Hiding A Life - Scarred Alpha book 2.5

Chapter It's over

Ch 10

Corrin pov

Halfway through the week we got info that he has the paperwork signed by him, his lawyer and a judge stating he gives up all his rights. Even sent Nick screenshots and they have been verified. He will have the originals for me when he comes. For days we have run through this situation. He will walk to the border. Tony’s men will have handcuffs put on, and will lead him to the front of the palace. There he will stand with Tara behind him with a grip on his neck, and Nick and Tona at his sides.

Then I’ll walk forward with the baby and, haha ok sorry time out! Every time I think of this part I think of the lion movie where the baby is held up. Ok ok I know corny but hey we gotta relieve the tension right! Ok back to the plan, I walk out with the baby and hold him up as music breaks out. Oh my god I need to stop already! No no ok deep breath! I just walk up and will stand in front holding him, when I think it’s safe I will let him hold him, maybe give him a kiss and then take him back. That’s it.

Maybe we should have him sit down just in case so he won’t fall far. I will be right there to grab him. Yeah I think it’s better to have him sit on the ground. Today is the day that Damian is coming and I’m a little nervous, but I’ll be glad to have this over with. Then me and Tona can go live our lives. I wanna have a big cabin for all of us and his guys. Big enough that when they find their mates we don’t have to move anywhere.

I’m sitting waiting with Domi who just finished eating and is looking around when Tona comes over, taking him from my arms and holding him tight. I know he’s nervous as I am too. I just want it over with. We watch as Nick’s eyes cloud over when he announces he is at the territory line and is now handcuffed. Tona passes Domi back to me kissing my lips and presses his forehead to mine. He walks out with Nick and Tara while I watch through the window.

I can see off in the distance Damien walking with guards all around him. He’s laughing and smiling and he’s a completely different person. No doubt the death of his father must have been liberating for him. To not have that pressure constantly forcing you to be someone you’re not. I’m so glad he chose to rewrite his story as he’s calling it. I still get goosebumps when I look at little Domi because he is the spitting image of his father. The dark features and a slight tanned skin. I just hold him tight breathing in his scent, and know that in a few minutes this will be all over.

When they get closer I watch while Tona and Nick explain how this will work which he agrees to without question handing Tona all the paperwork. He quickly looks it over and nods to Nick. Damian sits on the ground when Tara stand behind him and can see him react to the pressure of her hand around his neck. Damn girl she doesn’t even have to touch him! That’s some next level shit! I watch in awe as Nick and Tona kneel right next to him when Nick yells my name. Well it’s now or never little man!

When I exit the palace I can see tears instantly start falling down his face. He moves his hands to wipe away his tears to no avail because they keep falling. I walk over kneeling down and sit in front of Damian so he can look at him. I look at Damian while Domi stares at him also. Damian looks up at me and smiles.

“He looks just like me! My God Corrin he’s beautiful! I’m very proud of you! For doing what you had to do. I could never find a better mother for him! Can I hold him? God Corrin I’m so scared! He is so little!”

“His name is Dominick and He is actually big for his size, but please don’t make me regret this! He is my life Damian. Both mine and Tona’s everything.”

“I promise Corrin, I swear on everything I’m not here to cause problems. I just wanted to see him, and give him a kiss goodbye. That’s it, and I’ll never bother you again!”

I very carefully set him in his arms while I slowly panic inside ready to grab him back in an instant. They just stare at each other when Domi starts to make cooing noises as if he is talking to his dad. He leans down placing a kiss on his head, and says the sweetest thing.

“Dominick, I know you’ll never remember this moment. I hope in the future your mother will tell you this story. I could not have picked a better loving mother for you. She is strong, she is brave, and she is a fighter! I know in their care you will grow up to be a bigger, stronger, and better man than I ever could be. I love you Dominick. No matter where you are or what you do in life I’ll always be proud of you!”

He leaned down to give him a kiss, and handed him back. He stared for a moment before looking at Nick and nodding. They help him stand back up when I get up with Domi.

“If once you settle down wherever you are going. Just let King Nick know and he can tell me what state to stay away from. I promise Corrin I’ll not be back for him. I give you my word. I would be a terrible father and don’t plan on having any more kids. I know my legacy will be out there, and when he becomes an adult if he wants to contact me then he can. If not that’s ok also. Until then goodbye Corrin, goodbye Dominick. Take care of them Tona, you’re a very lucky man. King Nick I can’t thank you enough. Queen Tara can I have my neck back now? Aahhh thank you!”

He turns to leave and Tony’s men start to escort him to the edge of the territory. My legs start to get wobbly when I’m quickly pulled into Tona’s arms. I just hold Domi to my chest while I cry into his. I haven’t felt fear like that since the day I ran and when I got the call that he found me. I pray he holds up his end and leaves us alone. What if he goes back, and decides he does want him?

“Corrin, I made a deal with him and he will let me know where he is at all times. We will also have people at his property that are in a pack out that way.”

I nod when Tona and I make our way back inside to go to our room, I need to lie down and rest. This has taken such an emotional toll on me I just want to try and relax.


Damian pov

After being escorted to the edge of the territory I turn to face the guards when they take off the cuffs. Tony walked with us and when I turned to leave he warned me to stick to it because if not there will be consequences. I nod saying I understand and jump in my suv to head back to my property. I pull up when I see my guys and Tina waiting patiently.

I quickly park and run over to her picking her up in my arms. I just stand for a moment holding her thinking this is all I want right now. Let’s get our shit packed, sell the house and get out of here. I tell my guys to pack all the stuff up we are leaving for the jet. I get on the phone telling the jet to get ready.

“Tina baby, where do you want to go? We gotta leave the country till I know where Corrin will be so I know where I cannot be. Anywhere you want to go just let me know!”

“What about Paris?”

“France it is baby! Now go get in the car so we can get everything loaded up!”

She quickly runs getting in and sits patiently while we load everything up. We jump in and head towards the airport quickly. When we get on the plane my guys sit up front while I take her in the bedroom to get some rest. We will need it. I strip down to my boxers and sit on the edge of the bed when I have her put on one of my shirts. Once she is done I motion for her to sit in my lap.

“Tina baby, I never asked. Are you able to have kids?”

She looks down into her lap fidgeting with her fingers shaking her head no.

“They had to remove my uterus one time when I was in the hospital because my dad did so much damage. He was sent to jail after that where he was then murdered by another inmate.”

“Well baby when we get back there will be a lot of kids that we can claim are yours. Plus there will be two more girls on the way. I will allow the mothers to keep them and support them or leave without them. Either way you will have the ones that are there.”

I see a smile spread across her face when she buries her face into my chest. I move us into the bed together and before long she is sound asleep. I just look at her, my Queen and know I made the right choice.

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