Hiding A Life - Scarred Alpha book 2.5

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Ch 11

Tona pov

After the rollercoaster yesterday I woke up early this morning just sitting on the couch looking at the paperwork that Damian signed. I can’t believe he did it. I do have to give him credit for doing what was right for the child. I hope at some point further down the line that it will be possible to have some kind of relationship, but for now he’s mine. Little does Corrin know we did a little something in hopes that this would happen.

I hear my little man starting to stir so I set the papers down walking over to change him and pick him up. Once he is in a fresh diaper I sit back down just holding him facing me. We apparently were lost in our own little conversation because we didn’t hear Corrin get up and walk over. She just smiles taking him so she can feed him sitting next to me.

“Corrin, Nick and I did something while we waited and all that is left is signatures.”

She looks at me confused when I hand her the paperwork. She grabs it with her free hand and starts reading instantly, tearing up covering her face. It will make it official that Dominick will be my little human cub. I just wrap my arms around them while she wipes her tears asking for a pen. She quickly signs, handing it to me so I can sign as well.

“There! It’s done! That is now my child and will bear my name!” I say as Koda proudly puffs his chest shaking out his fur.

“What is your last name?”

Oh I knew this would come up sooner or later. Please do not let her fall off the couch laughing. Poor Domi is trying to eat. “It’s bear. My name is Tona Bear.”

“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me? Your last name is Bear? Oh this is golden! Mr. Bear, do you know Teddy? Or a Paddington, Fozie, or Yogi?”

“So not funny! Koda is getting irritated!”

“Oh did someone take his honey pot?”

“Haha, very funny Corrin! By the way, we leave today! I have a house secured in Montana which will take us the whole day to get to. A large cabin estate with plenty of room for everyone. Nick and Tara helped me find it. We will be roughing it for a day or two until everything gets delivered. Nick and Tara say we can take what we have here. He will also turn in all the paperwork for us, and send us the copies once signed off. Tony is even moving our business so we will still have work!”

She nods when I run into the closet dragging out the packed bags and boxes as the guys pile in to take everything downstairs. I think she can tell I’m eager to leave and live our lives. Once Domi is done eating I take him so she can get showered and changed. Once done we head downstairs where Nick and Tara are waiting with their kids for us to say goodbye.

I get to the bottom step and Jenna comes running into my legs crying. I kneel down giving her a big hug and she looks over to Domi when he smiles back. When I stand back up she runs to her mom crying. I walk over while Tara tries to comfort her.

“We will come to visit, I promise! Nick, Tara, Tony you guys have been lifesavers. We couldn’t have gotten through this without you! We will let you know when we get to the house.”

Corrin and I give everyone hugs while we make our way outside and load up in the suv’s. Waving to everyone we head out down the road and before long Corrin is asleep laying over the carseat. We stop after about four hours to rest and eat. Then we are back on the road for another four hours. We stop to rest and eat some early dinner because we have another four hours left.

After what seemed like forever we finally come up to it when I nudge Corrin. It’s a gorgeous rustic cabin house that is 2 stories. It has a large vaulted ceiling front room and kitchen that is at the front of the house and all eight bedrooms on the back end with everyones own bathroom. We walk in and our mouths just drop. It’s completely furnished! How in the hell?

I walk over into the kitchen and there is a big note from Nick, Tara and the kids.

‘Helps when your family can teleport!’

That’s how they did it! They teleported here and got it set up. No wonder they were always tired in the morning! We all quickly unload our stuff in our rooms and when I walk into ours I see Corrin and Domi passed out on the bed. In our room it’s painted a tan color with white trim. We have a huge king size bed that looks straight out a large window to the forest. We have a seating area in a nook by the window and a large walk-in closet and bathroom done in the same colors.

I quickly find some shorts and run in for a shower. When I exit throwing on the shorts I walk over sitting on the edge of the bed looking out the window. I look back at Corrin and Domi thinking how lucky I am to have ended up with such an amazing mate. It’s so quiet I can hear what sounds like a faint heartbeat. So faint I would of missed it if I hadn’t closed my eyes and concentrated on it. It’s not Domi’s, or Corrin’s. I hear it slowly coming from Corrin’s direction and when I lean closer it’s coming from her tummy. She also smells different. I take a deep smell and yes definitely different.

I place my hand on her tummy and can feel the connection to the little cub growing. I close my eyes when tears fall, and I feel a hand placed on mine.

“Tona, what’s wrong? Is everything ok? She quickly sits up checking me over thinking maybe there is something wrong with me.

“No baby, everything is fine, even better than fine! You’re pregnant with my cub!”

She quickly puts her hands to her tummy looking confused.

“I can hear the faintest heartbeat. But when I put my hand here I can feel it and it’s strong!”

I see Koda in my mind standing proud, snorting his excitement. I take Domi and place him in the crib when I climb into bed with Corrin snuggling her up against my chest. Now I can feel hers and the cub’s heartbeat against my side and it soon lulls me to sleep.


Corrin pov

The next morning everyone is dragging and as we all head downstairs everyone stops and stares at me while I hold Domi. I guess they can hear and smell me too. I look at them when they all have wide smiles like they know but don’t want to ruin the surprise.

“Yes I already know, Tona told me last night!”

Everyone starts cheering rushing over to give me hugs and before long I feel Domi being lifted out of the hug fest by Tona.

“If you want breakfast I’ll need to see what we have!”

Oh that got everyone dispersed really quick. I chuckle when I head to the fridge and search cupboards. Pancakes check, eggs check, potatoes check, meat is all frozen. Damn!

“He if you guys want meat I don’t have any that’s not frozen.”

I see a couple guys smile and run out the front door stripping and shifting. Well alright I guess I will wait a little bit. Before long we hear “Got meat!” From Jack and when I walk out front I just stare. A dead deer is being dragged with the guys covered in deer blood. I just look at them when they look back at me proudly displaying their kill.

“That’s great boys but remember I’m human. I like my meat a little less bloody and not raw. So can you guys cut me some meat off and I’ll cook it. If you want it raw, have at it. They all look at each other as they drag it over to the garage and start carving it up. I start working on stuff in the kitchen designating jobs for people. Buckets of steaks are dropped on my counter ready for me to cook. Now that I can work with and soon the kitchen is being filled with the smells of breakfast.

Halfway through when the guys are done storing the deer meat Tona comes in showering with the others and they quickly take over so I can sit down. After about another thirty minutes everything is cooked and we are all gathered around eating when a phone rings. I see Tona pick up and hand it over to me.


“Corrin it’s Kelly! Oh my goodness I’m so glad I can finally talk to you! I heard you were here in Montana and I’m only about thirty minutes away. Can I stop by and visit? I would love to see you and the baby!”

“Oh my God Kelly! Yes please come over!”

I quickly gave her the address and I’m so excited! It’s been so long since I have seen her and I had hoped Damian didn’t go after her. We finish eating and cleaning the kitchen when I hear the doorbell. Someone answered it because I heard her yelling my name. I quickly run out of the kitchen with Domi and collide with her crying. We are having such a touching moment when a growl echoes through the house.

We hear pounding footsteps from upstairs and Jack comes running down the stairs swooping her up in his arms growling out ‘mate’. She panics and starts screaming at him to let her go. Tona growls out loud making Jack quickly set her down. She runs back over to me crying hysterically when Tona walks over to Jack.

“She is a fucking human, you can’t just grab her! Use your brain! Now she is in hysterics and probably doesn’t want you near her!”

I hear Jack whine walking over to the couch sitting down burying his face in his hands. I grab Kelly’s hand and lead her up to our room. I lay Domi down to sleep when I sit with her by the window. I wait till she has calmed down to explain everything to her.

“What was that all about?”

“Kelly, Tona downstairs is a bear shifter, all the guys are but Tona is the Alpha the leader. Jack is his right hand man like a second in command. I’m Tona’s mate. Hence why I’m marked on my shoulder. It shows that I’m mated to a shifter. You’re Jack’s mate. A lot of them have been waiting years to find their mates. Tona had almost given up till he saw me. Mates give off a certain scent that is like a drug to them. I smell like honey and vanilla to Tona.”

“So what does that mean? I’m his mate, like a soulmate?”

I nod my head yes and I see her sit back taking a deep breath. We hear a knock and slowly Tona and Jack step in. Jack takes a big whiff of the air and whimpers looking at Kelly.

“Jack, what do I smell like?”

“Honey and cinnamon. It smells so good!”

Kelly looks back over to me and looks at my mark on my shoulder.

“Does it hurt?”

I lean over and whisper in her ear.

“Only for a second. Have him do it during sex and you will have the best orgasm ever!”

She leaned back with wide eyes when I wiggle my eyebrows smiling. She looks over to Jack who is shifting his weight from side to side.

“Hey Jack, how bad do you want to mark me?”

“Very, very bad!”

“Well then boo boo let’s go do this mate thing!”

Oh you would have thought someone gave him a pool full of honey to swim in. He quickly ran over scooping her up running to his room down the hall. After about thirty min we hear a holy shit scream coming from down the hall and just laugh. I look over at Tona when he looks at me smiling. Before I can say anything he scoops me up rushing me into the bathroom to the shower.

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