Her Safe Place

Chapter 10


Layla Andrews

I could tell the meeting had upset Axel. He had been pacing and tense the entire time. His words had comforted some of my fears. He didn’t plan on leaving me. As selfish as it was, I was glad. I knew I could never be the leader a werewolf could be, but I couldn’t imagine Axel being with anyone else.

I made my way out of Axel’s room a couple minutes later. Axel had left to go do some work in his office but had allowed me to explore. I had been given a rough tour when I first arrived. Luckily, I remembered enough to find my way around the house.

“Layla!” I turned just as Darcy came running up to me. “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for what my dad said. It was totally uncalled for.”

Although she seemed sincere, I didn’t trust her after our first meeting. “We’ll, thank you. It seems that the meeting got a little heated.” I said. I didn’t want to have tension with anyone.

“Yes, things shouldn’t get so heated around a human. I know you guys are fragile.” An underhanded comment. This was what I had been wary of. “I mean, I guess you’ll have to get used to the temper of a werewolf. After all, Axel is known to have fits of temper. I just hope that you will survive.”

“I appreciate you being concerned for my well being, but I know Axel will never hurt me.” I tried to be firm, to let her know I wasn’t going to back down.

“Maybe not physically, I just hope you are strong emotionally.” I must've had a confused expression because she continued, “Axel isn’t one to be tied down. Why do you think I’m here? It’s not just for you. Axel had needs. Now, he wouldn’t pressure you, he’s too much of a gentleman, but that doesn’t mean he will wait for you.” Darcy’s words cut into my heart. “You can’t expect him to wait on someone like you. Being mates means nothing to him.”

“We’ll, I hope you enjoy being tossed to the side when you have no more use.” I said. I was angry. “I might not be enough for Axel, but at least I’m enough to be queen, something you seem to lack.”

Darcy scowled, “trust me, if the council didn’t put so much store into mates, Axel would’ve tossed you to the side. The only thing he needs you for is an heir. After that, it’ll be me who stands by his side.” I didn’t know what happened, but I snapped.

I lunged at Darcy.

It was a foolish move in reflection, but I was too clouded by anger. I tackled Darcy and threw my hands. They were curled in fists. Darcy fought back. She twisted us off and threw punches. I attempted to block them. I was holding my own until Darcy switched and grabbed my neck. She gripped it tightly. I felt my air flow becoming smaller. I squirmed, trying to move and get out from underneath her.

“Darcy!” The sound had Darcy’s grip loosening slightly. My vision was darkening and I couldn’t breathe. I felt Darcy’s weight being pulled from me. The weight was taken off my neck and I could breathe again. I took in gulps of air. My lungs burned from going without oxygen.

“Layla,” in the fuzziness of suffocation that surrounded my brain, I heard Georgia’s voice. Someone grabbed my arms and sat me up. “Layla,” Georgia repeated, “are you alright?”

I nodded, “I’m alright,” I rasped out. I looked over to see Darcy was being held back by Axel. The picture of his hand on her made my blood boil yet again. I curled in on myself, not wanting to see it anymore. I imagined my safe place.

A beach with the sun shining. I tried to imagine the smell of the beach and the sound of the waves. I could feel someone shaking me.



“Layla, are you okay? Are you hurt?” He asked, trying to pull me from my ball. I refused, knowing I would panic if I didn’t have a moment.

“Leave her Axel,” Georgia said, “she just needs a moment.” I sat there, drinking in the sight I had created. The peacefulness of my safe place.

“Layla,” Georgia said, “are you alright?”

I was taken out of my safe place as Georgia pulled me from the ball. I looked up before I hugged her tightly. She seemed shocked, but hugged me back. “Layla?” Axel asked. I turned slightly and saw Darcy still behind him, she had begun to cry.

“It’s all her fault,” Darcy sobbed, “she attacked me. She is out of control.” Darcy threw herself into Axel’s arms. “She just kept saying she would be the queen and that she didn’t even want you.” Axel’s eyes looked up at me. A question lingered in the back of them.

“Vince, please take Darcy to her room. I will see to her in a moment.” Vince took Darcy and led her towards the hallway. I turned back into Georgia’s arms. “Georgia, I need to speak with Layla.”

Georgia scoffed. “Axel, I’m not leaving Layla. She just had a crazy bitch attack her.”

“I can protect her,” Axel said.

“And from you? I know I saw doubt in your eyes, Axel. I know you don’t want to believe Darcy, but a part of you doubts Layla. I’m not going to leave her while you still have doubts.” I heard Axel release a small growl.

“Fine,” he grumbled, “come to my office then.” Georgia led me down the hall and into Axel’s office. Georgia sat next to me while Axel sat across from us in the small sitting area. “Layla, I would like to hear your side.”

“I attacked her first.” I replied. I figured if I admitted to it, Axel would leave me alone. Hopefully, Axel could punish me then be done with me. Darcy would sure be happy.

“Really?” Axel seemed surprised. “Is there anything more?”

“Nothing that matters,” I replied. I kept my eyes away from Axel and didn’t look at him. I kept my eyes on my lap.

“Layla,” I heard Axel shift and kneel in front of me. “I can’t help you if you don’t let me.”

Sighing, I looked up. “Did you sleep with Darcy?”

Axel pulled back slightly. “What?” He asked.

I kept my gaze firm, “did you sleep with Darcy?” I didn’t want to repeat the question, but I wanted an answer.

“Layla,” he reached for my hands. I pulled away. “What did Darcy say?”

“So you did?” I asked. He was avoiding the question.

“No, I didn’t sleep with Darcy. She wanted me to, but I didn’t.” Axel said. I wanted to believe him, but I couldn’t.

“Have you slept with anyone since I met you?” I asked.

“No, I haven’t.” Axel replied. He grabbed my hands, not allowing me to pull away. “What did Darcy tell you?”

I looked away. “She told me she slept with you after I came here.” The words were quiet. Although I wasn’t sure if I believed Axel, I felt embarrassed. I was acting like I was an insecure teenager.

Axel sighed, “Layla, I promise you that I never slept with Darcy. I haven’t slept with anyone since I met you. You are it for me and I don’t want anyone else.”

I looked up again. “I’m sorry,” I whispered, my voice shaking with emotion. Axel pulled me into his arms as I held tightly to his collar. I began to cry. I felt my heart shake as Axel held me. He didn’t force me to calm down or to talk, he just held me and rubbed my back lightly.

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