His Hybrid Pixie

Chapter Sixteen-Fully mated

Rafe observes a few more minutes and says “Damon? Are they here?” And Damon links “ The men sleep during the day except for three who keep watch “ and Rafe grins. This is gonna be a walk in the park! He hops to his feet and said “Snipers to the trees in a circle around the camp. Do not kill the women. They may be “mean to their friends “ but that’s not a reason to kill them.”

Jax’s wolf Ajax snorts at Rafe. He said wolves, I want you to surround the camp. Nobody moves until my Go! I am proud of you all and you have my undying gratitude to save our Luna! Let’s move out!

Rafe strolls into the camp and bellows in a loud voice…”A little birdie told me you people were interested in an audience with me! Well, here I am…let’s parlay” Some bozo in the back yells who are you? And Rafe laughs saying “You don’t recognize the face of the man you have contracted to kill? I’m crushed. I am known as The BlackAlpha! Ahhh! I see you have heard of me.”

A man stepped out of a tent and said we have contracted to kill the Alpha of PineCrest Pack…some dickhead named Brennan..not the BlackAlpha” Rafe says “Oh! I see! This is all just a big misunderstanding…allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Alpha Raphael Alexander Brennan.. at your service” and he bows. He actually bows! Damon is shaking his head. At that moment, a “crack” is heard and a man falls from behind a tree with a bow in hand holding a nocked arrow tipped with silver.

Rafe says “ you have one chance to surrender..or die. Those are your only options. Should you choose the latter, know that you are surrounded, which practically guarantees your death. Out of the side of his eye, he sees the women being herded in the direction of the vehicles, escorted by two men and a wolf. The rogues pour out of the tents… running toward Rafe’s men and attacking. Two men charged at him and he whips a knife into the forehead of one while grabbing the other by his throat and ripping it out. He drops to one knee, yanking his pistol free and shoots three men without blinking. He looks around and sees a man trying to sneak past the fighting.. he sprints over to him and cracks him with the butt of his gun, knocking him out cold.

He rolls him over and handcuffs him behind his back. When he stands up, he sees the fighting is over. And all but three are lying dead. He links sound off and every one of his men answer. Jax walks over to him and says “Good times! All in a day’s work! It’s been a good day… Well..not for them, obviously “ pointing to the dead men.

Rafe rolls his eyes. He says let’s head home men! I have a Luna wanting to dance under the moonlight! I am proud of each of you for making my job so easy!

Rafe heads to his room to get ready, but is stopped by Madilyn. She told him his suit is in his office and he can’t see Andrea until the ceremony. He links “Baby?” She links back “are you home? Is everyone safe?” He said it was a success and they have three new prisoners to interrogate. And there are four women in a cottage with round the clock guards. She starts to cry in the link and whispers she was so scared. He promised he was fine and couldn’t wait to see her.. and he started getting ready.

He was nervous. Holy shit! He was nervous! He threw back a shot of whiskey and walked out to the stage to stand with Elder Phillip. Jax stood beside him and watched up the aisle. It wasn’t long before Madilyn started the procession. And soon after, there stood Andrea on Gavin’s arm. Rafe forgot to breathe! She was his everything! She stood there..with her hair braided over one shoulder and an orchid perched beautifully at the top of the braid. Her purple dress made her violet eyes pop..

As her eyes met his, it took everything in her not to run to him. He was magnificent! His tuxedo cut to fit only him and his deep purple tie matched her dress. She reached the stage just as he jumped at her and lifted her in a kiss. Phillip said that was supposed to happen after the ceremony. And the crowd laughed. They stood at the altar in front of Phillip as they recited their vows.

Then Phillip stepped to Andrea and said “Do you promise to be the mother, the life and heart of PineCrest Pack?” She said I do so swear. “Do you pledge your life and allegiance to protect the pack at the cost of your own life?” She repeated her answer. “Do you pledge your undying fealty and love to our Alpha for the rest of your life?” She said “I do so swear” and Phillip turned to Rafe and said “Do you pledge your fealty and love to your mate for the rest of your life?” And he said you bet I do.. He was practically bouncing in excitement. Phillip picked up the dagger and said Do you accept Ariadne Hellier as your mate and Luna? Rafe says “yes…yes” and Phillip turns to the pack asking “Do you accept Ariadne Hellier as the Luna and mother to our pack and they all yelled Yes!

And with that, Phillip sliced across each of their hands and as they clasped them together and their blood mingled, Andrea felt herself flood with warmth and love with a million voices in her head. Rafe turns to her and dipped her,..kissing her deeply. He grinned at her grabbed her hand and raising it above her head saying “Our Luna! Let’s RUN!” They ran to the edge of the forest and she slipped out of her dress standing only in a white lace thong and Rafe groaned out “you’re killing me, smalls” She grinned and shimmied her panties down her legs and rapidly shifted into her pure silver wolf, walking over to Rafe to be petted.

He knelt down and run his hands through her fur as he spoke to Adira. He stepped back and jumped..shifting into Baron. His midnight fur looked almost blue in the moonlight. Baron licked her muzzle and nudged her in the direction he wanted her to go.. As they broke into a sprint Ajax and Misty pulled up alongside of them..Adira knowing these were Jax and Madi’s wolves. Damon and Gavin ran behind the four lead wolves.

They ran played and hunted..and once the moon crested, Baron and Adira veered away from the pack toward the waterfall. Rafe linked Jax to lead the pack home and get the party started.

As they reached the waterfall and the limpid pool underneath it they both drank a bit of water. Andrea says “Okay.. I’m backing off this. I don’t want to watch!” And Rafe chuckles but agrees.

Baron walks over to Adira and licks her muzzle.. he rubs his scent all over her fur.. she drops her front paws to the ground with her tail raised high. Baron steps behind her and enters her. She yelps at the sudden intrusion but relaxes into his thrusting quickly. His knot starts to form and he pushes inside of her. She’s panting now and trying to adjust. Just as his knot fully forms he bites into her neck..holding tight.

She twists her head to his shoulder and latches on just as he starts cumming. Once he’s finished he pulls his teeth out and licks her wound to heal it. She pulls her canines from him, and as she does, a wave of energy rolls through the packlands that shakes the trees. Within moments, his knot releases her and he licks her clean. They race back and get dressed to join the party.

As they walked up Jax said that was some orgasm huh? The whole pack felt it and laughs. Andrea mutters it wasn’t the orgasm.. it was immortality being gifted to the whole pack as reward for choosing our true mate. Jax said “Well I will be damned! Huh! Get to live forever! That’s awesome!” Rafe says “Idiot” Andrea grabs Rafe’s hand and yells let’s dance! And they did! They danced and ate. And drank. Then danced some more. It was perfect. And everyone was happy. Until they weren’t.

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