Hidden Omega (Knot My Pack Omegaverse Book 1)

Hidden Omega: Chapter 7

After my conversation with Daniel, I was convinced the pack would sell me once they got their kicks during my heat. Especially if Daniel had anything to do with it.

My head hurt with confusion. My friends had told me once you went into heat, the Alphas would go crazy and do anything just to be next to you. Shadow was the only one who’d visited me, so why did they keep sending the Beta to spend time with me? I could only imagine it meant one thing. They didn’t want the connection with me because they were going to sell me off.

My stomach churned, but I also wasn’t going to play the victim. There was a reason everyone said Alphas were assholes, and I would not let them use me. I’d rather take my chances on my own. I knew every Tuesday, the Bakewell Institute for Girls sent the students off-site for community work at retirement homes, and tomorrow was Tuesday. All I had to do was get there, grab my friends’ attention, then make my next plan. Maybe they’d escape with me, the three of us seeking the refuge we’d talked about.

Heart racing, I attempted to unlock the door to my room with hair pins I’d found in the bathroom drawers. Jiggling them, I clenched my teeth and prayed to the universe that this worked. When the door gave a dull click, I could have yelled for joy.

My heat cycle had remained at bay all day, even after the small incident outside with Daniel, and I felt like my old self. If I was going to make a run for it, it had to be now.

On my feet, I emerged into the quiet hallway and made a mad dash for the stairs, heading for the back door. The lights on the walls and in the iron chandeliers flickered, stealing any shadows, and my pulse was on fire that I’d get caught. Still in my dress, since all my other clothes had been taken, I wore my boots, figuring I might have to scale the stone wall.

Speeding down a corridor to the backdoor, a stream of voices found me. Shuddering, panic slammed into me as I backpedaled. Back flat against the wall, I froze, unsure which way to run. Taking deep breaths, I tried to calm down and work out where the sounds were coming from.

When no one ran out after me, I took it as a sign I hadn’t been detected. I headed toward the backdoor, which happened to be where the loud voices had come from, only to discover a side corridor lit up by golden torches. At the end were black double doors, with more voices streaming out. I darted right past the doors toward the rear exit, hoping their gathering would be the distraction I needed. Though I wouldn’t deny curiosity burned inside me about who was in that room and what was going on.

My insides churned as I slipped outside and scanned the grounds. They were dead empty, but the sky shimmered from the sickle moon while a stream of light poured from the windows.

Of course, I shouldn’t have cared, yet I darted over there, keeping to the shadows, my heart hammering in my chest. I peered through the window into a lush room with crystal chandeliers and a wall adorned with paintings in golden frames of women in flowing dresses, all looking sorrowful. Shelves filled with bottles of alcohol covered one wall, and in the middle of the room, the Alphas and two strange men were sitting on brown leather couches, facing each other, talking, drinking, and smoking fat cigars.

Daniel stood near the drinks, preparing them, dressed in a black suit, complete with a bow tie. Viper got up to join Daniel, talking secretly.

My gaze narrowed on Shadow and Aspen, laughing with their visitors, and I couldn’t help thinking whatever they were discussing couldn’t be good. Were they talking about selling me? Anxiety skittered across my mind, and I stiffened, more than ever convinced leaving was the best decision.

Speeding away from the window, when I was clearly out of view, I turned on my heels and ran into the darkened yard. The night concealed me, and hopefully, no one saw me.

I swallowed hard and fought the panic, the heavy boom of my heart filling my head. This would work… it had to. Once I left the compound, I’d stick to the shadows since most people would be at home during the night. I’d faced my fair share of tragedy, and it was about time the universe sprinkled some good luck my way. I wished for a miracle

My boots smacking the ground rapidly, I slid amid the few blossoming trees that peppered the grounds. The grass grew wilder the farther I got from the mansion. Whoever these Alphas were, they were rich to own such a large piece of land, and by the looks of those suited men, with slick hair and golden rings, in the room, they made deals with important people, which afforded them a grand home.

A faint crunch sounded behind me, and I glanced over my shoulder, my pulse thumping. Nothing moved. It had to be the wind or a bird.

Damn, girl, get your shit together.

I hadn’t even left the compound, and I was freaked out.

The stone wall came into view, and the lofty iron gates shone a silvery hue beneath the moon as I ran parallel to the driveway. I remained in the shadow of the trees in case anyone looked this way.

Running to the gate was my last option since it came with the biggest risk. I had my eyes on the stone wall farther up ahead.

Another peek over my shoulder and a flash of movement cut across the yard. Someone had spotted me and moved so fast through the yard, I lost my breath and tripped over my own feet. Heart in my throat, I swallowed the scream and shoved back to my feet.


I whipped back around and ran for my life to the stone wall, unsure how quickly I could scale it. From my bedroom window, I had spied some high trees along the edge, which gave me the idea to climb up and leap over the wall.

Frantically, I sprinted as I kept glancing over my shoulder when I finally saw him.

A figure traveled through the night as if he was made of darkness itself.

I shuddered, terror raking over me. The thump of my heart escalated, but I kept running, refusing to give up, even as a scream pressed against the back of my throat. Footfalls closed in behind me, and my skin crawled because the bastard chasing me was fast.

Pivoting sharply to the right, I jumped to the nearby tree, grasped the branch as I threw my legs forward, and lifted myself up… just as powerful hands seized me around my waist, bringing me to a stop. His forceful tug unlocked my fingers from the branch, and I fell back down.

“Let me go!” I thrashed against him when my feet hit the ground.

“You think this is a game?” Shadow growled in my ear, mocking me.

Something about the heaviness in his voice, his breath on my neck, and his hands on me made my knees weak and slick gather between my thighs.

Despite the fire rippling over me and my pulse racing, I balled my hands into fists, picturing him and those men in the room, just like the ones I’d seen at the Institute when they arrived to buy an Omega. They had leered at the girls and treated us like objects for their pleasure.

When I drove a heel into his foot, he growled, and his grip slackened. I ripped out of his hold and forced myself to run from him. Even if my body ached for him, I had to get out of here.

Focus, Trinity. Focus on getting over the wall.

Whatever you do, don’t stop.

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