Her Safe Place

Chapter 9


King Axel Pierce

I awoke the next morning with my mate in my arms. After our conversation the night before, I had helped her into bed. I had held onto her the whole night. My wolf was at ease, content with life.

I looked over her relaxed face. She gripped onto my shirt in her fists, holding me close. Our legs were tangled up under the sheets and her breath rested against my neck. I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before kissing her cheek. Then I moved towards her neck.

I stopped kissing and dragged my finger over the crook of her neck, the place I would mark her. Layla stirred awake. She breathed deeply before stretching her limbs out. She blinked a couple times before her eyes opened fully. I met her beautiful eyes. “Hi,” she whispered out.

“Hey,” I replied. Layla’s eyes looked around the room before they settled back on me. She snuggled deeper into my arms. I pulled her close, encasing her. “How did you sleep?” I asked.

Layla mumbled out a reply. “Good.”

I placed a kiss on her cheek again. “I’m glad.” Her cheeks burned red at the comment. The moment was ruined when the door opened.

“Axel!” Layla jumped closer to me. Vince stood in the doorway. “The council is here. They want to meet the new Luna.”

Layla's hands landed on my arm, grabbing it tightly. “I assume that’s not all,” I said, noticing Vince was holding back.

“Alpha Daniels and Darcy are also here.” I nodded before Vince left the room. I turned to Layla.

“I have to go, but I’ll be right back. I can have Georgia bring you some clothing. I can also give you some of mine. We will have to go shopping for you.” I tossed the covers from my body before pushing myself from my mate’s side.

“Axel,” she said as I walked towards the closet.

“Yes darling?” I asked, stopping to look at her.

She played with her fingers, “may I join you?”

I smiled, “of course. I’ll mindlink Georgia.” I quickly sent the message to Georgia before I walked into my closet. I looked at the empty half of my closet. I could already imagine Layla’s clothing taking up the empty space. I grabbed a suit and shoes before getting dressed.

I exited the closet just as Layla shut the door, clothing in her hand. “Georgia just dropped these off.” She explained.

“You can get changed in the closet or in the bathroom,” I smirked, “although, I wouldn’t object to you changing out here.” A bright red flushed her cheeks. She moved towards the bathroom, not meeting my eyes.

I waited for her to return and ran a hand through my hair. I looked up as Layla exited the bathroom. My breath caught in my throat. She wore a baby pink dress that reached to just above her knees. The dress had straps that hung from her shoulders, the waist sinched. She wore white heels to match the dress. Her hair was pulled back into a low bun. “You look beautiful,” I breathed out.

Layla looked at the ground, “Thank you. You look good as well.”

I held my hand out for her. She stepped forwards and placed her hand in mine. I entwined our fingers. I lead her outside the room and down towards the meeting room. I entered and held the door open for Layla. Alpha Daniels sat with Darcy on his right and the council members on the opposite side of him.

“King Axel,” Councilman Cross greeted me. “Welcome.” I pulled out Layla’s seat before I took mine next to her. “We have come here to discuss the topic of your mate. Some of the alphas have brought to our attention that she is human.”

“Yes, she is. I don’t see how this is different from any other mate couple,” I said.

“King Axel, we all know that humans are not as strong as us. They are simply too weak. I’m not sure why you would think that your mate, as a human could rule the kingdom,” Councilwomen Miranda said. “We believe that you should be choosing a chosen mate.”

“I’m not choosing a mate,” I said. “Layla is more than capable of running this kingdom. I know the moon goddess would not pair with me with Layla is she didn’t believe this was the best thing for our kingdom.”

“King Axel, while some of us believe that Layla should be the queen, there are still some doubts. You have yet to mark or mate with Layla, leaving her even more vulnerable for your enemies to take her. Not to mention, she hadn’t even been announced to the public. Our enemies have realized you will become weak without your mate. We must move forwards with your mating process, or you must choose a chosen mate.” Councilman Cross said.

I growled, Layla was not ready. I knew this. “I will not leave my mate and I will not force her to do anything she doesn’t want to do.”

“If she does not want to mate with you, then does she even want you?” Alpha Daniels asked.

I growled again, “be careful of your words. You are talking of your future queen.”

“Forgive me, but we must think of the kingdom,” Alpha Daniels said. “Can a human really lead werewolves?”

“Yes, I have full faith in my mate.” I said.

“We will give you two months,” Councilwoman Miranda said, “if you have not marked and mated with your mate by then, you will have to choose a mate. And if she leaves, you cannot force her to stay.”

“Do not forget, my choices are not yours to choose. I am King, my word is law and I don’t need you to make those decisions for me. I will wait until my mate is ready. If that takes two days or two years, I will wait. Layla is my mate and you do not get to dictate weather that is true or not.” I said. My voice was stern and firm. I wasn’t going to be pushed around.

The council had always thought they had the upper hand against me. They didn’t. It seemed none of the councilmen or Alpha Daniels had anything else to say.

“If that is all,” I said, “my queen and I will be going.” I stood and held out my hand for Layla. She took my hand and allowed me to pull her to a stand.

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