweet musky scent of her.

I worshipped her body with my mouth, trying to say with sex what I couldn’t say with words, making her orgasm with my fingers and my tongue until there was no part of her I hadn’t touched. Hadn’t tasted. Then, and only then, did I allow myself to bury my cock into her tight pussy, fucking her slowly at first, until my own orgasm slid down my spine and I couldn’t hold back anymore. Rising up onto my knees, I pulled her hips onto my lap and fucked her hard and fast, my thumb on her clit so she came with me, pulsing around my cock until I cried out and my eyes rolled back in my fucking head.

When there was nothing left in me, I gazed down at Sera, touching her everywhere I could reach as we both caught our breath. Her eyes met mine, and there was a finality there that made my heart stutter in my chest. She blinked, and it was gone, leaving me to wonder if it was ever there at all. A small smile flirted around her lips.

Carefully, I pulled out of her and laid down behind her. Tomorrow we would talk, and I’d convince her to stay. Her life would be different with me than it was with her father. I’d make her see that it would be, and she would tell me she was going to stay…

Or I’d fucking handcuff her to me until she gave up trying to run. Either way, she wasn’t going anywhere ever again.

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