Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Chapter 76: Restlessness

"Now tell me, what did you guys find?" Athena asked in a serious tone, changing the conversation.
Suzanne and Patricia let out a sigh, clearly understanding that they won’t be able to convince Athena anymore after this.
How stubborn she was!
"We couldn’t find anything because of the things going on inside the pack" Suzanne said with a sigh, making Athena frown.
Suzanne clearly saw the dissatisfaction on Athena’s face at the mention of the thing that was going on inside the pack.She knew
her best friend very well.She knew it affected Athena a lot and she was being restless about and it.She knew that Athena was
literally dying to know what was happening inside the pack but the stubborn woman would never bend down! But she knew her
friend very well and she knew that she just needed a little more push and they would get what they wanted.
So, she was going to say something but before she could say something, Patricia spoke up.
"But I found a book which contains different signs.It’s an ancient book and the marks and the clues somehow looked ancient or
at least historical as well.So, I think we might be able to find something here." Patricia said while handing Athena the old book.
It looked ancient in actuality.
Athena took the book carefully and inspected it with more care as she didn’t want it to get torn in her hands.
The cover of the book said ‘Introducing the region’.
She understood it must mean the four werewolf clans.
North, South, East and West.
She looked at the left upper corner of the front cover and saw the word ‘NORTH’ written in bold and symbolic away.
That gave her the idea that it must be the copy of the North region.
"Are you going to get in trouble with the alpha for taking this book without permission? Because it truly looks like beholding a lot
of secrets." Athena said with a frown as she looked at the book with fascination.
She didn’t open the cover yet but it was already drawing her in.

"No, everyone can read such books.I remember studying this book in highschool to learn about the regions but I wasn‘t a bright
or sincere student so forgot most of the things.Almost everything actually.But don‘t worry, it‘s not a problem."
Patricia assured and that’s when Suzanne and Athena looked at each other.
They had a look of sadness over their faces.
Patricia noticed it immediately and she immediately knew what it was about.
Being a rogue didn‘t give them the opportunity to get into high school.
But they know how to read and write perfectly.
It’s just that they lack knowledge.
"What an irony it is, isn‘t it?" Athena spoke up with a fake smile after a few seconds of silence.
"What is it, Athena?" Suzanne asked in a low tone while trying to come out of the thoughts.
"My name is Athena which means the goddess of wisdom and knowledge but look at me.I hardly contain any knowledge.I don’t
even have the basic knowledge of highschool lessons.That’s an irony."
Athena said with a sigh, making them look at her with a sad look Athena noticed that she turned the situation more gloomy so
she changed the subject.
"Forget it all, tell me, did you find anything inside the book?" She asked Patricia.
"No.Actually, as I already mentioned, I didn‘t pay attention to such classes so I don’t know anything that it has.But at the same
time, I couldn‘t read it myself as well because of the things.It’s stressing me out." Patricia said with a sigh.
Now Athena was confused would be an understatement.
She was beyond that.
"What’s going on? You both have been going about something that’s happening in the pack but didn’t even tell me once about
it.What‘s going on?" She asked with a frown.
"Well, when was the last time that you went to the pack house?" Suzanne asked with a sigh.

Athena looked at her with a frown.She doesn’t go to the pack house.
Because she feels uncomfortable and awkward in front of those pack members.She feels like she doesn’t belong there.She feels
like she won’t be able to meet their questionable eyes when she goes there.
They might judge her.
After all she was just a rogue who doesn’t even know why she went rogue.
So, how can she be their Luna and face them? Is the fare to them? They need a strong and powerful Luna with a respective
background who can support them and represent them in front of the world with respect.
"I don‘t go there usually and you know why.Just come to the point and tell me what’s going on." She said with a frown.
Something was going on inside her suddenly.
She felt a sudden restlessness inside her to know what‘s going on inside the pack.She felt a sudden restlessness inside her to
solve what was going on inside her.
"The pack members are going crazy over Stacey and want to... kill her." Suzanne said slowly while trying to note down Athena’s
She didn’t want Athena to burst out and worsened the situation nor did she want Athena to be completely oblivious of the
They needed her help.
"What?! That‘s absurd."
Athena exclaimed in shock and disbelief, unable to believe it.
She didn’t expect this from such a well maintained pack!
"Yes, it’s getting nearly impossible to stop them."
"Oh my, I want to go there."

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