High Moon High School

Chapter 38

Council of elders part 1

We enter the meeting room and sit around a large oval shaped table, there are five quite intimidating looking elders in attendance watching us from their seats. I take out a seat and as usual Aries and Ajax take a chair to either side of me.

The betas stand behind me and the Alphas, Rach and her Dad and Luna Jas sit next to Aries.

A deep voice booming around the hall tells me to introduce my party.

I stand confidently and jutt out my chin. You can do this Cierra, Ersa purrs at me egging me on in my head.

Don’t worry Cierra, I’ve got us if you slip.

She says inside my head. We’ve been working on this, she will take control if I lose my nerve. I’m a lucky arse woman to have been paired with such a good wolf.

“My name is Cierra Cardle, future Luna of the High Moon Pack, this” I say, extending my arm and gesturing to my first mate. “Is Ajax Reign one of the future Alphas of High Moon and one of my fated. This,” I say gesturing to Aries now, “Is Aries Reign, also future Alpha of High Moon Pack and also one of my fated. Their Mother Luna Jasmine of High Moon Pack and of course our Beta Bear and his daughter, our future Beta Rachel.”

I nod my head to them all as I stand proud that my voice did not waver in confidence. My voice engulfed the room as I spoke and all eyes were on me. I will not show an ounce of weakness or lack of intelligence.

The Elder that shouted us in to the room eyes me curiously and goes on to read out statements, to my relief all on my side from the current Alpha and his Luna, pack members, some of the Alpha’s from the summit who apparently I impressed with my candour and intelligence, who’d have thought hey?

The tall dark haired man turns his piercing green eyes back to me from the statements. “If you could all give us a moment alone with the young Miss Cardle.” He says to my mates, Jas and the Beta’s. Aries glares at him and goes to speak but I put my hand on his shoulder and begin addressing the man myself.

“Sir, I would assume my Beta can stay with me? Under the current threat I face, I would feel safer with either one of them here, be it Beta Bear or future Beta Rachel.” I query.

His face falls a little.

Probably thinking this kid walks in here and has the audacity to imply she’s unsafe in a council meeting of elders. Ersa says snickering in my head, I laugh inwardly at her antics trying to keep a straight face.

Another of the elders cleared his throat after a few moments and began to speak.

“Your current Beta can stay, of course. We do not wish for you to feel vulnerable and there are five of us.” He leans forward and looks to Mr. Green eyes who looks back and nods once in agreement.

Ajax and Aries both look at me asking me over the mind link if I’m OK with that.

‘Have you seen Bear? Noone could reach me around this big fucker’ I tell them both and they stand and smile at me as they each kiss my cheek and leave the room ushered by Jas who rubs my arm slightly on her way past, followed out by Rach giving me a small smile over her shoulder.

The door slowly shuts behind them and I turn back to face the Elders giving them my full attention.

“Miss Cardle, now this next statement may shock you but we need your full and honest answers to the questions that follow. Beta, you may take a seat alongside Miss Cardle.”

Bear nods and pulls out a chair and sits though he doesn’t tuck it forward to under the table nor does he seem to relax any.

The gent that invited Bear to stay speaks to bear.

“Beta, please refrain from speaking throughout this unless we call for your word or Miss Cardle asks for you to, this is a serious matter needing to be dealt with before anything else can happen.” He says. Bear nods looking at me a small you got this kind of smile on his face.

He starts to read the statement:

Miss Cardle was happened upon in High Moon High School by the Reign twin Future Alpha’s and was found to be both their fated. She has since been forced by their parents to become part wolf.

The current Alpha and Luna thought their sons would wake up from their recent coma if they could secure Miss Cardles loyalty to their sons.

The Reign brothers mated and marked her against her will and the council should not stand for this vulnerable, once human girl being forced to lead a pack of a species she did not want to be part of.

Alpha Argon, tried to protect Miss Cardle and remove her from their clutches when she fled the Reign family. The Reign twins killed two of my men in cold blood and re-gained control over the young lady, turning other packs close by against my pack and pushing me into hiding.

I should hope this finds you well Elders and the matter will be dealt with accordingly.

Alpha Argon of Earthshine Pack.

I sit looking dumb struck as the elders watch for my reaction. Bear snickers next to me and I look at him. Unable to hold it in, We both burst out laughing. Mr booming voice green eyes shouts above our laughing annoyance evident in his stern, formal tone.

“Please, do let us know what is so funny.”

“The.... ha... the whole... hahaha... goddess that was great.” I try to string a sentence and find myself unable. I take a minute to gather myself as the elders stare some smirking and others looking somewhat displeased by Bear and I’s outburst. I breath in a deep breath filling my lungs and painting back on my confident game face before I speak to the room.

Bear settles himself beside me but still does not relax.

“Elders, please do not mistake my laughter for me not being afraid. I met Argon at a summit when both of my mates had been attacked which led to both being in a coma meaning I had to attend the summit whilst the twins parents stayed back watching over the pack and looking for answers on the Rogue attack. He was very derogatory in his remarks towards me and it was not the last time he made a proposal to me. I very much made up my own mind and asked Luna Jas to turn me to one of your kind so that when the twins woke up I wouldn’t be a weak human, I could help them if they were ever in an attack again, or in the unfortunate event that they didn’t wake I could avenge their deaths.

I love my mates very much. As you will have noticed, at your last meeting with all of the Alpha’s in the surrounding area, Argon did not attend. This is because he travelled to my pack house to confront me and ask me to become his like a snake while my mates were away.

I take a short pause letting what I have already disclosed sink in. The council of elders eye me suspiciously trying to make out if my words hold any truth, but they can hear my heart beat and f*ck if they don’t believe me I don’t care anymore.

I continue, I mated and marked my fated mates as and when I wanted, fully in control of the whole situation and if you’d like to go around getting more statements to see what hoops they would jump through for me, please do so because it is them that live to please me, not I them I have not been forced in to anything and I’d implore you to give me more credit as the strong woman I am. I finished. I don’t live to please my mates although I do like to please them, but they are very much so wrapped around my little finger and love to please me.

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