Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Four.

Queen Shellback appeared at Highfield Academy by invitation from Merlin and the Royal Fay, who were there awaiting her arrival. Kelton had been welcomed back by his old friends, however, they were shocked to see his response was stunted, and that although he had agreed to this charade simply to enable the capture of Lord Belliteron, in his mind he had not fully resolved with himself the experience of losing his family.

Queen Shellback had convinced him it was the right thing to do, and that he could play a major part in bringing this criminal who was responsible for loss of multiple thousands of lives to justice. However, Kelton was far from ready to be restarting his old life and he avoided even looking at king Thalaba.

In many ways, the Fay Court understood the student’s reactions, as they realised it could be years before Kelton could once more build such trust with those who he had once loved. King Thalaba realised this and had not pressurised the child, rather allowing him time to adjust and come to terms with his loss.

It was also realised that in allowing him to play such a major role in this deception and in bringing Lord Belliteron to face justice for his crimes and the breaking of the angelic accord, it had brought about years of healing in one action of allowing Kelton to vent his fury and see justice was to be done.

Queen La-Fay had along with her court magicians interviewed Kelton, ensuring he was fully aware that they held no part in the deception used to murder his family. Kelton had finally accepted this, yet he felt estranged from his old friends and for the time been more comfortable in Queen Shellbacks company.

Also, he had made her a promise and until that was met in full, he had no intentions of going back on his word. This was accepted and understood, however, there was a level of uncertainty as the task Kelton and Joshua’s friends now faced was to be far from easy and involved a level of danger which made the recent Rang Match look like early child play by comparison.

“Queen Shellback thank you for honouring us and in your part in bringing Lord Belliteron to justice,” said Merlin as he mingled with the group who were now in audience with Queen La-Fay. Queen Shellback introduced Melatron,

“This is my trusted friend and father, master magician Melatron.”

There was stunned silence as the small group took to heart her words.

“Father did you say?” enquired Queen La-Fay.

“Yes, my Queen,” replied queen Shellback, and in doing so acknowledging her place under Fay ruling authority. Melatron was taken aback as he had not realised his daughter and queen had known of this.

Yet he was pleased if not a little concerned that Queen Shellback had acknowledged him and introduced him as such. Merlin extended a hand in friendship and as the two wizards greeted each other, they could instantly gain much valued intelligence as to the other’s skills and level of power.

Immediately Melatron as old and as skilled as he was, sensed a vast well of wisdom and power which by far outstripped him in every conceivable way. Yet Merlin was himself impressed at the level of skill, wisdom and power which came from the humble looking wizard before him, and he smiled showing Melatron his acceptance of his skills and the due respect he deserved.

The celebrations carried through all of Saturday and late into Sunday evening, before the students of Highfield Academy were sent back to their respective dormitories. Miss Tianna, Miss Catherine and Mr Claws were ecstatic their students had not been overly seriously injured and to have brought about a draw was an unexpected honour to the school and to both Miss Tianna and Miss Catherine in their teaching and game play.

Vlad Academy was in shock, yet pleased they had managed to not be defeated, so technically their record remained unbroken in bean undefeated, but it was close, and they realised this.

King Thalaba however encouraged his students and lifted their spirits when he revealed to them that he had been in on the capture of Lord Belliteron and that the unexpected events had in part weakened their game plan. As the Highfield Academy students had pre-planned events and had known how events in the early stages were to unfold.

It was felt in part this had given Highfield Academy an unfair advantage and the Vlad students looked forward to the rematch, knowing this time no such surprises awaited them thwarting their plans; at least they hoped not.

As Sunday turned into Monday morning the students from Highfield Academy awoke and prepared for breakfast, only unbeknown to them Lucido, the highest of the fallen had taken the knowledge of the past events badly and he sought immediate revenge.

However, he realised he had no come back legally on the angels, as Lord Belliteron had voluntarily given permission to be imprisoned, yet Lucido felt he needed to stamp his mark on humanity in protest of such actions, and in doing so provoking the Fay into war.

Kelton had been returned along with Melatron to Queen Shellback’s kingdom, where they awaited the arrival of their queen. Questeric one of the six fallen was dispatched to take temporary rule of the Demoni and to seek immediate revenge. Only on arrival he found King Thalaba and Queen Shellback awaiting his arrival, and there was an epic battle as the two warriors fought the fallen Seraph, and eventually captured him when Merlin came into action, and subdued the fallen one.

The news eventually filtered its way back to Lucido and he realised he had been outplayed by mere Fay, and this caused further anger and desire for revenge. His only conciliation was news that informed him Queen Shellback and king Thalaba had been injured in the battle which had forced Merlin to intervene and draw the battle to an immediate end.

As to the extent of the injuries it was unknown, yet in part this comforted Lucido and he decided to not strike back immediately, but to lay the foundation of a trap and draw his enemies in enabling him to deliver a crippling blow without further breaking of the angelic accord.

When news reached Kelton and Merilic that Queen Shellback had been injured they were fraught with concern, and on receiving a Royal Summoning from Queen La-Fay their concerns heightened. And on arrival to the Royal courts they were immediately taken to the Royal infirmary which was then sealed in a time bubble to prevent intrusion and a break in security.

Three days later Queen Shellback was returned to her kingdom and the borders were immediately sealed off and security tightened. A curtain of magical energy fell along the entire borders of her land securing it from prying eyes and infiltration. There the Queen informed her subjects of the plans set into play to secure their land and hopefully free them from the rule of the Demoni should they ever seek such revenge.

It took several weeks before everything was set into place, and rumours had been released that Queen Shellback had been almost fatally injured and that her powers were now greatly reduced, this in time reached the fallen and Lucido revelled in the news. It pleased him also, as it was, they who had created Guayangarea, and Lucido knew of her extensive power, this knowledge pleased him.

Guayangarea had died, yes, but her essence and power now lived on in her daughter, and because it was of her bloodline the power grew, eventually giving Queen Shellback all that once belonged to Guayangarea and in part the essence of Lord Belliteron which once absorbed could only create a witch of formidable powers and who was no longer under Lucido’s control.

As such to learn one of the six fallen had almost killed her, pleased him, and he knew it would be many more months before she could fully recover. As such he intended to use this and overthrow her kingdom and bring her subject to been once more under his control. This was in part he believed why the Royal Court of Fay had taken such measures as to guard her land borders and the people within, and it was only now a matter of time before such measures were lifted and exposing the Queens subjects to further war.

Lucido and the remaining four fallen were now cautious in their dealings with the Fay, the Demoni were still a force to be recognised, and with only needing strong leadership and to once again be moulded into a coherent army that others would fear. Lucido decided to take on this responsibility himself and set his remaining four fallen as generals.

United they were thought to be unstoppable and even the angels were aware of the war that could come to pass if they became involved in direct actions to try and capture them. Lucido was behind the human slave trading, and now he used his generals to gather those in humanity who preferred a life of crime and whose behaviour broke the law for reason of greed, lust, wealth and criminality.

Already Lucido was setting into place a war which humanity could not survive, selected individuals were gifted with abilities direct from the Demoni race, and from across the world there was a forming a retaliation to the anti-slavery movement. Resistance fighters under Demoni rule, and attacks on those policing these areas.

The humans now had organised resistance against them, and protection from Tebard wizards and who chose their times of attack and were somehow gaining intelligence from within the Royal Fay Courts.

Merlin had suspected this and had himself tried to seek out those responsible, yet whoever was responsible was powerful and clever, and used their gift with considerable wisdom and cunning, avoided every action Merlin and the court wizards took to try and find who was responsible.

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