Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Three.

As Joshua’s team settled they were shown over the arena which was a raised circle platform some twenty feet in height, and within the circle was set a second circle, and within that inner circle was set a diamond shape area for the defenders, and this was there area of play within the diamond.

Only it rotated as the inner circle was constantly on the move, creating by far a more difficult game of play, and with the Defending team usually positioning themselves within the central point of the diamond, back to back to enable them to lookout and protect each other.

Already there was near to twenty thousand spectators and the excitement was growing, there were seven sub matches before the main event, giving the teams time to prepare and go over their game plan. Joshua had used this time wisely and even before they arrived it had been agreed that Samuels would not play.

He had offered if he was needed but indicated under the circumstances he volunteered to step down. It was not that he was worried about serious injury nor was he suffering from stage fright having up to Fifty Thousand Fay watching him. It was simply to bring Joshua’s plan to fruition a player needed to stand down and Samuels for the greater good took that honour.

As the teams laid their last-minute preparations, Joshua placed his hands onto one of the huge stone blocks which was part of the castles structure and he listened as the stones talked to him, reassuring him of all that had proceeded from within the castle, then laying his hands on the earth he repeated the process and listened intensely.

As the team realised it was time, they breathed in deeply and prepared their minds one final time, then they held hands linking together and were summoned to the area. There Merlin and King Thalaba awaited their team’s arrival, as each team appeared there was an uproar of excitement, and the noise was so intense it was almost unsettling for the young players.

Slowly the team captain led their teams into the area and to their point of play, only Joshua sent up a coloured flare from his wand, indicating a point of matter, as it reached its peak it exploded and spelled out the word Grabtek. As the audience realised what happened they went quiet from shock not wanting to believe any team would risk the match on such a dangerous play.

There was almost total silence as the judges conferred and king Thalaba and Merlin both nodded in agreement indicating they both accepted the request. There was a sudden gasp of amazement as the crowd realised the implications, and as Merlin’s team were the Defenders on the home teams’ soil, they were given the first choice.

Joshua shouted shackled cage, and once again the crowd gasp not wanting to believe the events as they were unfolding, the home team captain Sandu, stood her ground smiling and indicated she accepted, and her choice was adult Rang’s. There were instant protests and shouting as this endangered the students from both teams at a level the audience had not expected.

As the judges conferred the request from Sandu was downgraded to fifth-year training Rang’s which were full size Rang’s but without a razor-sharp edge. There was a notable sigh of relief, yet some of the Fay wept at the thought of the suffering these players were about to face and inflict on each other.

As preparations were made both Merlin and king Thalaba entered the area and each created a magical holding cage exactly eleven feet above the central part of the diamond arena, and shimmering bars could be seen which would let the chosen team member in, but not out, while Rang’s could pass unhindered.

As the time for selection came once more the audience went totally silent, each team captain was handed a list of names for the opposing side and Sandu on reading her list smiled, it was only then she realised that an opportunity had presented itself. On the list was Kelton’s name, and as she looked up at the defenders she knew of Joshua, Paula and Tim, but was uncertain who else was there.

Believing there was a possibility that Kelton had arrived, and was in disguise she knew her choice, and as Joshua had gone first with calling Grabtek, it was now her turn to choose a defender to be shackled in the cage.

“Kelton Armstrong, she called out, and immediately the image of Samuels faded, and Kelton found himself trapped and shackled within the cage.

Joshua immediately replied indicating he wanted Lord Belliteron, and then pointed to Sandu. There was a gasp of astonished fright as the Demoni Lord was suddenly transported into the caged area and magically shackled. It was only then that he realised he had been outplayed, and as he had voluntarily submitted himself to this procedure, he was powerless under the angelic ruling to defend himself.

Some of the Fay screamed in fright as Lord Belliteron started shouting and summoning his dominions to aid him. It was Michael the arch angel who appeared, reinforced by two others and the light momentarily blinded all as total stunned silence fell on the audience. As the light dimmed and those who were temporary blinded regained their sight Lord Belliteron resigned himself to having been outplayed.

Kelton smiled as he watched the three angels bind the Demoni Lord even more and transport him away, and they left in his place the real Sandu who had been in on the plan from the beginning and had deliberately baited the Demoni security to have her kidnapped and Lord Belliteron take her place.

There was a level of confusion from the Vlad Academy players, yet they were professional enough to realise the match must go on and knowing that they would learn of what just transpired later. As silence descended on the arena a deep sounding gong resonated through the air and the match started.

Immediately Joshua’s team did something unexpected and appeared to levitate to the height of where Kelton was caged and shackled at one ankle, and the team surrounded the cage to protect their player inside. There was a gasp of shock as this exposed the defenders to one selected area and increased the risk of becoming an easier target.

Sandu on seeing what the defenders were doing indicated she wanted four of her team members to guard her cage while her team of twenty remaining attackers set about their game plan. The instant the second Gong resonated through the air there was an immediate flurry of Rang’s thrown into play towards Joshua’s team.

The match had started and there was a gasp at the level of Rang’s brought into play, each attacker under Romanian rules could field up to five Rang’s and with twenty-four players this potentially created an immediate problem for the defenders if all Rang’s were sent into play straight away.

However, at first only forty Rang’s were cast from the outer circle which was incredibly dangerous for those defending, but it was the four in the inner circle who were defending their captain that brought a gasp from the crowd, as they legally could attack from there as Joshua had been aware of this danger in choosing Grabtek.

As the defending team fought off the first volley of Rang’s eight further Rang’s attacked them from close quarters, giving them next to no time to react. Yet incredibly somehow the defenders avoided the first few volleys of attacks and remained in play. Seventeen minutes had passed when Paula suffered the first injury, she had somehow found herself out of position and a Rang caught her on the right shoulder bringing her instantly out of play.

There was an audible gasp as blood could be seen, as Paula lay on the floor injured and temporary out of play, Paula was the first to be injured and the Vlad Academy was living up to its reputation. Excitement caught the attacking team having seen the first victim and points go to their side.

But then Joshua’s team changed tactics and separated in a wider circle, this exposed the cage but reduced their target area for the attackers. Then to everyone surprise five of the defenders turned and attacked those defending Sandu. Such was the unexpected action of this play that the four players defending their captain were immediately taken out of play and then to everyone surprise Paula who had deliberately allowed herself to become injured, re-entered play and her spell caught Sandu directly body on and took her out.

The gasp was deafening from the audience as it dawned on the attacking team from Vlad Academy that they had been outplayed and had lost five players in quick succession one of which had been their team captain.

As Highfield Academy changed their game play yet again it unsettled the Vlad players, yet they were professional and drew upon the memories of their ancestors and they quickly adapted. Paula however was weakened from her earlier injury and eventually had to fall out of play. This left the defenders weaker and encouraged the Vlad team and increased their resolve to win.

For the next twenty-eight minutes Rang’s were cast and spells used to intercept or deflect them and then Kelton intercepted three Rang’s which had been cast at him. The crowd gasp at the student’s skill, as even shackled by the angle and restricted in a magical cage some twenty by twenty square, he still showed incredible skill and flexibility.

Immediately as Joshua, Tim and Jisalder sent a volley of confusion spells towards the Vlad team, Kelton kept one Rang to defend himself with and cast the remaining two towards the opposing team. They reached their targets and took two further players out of play, there was a gasp as the Vlad players struggled to regain composure and overcome the confusion spells.

However, the Vlad players had laid a trap of their own and deliberately had drawn the defenders to attacking selected players who had appeared week, it was then they set into motion a deafening sound wave which attacked the defenders, and even though the Dryads had warned Joshua and the others, three of the team were unable to react quickly enough, and were immediately caught in the barrage of sound waves rendering them unconscious and bringing them out of play.

Those who had escaped had dimensionally shifted and avoided the attack and immediately reappeared sending counter spells towards the Vlad team. Kelton released his captured Rang at the same moment and it took out a further Vlad player and injured another before it was brought out of play.

Never in Vlad’s history had they suffered so many losses and their confidence were dearly shaken, making them wonder if they could win. However, they also realised the Highfield Academy team had lost many of its defenders and the odds were still in their favour. Agreeably not by much, yet still they hung on and fought with cunning, skill and a tenacity driving them forward to win.

Ninety-minutes had passed, and a gong reverberated through the air, instantly releasing Kelton from the cage and brought him back into the arena. Immediately this happened Joshua changed his game plan and each player vanished from sight. As Rang’s had already been cast they missed their intended targets and started to return to the attacking team.

Only suddenly each Rang suddenly fell from the air and came immediately out of play, it was then Vlad’s team realised they only had three Rang’s left in play. A further twenty minutes of casting spells and countering them took place and then the clock ticked to the designated set time to bring the match to an end.

As the arena was cast into a time stopping spell as each student was lifted out of play and those injured were finally able to be treated for their wounds. There was a silence as the audience finally realised it was over, and the realisation of what had happened dawned upon them.

Never in the entire history of Rang had a match of this importance gone the full allocated time, it was unheard of and although it was not an outright win, Highfield Academy were ecstatic with joy as they realised they had created history and forced a draw from outstanding odds against them and forced a rematch at a future date, but this time on their home soil.

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