Hidden Omega (Knot My Pack Omegaverse Book 1)

Hidden Omega: Chapter 6

I woke up with a cry in my throat, the incident as ripe on my mind as the night it happened. Reaching around to my back, I slid my hand under my shirt and grazed my fingertips over the belt marks from Ms. Bakewell I’d concealed my entire life. Adella, Charity, and Frannie were the only ones I’d told since they patched up the wounds. I’d heard horror stories of Jack slipping into girls’ rooms, and most of the time, they had to leave the Institute afterward because it was found they’d lost their virginity. Of course, Bakewell blamed them. It made me wonder if she knew what Jack did and turned a blind eye.

Throwing off the duvet, I climbed out of bed, the terror from that night still lingering. The way he forced me to remove my clothes before he beat me for no reason other than his own amusement ate at my thoughts.

Fucking lunatic.

Trembling, I made my way to the bathroom, grabbing the pile of folded new clothes on my dressing table, and hopped into the shower.

The thought of Shadow quickly replaced memories of Jack. His visit to my room played on my mind—how I practically threw myself at him and groaned for more, arching against him as our bodies clashed.

I’d never been with a man, and never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it would be so erotic, so magical.

Tingles ran down my spine and spread between my thighs from my first orgasm. It wasn’t from a lack of trying on my own, but sharing a room with other girls and rarely having time alone, even in the shower, such things weren’t possible. Besides, seeing how quickly Shadow had me climaxing with just his fingers, it was obvious I hadn’t known what I was doing.

A delicious shiver raced over my clit as slick dripped down the inside of my legs, and I exhaled loudly. The smallest jolt of arousal made me into a ravaging beast.

Was this the new me, or only something that happened during my heat cycle? Surely, there was a way to turn the slick off. That reminded me of the conversation I’d had with Adella and Charity at the ball about slick. Charity hadn’t been exaggerating in the slightest.

The sound of the door to the bedroom creaking open had me freezing beneath the hot shower stream, and a sense of vulnerability rippled over me.

Shadow? Had he returned for more?

The idea sent a zap of lust through me, and I might have moaned under my breath.

I was squeezing my thighs together, which went to show how badly I’d lost control. I barely knew the Alpha, yet when he’d pinned me against the wall, it ignited something within me.

Combined with my ragged breathing and exhaustion, I had become a complete mess.

Quickly washing, I turned off the shower, grabbed the towel to dry off, then dragged on the new clothes. The cornflower yellow dress sat off my shoulders and had short sleeves, an elastic ruched top, and a high slit on the long dress that cascaded to my ankles. It was gorgeous. I’d never owned anything like it. Quickly pulling on the panties that had been left, it didn’t bother me that there wasn’t a bra. The tight fabric across my chest held everything in place.

Heading out of the bathroom, I planned to get some answers and not fall victim to my urges again. Well, at least I’d try my best.

“Daniel?” I spoke quietly, a little confused seeing him in my room, pushing open the curtains to a sunny day. He faced me with a small grin on his face.

“Morning. I came in to check in on you to see how you’re doing.”

While a disappointing ache clawed into me that it wasn’t Shadow, I was relieved. I shouldn’t crave him or any of these Alphas. I should be focused on getting away from them.

Walking into the bedroom, I felt calmer than I’d been since the night of the ball.

He eyed me from head to toe, then smiled, leaving me slightly giddy at his reaction.

“You look gorgeous in that dress. I knew you would.”

Fire washed across my cheeks at his, and I wasn’t sure how to respond. I wasn’t used to compliments.

“Did you pick it?”

He nodded.

“Something’s different with me today.”

“How’s that?” Daniel moved to sit on the edge of the bed, crossed his legs, and stared at me.

His deep brown hair was combed off his face as if he’d just stepped out of the shower, and for the first time, I really looked at the Beta. How incredibly beautiful he was. His soft deep eyes held my gaze, but something made stare at his mouth for too long, at his large biceps. He was a Beta, not someone I should be attracted to, but he was growing on me.

“The fever’s gone, and I don’t feel as if I’m losing my mind anymore. Is it over?” Crossing the room, I settled on the bed a few feet from him. I didn’t feel a deep need to throw myself at him, and the outside light no longer made me want to claw my own eyes out. “I think it’s finished, so maybe I can call my friends to let them know I’m okay.”

“I wish I could say that was the case.” He sighed heavily, shaking his head, and my stomach dropped. “Cycles ebb and wane at first, but it will come back, then go again, until you finally break into full heat.” He ran his broad left hand through his messy hair. “This isn’t the end, Trinity. It’s just the beginning.”

The news struck me hard, and I curled in on myself. Disappointment weighed heavily on my chest. I thought I might have reached the end of the pain and the starving arousal.

“I really don’t like hearing that.” Offering him a lopsided grin only made me feel slightly better.

“Do you want to get some fresh air?” he asked suddenly.

I perked up, though confused.

“I can leave the room? You know, I might try to escape if you’re not careful,” I teased sarcastically.

He laughed, though it sounded pitiful. Was that how he saw me? As a sorrowful Omega who had no idea what was going on with her body? An opportunity to leave the room meant I could survey the mansion for a potential way out. The pack treated me kindly, but what were their true intentions? Rut me, then what? I didn’t want to hang around to be sold off.

The girls at the Institute had talked about a secretive place that took in Omegas, helping them escape abusive Alphas or parents. Finding them could be a lifesaver. That brought back heavy thoughts of my friends, hoping they made it out of the ball okay.

Daniel stood and offered me his hand, and when I accepted, a soothing calmness raced up my arm. Standing, I moved to shove my feet into the boots.

“Why are you so nice to me?” As we left the bedroom, I was struck by how plain it was—white walls with a lack of decorations or photos, the timber floorboards polished and bare. The hallway was lit by brass sconces that ran the length of the walls. Wooden beams ran along the ceiling, giving the place an old-time vibe or of a barn that had been converted into a huge, elaborate multi-story mansion.

There were no sounds in the home, which didn’t resemble what I’d imagine an Alpha’s home should be like. I always imagined opulence, and after attending the Glass Slipper Ball, I assumed every Alpha lived in homes made of gold.

“I have no reason to dislike you, Trinity.” He almost sang my name as his thumb traced the back of my palm. “You are more beautiful than I think you realize. The Alphas are losing their minds over you.”

I was breathless that he’d made such a confession.

“Oh.” I felt hot and stupid, not to mention blushing. “No one has ever said that to me.”

“I guess few people have complimented you, either?”

I half snorted, then regretted making the sound. “Try never.”

His hand slightly squeezed mine. I caught him studying me as we walked. He smiled when he got busted. What was going on with this Beta? He treated me so kindly, admired me, but I’d always assumed Betas never connected with Omegas because they couldn’t knot.

We went down a flight of stairs, and I saw there was another floor above the staircase. The extravagant staircase, made of dark cherry wood with carved banisters, led us to the first floor and a set of dark double doors, but he led me to the back door.

“We’ll go out here. It’s nicer than the front.”

The yard opened up before us and spread out like an ocean. Not far from the back porch was a small, inviting swimming pool, big enough to do laps, while not taking up all of the backyard. A sprawling lawn was behind the pool, lit by hanging lamps on black iron posts, and benches were spread around the area. There was a variety of plants and flowers, and tall box hedges surrounded it all. Beyond the hedges, the grass was uncut, and the trees hadn’t been trimmed. Further still sat the lofty stone walls that surrounded the mansion.

“We are a bit behind on yard work,” Daniel explained as he guided me to a pergola covered by wild vines. Two wooden benches faced each other with a steel fire pit in the middle that wasn’t lit. Around us were more trees and an unkempt yard, and beyond them, I caught glimpses of the lofty stone walls encasing the compound.

“Would you like to sit for a while?”

Nodding, I sat down, and Daniel sat next to me. For a moment, he didn’t say anything, then he shifted to face me.

“How old are you, Trinity? Sixteen? Seventeen?” He looked closely at me, and I frowned, pulling away.

“I’m nineteen! I’m not a child.” I glared at him, perturbed he thought I looked so young.

“Oh, that’s good then. A relief, actually.” Daniel visibly relaxed, sagging against the bench. “Where did you live before you came here?”

“What’s with all the questions?” My defenses rose. I thought Daniel was just being nice to me, but he was the inquisitor. “Am I being interviewed to see if I’m good enough for these Alphas?” I tried my best to sound sarcastic, but my words came out bitter.

“I didn’t mean to be abrupt.” He blinked rapidly, and his head tilted to the left. “My Alphas are worried about having an Omega in their home illegally and want to understand what family you are from.”

“Because I’m a prisoner?” I challenged.

“Trinity, it’s complicated and not my place to explain Shadow’s reason, but you need to know our intention was to save and protect you. Is where you came from a safe place?” His mocha eyes stared at me, and in their depths was hope.

He wanted me to say I was in danger, but in truth, was any Omega really safe?

After a long pause, I countered his question.

“What do the Alphas want with me?”

His shoulders pulled back, and the morning breeze blew his silky hair away from his forehead. “To aid you with your heat.” His voice hung in the air as though he intended to say more but remained silent.

“And after that?” I pressed.

“That depends on where you’re from and what you want.”

We seemed to have reached a stalemate, so I offered him enough for him to understand I wasn’t ready to mention where I had come from. Not until I knew the Alphas’ real intentions.

“I don’t want to be chased all over town, raped, then thrown away, over and over. I don’t want to be sold on the slave markets and become someone’s slave.”

“Shadow can offer you protection, but only so much if your family comes for you.”

I gnawed on my lower lip, hating how fast my heart pulsed. I feared telling them where I came from would make it easy to send me back to the Institute if they got tired of me, if things got too complicated. I’d been vulnerable my entire life, and for once, I held onto the power until I could make the right decision.

“Then I guess I need to remain here a bit longer,” I suggested sarcastically.

“You aren’t going anywhere while you’re close to your heat. It’s too dangerous for you out there. You know that, right?”

When I thought about how quickly Ms. Bakewell would sell me off to the highest bidder, I almost choked on my breath. He had no idea that being here was a blessing in disguise, but that didn’t mean I was safe here. I had the sense the Alphas were panicking about my presence. So, if they discovered I came from a powerful place like the Bakewell Institute for Girls, would they find a way to get rid of me before the authorities came down hard on them?

“You still smell like chocolate,” I said without thinking, turning the conversation away from me.

His eyes changed, tensing at the corners, and his lips parted, but the hard edges on his face quickly morphed into a soft smile.

“None of the Alphas can smell it, but you can detect a scent on me. Perhaps it’s because one of my grandfathers was an Alpha. Maybe some of his DNA lingers in me. I think he’s also why I have the rare ability of soothing touch since he carried the same ability.”

I enjoyed listening to him speak about anything but my heat and how I wasn’t going anywhere.

“So, how did you and Shadow meet?”

He shrugged, staring out into the yard and over the pool.

“We’ve been friends since we were kids. My mother, who never became an Omega, worked at his parents’ home as their housemaid. I’d often go with her, so I wasn’t left home alone, and most of the time, I ended up hanging out with Shadow. We got along instantly and have been inseparable ever since.” A smile curled his lips, and a sparkle glinted in his eyes.

I couldn’t miss the admiration for the Alpha when he said his name, but it was so much more. Everyone knew Alphas took Betas as partners before they met their Omega, but it always made me sad to think such relationships might be broken when the Beta could remain with the group, right?

“You really like him, don’t you?”

“That’s an understatement.” His grin was contagious. “I adore him to bits.”

He didn’t need to say it, but I guessed it was a lot more than adoration. He was completely lost to Shadow, maybe in love, and if this was a perfect world where Shadow and his pack were mine without any danger, I would love to have Daniel remain with us.

When I finally responded, words I hadn’t intended to say slipped past my lips. “Is it hard for you to watch him drawn to me…” I shrugged, feeling stupid. “Don’t worry about it. That’s a dumb question and—”

Daniel leaned over to me, and his hand came up to touch the right side of my cheek, and I stared into his eyes.

“Not a silly question at all. It’s not easy, but the more time I spend with you, the more I like you.” His grin made me blush. “Maybe this can work.” Despite his words, the corners of his mouth dipped, and I heard the anguish in his voice. He struggled with me being here.

“I’m incredibly hot all of a sudden.” I fanned my face with my hand, embarrassed about raising the topic in truth.

“Let’s get you back to your room. Maybe a cold shower will help. I’ll have to do more research on the heat cycles to help you.” Daniel took my weight once I got to my feet as I leaned into him on the way to the mansion. The scent of the Alphas blended with the euphoric smell of warm chocolate from Daniel, making my knees weak.

This heat garbage was going to kill me. I just knew it.

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